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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1987

Guatemala: False Hope by Painter, James
Development, Crises and Alternative Visions: Third World Women's Perspectives by Grown, Caren, Sen, Gita
Dictatorship of Proletariat by Draper, Hal
Male Order: Unwrapping Masculinity by
Proceedings in Parliament 1625, Volume 1 by
Evaluation and Optimization of Electoral Systems by Manzi, Cecilia, Pennisi, Aline, Grilli Di Cortona, Pietro
Freedom and Civilization Among the Greeks by Festugiere, A. J.
Bureaucratic Democracy: The Search for Democracy and Efficiency in American Government by Yates, Douglas
Political Communication Research, Volume 1 by Paletz, David L.
Commonwealth: A Study of the Role of Government in the American Economy: Massachusetts, 1774-1861, Revised Edition by Handlin, Oscar, Handlin, Mary Flug
Stagnation and the Financial Explosion by Magdoff, Harry, Sweezy, Paul M.
Founding the Communist Intl by
Sachregister Zu Den Verhandlungen Des Deutschen Bundestages 5. Und 6. Wahlperiode (1965-1972) Und Den Verhandlungen Des Bundesrates (1966-1972) by
Sachregister Zu Den Verhandlungen Des Deutschen Bundestages 10. Wahlperiode (1983-1987) Und Zu Den Verhandlungen Des Bundesrates (1983-1986) by
Aufklärung als Politisierung - Politisierung der Aufklärung by
Preußische Kulturpolitik Im Spiegel Von Hegels Ästhetik: 263. Sitzung Am 20. Januar 1982 in Düsseldorf by Pöggeler, Otto
Verflixte Verhältnisse: Über Soziale Umwelten Des Menschen by Massing, Otwin
Das Politische Denken Der Neueren Staatslehre in Der Bundesrepublik: Eine Studie Zum Politischen Konservatismus Juristischer Gesellschaftstheorie by Hammans, Peter
Alltag Und Politik. Zur Politischen Kultur Einer Unpolitischen Gesellschaft: Eine Untersuchung Zur Erzählenden Gegenwartsliteratur Der DDR in Den 70er by Hanke, Irma
Das Regierungssystem Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Hesse, Joachim Jens, Ellwein, Thomas
Neue Politik in Alten Parteien: Zum Verhältnis Von Gesellschaft Und Parteien in Der Bundesrepublik by Schmitt, Hermann
Krise Und Protest: Ursprünge Und Elemente Der Friedensbewegung in Westeuropa by Bredow
Rassenmythos Und Sozialwissenschaften in Deutschland: Ein Verdrängtes Kapitel Sozialwissenschaftlicher Wirkungsgeschichte by Klingemann, Carsten
Deutschland Nach Hitler: Zukunftspläne Im Exil Und Aus Der Besatzungszeit 1939-1949 by
Organisierte Interessen in Der Bundesrepublik by Alemann, Ulrich Von
Sozialistische Herrschaft Und Materielle Interessen: Zum Legitimationsproblem Im Gesellschaftlichen System Der DDR by Peltzer, Michael
Verwaltung Und Ihre Umwelt: Festschrift Für Thomas Ellwein by Windhoff-Héritier, Adrienne, Ellwein, Thomas
Symbolische Politik by Sarcinelli, Ulrich
The Value Controversy by
Grundfragen Der Theorie Politischer Institutionen: Forschungsstand - Probleme - Perspektiven by
Ökologische Betroffenheit, Lebenswelt Und Wahlentscheidung: Plädoyer Für Eine Neue Perspektive Der Wahlforschung Am Beispiel Der Bundestagswahl 1983 by Brand, Karl-Werner
Soziologie Der Sozialen Ungleichheit by
Literatur Verstehen. Eine Empirische Studie by Meutsch, Dietrich
The Irish Question as a Problem in British Foreign Policy, 1914-18 by Hartley, Stephen
International Financial Policy and Economic Development: A Disaggregated Approach by Bird, Graham
Intellectuals and the Left in France Since 1968 by Reader, Keith A.
Star Wars and European Defence: Implications for Europe: Perception and Assessments by Brauch, Hans Gunter
Politics and the Military in Uganda, 1890-1985 by Omara-Otunnu, Amii
United States Foreign Policy Towards Southern Africa: Andrew Young and Beyond by Abegunrin, Olayiwola, Newsun, H. E., Newsum, H. E.
Regulating Utilities in an Era of Deregulation by Crew, Michael A.
