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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1973

The Democratic Party and California Politics, 1880-1896 by Williams, R. Hal
Great White Lie by Gratus, Jack
The Second American Party System: Party Formation in the Jacksonian Era by McCormick, Richard Patrick
Schriften Zur Literatur Und Politik by Prutz, Robert
The Journalists and the July Revolution in France: The Role of the Political Press in the Overthrow of the Bourbon Restoration 1827-1830 by Rader, Daniel L.
Parlamentarismus Ohne Transparenz by Steffani, Prof Dr Winfried
Politische Planungssysteme by
Parteiensystem in Der Legitimationskrise: Studien Und Materialien Zur Soziologie Der Parteien in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by
Ansätze Zu Einer Quantitativen Theorie Der Konzertierten Aktion: Schlußbericht Zum Forschungsvorhaben: Arbeitsentgelte Und Sozialeinkommen Im Volkswir by Kaspers, Berndt J.
Das Mehrheitsprinzip in Der Demokratie: 175. Sitzung Am 15. März 1972 in Düsseldorf by Scheuner, Ulrich
Evolution and International Organization: Toward a New Level of Sociopolitical Integration by Rittberger, Volker
Theorie Und PRAXIS Der Direkten Demokratie: Texte Und Materialien Zur Räte-Diskussion by
The Element of Negotiation in the Pacific Settlement of Disputes Between States: An Analysis of Provisions Made And/Or Applied Since 1918 in the Field by Waart, P. J. I. M., Sibson, C. R.
Winston Churchill and the German Question in British Foreign Policy, 1918-1922 by Boadle, Donald Graeme
Towards the Romantic Age: Essays on Sentimental and Preromantic Literature in Russia by Neuhäuser, Rudolf
By-Elections in British Politics by
Westminster and Beyond: Based on the B.B.C. Radio Series 'Talking Politics' by King, Anthony, Sloman, A.
A Nation Writ Large?: Foreign-Policy Problems Before the European Community by Kohnstamn, M., Hager, W.
England's Mission: The Imperial Idea in the Age of Gladstone and Disraeli 1868-1880 by Eldridge, C. C.
The Fall of Lloyd George: The Political Crisis of 1922 by Kinnear, M. S. R.
Soviet Socialist Realism: Origins and Theory by James, C. Vaughan
Internationale Beziehungen ALS System by
Studies in the Pure Theory of International Trade by Batra, Raveendra N.
Profit, Risk and Incentives Under Socialist Economic Planning by Wilczynski, J.
Herrschaft Und Krise: Beiträge Zur Politikwissenschaftlichen Krisenforschung by
Die Repräsentation in der Demokratie by Leibholz, Gerhard
Atencingo: The Politics of Agrarian Struggle in a Mexican Ejido by Ronfeldt, David F.
Reform or Revolution by Luxemburg, Rosa
National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union by Sutton, Antony C.
Modernization, Dislocation, and Aprismo: Origins of the Peruvian Aprista Party, 1870-1932 by Klarén, Peter F.
Peasants in Revolt: A Chilean Case Study, 1965-1971 by Petras, James
America at 1750: A Social Portrait by Hofstadter, Richard
Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes by Ellul, Jacques
Demoskopie Oder Demagogie?: Zur Meinungsforschung in Der Brd by Rückmann, Kurt
Slowakei Und Faschistische Neuordnung Europas 1939-1941 by Dress, Hans
Auf Dem Wege Zum Sacrum Imperium: Studien Zur Ideologischen Herrschaftsbegründung Der Deutscher Zentralgewalt Im 11. Und 12. Jahrhundert by Koch, Gottfried
Sozialistische Internationale Arbeitsteilung: Die Entwicklung Effektiver Volkswirtschaftsstrukturen in Den Sozialistischen Ländern by Morgenstern, Karl
Neokeynesianismus: Kritische Untersuchung Einer Modernen Staatsmonopolkapitalistischen Wirtschaftslehre by Müller, Klaus O. W.
A Matter of Life. by
The Unadjusted Man: A New Hero for Americans: Reflections on the Distinction Between Conforming and Conserving by Unknown, Viereck, Peter Robert Edwin
Democratic Theory by
Immigrant Integration and Urban Renewal in Toronto by Mezoff, R., Richmond, A. H., De Neumann, B.
Money and Capital in Economic Development by McKinnon, Ronald I.
