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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1985

White Collar Politics by Oppenheimer, Martin
Selected Writings & Speeches Of Alexander Hamilton by
Real Tax Reform: Replacing the Income Tax by Makin, John H.
A Common Law for the Age of Statutes by Calabresi, Guido
A Dictionary of Official Titles in Imperial China by Hucker, Charles O.
Effective Leadership for Women and Men by Unknown, Adams, Jerome, Yoder, Janice D.
Equality in America: A View from the Top by Orren, Gary R., Verba, Sidney
Americaus Unwritten Constitution: Science, Religion, and Political Responsibility by Price, Don K.
Helms and Hunt: The North Carolina Senate Race, 1984 by Snider, William D.
Winners and Losers: The pursuit of social justice in Australian history by MacIntyre, Stuart
Intellectuals and the State in Twentieth-Century Mexico by Camp, Roderic Ai, Cam, Roderic Ai
Natur in Der Ökonomischen Theorie: Teil 1: Vorklassik -- Klassik -- Marx, Teil 2: Naturherrschaft ALS Ökonomische Theorie -- Die Physiokraten by Immler, Hans
Policy-Forschung in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Ihr Selbstverständnis Und Ihr Verhältnis Zu Den Grundfragen Der Politikwissenschaft by
Die Implementation Räumlicher Politik: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Zur Koordination Des Vollzugs Raumwirksamer Maßnahmeprogramme by Konukiewitz, Manfred
Ethnic Dilemmas, 1964-1982 by Glazer, Nathan
The Atlantic City Gamble: A Twentieth Century Fund Report by Hughes, James W., Sternlieb, George
Unternehmungsführung Und Mitbestimmung by Hentze, J.
Politische Theoriengeschichte: Probleme Einer Teildisziplin Der Politischen Wissenschaft by
Säkulare Inflation, Kompetitive Geldordnung Und »Unbeschränkte Demokratie«: Zur Bedeutung Und Problematik Der Politischen Theorie Der Inflation F. A. by Derix, H. -H
Takings: Private Property and the Power of Eminent Domain by Epstein, Richard A.
Apokalyptische Reiter Sind in Der Luft: Zum Irrationalismus Und Pessimismus in Literatur Und Philosophie Zwischen Nachmärz Und Jahrhundertwende by Schömel, Wolfgang
The Apprenticeship of Beatrice Webb by Nord, Deborah Epstein
Mental Health, Social Policy and the Law by Butler, Tom
Diplomacy at Sea by Cable, James
Social Policy in Western Europe and the Usa, 1950-80: An Assessment by
Aristotle on Equality and Justice: His Political Argument by Leyden, W. Von
The Senate and Us Troops in Europe by Williams, Phil
Towards a Political Economy for Africa: The Dialectics of Dependence by Shaw, Timothy M.
Opinion Control in the Democracies by Qualter, Terence H.
Structural Adjustment in Developed Open Economies by
Anthropology and Political Economy: Theoretical and Asian Perspectives by Clammer, John
Handwörterbuch Internationale Organisationen by
Föderalismus ALS Dynamisches System: Zentralisierung Und Dezentralisierung Im Föderativen Staat by Benz, Arthur
Information and Communication Vol 2 by
Roman Political Life, 90bc-Ad69 by
The Canadian General Election of 1984: Politicians, Parties, Press and Poll by Frizzell, Alan, Westell, Anthony
Before Nomination: Our Primary Problems by Grassmuck, George
Securing a Safer Blood Supply: Two Views by Wallace, Edward L., Eckert, Ross D.
American Indian Policy in the Twentieth Century: Treaties, Agreements, and Conventions, 1775-1979 by
Law and Revolution (Revised) by Berman, Harold J.
Race to the Swift: Thoughts on Twenty-First Century Warfare by Simpkin, Richard E.
