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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1980

Economics of Davis Bacon Act by Gould, John P., Bittlingmayer, George
Politische Entscheidungsprozesse: Konturen Einer Politischen Entscheidungstheorie by Behrens, Henning
Das Politische System Frankreichs: Eine Einführung by Kempf, Udo
Politik ALS Gelebte Verfassung: Aktuelle Probleme Des Modernen Verfassungsstaates Festschrift Für Friedrich Schäfer by
Vom Nationalismus Zum Umweltschutz: Die Deutsche Gemeinschaft/Aktionsgemeinschaft Unabhängiger Deutscher Im Parteiensystem Der Bundesrepublik by Stöss, Richard
Persönlichkeit Und Gesellschaft: Zur Theorie Der Persönlichkeit in Der DDR by Lemke, Christiane
Politikfeld-Analysen 1979: Wissenschaftlicher Kongreß Der Dvpw 1.-5. Oktober 1979 in Der Universität Augsburg by
The Politics of Ethnicity by Higham, John, Walzer, Michael, Kantowicz, Edward T.
Arbeitsmarkt Und Arbeitslosigkeit by Brandes, W., Weise, P.
Politik Im Dickicht Der Bürokratie: Beiträge Zur Implementationsforschung by
The Intellectual Roots of Independence by
Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit Zwischen Recht Und Politik by Stern, Klaus
Wahl '80: Die Bundestagswahl Parteien - Wähler - Wahlverfahren by Andersen, Uwe, Woyke, Wichard
Poplarism 1919-1925: George Lansbury and the Councillors' Revolt by Branson, Noreen
The Stalinist Command Economy: The Soviet State Apparatus and Economic Policy 1945-53 by Dunmore, Timothy
The Soldiers' Strikes of 1919 by Rothstein, Andrew
European Studies in Development: New Trends in European Development Studies by Bandt, J. De
Syria and the Lebanese Crisis by Dawisha, Adeed I.
Japan's Economic Policy by Allen, G. C.
Der Beitrag Der Deutschen Romantik Zur Politischen Theorie by Scheuner, Ulrich
The British General Election of 1979 by Butler, David, Kavanagh, Dennis
OPEC: Instrument of Change by Seymour, Ian
The Gaullist System in Asia: The Constitution of Sri Lanka (1978) by Wilson, A. Jeyaratnam
Graham Wallas and the Great Society by Qualter, Terence H.
Ausdrucksformen absolutistischer Herrschaft by Ehalt, Hubert Ch
Equity Efficiency and the United States Corporation Income Tax by Ballentine, Gregory J.
French National Assembly by Penniman, Howard R.
Bureaucrats, Policy Analysts, Statesmen: Who Leads? by Goldwin, Robert A.
Money & Liberty by Frankel, Herbert S.
Essays in Contemporary Economic Problems: Disinflation by Fellner, William
Amtrak by Hilton, George Woodman
New Zealand at the Polls by Penniman, Howard R.
Housing: Federal Policies by Weicher, John C.
Unemployment Benefits: Should There Be a Compulsory Federal Standard? by Becker, Joseph M.
Poverty and the Minimum Wage by Parsons, David
Scenes from Anti-Nazi War by Davidson, Basil
Zentrale Hochschulbibliotheken by
Occupational Licensure and Regulation by Rottenberg, Simon
Wage policy in the Federal bureaucracy (Studies in economic policy) by Borjas, George J.
The Candidates 1980: Where they stand by AEI
Why the Vietcong Fought: A Study of Motivation and Control in a Modern Army in Combat by Henderson, William Darryl
Konservatismus, Faschismus, reaktionäres geistiges "Erbe" by
Hauptwege Zur Steigerung Der Arbeitsproduktivität: Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Konferenz Der DDR Am 21./22.4.1978 24. Tagung Des Wissenschaftlichen R by
Probleme Des Gegenwärtigen Ideologischen Kampfes: Eine Kritik Soziologischer Und Sozialpolitischer Konzeptionen by Mitin, M. B.
Probleme Des Gegenwärtigen Ideologischen Kampfes: Eine Kritik Soziologischer Und Sozialpolitischer Konzeptionen by Mitin, M. B.
Der Politisch-Soziale Wortschatz Des Rumänischen Von 1821 Bis 1850 by Bochmann, Klaus
Wissenschaft ALS Allgemeine Arbeit by Laitko, H.
