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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1989

Order Without Design: Information Production and Policy Making by Feldman, Martha S.
Political Theory and the Modern State: Essays on State, Power, and Democracy by Held, David
Lawyers in Society: Comparative Theories by
United States Government Information Policies: Views and Perspectives by
The Supreme Court and Judicial Choice: The Role of Provisional Review in a Democracy by Dimond, Paul R.
Die Wissenschaftliche Beratung Der Umweltpolitik: Der Rat Von Sachverständigen Für Umweltfragen by Timm, Gerhard I.
Neue Selbsthilfebewegung Und Staatliche Sozialpolitik: Eine Analytische Gegenüberstellung by Hauff
The Sea in Soviet Strategy by Till, Geoffrey, Ranft, Bryan
Political Censorship of the Arts and the Press in Nineteenth-Century by Goldstein, Robert Justin
Politischer Extremismus in Demokratischen Verfassungsstaaten by Backes, Uwe
40 Jahre Hessische Verfassung -- 40 Jahre Politik in Hessen by
Politische Semantik: Bedeutungsanalytische Und Sprachkritische Beiträge Zur Politischen Sprachverwendung by
Was Heißt Und Zu Welchem Ende Betreiben Wir Politikwissenschaft?: Kritik Und Selbstkritik Aus Dem Berliner Otto-Suhr-Institut by Albrecht, Ulrich
Politik Und Nichtpolitik: Lokale Erscheinungsformen Politischer Kultur Im Frühen Nachkriegsdeutschland. Das Beispiel Unna Und Kamen by
Umweltpolitik Zwischen Reparatur Und Vorbeugung: Eine Einführung Am Beispiel Bundesrepublik Im Internationalen Kontext by Glaeser, Bernhard
Idols of the Tribe: Group Identity and Political Change by Isaacs, Harold
Abortion and Divorce in Western Law by Glendon, Mary Ann
Mitbestimmung Und Demokratisierung: Stand Und Perspektiven Der Forschung by
Zivilisation Und Rationalisierung: Die Zivilisationstheorien Max Webers, Norbert Elias' Und Der Frankfurter Schule Im Vergleich by
Verfassungsstaat, Souveränität, Pluralismus: Otto Kirchheimer Zum Gedächtnis by
Konfliktpotentiale Und Konsensstrategien: Beiträge Zur Politischen Soziologie Der Bundesrepublik by
Techno-Diplomacy: Us-Soviet Confrontations in Science and Technology by Schweitzer, Glenn E.
Politik Und Gesellschaft in Sozialistischen Ländern: Ergebnisse Und Probleme Der Sozialistischen Länder-Forschung by
The Index-Number Problem and Its Solution by Stuvel, G.
Incomes Policies: Papers Prepared for a Conference of the International Economic Association by
Structural Adjustment in Africa by
Army, State and Society in Italy, 1870-1915 by Suzuki, Yoshitaka
Public Opinion and National Security in Western Europe: Consensus Lost? by Eichenberg, Richard C.
British Foreign Policy, 1945-56 by Young, John W., Dockrill, Michael L.
Artisans and Architects: The Ruskinian Tradition in Architectural Thought by Swenarton, Mark
Resources and Strategy by Lesser, Ian O.
Soviet Foreign Policy: New Dynamics, New Themes by
Japan's Agro-Food Sector: The Politics and Economics of Excess Protection by Rothacher, Albrecht
Deconstruction: A Critique by Rajnath, A.
Marx and the Missing Link: "Human Nature" by Archibald, W. Peter
Die Sowjetische Rüstungsindustrie by Albrecht, Ulrich
Political Instability and American Foreign Policy: The Middle Options by Orme, John D.
Chemical Weaponry: A Continuing Challenge by Spiers, Edward M.
Capitalist Development and Crisis Theory: Accumulation, Regulation and Spatial Restructuring by
Keynes: Philosophy, Economics and Politics: The Philosophical Foundations of Keynes's Thought and Their Influence on His Economics and Politics by O'Donnell, R. M.
Economic Development and World Debt by
Politics and Culture: Working Hypotheses for a Post-Revolutionary Society by Ryan, Michael
The Plight of Crime Victims in Modern Society by
New Technologies and the Arms Race by
Hannah Arendt's Philosophy of Natality by Bowen-Moore, Patricia
German Neo-Liberals and the Social Market Economy by Willgerodt, Hans, Peacock, Alan T.