Speaking to the Third World: Essays on Democracy and Development by Berger, Peter L., Novak, Michael
Voting Procedures by Dummett, Michael
Sowjetunion Und Deutschland 1922-1933 by Rosenfeld, Günter
Literatur Und Ästhetik Des Deutschen Faschismus: Drei Studien by Hartung, Günter
Faschismus Und Neofaschismus by Opitz, Reinhard
Geschichte, Gesellschaftliche Bewegung Und Erkenntnisprozess: Studien Zur Dialektik Der Theorieentwicklung in Der Bürgerlichen Gesellschaft by Sandkühler, Hans Jörg
Drei Jahre Englischer Vermittlungspolitik, 1518-1521 by Busch, Wilhelm
Karl Rodbertus (1805-1875) Und Die Grundrententheorie: Politische Ökonomie Aus Dem Deutschen Vormärz by Rudolph, Günther
West German Politics in the Mid-Eighties: Crisis and Continuity by Wallach, Martha
Planning to Meet Basic Needs by Stewart Frances
The Scope of State Power in China by
Dreams and Visions: A Study of American Utopias, 1865-1917 by Rooney, Charles
Ideology in a Socialist State: Poland 1956 1983 by Taras, Raymond, Taras, Ray
Awkward Dominion: American Political, Economic, and Cultural Relations with Europe, 1919 1933 by Costigliola, Frank C.
Social and Cultural Dynamics: A Study of Change in Major Systems of Art, Truth, Ethics, Law and Social Relationships by Sorokin, Pitirim
Die Geteilte Utopie Sozialisten in Frankreich Und Deutschland: Biografische Vergleiche Zur Politischen Kultur by
Race, Class, and Political Symbols: Rastafari and Reggae in Jamaican Politics by Waters, Anita M.
Soviet Emigre Artists by Rueschemeyer, Marilyn
Nuclear Arms Control: Background and Issues by Policy and Global Affairs, Office of International Affairs, National Academy of Sciences
Youth Employment and Training Programs: The Yedpa Years by Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council
Public and Republic by De Grazia, Alfredo, De Grazia, Alfred
China's Destiny by Unknown
Towards a Political Economy for Africa: The Dialectics of Dependence by Shaw, Timothy M.
Bulgarian Communism: The Road to Power 1934-1944 by Oren, Nissan, Unknown
Social Policy in Western Europe and the Usa, 1950-80: An Assessment by
Legacy of Fear: American Race Relations to 1900 by Cassity, Michael J.
Geopolitics and Conflict in South America: Quarrels Among Neighbors by Child, Jack, Unknown
Developing Contemporary Marxism by Short, J.
Finland's Relations with the Soviet Union, 1944-84 by Allison, R.
Political Risk Assessment: An Annotated Bibliography by Jodice, David A.
Arguer's Position: A Pragmatic Study of Ad Hominem Attack, Criticism, Refutation, and Fallacy by Walton, Douglas
Tax Revolt: Something for Nothing in California, Enlarged Edition by Citrin, Jack, Sears, David O.
Hume's Philosophical Politics by Forbes, Duncan, Duncan, Forbes
The Palestinian Liberation Organisation: People, Power and Politics by Cobban, Helena
Virtue, Commerce, and History: Essays on Political Thought and History, Chiefly in the Eighteenth Century by Pocock, J. G. a.
The Relativistic Deduction: Epistemological Implications of the Theory of Relativity with a Review by Albert Einstein and an Introduction by Mili? by Meyerson, Émile
History of the Communist Party of Great Britain Vol 3 1927-1941 by Branson, Noreen
Criminal Justice: Nomos XXVII by
Opinion Control in the Democracies by Qualter, Terence H.
The Personal President by Lowi, Theodore J.
Without Foundations by Herzog, Donald J.
Gdr Society and Social Institutions: Facts and Figures by Edwards, Geoffrey
Bureaucratic Justice: Managing Social Security Disability Claims by Mashaw, Jerry L.
Wittgenstein and Justice: The Significance of Ludwig Wittgenstein for Social and Political Thought by Pitkin, Hanna F.
Adult-Child Interaction and the Promise of Language Acquistion by Rondal, Jean
Rhythms in Politics and Economics by Johnson, Paul M., Thompson, William R., Kuhlman, James
Contemporary Issues in Political Theory: Revised Edition by Fowler, Robert Booth, Orenstein, Jeffey R.
Liberty Lobby and the American Right: Race, Conspiracy, and Culture by Mintz, Frank P.
Nazis in Skokie: Freedom, Community, and the First Amendment by Downs, Donald Alexander
Herblock through the Looking Glass: The Reagan Years in Words and Pictures by Block, Herbert
Directory of European Political Scientists by
Chicago Divided by Kleppner, Paul
Chicago Divided by Kleppner, Paul
The Red Sea Region: Local Actors and the Superpowers by Aliboni, Roberto
Limits to Bureaucratic Growth by Meyer, Marshall W.
Human Rights: An International and Comparative Law Bibliography by
Cuba: Twenty-Five Years of Revolution, 1959-1984 by Halebsky, Sandor
Cuba: Twenty-Five Years of Revolution, 1959-1984 by Halebsky, Sandor
Soviet Politics: Russia After Brezhnev by Breslauer, George, Jacobs, Dan, Donaldson, Robert
Politics and Statesmanship: Essays on the American Whig Party by Brown, Thomas
Democratic State by
Sources in British Political History 1900-1951: Volume 6: First Consolidated Supplement by
Hegelianism: The Path Toward Dialectical Humanism, 1805 1841 by Toews, John E., John Edward, Toews
Politics of Child Abuse by Parton, Nigel
The Principles of Policing by Pike, M.
The Principles of Policing by Pike, M.
Development and Decline: The Evolution of Sociopolitical Organization by Classen, Henri Jm, Van De Velde, Pieter
P'Eng P'Ai and the Hai-Lu-Feng Soviet by Galbiati, Fernando
Religion and State by
Strategic Command and Control by Blair, Bruce
Desert Passages: Encounters with the American Deserts by Limerick, Patricia Nelson
The Making of America: The Substance and Meaning of the Constitution by Skousen, W. Cleon
Traditions and Values: American Diplomacy 1790-1865 by Graebner, Norman A.
Italy and the Italians by Unknown, Sforza, Carlo
Index to International Public Opinion, 1983-1984 by
The International Politics of Africa's Strategic Minerals by Ogunbadejo, Oye, Unknown
The Liberal Future in America: Essays in Renewal by
Without Prededent: The Story of the Death of McCarthyism by Adams, John G.
Hero or Coward: Pressures Facing the Soldier in Battle by Dinter, Elmar
Religion, Rationality and Community: Sacred and Secular in the Thought of Hegel and His Critics by Gascoigne, Robert
Men and Citizens: A Study of Rousseau's Social Theory by Shklar, Judith N.
Making Sense of Marx by Elster, Jon
Public Policies and Political Development in Canada by Manzer, Ronald
The New Direction in American Politics by
The Imperial Idea and Its Enemies: A Study in British Power by Thornton, A. P.
Industrialisation and Race Relations: A Symposium by Unknown
Small States in World Markets: Political Violence in Bali by Katzenstein, Peter J.
The Vanishing Adolescent by Friedenberg, Edgar Zodiag
Barter in the World Economy by Wallman, Kathleen M. H.
The West Bank: Line of Defense by Shalev, Aryeh
Heads of State and Government by Graca, John V. Da
Party Identification, Political Behavior, and the American Electorate by Kamienicki, S., Kamieniecki, Sheldon
The Politics of Constitutional Change in Industrial Nations: Redesigning the State by Simeond, Richard
Lenin: A Political Life: Volume 1: The Strengths of Contradiction by Service, Robert
Daniel Bell and the Agony of Modern Liberalism by Liebowitz, Nathan
United States Navy and Marine Corps Bases, Domestic by
Ideology and Soviet Industrialization by Luke, Timothy W.
Altruistic Imagination: Draftsman, Writer, Poet, Composer by Ehrenreich, John
Economic Policy and Development: New Perspectives by Sato, Ryuzo
The Marginal World of Oe Kenzaburo: A Study of Themes and Techniques: A Study of Themes and Techniques by Wilson, Michiko N.
Presidential Management of Science and Technology: The Johnson Presidency by Lambright, W. Henry
Voting Rights Act: Consequences and Implications by Foster, Lorn S.
Ordinary Vices by Shklar, Judith N.
