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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1981

Changes in the Workweek by Foss, Murray F.
Italy at the Polls by Penniman, Howard Rae
Right-Wing Authoritarianism by Altemeyer, Bob
The Intellectual Resistance in Europe by Wilkinson, James D.
Politik in Deutschland: Systemvergleich Bundesrepublik Deutschland -- DDR by Armbruster, Frank
The Petite Bourgeoisie: Comparative Studies of the Uneasy Stratum by
Verbände Und Staat: Vom Pluralismus Zum Korporatismus. Analysen, Positionen, Dokumente by Alemann
Methodik Der Politischen Bildung: Von Der Pragmatischen Vermittlungstechnologie Zur Praxisorientierten Theorie Der Kultivierung Emanzipatorischen Poli by Claußen, Bernhard
Empirische Verwaltungsforschung in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Eine Bibliographie-Analyse by Bruder, Wolfgang
Zwei Staaten in Deutschland: Die Sozialliberale Deutschlandpolitik Und Ihre Auswirkungen 1969-1978 by Roth, Margit
Wirtschaftliches Wachstum -- Trotz Erschöpfbarer Natürlicher Ressourcen?: 30. Jahresfeier Am 11. Juni 1980 by Schneider, Hans K.
Geldlehre: Theorie Und Politik by Jacob, Klaus-Dieter
Das Amerikanische Regierungssystem: Eine Politologische Analyse by Fraenkel, Ernst
Lebenslaufanalysen by Schmidtchen, Gerhard, Loparo, Kenneth A., Jäger, Herbert
Decision Making in Soviet Politics by Lowenhardt, John
European Political Facts 1789-1848 by Cook, Chris, Paxton, John
Aid and Influence: The Case of Bangladesh by
Law and Diplomacy in Commodity Economics: A Study of Techniques, Co-Operation and Conflict in International Public Policy Issues by Atimomo, Emiko
Fernsehen Und Hörfunk Für Die Demokratie: Ein Handbuch Über Den Rundfunk in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by
State Audit: Developments in Public Accountability by Geist, B.
The Political Economy of Modern Iran: Despotism and Pseudo-Modernism, 1926-1979 by Katouzian, Homa
Hannah Arendt and the Search for a New Political Philosophy by Parekh, B. C.
Anglo-American Defence Relations 1939-1980: The Special Relationship by Baylis, John
Reversing Economic Decline by Carrington, John C., Edwards, George T.
Dean Tucker and Eighteenth-Century Economic and Political Thought by Shelton, W. G.
Pay in the Public Sector by Fallick, J. L., Elliott, R. F.
Kritische Politikdidaktik: Zu Einer Pädagogischen Theorie Der Politik Für Die Schulische Und Außerschulische Bildungsarbeit by Claußen, Bernhard
Verbändepolitik und "Neokorporatismus: Zur politischen Soziologie organisierter Interessen by Heinze, Rolf G.
United States Relations with Mexico: Context and Content by Erb, Richard D., Ross, Stanley R.
How Capitalistic Is the Constitution? by Goldwin, Robert A.
British Political Finance 1830-1980 by Pinto-Duschinsky, Michael
The Choice-Of-Law Process by Cavers, David
Elite Images of Dutch Politics: Accommodation and Conflict by Eldersveld, Samuel J., Van Der Tak, Theo, Kooiman, Jam
Achieving Financial Solvency in Social Security by Levy, Mickey D.
Britain at the Polls, 1979:: A Study of the General Election by Penniman, Howard R.
Canada at the Polls, 1979 and 1980:: A Study of the General Elections by Penniman, Howard R.
Protest and Survive by
Bureaucrats and Politicians in Western Democracies by Aberbach, Joel D., Putnam, Robert D., Rockman, Bert A.