The African State in Transition by
Peace, Defence and Economic Analysis: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Stockholm Jointly by the International Economic Association and the Stockhol by
U.S. Foreign Policy and European Security by Cyr, Arthur
East Asian Conflict Zones: Prospects for Regional Stability and Deescalation by
South Africa and Nuclear Proliferation: South Africa's Nuclear Capabilities and Intentions in the Context of International Non-Proliferation Policies by Moore, J. D. L.
Soviet Secrecy and Non-Secrecy by Hutchings, Raymond
Long Cycles in World Politics by Modelski, George
Africa in World Politics: Changing Perspectives by Wright, S.
Denkbilder in Der Politik by Opp de Hipt, Manfred
Politische Wissenschaft: Beiträge Zur Analyse Von Politik Und Gesellschaft by Ellwein, Thomas
Mindestreservekonzeptionen by Borchert, Manfred
The Theory of Democracy Revisited - Part One: The Contemporary Debate by Sartori, Giovanni
The Swedish Economy by
Citizens and Groups in Contemporary China: Volume 56 by
Everyday Forms of Peasant Res CB: Everyday Forms Res Asia by
Dictatorship of Proletariat by Draper, Hal
The Theory of Democracy Revisited - Part Two: The Classical Issues by Sartori, Giovanni
The Limits of Civil Defence in the Usa, Switzerland, Britain and the Soviet Union: The Evolution of Policies Since 1945 by Vale, Lawrence J.
The Second Assassination of Bishop, Maurice by Clark, Steve
Genocide and the Modern Age: Etiology and Case Studies of Mass Death by Dobkowski, Michael, Wallimann, Isidor
Citizen Participation in Public Decision Making by Desario, Jack, Anon
Recht Und Stimulierung Wissenschaftlich-Technischer Leistungen by
Schriften Zur Politischen Ökonomie Und Statistik by Petty, William
Monopole, Staat Und Expansion VOR 1914: Zum Funktionsmechanismus Zwischen Industriemonopolen, Grossbanken Und Staatsorganen in Der Aussenpolitik Des D by Gutsche, Willibald
Politics and Ambiguity by Connolly, William E.
British Musical Theatre: 2 Volumesvolume 1: 1865-1914^l Volume 2: 1915-1984 by Gänzl, Kurt
Reverse Licensing: International Technology Transfer to the United States by Shahrokhi, Manucheh
Military Assistance in Recent Wars: The Dominance of the Superpowers by Neuman, Stephanie G., Unknown
Nuclear Weapons, Policies, and the Test Ban Issue by Van Cleave, William R., Cohen, S. T., Unknown
The Right to Life Movement and Third Party Politics. by Spitzer, Robert J.
First and Second Marriages. by Benson-Von Der Ohe, Elizabeth, Steinmetz, Suzanne
Democracy: A Worldwide Survey by Board of Trustees, X.
State-Owned Enterprises in High Technology Industries: Studies in India and Brazil by Ramamurti, Ravi, Ramamurti, Rami, Ramaurti, Ravi
Alcohol and the Family: A Comprehensive Bibliography by Barnes, Grace M.
The Violent Society: Violent Society by Moonman, Eric
Political Facts of the United States Since 1789 by Austin, Erik W.
The Impact of Japan on a Changing World by Vogel, Ezra
The Language of English Studies: A Handbook for Advanced Students of English by Dent-Young, John
The Judicial Power of the United States: The Eleventh Amendment in American History by Orth, John V.
Consumers, Commissions, and Congress: Law, Theory and the Federal Trade Commission, 1968-85 by
Politikwissenschaft: Lehre Und Studium Zwischen Professionalisierung Und Wissenschaftsimmanenz. Eine Bestandsaufnahme Und Ein Symposium by
Parteimitglieder: Ein Empirischer Essay Über Das Politische Alltagsbewußtsein in Parteien by Greven, Michael Th
Journeys to England and Ireland by de Tocqueville, Alexis
Globalization: Interdependencies and Coordination by Lane, Jan-Erik
Critics of Capitalism: Victorian Reactions to 'Political Economy' by
Origins of the Great Purges: The Soviet Communist Party Reconsidered, 1933 1938 by Getty, John Archibald, Getty, J. Arch
Energy Policy in America Since 1945: A Study of Business-Government Relations by Victor, Richard H., Vietor Richard H K
Großstadtpolitik Und Stadtteilbewegung in Den USA: Die Wirksamkeit Politischer Strategien Gegen Den Verfall by Falke, Andreas
Wissenschafts- Und Erkenntnistheorie: Eine Einführung Für Psychologen Und Humanwissenschaftler by Heidbrink, Horst, Lück, Helmut, Kriz, Jürgen
The Soviet Regional Dilemma by Dellenbrant, Jan Ake
Authority in Islam: From Mohammed to Khomeini: From Mohammed to Khomeini by Mozaffari, Mehdi
Technology and Global Industry: Companies and Nations in the World Economy by
Balancing the National Interest: U.S. National Security Export Controls and Global Economic Competition by Panel on the Impact of National Security Controls on Interna, National Academy of Sciences National Academy of Engineering, Committee on Science Engineering and Public Policy
Organization Theory and Technocratic Consciousness: Rationality, Ideology and Quality of Work by Alvesson, Mats
The Ogoki River Guides: Emergent Leadership Among the Northern Ojibwa by Hedican, Edward J.
