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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1984

Faltering Economy by Foster, John Bellamy
Rise of Authoritarian State by Thomas, Clive Y.
Interaction: Foreign Policy and Public Policy (AEI studies) by Terchek, Ronald, Feigert, Frank B., Piper, Don
Cultural Perspectives on Biological Knowledge by Garrett, Karen, Unknown, Duster, Troy
A Palestinian State: The Implications for Israel by Heller, Mark A.
Technologies of Freedom by Pool, Ithiel De Sola
Contemporary Democracies: Participation, Stability, and Violence by Powell, G. Bingham
Essays on International Law and Organization: Volume I/II by Gross, Leo
Politics and Administration: Woodrow Wilson and American Public Administration by Rabin, Rabin, Jack, Bowman, J.
Sachregister Zu Den Verhandlungen Des Deutschen Bundestages 1. Und 2. Wahlperiode (1949-1957) Und Den Verhandlungen Des Bundesrates (1949-1957) by
Women in the Workplace: Effects of Families by
Sozialer Protest: Studien Zu Traditioneller Resistenz Und Kollektiver Gewalt in Deutschland Vom Vormärz Bis Zur Reichsgründung by
Sozialplanung in Der PRAXIS: Fallstudien Und Analysen by Spiegelberg, Rüdiger
Partizipation Und Vertrauen: Grundlagen Von Demokratie Und Politischer PRAXIS by Waschkuhn, Arno
The Making of the New Deal: The Insiders Speak by
Einführung in Die Deutsche Literatur Des 19. Jahrhunderts: Band 2: März-Revolution, Reichsgründung Und Die Anfänge Des Imperialismus by Jansen, Josef
Entstehung Und Entwicklung Des Rechtsextremismus in Der Bundesrepublik: Zur Tradition Einer Besonderen Politischen Kultur. Band 1 by Jaschke, Hans-Gerd
Der Gezähmte Konflikt: Zur Interessenverarbeitung Durch Verbände Und Parteien Am Beispiel Der Wirtschaftsentwicklung Und Wirtschaftspolitik i by Schulz, Carola
Friedensstiftung Durch Präventive Staatsgewalt: Eine Untersuchung Zu Theorie Und PRAXIS Staatlicher Gewalt in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Süß, Werner
Strukturwandel Der Verteidigung: Entwürfe Für Eine Konsequente Defensive by
Italienischer Faschismus in Der Weltwirtschaftskrise (1925-1936): Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft Und Politik Auf Der Schwelle Zur Moderne by Rafalski, Traute
Verrechtlichung Und Verdrängung: Die Bürokratie Und Ihre Klientel by Funk, Albrecht
Politische Willensbildung Und Interessenvermittlung: Verhandlungen Der Fachtagung Der Dvpw Vom 11.-13. Oktober 1983 in Mannheim by Falter, Jürgen W., Fenner, Christian, Greven, Micheal Th
The Future of British Sea Power by
Political Elite Recruitment in the Soviet Union by Harasymiw, B.
The Labour Governments, 1945-51 by Pelling, Henry
The Diplomacy of Isolation: South African Foreign Policy Making by Geldenhuys, D.
Chinese Defence Policy by Segal, Gerald, Tow, William T.
Managers and Corporate Social Policy: Private Solutions to Public Problems? by Smith, Stephen, Wilkinson, Barry, Harvey, Brian
Das Ende Der Arbeiterbewegung in Deutschland? by
Nigeria: Politics of Transition and Governance 1986-1996 by
Governance and Democratisation in by
Man-Made Famine in Ukraine by Conquest, Robert
Religion and the Constitution by Berns, Walter
Making Economic Policy in Congress (AEI studies) by Schick, Allen
Medicaid Reform by Freund, Debora A.
Statemaking and Social Movements: Essays in History and Theory by
Soviet Politics, 1945-53 by Dunmore, Timothy
Ballistic Missile Defense by
American Political Thought by Grimes, Alan Pendleton
Taxing the Family by Penner, Rudolph
Managing Corporate Pension Plans: The Impacts of Inflation by Rogalski, Richard J., Logue, Dennis E.
A Muslim's Reflections on Democratic Capitalism by Abdul-Rauf, Muhammad
The Causes of Wars: And Other Essays, Second Edition, Enlarged by Howard, Michael
Rebellion in the Veins: Political Struggle in Bolivia, 1952-82 by Dunkerley, James
Systems Analysis in Public Policy: A Critique, Revised Edition by Hoos, Ida R.
Alaska's Urban and Rural Governments by McBeath, Gerald A., Leask, Linda, Morehouse, Thomas A.
Sowjet Russland Und Deutschland 1917-1922 by Rosenfeld, Günter
England Im Umbruch: Volksbewegungen an Der Wende Vom Mittelalter Zur Neuzeit by Mothes, Gerlinde
Literatur Und Ästhetik Des Deutschen Faschismus by Hartung, Günter
Philosophie Im Friedenskampf by
Politische Ökonomie Der Linksradikalen: Eine Kritische Analyse Aus Marxistisch-Leninistischer Sicht by Müller, Klaus O. W.
Studies in Chinese Ceramics by Cheng, Te-K'Un
Family and Work: Comparative Convergences by Brinkerhoff, Merlin
That Noble Science of Politics: A Study in Nineteenth-Century Intellectual History by Winch, Donald, Collini, Stefan, Burrow, John
Truth and Tragedy: Tribute to Hans J. Morgenthau by Thompson, Kenneth
The Transformation of Democracy by Powers, Charles
Public Interest Groups Im Politischen System Der USA: Organisierbarkeit Und Einflußtechniken by Brinkmann, Heinz Ulrich
Politics in the United Nations: A Study of United States Influence in the General Assembly by Riggs, Robert Edwon, Unknown
The Paradoxes of Freedom by Hook, Sidney
Hegel and the Sciences by
Government Finance in Developing Countries by Goode, Richard
Between Peace and War: The Nature of International Crisis by LeBow, Richard Ned
Do Parties Make a Difference? by Rose, Richard
The Analysis of Power: A Realist Approach by Debnam, Geoffrey
Anti-Americanism in the Third World: Implications for U.S. Foreign Policy by Smith, Donald, Rubinstein, Alvin Z.
The Peace Reform in American History by DeBenedetti, Charles
The Analysis of Public Policy: A Bibliography of Dissertations, 1977-1982 by Robey, John S.
Khrushchev's Party Reform: Coalition Building and Institutional Innovation by Chotiner, Barbara Ann
Communism in Germany Under the Weimar Republic by Fowkes, Ben
Ben-Gurion and the Intellectuals by Keren, Michael
In Search of Enemies by Stockwell, John
Constitutional Fate: Theory of the Constitution by Bobbitt, Philip
Marxism and Christianity by MacIntyre, Alasdair
The Establishment in Texas Politics: The Primitive Years, 1938-57 by Green, George Norris
Scheming for the Poor: The Politics of Redistribution in Latin America by Ascher, William
NATO and American Security by Unknown
Controlling Regulatory Sprawl: Presidential Strategies from Nixon to Reagan by Ball, Howard
Presidential Popularity and the Economy by Monroe, Kristen Renwick
International Security Yearbook 1983/84 by Blechman, Barry M., Luttwak, Edward N.
Big City Boss in Depression and War by Biles, Roger
The Basque Insurgents: ETA, 1952-1980 by Clark, Robert P.
Managing Administration by Jack Rabin, Rabin, Jack
Puerto Rican Politics in Urban America by
War, State and Society by
War, State and Society by
Leadership in Administration: A Sociological Interpretation by Selznick, Philip
Empire of Knowledge: The Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1917-1970) by Vucinich, Alexander
de Cive: The English Version by Hobbes, Thomas
Rhodes in the Hellenistic Age by Berthold, Richard M.
Work and Politics: The Division of Labour in Industry by Sabel, Charles F.
The Spatial Theory of Voting: An Introduction by Enelow, James M., Hinich, Melvin J.
Kant and the Double Government Methodology: Supersensibility and Method in Kant's Philosophy of Science by Butts, Robert E.
Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year by
What Future for Social Security?: Debates and Reforms in National and Cross-National Perspective by Clasen, Jochen
Economic Consequences of Population Change in Industrialized Countries: Proceedings of the Conference on Population Economics Held at the University o by
Political Elite Recruitment in the Soviet Union by Harasymiw, B.
Social Science and Revolutions by Taylor, S.
The Labour Governments, 1945-51 by Pelling, Henry
Rebellion and Democracy in Meiji Japan: A Study of Commoners in the Popular Rights Movement by Bowen, Roger W.
Statecraft as Soulcraft: What Government Does by Will, George F.
Change in British Politics by Berrington, Hugh
The Theory of Political Coalitions by Riker, William H.
Making Campaigns Count: Leadership and Coalition-Building in 1980 by West, Darrell M.
Soviet Political Scientists and American Politics by Malcolm, Neil
Henry Fielding: A Political Writer by Cleary, Thomas R.
Cities of the Mind: Images and Themes of the City in the Social Sciences by
Implementation: How Great Expectations in Washington Are Dashed in Oakland; Or, Why It's Amazing That Federal Programs Work at All, Th by Pressman, Jeffrey L., Wildavsky, Aaron
Children's Periodicals of the United States by Unknown
Polish Politics: Edge of the Abyss by Simon, Maurice, Bielasiak, Jack
The Dynamics of Development and Development Administration by Hope, Kempe R.
Disaster Management: Warning Response and Community Relocation by Perry, Ronald W., Mushkatel, Alvin H.
Business Strategy for the Political Arena by Shipper, Frank, Jennings, Marianne, Jennings, Marianne M.
East Germany: A New German Nation Under Socialism? by McCardle, Arthur W., Boenau, Bruce A.
Shelley's Adonais: A Critical Edition by Knerr, Anthony
Dubious Alliance: The Making of Minnesota's Dfl Party by Haynes, John Earl
Beyond the Electoral Connection by Shienbaum, Kim Ezra
After Marx by
The Politics of the World-Economy: The States, the Movements, and the Civilizations by Wallerstein, Immanuel Maurice
Solidarity: The Analysis of a Social Movement: Poland 1980 1981 by Wieviorka, Michel, Dubet, Francois, Touraine, Alain
SOE: An Outline History of the Special Operations Executive 1940-46 by Troy, Thomas
Sport and Political Ideology by Hoberman, John
The Arms Race at a Time of Decision: Annals of Pugwash 1983 by
Industrial Conflict and Democracy: The Last Chance by Clutterbuck, Richard
The Future of the Atlantic Alliance by Coker, Christopher
The Modernity of Tradition: Political Development in India by Rudolph, Lloyd I., Rudolph, Susanne Hoeber
Looking Outward: Years of Crisis at the United Nations by Unknown, Stevenson, Adlai E.
Political Advancement in the South Pacific: A Comparative Study of Colonial Practice in Fiji, Tahiti, and American Samoa by West, Francis James
The National Question in Yugoslavia by Banac, Ivo
The Negro in the United States: A Research Guide by Unknown, Welsch, Erwin K.
The Diplomacy of Isolation: South African Foreign Policy Making by Geldenhuys, D.
Burke, Paine, Godwin and the Revolution Controversy by
Militarism: The History of an International Debate 1861 1979 by Berghahn, Volker Rolf
Research in Economic Anthropology by
Iraq: Eastern Flank of the Arab World by Helms, Christine Moss
Politics and Punishment: The History of the Louisiana State Penal System by Carleton, Mark Thomas
Einführung in das Programmieren in PL 1 by
The Prince by Machiavel, Nicolas
Scottish Nationalism and Cultural Identity in the Twentieth Century: An Annotated Bibliography of Secondary Sources by Bryan, Gordon
Boston 1700-1980: The Evolution of Urban Politics by Formisano, Ronald P.
A Campaign of Ideas: The 1980 Anderson/Lucey Platform by Brown, Clifford W., Walker, Robert J.
The Dies Committee: A Study of the Special House Committee for the Investigation of Un-American Activities, 1938-1944 by Ogden, August Raymond, Unknown
Collective Security in Swiss Experience, 1291-1948. by Rappard, William E., Unknown
Political Perspectives on the Muslim World by Hussain, Asaf
Grüne Politik: Ideologische Zyklen, Wähler Und Parteiensystem by
State and Class in Africa by
The Government/Press Connection: Press Officers and Their Offices by Hess, Stephen
Economic Policy and Planning in Third World Development by Ghosh, Pradip
Diplomacy: The Dialogue Between States by Watson, Adam
Governments, Markets, and Growth: Financial Systems and Politics of Industrial Change by Zysman, John
Justice Accused: Antislavery and the Judicial Process by Cover, Robert M.
Lenin and the End of Politics: by Polan, A. J.
Turkey, the Politics of Authority, Democracy, and Development. by Tachau, Frank
California and the American Tax Revolt: Proposition 13 Five Years Later by
Mrs Thatcher's First Administration: The Prophets Confounded by Bruce-Gardyne, Jock
The Queen's Government by Jennings, William Ivor, Unknown, Jennings, Ivor
Macro-Nationalisms: A History of the Pan-Movements by Snyder, Louis Leo
Our Masters' Voices: The Language and Body-language of Politics by Atkinson, Max, Atkinson, M.
The Sources of Military Doctrine by Posen, Barry R.
Spheres of Justice: A Defense of Pluralism and Equality by Walzer, Michael
Methodology, Metaphysics and the History of Science: In Memory of Benjamin Nelson by
Sektorale Wirtschaftspolitik by Külp, B., Berthold, N., Knappe, E.
Anglo-American Defence Relations, 1939-84 by Baylis, John
Dilemmas of Change in British Politics by
Farmers in Rebellion: The Rise and Fall of the Southern Farmers Alliance and People's Party in Texas by Barnes, Donna a.
The Athenian Constitution by Aristotle
The Soviet Union and the Struggle for Collective Security in Europe1933-39 by Haslam, J.
Hidden Spending: The Politics of Federal Credit Programs by Ippolito, Dennis S.
Little People in America by Unknown, Ablon, Joan
Energy Policy in America Since 1945: A Study of Business-Government Relations by Vietor, Richard H. K.
Southern Politics in State and Nation: With an Introduction by Alexander Heard by Key, V. O.
Soviet Power by Steele, Jonathan
The Politics of Socialism: An Essay in Political Theory by Dunn, John
The Arts at a New Frontier: The National Endowment for the Arts by Barresi, Anthony L., Taylor, Fannie
Energy Security in the 1980s: Economic and Political Perspectives by Bohi, Douglas, Quandt, William B.
The Papers of Henry Clay: Candidate, Compromiser, Whig, March 5, 1829-December 31, 1836 Volume 8 by Clay, Henry
Essays in Imperial Government by Blackwell, Basil
The Meaning of Conservatism by Scruton, Roger
Knowledge and Discretion in Government Regulation by Greenwood, Ted
Hazardous Waste Sites: The Credibility Gap by Greenberg, Michael R.
An Analysis of Rights by Stoljar, Samuel J.
The Radical Politics of Thomas Jefferson by Matthews, Richard K.
A Selected Bibliography of Significant Works about Adam Smith by Lightwood, Martha Bolar
On Maxima and Minima: Chapter 5 of Rules for Solving Sophismata, with an Anonymous Fourteenth-Century Discussion by Heytesbury, William
Nicolas Chuquet, Renaissance Mathematician: A Study with Extensive Translation of Chuquet's Mathematical Manuscript Completed in 1484 by Hay, C., Moss, B., Flegg, Graham
Environmental Dispute Resolution by Bacow, Lawrence S., Wheeler, Michael
The State and Civil Society: Studies in Hegel's Political Philosophy by Pelczynski
Made in Africa by
Liberalism and Its Critics by
African Regional Organizations by Mazzeo, D., Mazzeo, Domenico
Family Violence by Pagelow, Mildred
Regulation by Municipal Licensing by Makuch, S. M., Palmer, John, Bossons, John
Family Violence by Pagelow, Lloyd W., Pagelow, Mildred Daley, Pagelow, Mildred D.
The Political Economy of Hunger: The Silent Holocaust by Unknown
Marx's Critique of Politics 1842-1847 by Teeple, Gary
Congressional Elections, 1896-1944: The Sectional Basis of Political Democracy in the House of Representatives by Ewing, Cortez Arthur Milton, Unknown
The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham: Volume 6: January 1798 to December 1801 by Bentham, Jeremy
Philosophy in History: Essays in the Historiography of Philosophy by
Young Germany: History of the German Youth Movement by Laqueur, Walter
Die Mächte Der Antihitlerkoalition Und Die Auseinandersetzung Um Polen Und Die Čsr 1941-1945 by Seeber, Eva
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