Mitbestimmung in privaten Unternehmen by
Political Change: A Collection of Essays by Apter, David E.
The Genet Mission by Ammon, Harry
Guide to Government Ministers: The Major Powers and Western Europe 1900-1071 by Bidwell, R. L.
Research Frontiers in Politics and Government by Bailey, Stephen K., Unknown
Communist Policies Toward the Intellectual Class: Freedom of Thought and Expression in China by Johnson, Chalmers a., Unknown
Gesammelte Schriften, Band X, Hochschule und Gesellschaft by Spranger, Eduard
Die Baader-Meinhof-Gruppe by
The Populist Context: Rural Versus Urban Power on a Great Plains Frontier by Parsons, Stanley B., Unknown
The Spiral of Conflict: Berkeley, 1964 by Heirich, Max
Annual Survey of African Law Cb: Volume Three: 1969 by
The Significance of Territory by Gottman, Jean
Bevölkerungsstatistik by Feichtinger, Gustav
Weltstadt in Krisen by Prowe, Diethelm
The Politics of Canadian Broadcasting, 1920-1951 by Peers, Frank
Party and Society: The Anglo-American Democracies by Alford, Robert R.
Politics and History In The Soviet Union by Heer, Nancy Whittier
The Muslims of British India by Hardy, Thomas, Hardy, P., Hardy, Peter
In Hard Times: Reformers Among the Late Victorians by Ausubel, Herman, Unknown
Germany from Empire to Ruin, 1913-1945 by Meyer, Henry Cord
Basic Forms of Government: A Sketch and a Model by Crick, Bernard
Control of Japanese Foreign Policy: A Study of Civil-Military Rivalry, 1930-1945 by Maxon, Yale Candee, Unknown
The New Government of London by Rhodes, Gerald
United Kingdom Publications and Theses on Africa 1967-68: Standing Conference on Library Materials on Africa by Alman, Miriam
Locality, Province and Nation: Essays on Indian Politics 1870 to 1940 by Gallagher
Bismarck and the Guelph Problem 1866-1890: A Study in Particularist Opposition to National Unity by Stehlin, S. a.
Lothar Franz Von Schönborn and the Diplomacy of the Electorate of Mainz: From the Treaty of Ryswick to the Outbreak of the War of the Spanish Successi by Thompson, R. H.
Francisco Correa de Arauxo by Jacobs, C.
Henry de Boulainviller Tome I: Oeuvres Philosophiques by
L'Empirisme de Locke by Duchesneau, François
Des Révolutions d'Angleterre À La Révolution Française: Le Tyrannicide Et `Killing No Murder' (Cromwell, Athalie, Bonaparte) by Lutaud, Olivier
Pantagruel Et Les Sophistes: Contribution À l'Histoire de l'Humanisme Chrétien Au Xviième Siècle by Defaux, G.
Livres Saisis À Paris Entre 1678 Et 1701: D'Après Une Étude Préliminaire de Motoko Ninomiya by Sauvy, A.
The Governance of Rome by Loewenstein, K.
Management and Economic Development: The Case of Taiwan by Negandhi, A. R.
Diderot's Politics: A Study of the Evolution of Diderot's Political Thought After the Encyclopédie by Strugnell, Antony
The Ideological Origins of the Batavian Revolution: History and Politics in the Dutch Republic 1747-1800 by Leeb, I. L.
Francis Hutcheson: An Inquiry Concerning Beauty, Order, Harmony, Design by Hutcheson, F.
Carlo Cattaneo and the Politics of the Risorgimento, 1820-1860 by Lovett, C. M.
A Bibliography of George Berkeley: With Inventory of Berkeley's Manuscript Remains by Jessop, T. E.
The Supreme Court as Final Arbiter in Federal-State Relations: 1789-1957 by Unknown, Schmidhauser, John Richard
What Is Political Philosophy?: And Other Studies by Strauss, Leo
Roots of Maryland Democracy, 1753-1776 by Skaggs, David Curtis
China's Politics in Perspective. by Quigley, Harold Scott
The Political Doctrines of Sun Yat-Sen: An Exposition of the San Min Chu I. by Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony, Unknown
Diversity of Worlds: France and the United States Look at Their Common Problems by Heckscher, August, Aron, Raymond
Brides from Bridewell: Female Felons Sent to Colonial America by Blumenthal, Walter Hart, Unknown
Courts on Trial: Myth and Reality in American Justice by Frank, Jerome
Karl Marx's Capital: An Introductory Essay by Lindsay, Alexander Dunlop, Unknown
The Ancient Economy by Finley, M. I.
