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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1974

Peasant Rebellion and Communist Revolution in Asia by
Struggle in the Andes: Peasant Political Mobilization in Peru by Handelman, Howard
Revolution at Querétaro: The Mexican Constitutional Convention of 1916-1917 by Niemeyer, E. V.
The Debt Trap: The International Monetary Fund and the Third World by Payer, Cheryl
The Sociology of Return Migration: A Bibliographic Essay by Bovenkerk, Frank
Wörterbuch Zur Politischen Ökonomie by Eynern
Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Vorträge - N 237 by Gelissen, Henri C. J. H.
Forschungspolitik Und Gesellschaftliche Planung by Hujer, Reinhard
Möglichkeit Und Grenzen Des Effizienzvergleichs Von Wirtschaftssystemen: -- Dargestellt Am Beispiel Der Mittel- Und Westdeutschen Wirtschaft -- by Engst, Peter
The Second Empire and the Press: A Study of Government-Inspired Brochures on French Foreign Policy in Their Propaganda Milieu by Isser, Natalie
Church and State After the Dreyfus Affair: The Separation Issue in France by Larkin, Maurice
The Problem of Party Government by Rose, Richard
The Defence of Western Europe: Papers Presented at the National Defence College, Latimer, in September, 1972 by Garnett, John C.
Essays in Anti-Labour History: Responses to the Rise of Labour in Britain by
The Political Uses of Ideology by Drucker, H. M.
Agricultural Policy in Developing Countries by
China's Allocation of Fixed Capital Investment, 1952-1957: Volume 17 by Cheng, Chu-Yuan
Averroes on Plato's Republic by Averroes
Growth Policy: Population, Environment, and Beyond by Lagler, Karl F., Chen, Kan
Fascism and Dictatorship: The Third International and the Problem of Fascism by Poulantzas, Nicos
Politics of Educational Reform 1920-1940 by Simon, Brian
Television and Antisocial Behavior: Field Experiments by Milgram, Stanley
Viva Cristo Rey!: The Cristero Rebellion and the Church-State Conflict in Mexico by Bailey, David C.
Vergesellschaftung Und Integration Im Sozialismus by Kohlmey, Gunther
Die Kommunistische Organisation Der Gesellschaftlichen Arbeit by Tjapkin, N. K.
Das Ostfränkisch-Deutsche Reich in Der Auffassung Seiner Zeitgenossen by
Beiträge Zur Entstehung Des Staates by
Grundfragen Der Entwicklung Und Befriedigung Der Bedürfnisse Unter Dem Aspekt Der Untrennbaren Einheit Von Ziel Und Mittel Der Hauptaufgabe by
Neokeynesianismus: Kritische Untersuchung Einer Modernen Staatsmonopolkapitalistischen Wirtschaftslehre by Müller, Klaus O. W.
Sitting Up at Night and Other Chinese Poems by
Travel Diaries of Hsu Hsia-Ko by Li, Chi
Science and Politics by Hailsham of Saint Marylebone, Quintin MC, Unknown
Die Lehre von den Privaturkunden by Posse, Otto
The Treason of the People by Unknown, Lundberg, Ferdinand
Hegel's Theory of the Modern State by Avineri, Shlomo
Guide to Government Ministers: The British Empire and Successor States 1900-1972 by
Objections to Humanism by Blackham, H. J., Unknown, Blackham, Harold John
Inventaire de la Correspondance de Johannes Fredericus Gronovius (1631-1671) by
From Theology to History: French Religious Controversy and the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes: French Religious Controversy and the Revocation of t by Perry, Elisabeth Israels
Winston Churchill and the German Question in British Foreign Policy 1918-1922 by Boadle, D. G.
Berkeley's Philosophy of Science by Brook, Richard J.
The One and Indivisible French Republic by Hayward, Jack
Higher Civil Servants in American Society: A Study of the Social Origins, the Careers, and the Power-Position of Higher Federal Administrators by Unknown, Bendix, Reinhard
Nlrb Regulation of Election Conduct: A Study of the National Labor Relations Board's Policies and Standards for Setting Aside Representation Elections by Janus, Peter A., Huhn, Kenneth C., Williams, Robert E.
Commentary on de Grammatico: The Historical-Logical Dimensions of a Dialogue of St. Anselm's by Henry, Desmond Paul
The Journalists and the July Revolution in France: The Role of the Political Press in the Overthrow of the Bourbon Restoration, 1827-1830 by Rader, D. L.
Staatsgründungen Und Nationalitätsprinzip by
The Woman Suffrage Movement in Canada: Second Edition by Cleverdon, Catherine L.
Zur Sozialgeschichte Der Literatur Und Philosophie Im Zeitalter Der Aufklärung by
Soziologie by Fürstenberg, Friedrich
Soziale Marktwirtschaft by
Hitler's War Aims: The Establishment of the New Order by Rich, Norman
Cheshire 1630-1660 -County Government and Society During Th English Revolution by Morrill, J. S., Morrill, John
The Problem of Freedom in Marxist Thought: An Analysis of the Treatment of Human Freedom by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Contemporary Soviet Philosophy by O'Rourke, J. J.