Theorie Und PRAXIS Der Sozialpolitik in Der DDR by
Conservative Minds in America. by Lora, Ronald
Arguments Within English Marxism by Anderson, Perry
The New Authoritarianism in Latin America by
Italy in Transition: Conflict and Consensus by
T'An Ssu-t'Ung: An Annotated Bibliography by Chan, Sin-Wai
Achtzehnjährige -- Zwischen Reaktion Und Rebellion: Politische Einstellungen Und Aktivitäten Jugendlicher in Der Bundesrepublik by Jaide, Walter
The Mountain in the Sunlight: Studies in Conflict and Unity by Unknown
Administered Politics: Elite Political Culture in Sweden by Anton, T. J.
Parteien Und Demokratie: Eine Soziologische Analyse Paradigmatischer Ansätze Der Parteienforschung by Wiesendahl, Elmar
Supermadre: Women in Politics in Latin America by Chaney, Elsa M.
Divided Loyalties: Whistle-Blowing at Bart by Anderson, Robert M., Perrucci, Robert, Schendel, Dan E.
British Political Facts 1900-1979 by Sloman, Anne, Butler, David
La géographie humaine du monde musulman jusqu'au millieu du 11e siècle, [3], Le milieu naturel by Miquel, André
Guide to Pennsylvania Politics by Unknown, Cooke, Edward Francis, Cooke
Conservative Politics in Western Europe by Layton-Henry, Zig
The Father-Infant Relationship: Observational Studies in the Family Setting by
British Historical Facts, 1760-1830 by Stevenson, J., Cook, C.
British Historical Facts, 1760-1830 by Cook, C., Stevenson, J.
Queen Elizabeth and the Revolt of the Netherlands by Wilson, Charles
The Tragedy of Enlightenment: An Essay on the Frankfurt School by Connerton, Paul, Paul, Connerton
The Pillars of the Post: The Making of a News Empire in Washington by Bray, Howard
Ballots for Freedom: Antislavery Politics in the United States 1837-1860 by Sewell, Richard H.
Furious Fancies: American Political Thought in the Post-Liberal Era by Unknown, Abbott, Philip
Trade Unions and Politics in Western Europe by Hayward, J. E. S.
Pennsylvania Politics Today and Yesterday: The Tolerable Accommodation by Beers, Paul B.
Japan: The Intellectual Foundations of Modern Japanese Politics by Najita, Tetsuo
Progressive Oklahoma: The Making of a New Kind of State by Goble, Danney
Decolonisation and After: The British French Experience by Morris-Jones, W. H., Fischer, Georges
Index to International Public Opinion, 1978-1979 by Hastings, Philip K., Survey Research Consultants Internation, Survey Research Consultants Internationa
The Social and Political Thought of Leon Trotsky by Knei-Paz, Baruch
Presidential Primaries: Road to the White House by Davis, James W., Unknown
Truman's Crises: A Political Biography of Harry S. Truman by Gosnell, Harold Foote
Philosophical Papers: Volume II: (1925-1936) by Schlick, Moritz
Bureaucratie Et Famine En Chine Au 18e [I.E. Dix-Huitième] Siècle by Will, Pierre-Étienne
Poverty and Problem-Solving under Military Rule: The Urban Poor in Lima, Peru by Dietz, Henry A.
Jefferson and France: An Essay on Politics and Political Ideas by Unknown, Kaplan, Lawrence S.
Kings or People: Power and the Mandate to Rule by Bendix, Reinhard
The European Parliament: The Three-Decade Search for a United Europe by Scalingi, Paula
Dependency Approaches to International Political Economy: A Cross-National Study by Mahler, Vincent
The Political Role of Labor in Developing Countries. by Millen, Bruce H., Unknown
Latin American Trade Patterns. by Baerresen, Donald W., Carnoy, Martin, Grunwald, Joseph
National Transportation Policy. by Unknown, Dearing, Charles Lee, Owen, Wilfred
The Origins of Zionism by Vital, David
Measurement in the Social Sciences: The Link Between Theory and Data by Zeller, Carmines, Edward G., Zeller, Richard a.
The Economics of Individual and Population Aging by Clark, Robert Louis, Spengler, Joseph J.