Can South Africa Survive?: Five Minutes to Midnight by Brewer, D.
Die Extreme Rechte in Der Bundesrepublik: Entwicklung -- Ursachen -- Gegenmaβnahmen by
Whose Votes Count?: Affirmative Action and Minority Voting Rights by Thernstrom, Abigail M.
Gandhi's Political Philosophy: A Critical Examination by Parekh, B. C.
Can the Government Govern? by
Regional Development in Europe: Recent Initiatives and Experiences; Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Science Parks and Innovation by
Mobilizing Against AIDS: Revised and Enlarged Edition by Nichols, Eve K.
Italian Christian Democracy: The Politics of Dominance by Leonardi, Robert, Wertman, Douglas A.
The Catholic Church and Politics in Nicaragua and Costa Rica by Williams, Philip J.
Justice and Only Justice: A Palestinian Theology of Liberation by Ateek, Naim Stifan
The Communion of Saints: Radical Puritan and Separatist Ecclesiology 1570-1625 by Brachlow, Stephen
Wildlife and the Public Interest: Nonprofit Organizations and Federal Wildlife Policy by Tober, James a.
Dilemmas of Social Democracy: The Spanish Socialist Workers Party in the 1980s by Share, Donald
Improving Government Performance: Evaluation Strategies for Strengthening Public Agencies and Programs by Newcomer, Kathryn E., Wholey, Joseph S.
Revolutionary News: The Press in France, 1789-1799 by Popkin, Jeremy
Policy Studies: Integration and Evaluation by Nagel, Stuart
Britain, NATO and Nuclear Weapons: Alternative Defence Versus Alliance Reform by Baylis, John, Booth, Ken
Jahrbuch Für Politische Ökonomie. 3.1988 by
Rußland Im Zeitalter Des Absolutismus by Hoffmann, Peter
Grundlagen Der Wissenschaftsforschung by
Vergleichende Revolutionsgeschichte - Probleme Der Theorie Und Methode by Markov, Walter, Schilfert, Gerhard, Kossok, Manfred
The Rebirth of Classical Political Rationalism: An Introduction to the Thought of Leo Strauss by Strauss, Leo
Politics, Language, and Time: Essays on Political Thought and History by Pocock, J. G. a.
Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country by Greider, William
Party and Politics, 1830-1852 by Stewart, Robert
Macroeconomic Policy and Economic Interdependence by
A Staff for the President: The Executive Office, 1921-1952 by Sander, Alfred Dick
Origins of Containment: A Psychological Explanation by Larson, Deborah Welch
Meaning and Context: Quentin Skinner and His Critics by
The Other Hong Kong Report by
Defender of the Union: The Oratory of Daniel Webster by Smith, Craig R.
Distant Companions by Hansen, Karen Tranberg
Eugene Talmadge: Rhetoric and Response by Logue, Cal M., Logue, Calvin McLeod
Marktstruktur Und Technologischer Wandel: Eine Modelltheoretische Analyse Im Rahmen Der Industrieökonomik by Stadler, Manfred
Economic Reforms in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe Since the 1960s by Adam, Jan
Rethinking Democracy: Freedom and Social Cooperation in Politics, Economy, and Society by Gould, Carol C.
Employment in the 1990s by Gilbert, Robbie
The Falklands, Politics and War by Dillon, G. M.
Absolutism and Society in Seventeenth-Century France: State Power and Provincial Aristocracy in Languedoc by Beik, William
Planned Economies by
The Soviet Union and the Strategy of Non-Alignment in the Third World by Allison, Roy Etc
The Scottish Political System by Kellas, James G.
Jackson's Machinery of Justice by Spencer, Jackson, R. M.
Ideology and Strategy: A Century of Swedish Politics by
The Marshall Plan: America, Britain and the Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1947 1952 by Michael J., Hogan, Hogan, Michael J.
Contracting Out in Government: A Guide to Working with Outside Contractors to Supply Public Services by Rehfuss, John A.
Lessons from the First Twenty Years of Medicare: Research Implications for Public and Private Sector Policy by
You the Mayor?: The Education of a City Politician by Ackermann, Barbara
New Perspectives in American Politics by Barker, Lucius J.
