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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1983

Congress Off Record by Bibby, John F.
Television Coverage of the 1980 Presidential Campaign by Adams, William C., Unknown
Sachregister Und Konkordanzliste Zu Den Verhandlungen Des Deutschen Bundestages 9. Wahlperiode (1980-1983) Und Zu Den Verhandlungen Des Bundesrates (1 by
Politische Stabilität Und Konflikt: Neue Ergebnisse Der Makroquantitativen Politikforschung by
Das Strafrecht Des Realen Sozialismus: Eine Einführung Am Beispiel Der DDR by Schroeder, Friedrich-Christian
Polit-Marketing: Das Marketing-Management Der Politischen Parteien by Wangen, Edgar
Late Marx and the Russian Road: Marx and the Peripheries of Capitalism by Shanin, Teodor
Dienstleistungssektor Und Kommunale Wirtschaftsförderung: Notwendigkeit Und Möglichkeiten Einer Erweiterung Der Wirtschaftsförderung Im Strukturwandel by Joachim, Peter
Kritik Der Kausalwissenschaftlichen Sozialforschung: Untersuchungen Zur Grundlegung Von Soziologie Und Ökonomie by Hoppe, Hans-Hermann
Einführung in Die Deutsche Literatur Des 18. Jahrhunderts: Band 1: Unter Dem Absolutismus by Lepper, Gisbert, Steitz, Jörg, Brenn, Wolfgang U. a.
Before Marx: Socialism and Communism in France, 1830-48 by Corcoran, Paul E.
Foreign and Domestic Policy in Eastern Europe in the 1980s: Trends and Prospects by
Nigerian Foreign Policy: Alternative Perceptions and Projections by Aluko, Olajide, Shaw, Timothy M.
The Politics of Industrial Mobilization in Russia, 1914-17: A Study of the War-Industries Committees by Siegelbaum, Lewis H.
Air Power in the Nuclear Age, 1945-82: Theory and Practice by Armitage, M. J., Mason, R. A.
Politische Erwachsenenbildung Der Gewerkschaften in Nordrhein-Westfalen 1976 - 1980 by Weinberg, Johannes
Political Opinion Polling: An International Review by
The Soviet Budget by Hutchings, Raymond
Wahlen Und Politisches System: Analysen Aus Anlaß Der Bundestagswahl 1980 by
Unfallversicherung by Riebesell, Horst
The Populist Challenge: Argentine Electoral Behavior in the Postwar Era by Schoultz, Lars
Australia at the Polls 80-83 by Penniman, Howard R.
Regulation of Pharmaceuticals:: Balancing the Benefits and Risks by Vernon, John A.
Essays on the Political Economy of Rural Africa by Bates, Robert H.
German Social Democracy, 1905-1917: The Development of the Great Schism by Schorske, Carl E.
The Geometry of Imperialism: The Limits of Hobson's Paradigm by Arrighi, Giovanni
Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process by The Us Army
Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process by The Us Army
Into That Darkness: An Examination of Conscience by Sereny, Gitta
Bibliographie Zum Recht Und Den Internationalen Beziehungen Der Türkischen Republik: Titel in Fremdsprachen by Oehring, Otmar
Die Demagogie Des Hitlerfaschismus: Die Politische Funktion Der Naziideologie Auf Dem Wege Zur Faschistischen Diktatur by Petzold, Joachim
Politische Okonomie Der Linksradikalen: Eine Kritische Analyse Aus Marxistisch-Leninistischer Sicht by Müller, Klaus O. W.
Jahrbuch Für Geschichte Der Sozialistischen Länder Europas. Band 25, Heft 2 by
Wissenschaft Und Frieden by
Dialektischer Materialismus Und Geschichte Der Philosophie: Philosophiehistorische Studien by Oiserman, T. I.
The Liberal Tradition in China by Bary, Wm Theodore de
Studies in Chinese Art by Cheng, Te-K'Un
Society and Politics in Hong Kong by Lau, Siu-Kai
Coherent Variety: The Idea of Diversity in British and American Conservative Thought by Clark, Micheal D.
The Economics of Feasible Socialism by Nove, Alec
The Social and Political Thought of Michael Bakunin. by Saltman, Richard B.
Managing Terrorism: Strategies for the Corporate Executive by
A Discourse on Property: John Locke and His Adversaries by Tully, James
Patronage, Power and Poverty in Southern Italy: A Tale of Two Cities by Chubb, Judith
The Political Thought of John Locke: An Historical Account of the Argument of the 'Two Treatises of Government' by Dunn, John
China's Economic Reforms by
Economics and the Real World by Kamarck, Andrew M.