The Caribbean Exodus by
The Popular Front in Europe by
Social Security After Fifty: Successes and Failures by
The Value-added Tax: Key to Deficit Reduction by McLure, Charles E.
Police, Government and Accountability by Oliver, Ian Thomas
Hooded Americanism: The History of the Ku Klux Klan by Chalmers, David J.
Marxist Political Economy and Marxist Urban Sociology: A Review and Elaboration of Recent Developments by McKeown, Kieran
Federal Lands Policy by Policy Studies Organization, Unknown
Models for the Multitudes: Social Values in the American Popular Novel, 1850-1920 by Kelley, K. L.
Lexicon Spinozanum: A-K by Boscherini, Emilia Giancotti
Amor Mundi: Explorations in the Faith and Thought of Hannah Arendt by
Nietzsche and Greek Thought by Tejera, V.
Amor Mundi: Explorations in the Faith and Thought of Hannah Arendt by
A True Picture of Emigration by Burlend, Edward, Burlend, Rebecca
Roots of Strategy: 3 Military Classics by
Chernobyl and Nuclear Power in the USSR by Marples, David R.
Intellectuals and the Left in France Since 1968 by Reader, Keith A.
Economic Policy in Theory and Practice by Razin, Assaf
The Making of a Pariah State: The Adventurist Politics of Muammar Qaddafi by Sicker, Martin
Defenders of the Faith: Religion and Politics from the Pilgrim Fathers to Ronald Reagan by Edel, Wilbur
Prospects for Change in Socialist Systems: Challenges and Responses by Cichock, Mark, Bukowski, Charles
Britain, America and Arms Control 1921-37 by Hall, Christopher
Reagan Und Die Entwicklungsländer: Die Auslandshilfepolitik Im Amerikanischen Regierungssystem by May, Bernhard
Continuity and Change in Electoral Politics, 1893-1928. by Kleppner, Paul
Citizenship and Social Class by Marshall, T. H.
The Political Economy of the New Asian Industrialism by Deyo, Frederic C.
Political Economy of the New Asian Industrialism by Deyo, Frederic C.
Safe for Democracy: The Anglo-American Response to Revolution, 1913-1923 by Gardner, Lloyd C.
Enlightenment and Despair: A History of Social Theory by Hawthorn, Geoffrey
'Agrarians' and 'Aristocrats': Party Political Ideology in the United States, 1837 1846 by Ashworth, John
Socialism: Institutional, Philosophical and Economic Issues by
The Politics of Canada's Airlines from Diefenbaker to Mulroney by Stevenson, Garth
Aliens in the Home: The Child in Horror Fiction by Bussing, Sabine
The Dutch Gentry, 1500-1650: Family, Faith, and Fortune by Marshall, Sherrin
Comparing Presidential Behavior: Carter, Reagan, and the Macho Presidential Style by Orman, John M.
U.S. National Economic Policy, 1917-1985 by Campagna, Anthony
Regional Long Waves, Uneven Growth, and the Cooperative Alternative. by Booth, Douglas E.
The Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1945-51 by Milward, Alan S.
Third-World Political Organizations: A Review of Developments by Williams, Gwyneth
Essays on the Political Economy of Rural Africa by Bates, Robert H.
Index to International Public Opinion, 1985-1986 by Unknown
The New Black Middle Class by Landry, Bart
Studies in Public Enterprise: From Evaluation to Privatisation by Ramanadham, V. V.
The Ancient Constitution and the Feudal Law: A Study of English Historical Thought in the Seventeenth Century by Pocock, J. G. a.
Socialism, Radicalism, and Nostalgia: Social Criticism in Britain, 1775-1830 by Stafford, William, William, Stafford
Work and Industry: Structures, Markets, and Processes by Kalleberg, Arne L., Berg, Ivar
Autocracy by Tullock, G.