Hegel Et La Pensée Philosophique En Russie, 1830-1917 by Planty-Bonjour, Guy
Towards the Romantic Age: Essays on Sentimental and Preromantic Literature in Russia by Neuhauser, R.
Rich Harvest: A History of the Grange, 1867-1900 by Nordin, Dennis Sven, Nordin, D. Saven
The Revolutionary Party: Essays in the Sociology of Politics by Martindale, Edith, Gross, Feliks
Comparative Socialist Systems: Essays on Politics and Economics by
Politics in Africa by Maitland-Jones, J. F.
Soviet-Type Economies: Performance and Evolution by Campbell, Robert W.
Dualist Heresy in the Middle Ages by Loos, M.
Louis XIV by Wolf, John B.
Der volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtorganismus als Objekt der Wirtschaftspolitik by Ohm, Hans
Sartre on Cuba. by Sartre, Jean-Paul, Unknown
The Public Career of Sir James Graham by Erickson, Arvel B., Unknown
Poverty and Planning by Vakil, Chandulal Nagindas, Vakil, C. N., Unknown
Labour Government by Rogow, Arnold a., Unknown, Rogow
The Nations and the United Nations. by Maciver, Robert Morrison, Unknown
France, Troubled Ally: Degaulle's Heritage and Prospects by Unknown, Furniss, Edgar Stephenson
War and Moral Responsibility: A Philosophy and Public Affairs Reader by
A Centennial Bibliography of Huntingtons' Chorea 1872-1972 by Bruyn, G. W.
The Second Empire and the Press: A Study of Government-Inspired Brochures on French Foreign Policy in Their Propaganda Milieu by Isser, N.
Programmieren in ALGOL 68, 1. Einführung in die Sprache by Meulen, Sietse G. Van Der, Kühling, Peter
French Communism, 1920-1972 by Tiersky, Ronald
Black Protest: Issues and Tactics by Unknown, Dick, Robert C.
The Phenomenological Realism of the Possible Worlds: The 'a Priori', Activity and Passivity of Consciousness, Phenomenology and Nature Papers and Deba by
The Adams Family by Adams, James Truslow, Unknown
In the Human Interest: A Strategy to Stabilize World Population by Brown, Lester R.
Government and Labour in Kenya 1895-1963 by Savage, Donald Cockfield, Clayton, Anthony
African Aims and Attitudes: Selected Documents by Minogue, M. M., Minogue, Martin, Molloy, Judith
Language and Logic in the Post-Medieval Period by Ashworth, E. J.
Joseph II: An Imperial Reformer for the Austrian Netherlands by Davis, W. W.
The Commentary of Conrad of Prussia on the de Ente Et Essentia of St. Thomas Aquinas: Introduction and Comments by Joseph Bobik by Bobik, Joseph, Rupieper, H. J.
Unternehmerisches Zielverhalten und marktorientierte Programmstrategie by Gerhardt, Herbert A.
The Politics of Cultural Despair: A Study in the Rise of the Germanic Ideology by Stern, Fritz R.
The Politics of Disorder by Lowi, Theodore J.
Resistance and Revolution in China: The Communists and the Second United Front by Kataoka, Tetsuya
Self Govt by Unknown, White, Albert Beebe, White, Jerry
Political Prairie Fire: The Nonpartisan League, 1915-1922 by Morlan, Robert Loren, Unknown
The New Japan, Government and Politics. by Unknown, Quigley, Harold Scott, Turner, John E.
Space, Time, and Freedom: The Quest for Nationality and the Irrepressible Conflict, 1815-1861 by Unknown, Wilson, L., Wilson, Major L.
Gandhi's Rise to Power: Indian Politics 1915 1922 by Brown, Judith M.
Revolution and Reflection: Intellectual Change in Germany During the 1850's by Lees, A.
Edward Channing and the Great Work by Joyce, s. s.
German Administration Since Bismarck: Central Authority Versus Local Autonomy by Jacob, Herbert, Unknown
Reflections on International Administration by Loveday, A., Unknown, Loveday
The Indivisible Island: The History of the Partition of Ireland by Unknown, Gallagher, Frank, Gallagher
The Minor Parties of the Federal Republic of Germany: Toward a Comparative Theory of Minor Parties by Fisher, S. L.
Theoretical Physics and Philosophical Problems: Selected Writings by Boltzmann, Ludwig
Theoretical Physics and Philosophical Problems: Selected Writings by Boltzmann, Ludwig
Kernwaffen und Auswärtige Politik by Kissinger, Henry a.
The Kissinger Report: NSSM-200 Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security Interests by National Security Council, Kissinger, Henry
Priests and Politicians: Manitoba Schools and the Election of 1896 by Crunican, Paul
From Adam Smith to Maynard Keynes: The Heritage of Political Economy by Bladen, Vincent
Imperial Economic Policy 1917-1939: Studies in Expansion and Protection by Drummond, Ian
Milton and the Sons of God by
Sovereign Equality Among States: The History of an Idea by Klein, Robert
Resolutions and Decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Volume 2: The Early Soviet Period 1917-1929 by
Resolutions and Decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union: The Stalin Years 1929-1953 by
Resolutions and Decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Volume 5: The Brezhnev Years 1964-1981 by
The Tragedy of Quebec: The Expulsion of its Protestant Farmers 1916 by Sellar, Robert
Thinking About Change by
The Energy Question Volume One: The World: An International Failure of Policy by
The Energy Question Volume Two: North America: An International Failure of Policy by
Resolutions and Decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Volume 1: The Russian Social Democratic Labour Party 1899-October 1917 by
The Diplomacy of Constraint: Canada, the Korean War, and the United States by Stairs, Denis
Family Living Studies, a Symposium. by Unknown, International Labour Office, International Labor Office
Evolution and International Organization: Toward a New Level of Sociopolitical Integration by Rittberger, V.
Alexandre Ribot: Odyssey of a Liberal in the Third Republic by Schmidt, M. E.
The Crisis of French Sea Power, 1688-1697: From the Guerre d'Escadre to the Guerre de Course by Symcox, Geoffrey
Sozialpolitik Und Demographie: Konstituierende Tagung Des Wissenschaftlichen Rates Für Fragen Der Sozialpolitik Und Demographie Am 22. Februar 1974 by
Pioneer Settlement in South Brazil: The Case of Toledo, Paraná by Muller, K. D.
The Assimilation of German Expellees Into the West German Polity and Society Since 1945: A Case Study of Eutin, Schleswig-Holstein by Lattimore Jr, B. G.
Das Gesetz Der Sozialistischen Akkumulation: Probleme Der Theorie Und Der Planung by
Faschismus Und Okkupation: Wirtschaftspolitische Zielsetzung Und PRAXIS Des Faschistischen Deutschen Besatzungsregimes in Den Baltischen Sowjetre by Czollek, Roswitha
Intensivierung Der Sozialistischen Reproduktion, Teil 1: 6. Tagung Des Wissenschaftlichen Rates Für Die Wirtgchaftswissenschaftliche Forschung Bei Der by
Intensivierung Der Sozialistischen Reproduktion, Teil II: 6. Tagung Des Wissenschaftlichen Rates Für Die Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Forschungs Bei D by
Probleme Der Sozialistischen Ökonomischen Integration: 7. Tagung Des Wissenschaftlichen Rates Für Die Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Forschung Bei Der A by
Grundfragen Des Antiimperialistischen Kampfes Der Völker Asiens, Afrikas Und Lateinamerikas in Der Gegenwart, Teil 2 by
Ein Neuer Spartanischer Staatsvertrag by Peek, Werner
Aufgaben Und Probleme Der Sozialpolitik Und Demographie in Der DDR: 11. Tagung Des Wissenschaftlichen Rates Für Die Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Forsc by
Zum Politisch-Ideologischen Wesen Des Maoismus by Max, Rolf
Pasquier Quesnel Devant La Congrégation de l'Index: Correspondance Avec François Barberini Et Mémoires Sur La Mise À l'Index de Son Édition Des Oeuvre by Schmitz Du Moulin, H., Tans, J. A. G.
Grundfragen Des Antiimperialistischen Kampfes Der Völker Asiens, Afrikas Und Lateinamerikas in Der Gegenwart, Teil 2 by
Materialistische Dialektik Und Klassenbewußtsein by Hahn, Erich
Partei Und Staat in Den Ländern Mit Sozialistischer Orientierung by
Grundfragen Des Antiimperialistischen Kampfes Der Völker Asiens, Afrıkas Und Lateinamerikas in Der Gegenwart, Teil 1 by
Politische Ökonomie Und Ideologie: Kritische Betrachtungen Zur Ökonomischen Ideologie Des Gegehwärtigen Kapitalismus by Ripp, Géza
Zukunftslinien: Überlegungen Zur Theorie Des Sozialistischen Realismus by Girnus, Wilhelm
Vom Sinn Oder Unsinn Einer "Neuformulierung" Des Historischen Materialismus: Zu Den Versuchen Einer Philosophischen "Stabilisierung" Von Herrschaft Im by Beyer, Wilhelm Raimund
Der "Neue" Konservatismus: Zur Ideologie Und Politik Einer Reaktionären Strömung in Der Brd by ELM, Ludwig
Das Dilemma Des Antikommunismus in Der Staatsfrage by Weichelt, Wolfgang, Röder, Karl-Heinz
Zur Dialektik Von Einheit Und Interessen Im Sozialistischen Weltsystem by Butenko, A.