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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1978

Toward a Marxist Theory of Nationalism by Davis, Horace B.
Slavery Imperial Freedom by Lewis, Gordon K.
Progressive Cities: The Commission Government Movement in America, 1901-1920 by Rice, Bradley Robert
Energy & World Politics by Willrich, Mason
Central Documents and Politburo Politics in China: Volume 33 by Yeung, Sai-Cheung, Tong, James, Lieberthal, Kenneth
European Political Facts, 1848-1918 by Cook, Chris, Paxton, John
Politik und Gerechtigkeit bei Traian by Wolf, Joseph Georg
Umweltpolitik: Beiträge Zur Politologie Des Umweltschutzes by
Von China Lernen? by Galtung, Johan, Nishimura, Fumiko
Macht Durch Wissen: Zum Zusammenhang Von Bildungspolitik, Bildungssystem Und Kaderqualifizierung in Der Ddr. Eine Politsch-Soziologische U by Glaeßner, Gert-Joachim
Politische Wissenschaft Und Politische PRAXIS: Tagung Der Deutschen Vereinigung Für Politische Wissenschaft in Bonn, Herbst 1977 by
Khrushchev: The Years in Power by Medvedev, Roy Aleksandrovich
Europawahl '79: Daten -- Fakten -- Probleme by Steffens, Udo, Woyke, Wichard
Die Planungszelle: Der Bürger Plant Seine Umwelt. Eine Alternative Zur Establishment-Demokratie by Dienel, Peter C.
Partei Und Staatsapparat in Der DDR: Aspekte Der Instrumentalisierung Des Staatsapparats Durch Die sed by Neugebauer, Gero
Wirtschaft Und Politik Im Modernen China: Eine Sozial- Und Wirtschaftsgeschichte Von 1842 Bis Nach Maos Tod by Menzel, Ulrich
Partizipation -- Demokratisierung -- Mitbestimmung: Problemstellung Und Literatur in Politik, Wirtschaft, Bildung Und Wissenschaft. -- Eine Einführung by
Thomas Cromwell: Tudor Minister by Beckingsale, B. W.
Socialist Construction and Marxist Theory: Bolshevism and Its Critique by Corrigan, Philip
The Language of Modern Politics by Hudson, Kenneth
Nuclear Power and the Energy Crisis: Politics and the Atomic Industry by Burn, D.
Elections Without Choice by Hermet, G.
Dickens and Charity by Pope, N. F.
Sozialistische Und Kommunistische Parteien in Westeuropa: Band I: Südländer by Oberndörfer, Dieter
The Alternative in Eastern Europe by Bahro, Rudolf
A Return to Free Market Economics?: Critical Essays on Government Intervention by Jewkes, John
New Directions in Economic Policy by Burstein, M. L.
Econometric Contributions to Public Policy: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the International Economic Association at Urbino, Italy by Peterson, William
War and the Liberal Conscience by Howard, Michael
Classes in Contemporary Capitalism by Poulantzas, Nicos
The Theory of Economic Policy: In English Classical Political Economy by Robbins, Lionel Robbins
Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution Vol. II by Draper, Hal
Poverty of Theory by Thompson, E. P. P.
Ontology of Social Being, Volume 2 Marx by Lukacs, Georg
Government and Politics in Northern Africa. by Zartman, I. William
Habitat. Zur Weltsituation Auf Dem Gebiete Der Menschlichen Siedlungen by Kosel, Gerhard
Imperialistische Staats- Und Rechtsentwicklung - Zur Analyse Und Kritik Ihrer PRAXIS Und Ideologie by
Karl Marx' Lehre Von Den Produktionsverhältnissen: Referat Und Diskussionsbeiträge Des Karl-Marx-Symposiums Des Zentralinstituts Für Wirtschaftswissen by
Die Arbeiter-Und-Bauern-Macht, Eine Form Der Diktatur Des Proletariats. - Die Weitere Vervollkommnung Der Sozialistischen Demokratie by
Auf Dem Wege Nach Helsinki 1954-1975: Die Berliner Außenministerkonferenz 1954 - Beginn Des Kampfes Der Sowjetunion Um Die Gesamteuropäische Konferenz by Laboor, Ernst
American Democratic Theory: Pluralism and Its Critics by Kelso, William Alton, Unknown
American Midwives: 1860 to the Present by Litoff, Judy Barrett, Barrett Litoff, Judt
Ancient China: Studies in Early Civilization by
Analyzing the Third World: Essays from Comparative Politics by Provizer, Norman
Marxism and the Question of the Asiatic Mode of Production by Sawer, M.