Authority in Islam: From the Rise of Muhammad to the Establishment of the Umayyads by Dabashi, Hamid
Gesellschaft -- Technik -- Politik: Perspektiven Der Technikgesellschaft by Schatz, Herbert, Alemann, Ulrich, Simonis, Georg
Geschichtsunterricht Im Demokratischen Staat: Beratungen Des Landtags Nordrhein-Westfalen Zum Geschichtsunterricht by
Toward a Liberalism by Flathman, Richard
Schulpolitik Und Schulsystem in Der DDR by Anweiler, Oskar
The Public Philosophy by Lippmann, Walter
Politischer Unterricht: Demokratische Verpflichtung Und Soziale Verantwortung: Beratungen Des Landtags Nordrhein-Westfalen Zum Politischen Unterricht by
Organisierte Interessen in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Alemann, Ulrich
Basic Principles of Civil Law in China by Jones, David M.
Regierungssystem Und Regierungslehre: Fragestellungen, Analysekonzepte Und Forschungsstand Eines Kernbereichs Der Politikwissenschaft by
Organizational Science Abroad: Constraints and Perspectives by
Die Türkei -- Land Zwischen Zwei Welten: Kommentare Eines Kritischen Freundes by Sonnenhol, Gustav Adolf
Internationale Währungsprobleme: Zur Geschichte, Funktion Und Krise Des Internationalen Währungssystems by Tolksdorf, Michael, Yenal, Alparslan, Czada, Peter
Challenges for the 1990s for Arms Control and International Security by National Academy of Sciences, Policy and Global Affairs, Office of International Affairs
Biotechnology in China by National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People's Repub
Leaders and Intelligence by
Chronicon Paschale 284-628 by
Staatsoberhäupter in Westlichen Demokratien: Strukturen, Funktionen Und Probleme Des "Höchsten Amtes" by Hartmann, Jürgen, Kempf, Udo
The Masks of War: American Military Styles in Strategy and Analysis by Builder, Carl
King of the Killing Zone: The Story of the M-1, America's Super Tank by Kelly, Orr
International Handbook of Pollution Control by Kormandy, Edward
The French Left and the Fifth Republic: The Discourses of Communism and Socialism in Contemporary France by Gaffney, John
Asad: The Struggle for the Middle East by Seale, Patrick
Marx, Engels and Liberal Democracy by Levin, Michael
Trotskyism and Maoism: Theory and Practice in France and the United States by Fields, A. Belden, Fields, Belden
The Burden of Office: Agamemnon and Other Losers by Tussman, Joseph
Korean Reunification: Alternative Pathways by
American Psychology in the Quest for Nuclear Peace by Jacobs, Marilyn S.
Harry Emerson Fosdick: Persuasive Preacher by Ryan, Halford
The Gatekeepers: Comparative Immigration Policy by Lemay, Michael C.
Resources of Hope: Culture, Democracy, Socialism by Williams, Raymond
The Politics of Privatisation in Western Europe by Wright, Vincent, Vickers, John
Leaders and Intelligence by
Gettin' Some Age on Me: Social Organization of Older People in a Rural American Community by Van Willigen, John
The Catholic Church and Politics in Nicaragua and Costa Rica by Williams, Philip J.
Gladstone by Feuchtwanger, E. J.
Social Security Policies in Industrial Countries by Gordon, Margaret S.
A Common Man S Guide to the Common Market by Edwards, Geoffrey, Arbuthnott, Hugh
Readings in the Economics of Contract Law by
Technological Transformation: Contextual and Conceptual Implications by
Technological Transformation: Contextual and Conceptual Implications by
Time, Space, and Society: Geographical Societal Perspectives by Kellerman, A.
Berlin - Bremen - Hamburg by
Us Nuclear Strategy: A Reader by
Strategic Management of Services in the Arab Gulf States: Company and Industry Cases by Habib, Ghazi M., Kassem, M. S.
Soviet Military Deception in the Second World War by Glantz, David M.
And We Are Not Saved by Bell, Derrick
The Enlightenment and the Birth of Modern Nationhood: Polish Political Thought from Noble Republicanism to Tadeusz Kosciuszko by Walicki, Andrzej
Our Man in Moscow: A Diplomat's Reflections on the Soviet Union by Ford, Robert
Housing Issues of the 1990s by
The Free Germany Movement: A Case of Patriotism or Treason? by Schoenhals, Kai P.
