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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1976

The Democratic Movement in Germany, 1789-1914 by Snell, John L.
Das Parteiensystem Der Bundesrepublik: Geschichte -- Entstehung -- Entwicklung by Staritz, Dietrich
Inside India Today by Hiro, Dilip
Mathematische Auswahlfunktionen Und Gesellschaftliche Entscheidungen: Rationalität, Pfad-Unabhängigkeit Und Andere Kriterien Der Axiomatischen Präfere by Bellen
Politische Sozialisation Und Politische Bildung: Ansätze Zur Pädagogischen Theorie Und PRAXIS Politischer Arbeiterbildung by Bäcker, Ferdinand Fred
Regieren Und Verwalten: Eine Kritische Einführung by Ellwein, Thomas
Die Vereinten Nationen ALS Faktor Der Internationalen Politik: 191. Sitzung Am 23. Januar 1974 in Düsseldorf by Scheuner, Ulrich
The Populist Response to Industrial America: Midwestern Populist Thought by Pollack, Norman
Determinanten Der Nachfrage Nach Verkehrsleistungen: Teil I: Personenverkehr by Voigt, Fritz
Diagnose- Und Prognoseverfahren ALS Hilfsmittel Der Wirtschafts- Und Finanzpolitik by Kamp, Mathias Ernst
Determinanten Der Nachfrage Nach Verkehrsleistungen: Teil III: Faktorenanalyse Zum Güterverkehr by Voigt, Fritz, Solzbacher, Ferdi, Zachcial, Manfred
The Political Economy of East-West-South Co-Operation by Nemschak, F.
Political Economy: Past and Present: A Review of Leading Theories of Economic Policy by Robbins, Lord
The Management of Defence by Martin, Laurence
Political Economy in Parliament 1819-1823 by Gordon, Barry
Resource Allocation and Economic Policy by Allingham, Michael G., Burstein, M. L.
Colonial Self-Government: The British Experience, 1759-1856 by Ward, John Manning
Explorations in Early Southeast Asian History: The Origins of Southeast Asian Statecraft Volume 11 by
Maturity and Stagnation in American Capitalism by Steindl, Josef
Why Is There No Socialism in the United States? by Sombart, Werner
Zahlung und Zahlungssicherung im Aussenhandel by Zahn, Johannes C. D.
Democracy and Poetry by Warren, Robert Penn
Chinese Communist Materials at the Bureau of Investigation Archives, Taiwan: Volume 24 by Dorris, Carl, Dorris, Carl E., Donovan, Peter
Demokratisierung Und Sozialer Wandel in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Sekundäranalyse Von Umfragedaten 1953-1974 by Allerbeck, Klaus
Kommune Oder Staatsbürokratie?: Zur Politischen Rolle Der Bevölkerung Syrischer Städte Im 10. Bis 12. Jahrhundert by Hoffmann, Gerhard
Parlamentsopposition Auf Linkskurs: Die Kleinbürgerlich-Demokratische Fraktion Donnersberg in Der Frankfurter Nationalversammlung 1848/49 by Hildebrandt, Gunther
Die Rolle Der Volksmassen in Der Geschichte Der Vorkapitalistischen Gesellschaftsformationen: Zum XIV. Internationalen Historiker-Kongreß in San Franc by
Die USA Und Europa 1917-1945: Studien Zur Geschichte Der Beziehungen Zwischen Den USA Und Europa Von Der Grossen Sozialistischen Oktoberrevolution B by
Soviet Propaganda by
Beiträge Zur Entstehung Des Staates by
Vignettes from the Late Ch'ing: Bizarre Happenings Eyewitnessed Over Two Decades by Wu, Wo-Yao
Vignettes from the Late Ch'ing: Bizarre Happenings Eyewitnessed Over Two Decades by Wu, Wo-Yao
Ssu-K'Ung Tu: A Poet-Critic of the t'Ang by Wong, Yoon Wah
Vigilante Politics by
Participation and Democratic Theory by Pateman, Carole
The Management of Change in Government by
A Medievalist in the Eighteenth Century: Le Grand d'Aussy and the Fabliaux Ou Contes by Wilson, Geoffrey
Losing Ground: Environmental Stress and World Food Prospects by Eckholm, Erik P.