Americans for Democratic Action: Its Role in National Politics by Unknown, Brock, Clifton
Nicaragua: The First Five Years by
America's Political Dilemma: From Limited to Unlimited Democracy by Dietze, Gottfried
Marxism, Wars and Revolutions: Essays from Four Decades by Deutscher, Isaac
Soviet Marxism: A Critical Analysis by Marcuse, Herbert
China's One-Child Family Policy by
China's One-Child Family Policy by
United States Navy and Marine Corps Bases, Overseas by
Kommunale Sozialpolitik by
Judges, Bureaucrats, and the Question of Independence: A Study of the Social Security Adminstration Hearing Process by Price Cofer, Donna, Cofer, Donna Price, Cofer, M. Donna Price
Rethinking Modern Political Theory: Essays 1979 1983 by Dunn, John
The Road to Redemption: Southern Politics, 1869-1879 by Perman, Michael
Rebuilding America's Cities by
Aristotle Equality Justice by Leyden, W. Von
Structural Adjustment in Developed Open Economies by
Values & Social Change in Britain by
Women in the History of Political Thought: Ancient Greece to Machiavelli by Saxonhouse, Arlene
Ending Hunger: An Idea Whose Time Has Come by Hunger Project, The, Preager, Frederick A., Praeger, Frederick A.
Romania: 40 Years (1944-1984) by
Women in the History of Political Thought: Ancient Greece to Machiavelli by Saxonhouse, Arlene
A New England Town: The First Hundred Years by Lockridge, Kenneth A.
Child-Rearing and Reform: A Study of the Nobility in Eighteenth-Century Poland by Kot, Bogna, Lorence-Kot, Bogna
Conventional Deterrence: The Memoir of a Nineteenth-Century Parish Priest by Mearsheimer, John J.
Helping the Child with Exceptional Ability by Leyden, Susan
Between Battles and Ballots: Israeli Military in Politics by Peri, Yoram
The Christian Polity of John Calvin by Hhopfl, Harro, H. Pfl, Harro, Hopfl, Harro
Pierre Bayle: Tome 1 Du Pays de Foix a la Cite d'Erasme by Labrousse, Elisabeth
Familienökonomie: Theoretische Und Empirische Untersuchungen Zur Frauenerwerbstätigkeit Und Geburtenentwicklung by Zimmermann, Klaus F.
The Politics of Deregulation by Derthick, Martha, Quirk, Paul J.
Einführung in das Programmieren in FORTRAN by Rheingans, Friedrich G., Spieß, Wolfgang E.
Tokugawa Religion by Bellah, Robert N.
The Victim's Song by Kaminsky, Alice
Le Turpin Francais, de Le Turpin I by Noel Walpole, Ronald
Essays: Moral, Political, and Literary by Hume, David
Political Innovation in America: The Politics of Policy Initiation by Polsby, Nelson W.
Political Conflict and Economic Change in Nigeria by Bienen, Henry
The Nature and Limits of Political Science by Unknown, Cowling, Maurice
Police Leadership in America: Crisis and Opportunity by Geller, William a.
The Labour Governments, 1945-51 by Pelling, H.
Latin American Society and Legal Culture: A Bibliography by Snyder, Frederick E.
Class, Crisis and the State by Wright, Erik Olin
Thinking About Nuclear Weapons: Analyses and Prescriptions by
Power to Lead by Burns, James McGregor
Iran: A Revolution in Turmoil by
Iran: A Revolution in Turmoil by
Economy and Democracy by
The War for Lebanon, 1970 1985 by Rabinovich, Itamar
Philosophy, Its History and Historiography by
Moritz Schlick by
The War for Lebanon, 1970 1985 by Rabinovich, Itamar
Pac Power: Inside the World of Political Action Committees by Sabato, Larry
Albert Schweitzer's Mission: Healing and Peace by Cousins, Norman, Schweitzer, Albert
Religion in American Public Life by Reichley, James A.
The Economics & Politics of Health by Ricardo-Campbell, Rita
The Selling of the Empire: British and French Imperialist Propaganda, 1890-1940 by August, T.
The Middle East and North Africa: A Political Geography by Blake, Gerald H., Drysdale, Alasdair, Drydale, Alasdair
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