The 5000 Year Leap: A Miracle That Changed the World by Skousen, W. Cleon
Patterns of Anti-Democratic Thought: An Analysis and a Criticism, with Special Reference to the American Political Mind in Recent Times by Unknown, Spitz, David
1980 by
Party Coalitions in the 1980s by Lipset, Seymour
Negara: The Theatre State in Nineteenth-Century Bali by Geertz, Clifford
The World of the Chinese: A Struggle for Human Unity by Cheng, Te-K'Un
V. K. Wellington Koo: A Case Study of China's Diplomat and Diplomacy of Nationalism, 1912-1966 by Chu, Pao-Chin
Corruption and Its Control in Hong Kong: Situations Up to the Late Seventies by Lee, Rance P. L., Cheung, Tak-Sing
Five Seasons of a Golden Year: A Chinese Pastoral by Fan, Cheng-Ta
The Story of Land Warfare by Kendall, Paul Murray, Unknown
Democracy and the Organization of Political Parties: Volume 2 by Ostrogorski, Moisei
Lectures on the Relation Between Law and Public Opinion in England During the Nineteenth Century by Dicey, Albert Venn
DDR Und Osteuropa: Wirtschaftssystem, Wirtschaftspolitik, Lebensstandard. Ein Handbuch by Bethkenhagen, Jochen
The Dynamics of Human Rights in United States Foreign Policy by Hevener, Natalie Kaufman
Religion and Public Doctrine in Modern England: Volume 1 by Cowling, Maurice, Maurice, Cowling
Lectures on the Philosophy of World History by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedri, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Hegel
Portraying the President: The White House and the News Media by Grossman, Michael, Kumar, Martha Joynt
The Politics of Population in Brazil: Elite Ambivalence and Public Demand by McDonough, Peter
Arab-Turkish Relations and the Emergence of Arab Nationalism by Zeine, Zeine N., Unknown
The Role of the Military in Underdeveloped Countries. by Unknown
European Political Facts 1789-1848 by Paxton, John, Cook, Chris
Rum, Religion, and Votes: 1928 Re-Examined by Unknown, Silva, Ruth Caridad
The State as Defendant: Governmental Accountability and the Redress of Individual Grievances by Hurwitz, Leon
Races: A Study of the Problems of Race Formation in Man by Coon, Carleton Stevens, Garn, Stanley M., Birdsell, Joseph Benjamin
Skills Outlooks and Passions by Davies, A., Davies, Alan Fraser
Helping Ourselves: Local Responses to Global Problems by Stokes, Bruce
Die Repräsentative Demokratie: Ideen Und Interessen by Röhrich, Wilfried
The Impact of Negro Voting: The Role of the Vote in the Quest for Equality by Keech, William R.
Bertrand Russell: A Political Life by Ryan, Alan
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 3: The Political Order of a Free People by Hayek, F. a.
The Long March of the French Left by Johnson, R. W.
The Long March of the French Left by Johnson, R. W.
Index to International Public Opinion, 1979-1980 by Hastings, Philip K.
Reversing Economic Decline by Carrington, John C., Edwards, George T.
A Bibliography of British Military History: From the Roman Invasions to the Restoration, 1660 by Bruce, Anthony
Influence of Business Firms on the Government: An Investigation of the Distribution of Influence in Society by Braam, Geert P. a.
Federalism and Regional Development: Case Studies on the Experience in the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany by
Duties Beyond Borders: On the Limits and Possibilities of Ethical International Politics by Hoffmann, Stanley
In the Shadow of Organization by Denhardt, Robert B.
British Rule in Malaya: The Malayan Civil Service and Its Predecessors, 1867-1942 by Baumann, Morgan, Heussler, Lowry, Heussler, A. Bayard
A Constitutional Convention: Threat or Challenge? by Edel, Wilbur
The Petite Bourgeoisie: Comparative Studies of the Uneasy Stratum by
The State by
The Emergence of Modern India by Lall, Arthur
Democracy and Liberty by Lecky, William Edward Hartpole
A Social History of American Family Sociology, 1865-1940 by Howard, Ronald L., Van Leeuwen, Louis, Mogey, John
Space and Incongruence: The Origin of Kant's Idealism by Buroker, J. V.
Democracy and Liberty by Lecky, William Edward Hartpole
Soviet-American Rivalry: An Expert Analysis of the Economic, Political, and Military Competition which Dominates Foreign Relations by Larson, Thomas B.
Energy and the Quality of Life: Understanding Energy Policy by Hooker, Clifford, MacDonald, Robert, Van Hulst, Robert
The American Democrat by Cooper, James Fenimore
The American Democrat by Cooper, James Fenimore
Hitler's World View: A Blueprint for Power by Jäckel, Eberhard
Quantification in the History of Political Thought: Toward a Qualitative Approach by Schware, Robert
Reaction and Reconstruction in English Politics 1832-1852 by Gash, Norman
The Strategy of Conflict: With a New Preface by the Author by Schelling, Thomas C.
Germany Transformed: Political Culture and the New Politics by Baker, Kendall L., Dalton, Russell J., Hildebrandt, Kai
The Road of Inquiry: Charles Peirce's Pragmatic Realism by Skagestad, Peter
Social Life and Development in Hong Kong by
Strategies for the 1980s: Lessons of Cuba, Vietnam, and Afghanistan by Van Slyck, Philip, Unknown
Reasoned Argument in Social Science: Linking Research to Policy by Meehan, Eugene J.