Nuclear Endings: Stopping War on Time by Cimbala, Stephen J.
Verteilungskonflikte in Marktwirtschaften: Über Funktionen Von Marktverbänden by Rosner, Peter
Politics and Society in the South by Black, Earl, Black, Merle
British Defence Policy: Striking the Right Balance by Baylis, John
The American Political Economy: Macroeconomics and Electoral Politics by Hibbs, Douglas A.
Patriots by Langguth, A. J.
Franco-British Defence Co-operation: A New Entente Cordiale? by
Die Zukunft Der Telekommunikation in Europa: Proceedings Der Internationalen Konferenz "Die Zukunft Der Telekommunikation in Europa" Bonn, 14.-15. 11. by
The Italian Left in the Twentieth Century: A History of the Socialist and Communist Parties by De Grand, Alexander
More Man Than You'll Ever Be!: Gay Folklore and Acculturation in Middle America by Goodwin, Joseph P.
The Politics of Mirth: Jonson, Herrick, Milton, Marvell, and the Defense of Old Holiday Pastimes by Marcus, Leah S.
Still Hungry After All These Years: Food Assistance Policy from Kennedy to Reagan by Maney, Ardith
Restoration of Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems: Proceedings of a Special Water Quality Session Dealing with the Restoration of Acidified Waters in Con by
Science, Technology and the Military: Volume 12/1 & Volume 12/2 by
The Regulation of Monopoly by Sherman, Roger
Democracy and Religion: Gladstone and the Liberal Party, 1867-1875 by Parry, J. P.
Democracy and the Capitalist State by
The State and Poverty in India by Kohli, Atul, Kohli, Kohli, Kohli
Russian Officialdom in Crisis: Autocracy and Local Self-Government, 1861 1900 by Thomas S., Pearson, Pearson, Thomas S.
The Invisible Empire: A Concise Review of the Epoch by
Psychology and Deterrence by Jervis, Robert
The Urban Experience by Harvey, David
Liberty and Culture by Machan, Tibor R.
Democracy and Equality: Theories and Programs for the Modern World by Glassman, Ronald M.
The Sound of Leadership: Presidential Communication in the Modern Age by Hart, Roderick P.
The Pacific Way: Regional Cooperation in the South Pacific by Haas, Michael
East Germany in Comparative Perspective by
Philosophy, the Federalist, and the Constitution by White, Morton Gabriel
Economic Decline and Political Change: Canada, Great Britain, the United States by
Welsh Nationalism in the Twentieth Century: The Ethnic Option and the Modern State by Davies, Charlotte Aull
Getting Into the Game: The Pre-Presidential Rhetoric of Ronald Reagan by Hahn, Dan, Stuckey, Mary E.
Production Power and World Order: Social Forces in the Making of History by Cox, Robert
History, Labour, and Freedom: Themes from Marx by Cohen, G. A.
Glasnost in Britain - Against Censorship and in Defence of the World by
Woman-Nation-State by Anthias, Floya, Yuval-Davis, Nira
The American Political Tradition: And the Men Who Made It by Hofstadter, Richard
Index to International Public Opinion, 1987-1988 by Hastings, Elizabeth
The President and Civil Rights Policy: Leadership and Change by Shull, Steven a.
Demographic Change and Economic Development by
First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code by Bentham, Jeremy
Nationalism and National Integration by Birch, Anthony H.
The Soviet Withdrawal from Afghanistan by
Managing Canal Irrigation: Practical Analysis from South Asia by Chambers, Robert
Beyond Trade Friction: Japan-Us Economic Relations by
Political Innovation and Conceptual Change by
The Soviet Withdrawal from Afghanistan: An Introduction to Roman Culture by
Recruiting for Uncle Sam by Segal, David R.
Effective Risk Communication: The Role and Responsibility of Government and Nongovernment Organizations by
1905 in St. Petersburg: Labor, Society, and Revolution by Surh, Gerald D.
U.S. Army Guard and Reserve: Rhetoric, Realities, Risks by Kaufmann, William W., Binkin, Martin
Einführung in das Programmieren in ASSEMBLER by Niemeyer, Gerhard
Superpower Rivalry in the Indian Ocean by
Chemical Weaponry: A Continuing Challenge by Spiers, Edward M.
March to Armageddon: The United States and the Nuclear Arms Race, 1939 to the Present by Powaski, Ronald E.
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