A New World in the Making by Dolci, Danilo
An Introduction to Roman Law by Nicholas, Barry
The Abolitionist Legacy: From Reconstruction to the NAACP by McPherson, James M.
Urban Latin America: The Political Condition from Above and Below by Portes, Alejandro
Latin America Between the Eagle and the Bear. by Madariaga, Salvador de, Unknown
Hidden Hierarchies: The Professions and Government by Gilb, Corinne Lathrop, Unknown
Some Problems of Proof Under the Anglo-American System of Litigation. by Morgan, Edmund Morris, Unknown
The Radical Center: Middle Americans and the Politics of Alienation by Warren, Donald
The Radical Center: Middle Americans and the Politics of Alienation by Warren, Donald
The Home of Man by Jackson, Barbara Ward
War and the Soviet Union: Nuclear Weapons and the Revolution in Soviet Military and Political Thinking by Dinerstein, Herbert Samuel, Unknown
Lebanon, Improbable Nation: A Study in Political Development by Meo, Leila M. T., Unknown
Air War and Emotional Stress: Psychological Studies of Bombing and Civilian Defense by Unknown, Janis, Irving Lester
The Third Force in Canada: The Cooperative Commonwealth Federation, 1932-1948 by McHenry, McHenry, Dean Eugene, Unknown
Power and Personality by Lynch, Hollis
Government Fifth Republic by Laponce, Laponce, J. a., Unknown
Rational Choice and Social Exchange: A Critique of Exchange Theory by Heath, A. F., Heath, Linda Ed, Heath, Anthony
Public Enterprise and Transport Problems by Unknown, Kuhn, Kuhn, Tillo E.
The Kamakura Bakufu: A Study in Documents by Mass, Jeffrey P.
Quantitative Economic Policy and Planning: Theory and Models of Economic Control by Spulber, Nicolas, Horowitz, Ira
Warlord Politics in China, 1916-1928 by Ch'i, Hsi-Sheng
Precarious Security by Taylor, Maxwell D.
The Nation in the History of Marxian Thought: The Concept of Nations with History and Nations Without History by Herod, Charles C.
Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics: The Manipulation of Public Opinion in America by Wheeler, Michael
Authoritarianism and Corporatism in Latin America by
Property Values and Race: Studies in Seven Cities by Unknown, Laurenti, Luigi, Laurenti
Value and Plan: Economic Calculation and Organization in Eastern Europe by Unknown
Ideology and Power in Soviet Politics by Unknown, Brzezinski, Zbigniew K.
The Indian National Congress and the Raj, 1929-1942: The Penultimate Phase by Tomlinson, B. R.
Elements of Social and Political Philosophy by Srzednicki, Jan J. T.
The Conservative Opportunity by Patten, J., Blake, Robert
The Presidency of Thomas Jefferson by McDonald, Forrest
Presidency of Thomas Jefferson by McDonald, Forrest
"Force of Order and Methods ..." an American View Into the Dutch Directed Society by Blanken, M.
Soziologie und Raumplanung by
Time of Illusion: Vietnam by Schell, Jonathan
Bread, Politics and Political Economy in the Reign of Louis XV: Volume One by Kaplan, Steven Laurence
The Road to Confederation: The Emergence of Canada, 1863-1867 by Creighton, Donald Grant
Moral Values and Political Behaviour in Ancient Greece: From Homer to the End of the Fifth Century by Adkins, A. W. H.
Knowledge & Politics by Unger, Roberto Mangabeira
Authoritarian Brazil: Origins, Policies, and Future by
Considerations on Western Marxism by Anderson, Perry
A Loyal Opposition in Time of War: The Republican Party and the Politics of Foreign Policy from Pearl Harbor to Yalta by Darilek, Richard E.
The American Left, 1955-1970: A National Union Catalog of Pamphlets Published in the United States and Canada by Kehde, Ned, Unknown
Mobilizing Consent: Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy, 1937-1947 by Leigh, Michael, Unknown
Public Persons by Lippmann, Walter
Managing an Alliance: The Politics of U.S.-Japanese Relations by Destler, I. M., Sato, Hideo, Clapp, Priscilla
Revolution and Political Leadership: Algeria, 1954-1968 by Quandt, William B.
Schriften Zur Griechischen Und Römischen Verfassungsgeschichte Und Verfassungstheorie by Fritz, Kurt Von
Power and Personality by Lasswell, Harold D.
Retreat from Reform: The Prohibition Movement in the United States, 1890-1913 by Blocker, Jack S., Unknown
Deliver Us from Evil: An Interpretation of American Prohibition by Clark, Norman H.
Pan-Africanism: A Short Political Guide by Legum, Colin
The Economic Theory of Modern Society by Morishima, Michio
A Theory of the Expenditure Budgetary Process by Hartle, Douglas
State and Trade Unions by MacDonald, Donald Farquhar
British Electoral Facts 1885-1975 by
The Democratic-Republican Societies, 1790-1800: A Documentary Sourcebook of Constitutions, Declarations, Addresses, Resolutions, and Toasts by Vandepaer, Elizabeth, Foner, Philip S., Foner, Laura
The Colonial Reckoning: The End of Imperial Rule in Africa in the Light of British Experience by Perham, Margery Freda, Perham, Margery
Three Against the Third Republic: Sorel, Barres, and Maurras by Curtis, Michael, Unknown
The Structure of Local Government in England and Wales. by Unknown, Jackson, William Eric
Danger on the Right by Epstein, Benjamin R., Unknown, Forster, Arnold
Mass Society and Political Conflict: Toward a Reconstruction of Theory by Halebsky, Sandor, Halebsky
Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year: 1976 Edition by
Chile: The State and Revolution by Roxborough, Ian
The Poor of the Earth by Cole, John
Northern Ireland: A Time of Choice by Rose, Richard
The Irish Administration, 1801-1914. by Unknown, McDowell, Robert Brendan, McDowell, R. B.
The Slovak National Awakening: An Essay in the Intellectual History of East Central Europe by Brock, Peter
Tariff and Science Policies: Applications of a Model of Nationalism by Daly, D. J., Globerman, S.
Diefenbaker: Leadership Lost 1962-67 by Stursberg, Peter
Beyond Industrial Growth by
American Indian Policy in Crisis: Christian Reformers and the Indian, 1865-1900 by Prucha, Francis Paul
Über Die Historische Notwendigkeit Des Ideologischen Klassenkampfes by
Monismus Und Pluralismus in Ideologie Und Politik by Kojarov, Asen
Das Parteiprogramm Und Die Wissenschaft: Die Akademie Der Wissenschaften Der DDR Zum IX. Parteitag Der Sozialistischen Einheitspartei Deutschlands by
Die Beziehungen Lunačarskijs Zur Deutschen Literatur by Angres, Dora
Umweltkrieg Und Abrüstung: Probleme Und Perspektiven by Ernst, K. -D, Schneider, M. M., Lohs, K.
Marx Und Die Rechte Der Menschen by Poppe, Eberhard
Aspects of the Notitia Dignitatum: Papers presented to the conference in Oxford December 13 to 15, 1974 by
Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit Und Integration Von Entwicklungsländern: Eine Studie Zur Theoretischen Problematik Und Zum Praktischen Verlauf by Kroske, Heinz, Kück, Gert
Afrika: Gegenwärtige Soziale Prozesse Und Strukturen by