The Pursuit of Peace. by Doob, Leonard William, Lsi
Political Roles and Military Rulers by Perlmutter, Amos
Strategy and the Social Sciences: Issues in Defence Policy by Gooch, John, Perlmutter, Amos
The Prospect of War: The British Defence Policy 1847-1942 by Gooch, John
Leninism: A Sociological Interpretation by Lane, David Stuart
The Great Chain of Being and Italian Phenomenology by
The Berlin Phenomenology: Edited and Translated with an Introduction and Explanatory Notes by
Politicians, Legislation, and the Economy: An Inquiry Into the Interest-Group Theory of Government by McCormick, R. E., Tollison, Robert D.
The Berlin Phenomenology: Edited and Translated with an Introduction and Explanatory Notes by
A Dictionary of Chinese Law and Government: Chinese-English by Bilancia, Philip R.
Law and Economic Policy in America: The Evolution of the Sherman Antitrust ACT by Letwin, William
Samizdat Register 2: Voices of the Socialist Opposition in the Soviet Union by
The Concept of Ideology and Political Analysis: A Critical Examination of Its Usage by Marx, Lenin, and Mannheim by Carlsnaes, Walter
Gunboat Diplomacy by Cable, J.
The Origin of the Strategic Cruise Missile by Huisken, Ronald
An Introduction to Plato's Republic by Annas, Julia
Knowledge and the Good in Plato's Republic. by Joseph, Horace William Brindley, Unknown, Joseph, H. W. B.
Donovan and the CIA: A History of the Establishment of the Central Intelligence Agency by Troy, Thomas F.
Representation and Presidential Primaries: The Democratic Party in the Post-Reform Era by Lengle, James I.
Foundations for a Scientific Analysis of Value by Kraft, V.
Foundations for a Scientific Analysis of Value by Kraft, V.
A Community of Character: Toward a Constructive Christian Social Ethic by Hauerwas, Stanley
Freedom & Federalism by Morley, Felix
Freedom & Federalism by Morley, Felix
The Half-Shut Eye: Television and Politics in Britain and America by Whale, John, Unknown
Centralization and Decentralization in Economic Policy. by Tinbergen, Jan
Not One Man! Not One Penny!: German Social Democracy, 1863-1914 by Steenson, Gary
Governing the Metropolis. by Greer, Scott A.
Energy Transition and the Local Community: A Theory of Society Applied to Hazleton, Pennsylvania by Rose, Dan
Trade and Technology in Soviet-Western Relations by Hanson, Philip
Marxist Governments: Volume 2 by Szajkowski, Bogdan
The Regional Decline of a National Party: Liberals on the Prairies by Smith, David E.
The Administrative Behavior of Federal Bureau Chiefs by Kaufman, Herbert
Antislavery Reconsidered: New Perspectives on the Abolitionists by
Ideologies in Quebec: The Historical Development by Moniere, Denis
Plea Bargaining: The Experiences of Prosecutors, Judges, and Defense Attorneys by Heumann, Milton
The Politics of Mexican Oil by Grayson, George
The Crisis in Historical Materialism: Class, Politics, and Culture in Marxist Theory by Aronowitz, Stanley
All Things All Men by Hodgson, Godfrey
Political Parties and Civic Action Groups by Schapsmeier, Frederick H., Schapsmeier, E. &. F., Schapsmeier, Edward L.
Unesco Yearbook on Peace and Conflict Studies 1980. by Unknown
The Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke: Volume V: India: Madras and Bengal 1774-1785 by Burke, Edmund
Nationalism: Essays in Honor of Louis L. Snyder by Shanahan, William O., Shanahan, Hellen, Palumbo, Michael
China's Examination Hell: The Civil Service Examinations of Imperial China by Miyazaki, Ichisada
Social Justice in the Liberal State by Ackerman, Bruce
Injury to Insult: Unemployment, Class, and Political Response by Schlozman, Kay Lehman, Verba, Sidney
Mao's People: Sixteen Portraits of Life in Revolutionary China by Frolic, B. Michael
The Soldier and the State: The Theory and Politics of Civil-Military Relations by Huntington, Samuel P.
Symbols of Democracy. by Pool, Ithiel De Sola, Unknown
Handbook of Contemporary Developments in World Ecology by Kormandy, Edward, Kormondy, Edward John, McCormick, J. Frank
Energy from Biomass: Proceedings of the EC Contractors' Meeting Held in Copenhagen, 23-24 June 1981 by
Democratic Ideas and Reality by Mackinder, Halford John
The Private Government of Public Money: Community and Policy Inside British Politics by Wildavsky, Aaron, Heclo, Hugh
An Introduction to Modern Social and Political Thought by Gamble, Andrew
Schumpeter's Vision by Heertje, A.
