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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1990

Growth: The Celtic Cancer by
Building Bridges: The Emerging Grassroots Coalition of Labor and Community by
The Poor and the Powerless: Economic Policy and Change in the Caribbean by Thomas, Clive
Social security's looming surpluses: Prospects and implications (AEI studies) by Weaver, Carolyn L.
Control & Crisis in Colonial Kenya: The Dialectic of Domination by Berman, Bruce
The Dance of the Millions: Latin America and the Debt Crisis by Roddick, Jacqueline
Guatemala: False Hope False Freedom 2nd Edition by Painter, James
Latin Amer. Revolutionaries (H) by Radu, Michael
Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution Vol IV by Draper, Hal
Democracy and the Ethical Life A Philosophy of Politics and Community, Second Edition Expanded by Ryn, Claes G.
Elections, Parties and Political Traditions: Social Foundations of German Parties and Party Systems, 1867-1987 by
A Practical Guide to Managing Information for Competitive Positioning in Economic Development by Harman, Keith A.
Government of Michigan by Carr, Robert
Aufbruch Ins Europäische Zeitalter by Wilhelm, Theodor
Die Friedens- Und Umweltbewegung in Großbritannien: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Im Hinblick Auf Das Konzept Der 'Neuen Sozialen Bewegungen' by Rothgang, Heinz
The Catskills: An Illustrated Historical Guide with Gazetteer by Adams, Arthur G.
Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution Vol IV by Draper, Hal
Decisive Campaigns of the Second World War by
Grenzen Entwicklungspolitischer Intervention: Der Politikdialog in Den Ernährungsstrategien by Anhut, Reimund
Building Bridges: The Emerging Grassroots Coalition of Labor and Community by
Wahlen Und Wähler: Analysen Aus Anlaß Der Bundestagswahl 1987 by Kaase, Max
The Nuclear Energy Option: An Alternative for the 90s by Cohen, Bernard Leonard
Ursprünge Der Zweiten Republik: Prozesse Der Verfassungsgebung in Den Westzonen Und in Der Bundesrepublik by Pfetsch, Frank R.
Kritik Der Theorie Der Partizipatorischen Demokratie by Lindner, Clausjohann
Parteienfinanzierung Und Politischer Wettbewerb: Rechtsnormen -- Realanalysen -- Reformvorschläge by
Der Wohlfahrtsstaat Und Seine Politik Des Strafens by
Politische Institutionen Im Gesellschaftlichen Umbruch: Ideengeschichtliche Beiträge Zur Theorie Politischer Institutionen by
Vom Wert Der Natur: Zur Ökologischen Reform Von Wirtschaft Und Gesellschaft. Natur in Der Ökonomischen Theorie Teil 3 by
Die Betriebliche Arbeitsmotivation in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Und in Der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik: Ansätze Einer Vergleichsanalyse by Lück, Grażyna
Politik in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by
The Police Mystique: An Insider's Look at Cops, Crime, and the Criminal Justice System by Bouza, Anthony V.
Computerbürokratie: Ergebnisse Von 30 Jahren Öffentlicher Verwaltung Mit Informationstechnik by Brinckmann, Hans, Kuhlmann, Stefan
Bürgerinformationssysteme: Strategien Zur Steigerung Der Verwaltungstransparenz Und Der Partizipationschancen Der Bürger by
The Wartime Diaries of Lionel Robbins and James Meade, 1943-45 by Meade, James, Robbins, Lionel
The 1989 Election of the European Parliament by Lodge, Juliet
International Science and Technology: Philosophy, Theory and Policy by Mtewa, Mekki
Economic Theory, Welfare and the State: Essays in Honour of John C. Weldon by Asimakopulos, A.
The Political Economy of Postwar Reconstruction by Burnham, Peter
The Political Economy of the Arms Race by Maddock, R. T.
Technology Transfer in the Developing Countries by
Whiggery and Reform, 1830-41: The Politics of Government by Newbold, Ian
A Handbook of Verification Procedures by
Arab Nationalism: A Critical Enquiry by Farouk-Sluglett, Trans Marion, Tibi, B., Ed
Federal Union: The Pioneers: A History of Federal Union by Mayne, Richard, Pinder, John
The Idea of the Miraculous: The Challenge to Science and Religion by Williams, T. C.