Social Organization: A Study of the Larger Mind by
Abyss of Despair by Hanover, Nathan
Sozialdemokratie Und Verfassungsverständnis: Zur Ausbildung Einer Liberaldemokratischen Verfassungskonzeption in Der Sozialdemokratie Seit Der Mitte D by Steinbach, Peter
Public Policy Making Reexamined by Dror, Yehezkel
Politics and History by Aron, Raymond
Gewollt Und Durchgesetzt: Die Spd-Bürgerschaftsfraktion Des Landes Bremen Von Der Jahrhundertwende Bis Zur Gegenwart by
Between Orthodoxy and the Enlightenment: Jean-Robert Chouet and the Introduction of Cartesian Science in the Academy of Geneva by Heyd, Michael
The Competitive Status of the U.S. Fibers, Textiles, and Apparel Complex: A Study of the Influences of Technology in Determining International Industr by Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, Committee on Technology and International Economic and Trade, National Research Council
The Iran-Iraq War: New Weapons, Old Conflicts by Tahir-Kheli, Shirin, Shirin, Unknown
Marxist Inquiries: Studies of Labor, Class, and States by
Nuclear War and Nuclear Peace by Segal, Gerald
Family Planning on a Crowded Planet by Yates, Wilson, Unknown
Village and Bureaucracy in Southern Sung China by McKnight, Brian E.
International Regimes by
International Regimes by
Radicalism and Freethought in Nineteenth-Century Britain: The Life of Richard Carlile by Wiener, Joel H.
The Politics of Economic Policy: France 1974-1982 by Lauber, Volkmar
The Meaning of Hitler by Haffner, Sebastian
When Government Speaks: Politics, Law, and Government Expression in America by Yudof, Mark G.
Ideology and the Rise of Labor Theory in America. by Debrizzi, John A.
Party Politics in Israel and the Occupied Territories by Kieval, Gershon R.
National Conventions in an Age of Party Reform. by Unknown
The Reluctant Patron: The United States Government and the Arts, 1943-1965 by Larson, Gary O.
Silent Knife: Cesarean Prevention and Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) by Estner, Lois J., Cohen, Nancy
The Wider Domain of Evolutionary Thought by
Liberalism and Sociology: L. T. Hobhouse and Political Argument in England 1880-1914 by Collini, Stefan
Islam in the Political Process by
The Beginning of Ideology: Consciousness and Society in the French Reformation by Kelley, Donald R., Donald R., Kelley
Brazilian Communism, 1935-1945: Repression During World Upheaval by Dulles, John W. F.
Intellectuals and the State in Modern China: A Narrative History by Grieder, Jerome B.
Medicare and Medicaid: The 1965 and 1967 Social Security Amendments by Greenfield, Margaret, Unknown
Gandhi: The Traditional Roots of Charisma by Rudolph, Susanne Hoeber, Rudolph, Lloyd I.
Contemporary Subject Headings for Urban Affairs by Unknown, Greenwood, John Ed
United States Employment and Training Programs: A Selected Annotated Bibliography by Hosni, Djehane, Raffa, Frederick A., Haulman, Clyde
Nigeria: The Tribes, the Nation, or the Race; The Politics of Independence by Falola, Toyin
Philosophical Papers 1913-1946: With a Bibliography of Neurath in English by Neurath, M.
Critique of Political Reason by Debray, Regis
The Role of Politics in Social Change. by Merriam, Charles Edward, Unknown
The Best Defense: The Courtroom Confrontations of America's Most Outspoken Lawyer of Last Resort-- the Lawyer Who Won the Claus von Bulo by Dershowitz, Alan
U.S. Interests in Africa. by Kitchen, Helen
Computers and Politics by Danziger, James N.
The Creation of Regional Dependency by Matthews, Ralph
Metropolitan Transportation Planning, 2nd Edition by Walker, Richard D., Dickey, John W., Stuart, Robert C.
Authority, Power and Policy in the USSR: Essays Dedicated to Leonard Schapiro by Rigby, T. H.
Marxism and the Agrarian Question by Tribe, Keith, Hussain, Athar
California Series on Social Choice and Political Economy by Alt, James E., Chrystal, K. Alec
Ethics of Withdrawal of Life-Support Systems: Case Studies on Decision Making in Intensive Care by Walton, Douglas N.
Central Panel System for Administrative Law Judges by Unknown, Rich, Brucar
Governments, Markets, and Growth: Financial Systems and Politics of Industrial Change by Zysman, John
Readings in Urban Analysis: Perspectives on Urban Form and Structure by Lake, Robert W.