The Independence of Nations by Fromkin, David
The West German Model: Perspectives on a Stable State by Paterson, William E., Smith, Gordon R.
Emperor and Nation in Japan: Political Thinkers of the Tokugawa Period by Unknown, Earl, David Magarey
Freedom in the World: Political Rights and Civil Liberties 1981 by Unknown, Gastil, Raymond D.
Shrine of Party: Congressional Voting Behavior, 1841-1852 by Silbey, Joel H.
War in the Modern World by Unknown, Ropp, Theodore
Work Decisions in the 1980s by Ginzberg, Eli, Owen, John D., Mills, Daniel Quinn
The People and the Party System: The Referendum and Electoral Reform in British Politics by Bogdanor, Vernon
John Locke and the Theory of Sovereignty: Mixed Monarchy and the Right of Resistance in the Political Thought of the English Revolution by Franklin, Julian H.
Party and Parish Pump: Electoral Politics in Ireland by Carty, R.
Government and Science: Their Dynamic Relation in American Democracy by Price, Don Krasher
Papers and Correspondence of William Stanley Jevons: Volume 7: Paperson Political Economy by Jevons, William S., Jevons, W. Stanley
The Conduct of Just and Limited War by O'Brien, William Vincent
Natural Law in Political Thought by Sigmund, Paul E.
Soviet Marxism and Nuclear War: An International Debate by Somerville, John, Somerville, Rose
Press, Party, and Presidency by Rubin, Richard L.
Public Policy by Woll, Peter
The Politics by Aristotle
Heroin and Politicians: The Failure of Public Policy to Control Addiction in America by Bellis, David J.
The Earnest Men by Bogue, Allan G.
Colonialism and Cold War: The United States and the Struggle for Indonesian Independence, 1945 49 by McMahon, Robert J.
Politics and Culture in the Developing World by Nassar, Jamal R., Payne, Richard J.
The Indictment of a Dictator: The Extradition and Trial of Marcos Perez Jimenez by Ewell, Judith
Handwörterbuch Zur Politischen Kultur Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Ein Lehr- Und Nachschlagewerk by Greiffenhagen, Sylvia
Krisen, Staatsstreiche Und Revolutionen: Theorien, Daten Und Neuere Forschungsansätze by
Decision Making in Soviet Politics by Lowenhardt, John
The Governmental Process: Political Interests and Public Opinion by Truman, David Bicknell
Survival: Stop Living in Fear! by McDonald, Hugh C.
New Liberalism: The Political Economy of J.A. Hobson by Allett, John
The Politics of Federalism: Ontario's Relations with the Federal Government. 1867-1942 by Armstrong, Chris
Elite Pluralism and Class Rule: Political Development in Maharashtra, India by Lele, Jayant
Making Canadian Indian Policy: The Hidden Agenda 1968-1970 by Weaver, Sally M.
Patterns of Belief and Action: Measurement of student political activism by Sutherland, S. L.
Women in the Family and the Economy: An International Comparative Survey by Kurian, George, Ghosh, Ratna
Economic Control and Colonial Development: Crown Colony Financial Management in the Age of Joseph Chamberlain by Kesner, Richard M.
The Evolution of American Electoral Systems by Burnham, Walter Dean, Formisano, Ronald P., Kleppner, Paul
Revolution or Reform?: A Confrontation by Molnar, Thomas, Marcuse, Herbert
Funktion und Bestand der deutschen Staatsangehoerigkeit nach dem Grundvertragsurteil by Jrmgard Fritzsche
Scientific Knowledge: Causation, Explanation, and Corroboration by Fetzer, J. H.
Scientific Knowledge: Causation, Explanation, and Corroboration by Fetzer, J. H.
Zur Staatslehre Wilhelm Von Humboldts: Reflexionen Über Seine Schrift: "Ideen Zu Einem Versuche, Die Grenzen Der Wirksamkeit Des Staats Zu Bestimmen" by Lekschas, John
Aktuelle Fragen Der Reproduktionstheorie by Heinrichs, Wolfgang
Studie Zur Souveränität: Eine Kritik Bürgerlicher Theorien by Meister, Roland
Modellierung Der Sozialistischen Wirtschaft: Theoretische Und Methodologische Probleme by Granberg, A. G.
Party Ideology and Popular Politics at the Accession of George III by Brewer, John
Staat, Recht und sozialistische Volkswirtschaft by
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