Règles Utiles Et Claires Pour La Direction de l'Esprit En La Recherche de la Vérité: Traduction Selon Le Lexique Cartésien, Et Annotation Conceptuelle by Descartes, René
Expansion and Reaction by
Urban Liberalism and Progressive Reform by Buenker, John D.
Politics and the Professors: The Great Society in Perspective by Aaron, Henry
Ideology & Superstructure in Historical Materialism by Jakubowski, Franz
Human Nature in Politics: The Dynamics of Political Behavior by Unknown, Davies, James Chowning, Davis, James C.
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 1: Rules and Order by Hayek, F. A.
Forecasting: An Appraisal for Policy-Makers and Planners by Ascher, William L.
Hobbes's Science of Politics by Goldsmith, Maurice
Money and the Real World by Davidson, Paul
Metropolitan Wichita: Past, Present, and Future by
The Supplément to the Encyclopédie by Hardesty, Kathleen
European Political Facts, 1848-1918 by Paxton, John, Cook, Chris
Social Limits to Growth by Hirsch, Fred
The Jeffersonian Persuasion by Banning, Lance
The Private Sector: Rent-A-Cops, Private Spies, and the Police-Industrial Complex by O'Toole, George
Roman Law by Schiller, A. Arthur
Anarchism & The Mexican Working Class, 1860-1931 by Hart, John M.
Antiquity Forgot: Essays on Shakespeare, Bacon and Rembrandt by White, Howard B.
Set Valued Dynamical Systems and Economic Flow by Cherene, L. J. Jr.
Stable Peace by Boulding, Kenneth E.
A Century of Municipal Progress, 1835-1935 by Jennings, W. Ivor, Laski, Harold Joseph
The Politics of Wartime Aid: American Economic Assistance to France and French Northwest Africa, 1940-1946 by Dougherty, James J., Unknown
The Roots of Evil: A Social History of Crime and Punishment by Unknown, Hibbert, Christopher
Protest and Participation: The New Working Class in Italy by Low-Beer, John R., Low-Beer
Socialism and the Individual: Notes on Joining the Labour Patry by Sinclair, William Angus, Unknown
Shame and Glory of the Intellectuals: Babbitt Jr. vs. the Rediscovery of Values by Unknown, Viereck, Peter Robert Edwin
The Development of the Modern State: A Sociological Introduction by Poggi, Gianfranco
From Stalinism to Eurocommunism: The Bitter Fruits of 'Socialism in One Country' by Mandel, Ernest
Big Burn by Cohen, Stan, Miller, Don
The English Radical Tradition, 1763-1914. by Maccoby, Simon, Unknown
Doves and Diplomats: Foreign Offices and Peace Movements in Europe and America in the Twentieth Century by Unknown
Feminism and Suffrage by DuBois, Ellen Carol
Federal Solutions to European Issues by Burrows, Bernard
The European Parliament and the European Community by Lodge, J., Herman, Valentine
West African States: Failure and Promise: A Study in Comparative Politics by
The Difficult Flowering of Surinam: Ethnicity and Politics in a Plural Society by Dew, Edward
Urbanization in the Americas from Its Beginning to the Present by
Profit and Power: A Study of England and the Dutch Wars by Wilson, Charles
Dictators Face to Face by Alfieri, Dino, Unknown
Believing Skeptics: American Political Intellectuals, 1945-64 by Unknown, Fowler, Robert Booth
North Sea Oil in the Future: Economic Analysis and Government Policy by Morgan, Jon, Robinson, Colin
Adam Smith's Politics: An Essay in Historiographic Revision by Winch, D., Winch, Donald
Continuity and Anachronism: Parliamentary and Constitutional Development in Whig Historiography and in the Anti-Whig Reaction Between 1890 and 193 by Blaas, P. B. M.