Realignment in American Politics: Toward a Theory by
Manufacturing the News by Fishman, Mark
Democracy and the Cost of Politics in Britain. by Gwyn, William B., Unknown
The Political Behavior of American Jews by Fuchs, Lawrence H., Unknown
Japan's Economic Policy by Allen, G. C.
Fundamental Aspects of Appropriate Technology: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Appropriate Technology Center for Appropriate Technology D by International Workshop on Appropriate Technology
Problems of Change in Urban Government by Dickerson, M., Drabek, S., Woods, John
Imperialism: Pioneer of Capitalism by Warren, Bill
Promise and Performance: Choosing and Implementing an Environmental Policy by Marcus, Alfred Allen
Political Control of the Economy by Tufte, Edward R.
Power and Democracy in America by Dahl, Robert Alan, Drucker, Peter F., Miller, Delbert C.
Order, Empiricism and Politics: Two Traditions of English Political Thought, 1500-1700 by Unknown, Greenleaf, W. H.
Government and Admin Mississippi by Unknown, Highsaw, Robert Baker, Highsaw
The Politics of Dependency: Urban Reform in Istanbul by Rosenthal, Steven T.
Crisis and Legitimacy: The Administrative Process and American Government by Freedman, James O., Freedman
Empiricism, Logic and Mathematics: Philosophical Papers by Hahn, Hans
Peano: Life and Works of Giuseppe Peano by
Scientific Discovery, Logic, and Rationality by
Scientific Discovery, Logic, and Rationality by
Peano: Life and Works of Giuseppe Peano by
Federalism: History and Current Significance of a Form of Government by
Electrochemistry: A Reformulation of the Basic Principles by
The Army and Politics in Argentina, 1945-1962: Peron to Frondizi by Potash, Robert A.
The Cost of Good Intentions: New York City and the Liberal Experiment by Morris, Charles R.
Elements of Statistical Analysis by Gottinger, Hans W.
The South and the Politics of Slavery, 1828-1856 by Cooper, William J.
The Revolutionary Armies: The Historical Development of the Soviet and the Chinese People's Liberation Armies by Adelman, Jonathan R.
Sex, Diet, and Debility in Jacksonian America: Sylvester Graham and Health Reform by Nissenbaum, Stephen
Patterns of Race in the Americas by Harris, Marvin
The Revolution, the Constitution, and America's Third Century, Vols. 1-2: The Bicentennial Conference on the United States Constitution by Science, American Academy of Political and Social
Empiricism, Logic and Mathematics: Philosophical Papers by Hahn, Hans
The Voice of Terror: A Biography of Johann Most by Trautmann, Frederic, Most, Johann Joseph
Presidential Secrecy and Deception: Beyond the Power to Persuade by Orman, John M.
Primary Elections in South by Ewing, Cortez Arthur Milton, Ewing, Unknown
Community Power Succession: Atlanta's Policy Makers Revisited by Hunter, Floyd
Unmarried Mothers. by Vincent, Clark E.
American Support of Free Elections Abroad. by Unknown, Wright, Theodore Paul
The Fiscal Congress: Legislative Control of the Budget by LeLoup, Lance T.
Reminiscences of Los Alamos 1943-1945 by
Galileo and the Art of Reasoning: Rhetorical Foundation of Logic and Scientific Method by Finocchiaro, M. a.
Reminiscences of Los Alamos 1943-1945 by
The Jeffersonian Persuasion: Evolution of a Party Ideology by Banning, Lance
Galileo and the Art of Reasoning: Rhetorical Foundation of Logic and Scientific Method by Finocchiaro, M. a.
Paraguay, Power Game by Latin America Bureau
City Police by Rubinstein, Jonathan
The Supreme Court from Taft to Burger by Mason, Alpheus Thomas
Democracy in Plural Societies: A Comparative Exploration by Lijphart, Arend
Who Votes? by Rosenstone, Steven J., Wolfinger, Raymond E.
The American Voter by Converse, Philip E., Miller, Warren E., Campbell, Angus
Huey Long's Louisiana: State Politics, 1920-1952 by Sindler, Allan P., Long, Huey Pierce, Unknown
The Right of the People by Douglas, William Orville, Unknown
Contemporary Japanese Budget Politics by Campbell, John Creighton
Scientific Discovery: Case Studies by
Concerning Natural Experimental Philosophie: Meric Casaubon and the Royal Society by Spiller, Michael R. G.
The French Revolution and the Psychology of Revolution by Le Bon, Gustave
Dualism and Discontinuity in Industrial Societies by Piore, Michael J., Suzanne, Berger, Berger, Suzanne
Unity Is Strength: Trade Unions in Latin America - A Case for Solidarity by Whitehouse, Chris, Dunkerley, James
From Ballot to Bench: Judicial Elections and the Quest for Accountability by DuBois, Philip L.
Making News by Tuchman, Gaye
The New Red Legions: An Attitudinal Portrait of the Soviet Soldier by Unknown
New Europe by Fitzgerald, Walter, Fitzgerald, F., Unknown
Russian Officialdom: The Bureaucratization of Russian Society from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century by Rowney, Don Karl, Pintner, Walter
Introduction to Critical Theory: Horkheimer to Habermas by Held, David
The New Red Legions: A Survey Data Source Book by Gabriel, Richard A., Unknown
Industrial Location and Community Development by Moriarty, Barry M.
The Nation's Families: 1960-1990 by Masnick, George S.
Race Relations in South Africa, 1929-1979 by Hellmann, Ellen
Federalists in Dissent by Kerber, Linda K.
Sophie Germain: An Essay in the History of the Theory of Elasticity by Bucciarelli, L. L., Dworsky, N.
Sophie Germain: An Essay in the History of the Theory of Elasticity by Bucciarelli, L. L., Dworsky, N.
The Power to Tax: Analytic Foundations of a Fiscal Constitution by Brennan, Geoffrey, Buchanan, James M., Brennan, H. Geoffrey
International Handbook on Local Government Reorganization: Contemporary Developments by Rowat, Donald C.
The Overthrow of Allende and the Politics of Chile, 1964-1976 by Sigmund, Paul
The Politics of Taxation by Unknown, Reese, Thomas J. S. J.
Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the Law of the Sea: Political Interaction and Legal Development in the Persian Gulf by MacDonald, Charles G.
Bolivia: Coup d'Etat by Dunkerley, James
American Environmentalism: Values, Tactics, Priorities by Petulla, Joseph M.
Housing Urban America by Howenstine, E. Jay
The Masked Media by Buechler, Hans C.
Recht (Normen, Verbreitung, Materien) by
Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year: 1980 Edition by
Internal War: Problems and Approaches by Eckstein, Harry, Unknown
Improving Prosecution: The Inducement and Implementation of Innovations for Prosecution Management by Weimer, David L.
The Puritan Ethic and Woman Suffrage by Grimes, Alan Pendleton
World Revolutionary Elites: Studies in Coercive Ideological Movements by Lasswell, Harold D.
The League for Social Reconstruction: Intellectual Origins of the Democratic Left in Canada, 1930-1942 by Horn, Michiel
Towards a Constitutional Charter for Canada by Abel, Albert
The Idea File of Harold Adams Innis by
Big Daddy: Frederick G. Gardiner and the Building of Metropolitan Toronto by Colton, Timothy
The Rancheros of Pisaflores: The History of a Peasant Bourgeoisie in Twentieth-Century Mexico by Schryer, Frans J.
The Rights of Reason: A study of Kant's philosophy and politics by Shell, Susan
The Italian Communist Party: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow by Gray, Lawrence, Serfaty, Simon
Fathers to Daughters: The Legal Foundations of Female Emancipation by Rabkin, Peggy A.
OPEC: Instrument of Change by Seymour, Ian
Aid and Influence: The Case of Bangladesh by
Marxism (Revised): For and Against by Heilbroner, Robert L.
Republicanism in Reconstruction Texas by Moneyhon, Carl H.
The Emergence of Russian Contitutionalism 1900-1904: The Relationship Between Social Mobilization and Political Group Formation in Pre-Revolutionary R by Fröhlich, K.
Local Politics in Communist Countries by
African Politics by Gonidec, P. F.
Inquiries and Provocations: Selected Writings 1929-1974 by Feigl, Herbert
Faschismus-Forschung: Positionen, Probleme, Polemik by
Neue Studien Zum Imperialismus VOR 1914 by
Bildungspolitik: Erlebt Und Mitgestaltet by Dahlen, Franz