Democratic Theory and Practice by Duncan
Exploring Individual Modernity by Inkeles, Alex
Francis Parkman: France and England in North America Vol. 2 (Loa #12): Count Frontenac and New France Under Louis XIV / A Half-Century of Conflict / M by Parkman, Francis
The Press and the Rebirth of Iberian Democracy by
Irish Culture and Nationalism, 1750-1950 by Travers, Pauric
The Promise of Destiny: Children and Women in the Short Stories of Louisa May Alcott by Marsella, Joy A., Unknown
North Korea in Transition: From Dictatorship to Dynasty by Tai Sung an, An, Tai Sung
Politics in the Ancient World by Finley, Moses I., Finley, M. I., Finley, Moses
Domestic Policy Formation: Presidential-Congressional Partnership? by Shull, Steven a.
Handbook of Organization Management by Eddy, W. B., Eddy, William B.
Dynamics of the Party System: Alignment and Realignment of Political Parties in the United States by Sundquist, James L.
American Politics: The Promise of Disharmony by Huntington, Samuel P.
The Economics of Justice by Posner, Richard A.
Democracy and Elections: Electoral Systems and Their Political Consequences by Bogdanor, Vernon, Butler
Constraint Theory: An Approach to Policy-Level Modelling by Richards, Laurence D.
Otto Hahn and the Rise of Nuclear Physics by
Weapons of Tomorrow by Beckett, Brian
Brazil's State-Owned Enterprises: A Case Study of the State as Entrepreneur by Trebat, Thomas J.
Utopia and the Ideal Society: A Study of English Utopian Writing 1516 1700 by Davis, J. C.
Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age 1798-1939 by Hourani, Albert
Chile: The Pinochet Decade: The Rise and Fall of the Chicago Boys by Roddick, Jacqueline, O'Brien, Phillip
Soviet Foreign Policy, 1930-33 by Haslam, J.
Dilemmas of Pluralist Democracy: Autonomy vs. Control by Dahl, Robert A.
The Political Crisis of the 1850s by Holt, Michael F.
Organization Theory and Management by Lynch, Thomas D.
Crusaders and Compromisers: Essays on the Relationship of the Antislavery Struggle to the Antebellum Party System by
Marsilius of Inghen: Treatises on the Properties of Terms: A First Critical Edition of the Suppositiones, Ampliationes, Appellationes, Restrictiones a by Bos, E. P.
Down to Earth: Environment and Human Needs by Eckholm, Erik P.
The Origins of the Federal Republic by Onuf, Peter S.
The Limits of European Integration by Taylor, Paul Graham
Civil Religion in Israel: Traditional Judaism and Political Culture in the Jewish State by Liebman, Charles S., Don-Yehiya, Eliezer
Grass Roots Politics: Parties, Issues, and Voters, 1854-1983 by Jensen, Richard J.
European Liberty: Four Essays on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Erasmus Prize Foundation by Manent, P., Hausheer, R., Karpinski, W.
Die Volkspartei: Typus Und Wirklichkeit. Ein Lehrbuch by
Employment Policy in a Developing Country: A Case-Study of India by Robinson, Sir Austin
Post Brezhnev Era by Brucan, S., Brucan, Silviu
A Study of War by Wright, Quincy
Whats Left/Ecole Normale Superieure by Rubenstein, Diane
Foreign and Domestic Policy in Eastern Europe in the 1980s: Trends and Prospects by
Rural Development: Putting the last first by Chambers, Robert
Farewell to the Party of Lincoln: Black Politics in the Age of F.D.R by Weiss, Nancy Joan
The Contested City by Mollenkopf, John Hull
Social Welfare in America: An Annotated Bibliography by
The Independent Nuclear State: The United States, Britain and the Military Atom by Simpson, John
Completing a Stewardship: The Malayan Civil Service, 1942-1957 by Heussler, Lowry, Heussler, Robert, Baumann, Morgan
Revolt Against Regulation: The Rise and Pause of the Consumer Movement by Pertschuk, Michael
Us Military Power in the 1980s by Coker, Christopher
The Opinionmakers. by Rivers, William L., Unknown
Unesco Yearbook on Peace and Conflict Studies 1982. by United Nations Edu, Scientific
The Paris Opera: An Encyclopedia of Operas, Ballets, Composers, and Performers: Genesis and Glory, 1671-1715 by Pitou, Spire, Unknown
Government and Public Enterprise: Essays in Honour of Professor V.V. Ramanadham by Reddy, G. Ram
Physical Sciences and History of Physics by
Zur Weiteren Vervollkommnung Der Wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsorganisation: Aufgaben Und Probleme Zur Weiteren Vervollkommnung Der Wissenschaftlichen Arb by
Sozialutopisches Denken in Der Griechischen Antike by Müller, Reimar
Zur Sozialistischen Rationalisierung in Industriekombinaten: 35. Tagung Des Wissenschaftlichen Rates Für Die Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Forschung Be by
The Arab World and Asia Between Development and Change: Dedicated to the Xxxist International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa by