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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1986

Africa in Economic Crisis by
Human Rights and Human Diversity: An Essay in the Philosophy of Human Rights by Milne, A. J. M.
African Politics: Crises and Challenges by Liebenow, Gus
Strangers or Friends: Principles for a New Alien Admission Policy by Gibney, Mark
Presidential Communication: Description and Analysis by Denton, Robert, Hahn, Dan
Liberalism in Modern Japan: Ishibashi Tanzan and His Teachers, 1905-1960 by Nolte, Sharon
Game Theory and Political Theory: An Introduction by Ordeshook, Peter C.
The Agrarian Question and the Peasant Movement in Colombia by Zamosc, Leon
Parliamentary Selection: Social and Political Choice in Early Modern England by Kishlansky, Mark A., Mark a., Kishlansky
International Economic Policy Coordination by
Scepticism and Belief in Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion by Tweyman, S.
Kant's Philosophy of Physical Science: Metaphysische Anfangsgründe Der Naturwissenschaft 1786-1986 by
Models of Scientific Development and the Case of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance by Zandvoort, Henk
Miracle at Philadelphia: The Story of the Constitutional Convention May - September 1787 by Bowen, Catherine Drinker
Transitions from Authoritarian Rule: Comparative Perspectives Volume 3 by Schmitter, Philippe C., Whitehead, Laurence, O'Donnell, Guillermo
Fanatics and Hypocrites by Newman, Jay
In the Vanguard of Reform: Russia's Enlightened Bureaucrats, 1825-1861 by Lincoln, W. Bruce
World Population and U. S. Policy: The Choices Ahead by
Military Marxist Regimes in Africa by Markakis, John, Waller, Michael
Responding to America's Homeless: Public Policy Alternatives by Redburn, F. Stevens, Buss, Terry F.
Superpowers and Revolution by Adelman, Jonathan
Coercion and Autonomy: Philosophical Foundations, Issues, and Practices by Rosenbaum, Alan S., Rosenbaum, Allen, Rosenbaum, Alan S.
The Regulation of Political Conflict. by Ziegenhagen, Eduard a.
Why Hitler Came Into Power by Abel, Theodore
Paradoxical Effects Social Be, Havior Ed Diekmann et al by Diekmann
State Capitalism: The Wages System Under New Management by Crump, John, Buick, Adam
Against the State: Politics and Social Protest in Japan by Apter, David E., Sawa, Nagayo
Constitutional Choices by Tribe, Laurence H.
The Primordial Challenge: Ethnicity in the Contemporary World by
The Chemical Industry and the Projected Chemical Weapons Convention: Volume 2: Proceedings of a Sipri/Pugwash Conference by Stockholm International Peace Research I, Stockholm International Peace Research
Two Colonial Empires: Comparative Essays on the History of India and Indonesia in the Nineteenth Century by
Revolution in History by
Mathematical Economics: Twenty Papers of Gerard Debreu by Debreu, Gerard
Feminism and Democracy: Women's Suffrage and Reform Politics in Britain, 1900 1918 by Holton, Sandra Stanley, Sandra Stanley, Holton
Political Domination in Africa by
Polyethnicity and National Unity in World History: The Donald G. Creighton Lectures 1985 by McNeill, William H.
Sovieticus: American Perceptions and Soviet Realities by Cohen, Stephen F.
Fdp -- Partei Der Zweiten Wahl: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Liberalen Partei Und Ihrer Funktionen Im Parteiensystem Der Bundesrepublik by Dittberner, Jürgen
Power by Lukes, Steven
Prognoseverfahren und ihre Anwendung by Hüttner, Manfred
Quality of Urban Life by
Rational Choice by
Essays on Government by Barker, Ernest, Unknown
International Security and Arms Control by Mickiewicz, Ellen
Soviet Public Opinion and Ideology: Mythology and Pragmatism in Interaction by Shlapentokh, Vladimir
Politics in Hard Times by Gourevitch, Peter
The Structure of Police Organizations by Langworthy, Robert H.
Politics in Hard Times by Gourevitch, Peter
Strategic War Termination by
Syrian Intervention in Lebanon by Weinberger, Naomi
The Russian Revolutionary Movement in the 1880s by Offord, Derek
Revolution and Rebellion: State and Society in England in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries by Clark, Jonathan
The National Security of Developing States: Lessons from Thailand by Alagappa, Muthiah
Cognition and Fact: Materials on Ludwik Fleck by
Faulkner and Women by
A Search for Public Administration: The Ideas and Career of Dwight Waldo by Brown, Brack
American Disease by Lodge, George C.
Politik ALS Beruf: Zur Soziologischen Professionalisierungstheorie Der Politik by
Optimale Kontrolle ökonomischer Prozesse by Feichtinger, Gustav, Hartl, Richard F.
Organizing Industrial Development by
Inalienable Rights: A Defense by Meyers, Diana
Troubles on the East Bank: Challenges to the Domestic Stability of Jordan by Unknown, Satloff, Robert B.
The Caribbean Exodus by
Housing Desegregation and Federal Policy by
The Politics of Colombia. by Unknown
Economic Processes and Political Conflicts: Contributions to Modern Political Economy by England, Richard
Division and Detente: The Germanies and Their Alliances by Frey, Eric
Subnational Politics in the 1980s: Organization, Reorganization and Economic Development by Picard, Louis
No Sense of Place: The Electronic Media on Social Behavior by Meyrowitz, Joshua
Grundlagen Der Wirtschaftspolitik by Ramb, Bernd-Thomas
A New Endeavour: Selected Political Essays, Letters, and Addresses by Scott, Frank R.
The Road Back: By a Liberal in Opposition by Pickersgill, J. W.
Aspects of Late Medieval Government and Society: Essays presented to J.R. Lander by
Inside the Atlantic Triangle: Canada and the Entrance of Newfoundland Into Confederation 1939-1949 by MacKenzie, David
Citizenship and Order: Studies in French Political Thought by Vernon, Richard
Weimar Prussia, 1918-1925: The Unlikely Rock of Democracy by Orlow, Dietrich
The Mexican Ruling Party: Stability and Authority by Unknown
Campaigns Against Western Defence: Nato's Adversaries and Critics by Rose, Clive
Capitalism and Social Democracy by Przeworski, Adam
Economic Development Within the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area by Summers, Anita A., Luce, Thomas F.
The Theory of Committees and Elections by Black, Duncan
Philosophy and Politics: A Commentary on the Preface to Hegel's Philosophy of Right by Peperzak, Adriaan T.
Deformierte Vergesellschaftung: Zur Soziologie Des Staatsmonopolistischen Kapitalismus Der Brd by Jung, Heinz
Zur Entstehungs- Und Rezeptionsgeschichte Von W. I. Lenins Werk "Materialismus Und Empiriokritizismus" by Wittich, Dieter
Soviet Foreign Policy in a Changing World by