The World Bank since Bretton Woods by Mason, Edward S., Asher, Robert E.
Marketing-Modelle: Anwendungsmöglichkeiten Und Entwicklung Computergestützter Modelle Im Marketing by Thabor, Alexandre, Hansen, Hans R.
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development 1930 to 1945 by Sutton, Antony C.
Family Relationships and Delinquent Behavior. by Nye, F. Ivan, Unknown, Nye, Francis Ivan
Renewing America's Cities by Unknown, Johnson, Thomas F.
Jews in Suburbia by Gordon, Albert Isaac, Unknown
Chile and the United States 1880-1962: The Emergence of Chile's Social Crisis and the Challenge to United States Diplomacy by Pike, Frederick B.
Methoden des Operations Research by Faure, R., Kaufmann, A.
Toward a National Power Policy: The New Deal and the Electric Utility Industry, 1933-1941 by Funigiello, Philip
Essays on Marx's Theory Of Value by Rubin, Isaac
Postures and Politics: Some observations on participatory democracy by MacKinnon, Frank
Quebec versus Ottawa: The Struggle for Self-Government, 1960-72 by Morin, Claude
Federalism and Policy Development: The Case of Adult Occupational Training in Ontario by McKechnie, Graeme, Dupre, J. Stefan, Cameron, David
Natural Gas and National Policy: A Linear Programming Model of North American Natural Gas Flows by Waverman, Leonard
The Season-Ticket by Haliburton, Thomas
The Economics of Adam Smith by Hollander, Samuel
The Chaining of Prometheus: Evolution of a Power Structure for Canadian Science by Hayes, F.
Free Trade and Frustration: Anglo-Austrian Negotiations 1860-70 by Helleiner, Karl
The Canadian Public Service: A Physiology of Government 1867-1970 by Hodgetts, John
Social Criticism: The Unsolved Riddle of Social Justice and Other Essays by Leacock, Stephen
The Government of Federal Capitals by
The Dynamics of Right-Wing Protest: A Political Analysis of Social Credit in Quebec by Stein, Michael B.
People in the Way: The Human Aspects of the Columbia River Project by Wilson, James Wood
Rural Life in Canada: The Church and the Farm Problem, 1913 by Macdougall, John
Pollution, Resources, and the Environment by
L'Art Arabe d'Après Les Monuments Du Kaire Depuis Le Viie Siècle Jusqu'à La Fin Du Xviiie (Paris, A. Morel Et Cie, 1869--1877) by D'Avennes, Prisse
Church and State After the Dreyfus Affair: The Separation Issue in France by Larkin, Maurice
The Crisis of Democratic Theory: Scientific Naturalism and the Problem of Value by Purcell, Edward A.
Prolegomena to a Critical Grammar by Schächter, Josef
Prolegomena to a Critical Grammar by Schächter, Josef
Bürgerliche Friedensforschung: Probleme, Widersprüche, Tendenzen by Steinke, Wolfgang, Bönisch, Alfred
Vom Revisionismus Zum Demokratischen Sozialismus: Zur Kritik Des Ökonomischen Revisionismus in Deutschland by König, Erika
Die Krise Der Heutigen Bürgerlichen Politischen Ökonomie: Vorträge Und Ansprachen Zum 70. Geburtstag Von Fred Oelßner by
Grundfragen Der Sozialistischen Akkumulation: Eine Problemübersicht by
Genesis Und Entwicklung Des Kapitalismus in Russland: Studien Und Beiträge by
Marxismus, Religion, Gegenwart by Steigerwald, Robert
Sozialdemokratismus Zwischen Entideologisierung Und Reideologisierung by Schulze, Hans
Die Auseinandersetzung Mit Dem Revisionismus Und Dem Antikommunismus: Während Der Krisenhaften Entwicklung in Der Čssr 1968/69 by Hrzal, Ladislav
Ungarische Modelle Der Langfristigen Planung by Trettin, Peter, Anders, Hans-Dieter, Steckler, Helmut
Bedürfnisse - Manipulierung - Individuelle Konsumtion in Der Brd by Mehnert, Armin