Hobbes's 'science of Natural Justice' by
History of the Communist Party of Great Britain Vol 2 1925-26 by Klugmann, James
The Soviet Union Under Gorbachev by
The Soviet Union Under Gorbachev by
In Pursuit of Power: Southern Blacks and Electoral Politics, 1965-1982 by Lawson, Steven
Will of the People: Original Democracy in Non-Western Societies by Manglapus, Raul S., Unknown
Romulo: A Third World Soldier at the Un by Day Romulo, Beth, Romulo, Carlos P.
Thatcherism and British Politics by Kavanagh, Dennis A.
The Military in African Politics by
Cambridge Monetary Thought by Bridel, Pascal
Productivity and Value: The Political Economy of Measuring Progress by Unknown
Our Common Future by World Commission on Employment, World Commission on Environment and Deve
Arizona: Its Constitution and Government by Hansen, Gerald E., Brown, Douglas A.
Theories of the State: The Politics of Liberal Democracy by Dunleavy, Patrick, O'Leary, Brendan
From Open Door to Dutch Door: An Analysis of U.S. Immigration Policy Since 1820 by Lemay, Michael C.
Dilemmas of Nuclear Strategy by Kolkowicz, Roman
Culture, Identity, and Politics by Gellner, Ernest
Kant and the Double Government Methodology: Supersensibility and Method in Kant's Philosophy of Science by Butts, Robert E.
The Netherlands and the Gold Standard, 1931-1936: A Study in Policy Formation and Policy by
Previews and Premises by Toffler, Alvin
A World Beyond Healing: The Prologue and Aftermath of Nuclear War by Wade, Nicholas
Theory of Financial Decision Making by Ingersoll, Jonathan E.
Reform of Social Security and Federal Pension Cost-Of-Living Adjustments: 1985, 99th Congress, 1st Session by Administration, Federal Writers Project of the Works Progres
Black Africa: The Economic and Cultural Basis for a Federated State by Diop, Cheikh Anta
Anatomy of a Jury: The Inside Story of How 12 Ordinary People Decide the Fate of an Accused Murderer by Wishman, Seymour
Intelligence and Strategic Surprises by Levite, Ariel
Ally Versus Ally: America, Europe, and the Siberian Pipeline Crisis by Blinken, Anthony J., Blinken, Antony J.
The Origins of the Republican Party, 1852-1856 by Gienapp, William E.
From Popular Sovereignty to the Sovereignty of Law: Law, Society, and Politics in Fifth-Century Athens by Ostwald, Martin
Nuclear Weapons: Who's in Charge? by Miall, Hugh
Nuclear Weapons: Who's in Charge? by Miall, Hugh
From Open Door to Dutch Door: An Analysis of U.S. Immigration Policy Since 1820 by Lemay, Michael C.
Terrorism, U.S. Strategy, and Reagan Policies by Celmer, Marc a.
A Republic, If You Can Keep It: The Foundation of the American Presidency, 1700-1800 by Riccards, Michael P.
The Africans by Lamb, David
Student Supervision by Jones, Alan, Ford, Kathy
Passionate Politics: Feminist Theory in Action by Bunch, Charlotte
The Labour Government, 1974-79: Political Aims and Economic Reality by Holmes, Martin
Justinian's "Institutes" by Justinian
Justinian's "Institutes" by Justinian
The Political Economy of International Relations by Gilpin, Robert G.
New Conventional Weapons and Western Defence by Bellany, Ian, Huxley, Tim
Designing Regulatory Polcy by Sappington, David E. M., Besanko, David
Uneasy Genius: The Life and Work of Pierre Duhem by Jaki, St L.
Federal State, National Economy by Leslie, Peter
Zentrum Oder Cdu by
Space and National Security by Paul Stares
Nuclear Blackmail and Nuclear Balance by Betts, Richard K.
Socrates and the Political Community: An Ancient Debate by Nichols, Mary P.
Soft Drink, Hard Labour: Guatemalan Workers Take on Coca-Cola by Reyes, Miguel-Angel, Gatehouse, Mike
Introducing Liberation Theology by Boff, Leonardo
The Political Economy of the Brazilian State, 1889-1930 by Topik, Steven
Community Organizing by Brager, George, Specht, Harry, Torczyner, James
Czechoslovakia: Charter 77's Decade of Dissent by Bugajski, Janusz
Why Americans Don't Vote: Turnout Decline in the United States, 1960-1984 by Teixeira, Ruy a.
Democracy Upside Down: Public Opinion and Cultural Hegemony in the United States by
Czechoslovakia: Charter 77's Decade of Dissent by Unknown, Bugajski, Janusz
Sociology in Social Work Practice by Day, Peter R.
See More