The Principles of Ethics 2 Volume Set by Spencer, Herbert
The Other Government: The Unseen Power of Washington Lawyers by Green, Mark J.
L'esprit du jeu chez les Aztèques by Duverger, Christian
The International Court of Justice: Its Role in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security by Lissitzyn, Oliver James
Prelude to Point Four: American Technical Missions Overseas, 1838$1938 by Birr, Kendall, Unknown, Curti, Merle Eugene
Latin America in the United Nations. by Unknown, Houston, John Albert
The Secretariat of the United Nations. by Bailey, Sydney Dawson, Unknown
British Foreign Policy by Royal Institute of International Affairs, Unknown, Royal, Inst
Chile by
The Duty to Act: Tort Law, Power, and Public Policy by Shapo, Marshall S.
The Breakdown of Democratic Regimes: Crisis, Breakdown and Reequilibration. an Introduction by
Quaker Experiences in International Conciliation by Yarrow, C. H. Mike
The Ungovernable City: The Politics of Urban Problems and Policy Making by Yates, Douglas T.
'Eurocommunism': Implications for East and West by Godson, Roy, Haseler, Stephen
The Breakdown of Democratic Regimes, Latin America by
Islam, Nationalism and Communism in a Traditional Society: The Case of Sudan by Warburg, Gabriel
The Early State by
Soziologie by Fürstenberg, Friedrich
The Breakdown of Democratic Regimes: Europe by
The New Left in France: The Unified Socialist Party by Hauss, Charles, Unknown
Soldiers and Society: The Effects of Military Service and War on American Life by Unknown, Karsten, Peter
Sources in British Political History, 1900-1951: Volume 5: A Guide to the Private Papers of Selected Writers, Intellectuals and Publicists by Weeks, Jeffrey, Cook, Chris
The Black Homelands of South Africa: The Political and Economic Development of Bophuthatswana and KwaZulu by Rotberg, Robert I., Adams, John, Butler, Jeffrey
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 2: The Mirage of Social Justice by Hayek, F. A.
The Right and Wrong of Compulsion by the State, and Other Essays by Herbert, Auberon
Edward S. Corwin's Constitution and What It Means Today: 1978 Edition by Corwin, Edward S.
The Human Being in Action: The Irreducible Element in Man Part II Investigations at the Intersection of Philosophy and Psychiatry by
Public and Private Morality by Hampshire, Stuart
Le Frolinat Et Les Révoltes Populaires Du Tschad, 1965-1976 by Buijtenhuijs, Robert
The Tragedy of Chile by Alexander, Robert Jackson, Unknown
Social Security in Latin America: Pressure Groups, Stratification, and Inequality by Mesa-Lago, Carmelo
Cuba-Order and Revolution by Domínguez, Jorge I.
Defending the National Interest: Raw Materials Investments and U.S. Foreign Policy by Krasner, Stephen D.
Chesapeake Politics, 1781-1800 by Risjord, Norman
Progress and Rationality in Science by
Amiens and Munich: Comparisons in Appeasement by Presseisen, E. L.
The Foundations of Modern Political Thought: Volume 2, the Age of Reformation by Skinner, Quentin
Progress and Rationality in Science by
The Foundations of Modern Political Thought: Volume 1, the Renaissance by Skinner, Quentin
A Political Geography of Africa by Boateng, E. A., E. a., Boateng
The Foundations of Modern Political Thought: Volume 2, the Age of Reformation by Skinner, Quentin
The Foundations of Modern Political Thought by Skinner, Quentin
Para Una Sociologia de Los Intelectuales Revolicionarios by Lowy, Michael
Canadian Agricultural Policy: The Historical Pattern by Fowke, Vernon
Cuba: ¿Dictadura O Democracia? by
A Consumer's Guide to Local Government by
Force without War: U.S. Armed Forces as a Political Instrument by Kaplan, Stephen S., Blechman, Barry
Not All the King's Men: Inequality as a Political Instrument in Ankole, Uganda by Doornbos, Martin R.
Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year by
Econometric Contributions to Public Policy: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the International Economic Association at Urbino, Italy by Peterson, William
The Struggle for Responsible Government in the North-West Territories 1870-97 (2nd Edition) by Thomas, Lewis H.
Essays in Political Economy: In Honour of E.J. Urwick by Innis, Harold A.
Brains and Numbers: Elitism, Comtism, and Democracy in Mid-Victorian England by Kent, Christopher
Political Leadership in Sierra Leone by Cartwright, John
Socialist Development and Public Investment in Tanzania, 1964-73 by Clark, W. Edmund
The Soviet Theory of Development: India and the Third World in Marxist-Leninist Scholarship by Clarkson, Stephen
The Economic Constitution of Federal States by Breton, Albert, Scott, Anthony
The Professions and Public Policy by
Détente or Debacle: Common Sense in U.S.-Soviet Relations by
The War Potential of Nations by Knorr, Klaus Eugen, Unknown
Die Finanzierung Des Umweltschutzes Im Rahmen Einer Rationalen Umweltpolitik by
The Public Papers of Governor Wendell H. Ford, 1971-1974 by Ford, Wendell H.
Selected Writings 1909-1953: Volume One by Reichenbach, M.
Hans Reichenbach: Selected Writings 1909-1953 Volume Two by Reichenbach, M.
Reality and Experience: Four Philosophical Essays by Kaila, E.
Reality and Experience: Four Philosophical Essays by Kaila, E.
Selected Papers of Léon Rosenfeld by
Selected Papers of Léon Rosenfeld by
Selected Writings 1909-1953: Volume One by Reichenbach, M.
Hans Reichenbach: Selected Writings 1909-1953 Volume Two by Reichenbach, M.
Frankreich Zwischen Faschismus Und Demokratie: (1932-1934) by Köller, Heinz
Frankreich Zwischen Faschismus Und Demokratie (1932-1934) by Köller, Heinz
Zu Den Sozialökonomischen Entwicklungskriterien Der Materiell-Technischen Basis Im Sozialismus by Roos, Hans-Gorg, Knobloch, Gerd
Moritz Schlick Philosophical Papers: Volume 1: (1909-1922) by Schlick, Moritz
Moritz Schlick Philosophical Papers: Volume 1: (1909-1922) by Schlick, Moritz
Zu Problemen Der Abrüstung: Vorträge Und Diskussionsbeiträge Sowie Resolution Der Wissenschaftlichen Sitzung Des Plenums Der Akademie Der Wissensc by
Staatstheoretische Gedanken Zur Verfassung Der Udssr Vom 7. Oktober 1977 by Poppe, Eberhard
Zur Krise Der Bürgerlichen Ideologie by Kohlmey, G., Meißner, H., Buhr, M.
Über Ideologie, Staat Und Revolution Im Gesellschaftlichen Struktur- Und Entwicklungszusammenhang: Schlußfolgerungen Aus Marx-Engels-Schriften (1849-1 by Engelberg, Ernst
Studien Zur Geschichte Der Politischen Ökonomie Und Der Soziologie by Braunreuther, Kurt
Kampfgemeinschaft Sed-Kpdsu: Grundlagen, Tradition, Wirkungen; Referate Und Diskussionsbeiträge by
Der Revolutionäre Weg Der Mongolischen Volksrepublik Zum Sozialismus: Probleme Der Umgehung Des Kapitalistischen Entwicklungsstadiums by
Humanitas, Fides Und Verwandtes in Der Römischen Provinzialpolitik: Untersuchungen Zur Politischen Funktion Römischer Verhaltensnormen Bei Cicero by Rothe, Christian
Lateinamerika Im Antiimperialistischen Kampf: Probleme Eines Kontinents by
Bürgerliches Politisches System Und Systemtheorie: Widersprüche Und Tendenzen by Löwe, B. P., Roder, K. -H, Gulijew, W. J.
Die Energiekrise in der kapitalistischen Welt by