Aristotle's Theory of the State by Johnson, Curtis N.
Moscow Politics and the Rise of Stalin: The Communist Party in the Capital, 1925-32 by Merridale, Catherine
The Warsaw Treaty Organization: A Political and Organizational Analysis by Fodor, Neil
The State and Capital Accumulation in Latin America: Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela by
The Political Economy of Turkey: Debt, Adjustment and Sustainability by John F. Kennedy School of Government
Domestic Determinants of Soviet Foreign Policy Towards South Asia and the Middle East by Malik, Hafeez
Political Violence and the Struggle in South Africa by
'New Poverty' in the European Community by Room, Graham
Military Power in Europe: Essays in Memory of Jonathan Alford by Freedman, Lawrence
Tories and the Welfare State: A History of Conservative Social Policy Since the Second World War by Raison, Timothy
Democratic Transition and Consolidation in Southern Europe, Latin America and Southeast Asia by
The Phenomenon of Political Marketing by O'Shaughnessy, Nicholas Jackson
Philosophie und Nationalsozialismus - am Beispiel Heideggers: 39. Jahresfeier am 31. Mai 1989 by Pöggeler, Otto
City-Center: Erfolgsfaktoren innerstädtischer Einkaufszentren by Bühler, Thomas
Indien: Wirtschaft, Verfassung, Politik: Entwicklungstendenzen Bis Zur Gegenwart by Malhotra, Joginder
The Political Economy of James Buchanan by Reisman, David
Managing Britain's Defence by McIntosh, Malcolm
Alfred Marshall's Mission by Reisman, David
Market Forces in Planned Economies: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the International Economic Association in Moscow, USSR by
Japanese Financial Growth by Goodhart, C. a. E.
ACTA Demographica: Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Bevölkerungswissenschaft E.V. by
Meeting Gorbachev's Challenge: How to Build Down the Nato-Warsaw Pact Confrontation by Dean, Jonathan
Die Friedensbewegung in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by
Understanding Party System Change in Western Europe by Mair, Peter, Smith, Gordon
Whose Gold?: Geest and the Banana Trade by Simpson, Anne
Predicting Politics: Essays in Empirical Public Choice by Tollison, Robert D., Crain, W.
Family Violence: Research and Public Policy Issues by Besharov, Douglas J.
Manifesto for a Sombre Fin de Siècle / Manifeste pour une fin de siècle obscure by Gallo, Max
The Anthropology of War by
Promised Land: Peasant Rebellion in Chalatenango, El Salvador by Pearce, Jenny
Political Theory in the Welfare State by Luhmann, Niklas
The Great Tin Crash PB: Bolivia and the World Tin Market by Duffy, Gavan, Crabtree, John, Pearce, Jenny
The Rise and Fall of the Communist Party of Burma (Cpb) by Lintner, Bertil
A Malay Frontier by Drakard, Jane
The State and Capital Accumulation in Latin America: Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela by
Public Sector Management by
Democracy in Latin America: Visions and Realities by
Apprenticeship in Thinking: Cognitive Development in Social Context by Rogoff, Barbara
The Politics of Survival: Artisans in Twentieth-Century France by Zdatny, Steven
Kontrolle Der Nichtproduktion Chemischer Waffen by Trapp, Ralf
Neomonetarismus: Kritische Untersuchungen Einer Konservativen Staatsmonopolistischen Wirtschaftslehre by Müller, Klaus, Braun, Manfred, Krause, Günter
Jahrbuch Für Politische Ökonomie. 4.1989 by
Politik Und Taktik Der Gagern-Liberalen in Der Frankfurter Nationalversammlung 1848/1849 by Hildebrandt, Gunther
1989. Zur Geschichte Marxistischen Soziologischen Und Sozialpolitischen Denkens by
A Union of Interests: Political and Economic Thought in Revolutionary America by Matson, Cathy D., Onuf, Peter S.
Brazil's National Alcohol Program: Technology and Development in an Authoritarian Regime by Demetrius, Frederck, Demetrius, F. Joseph
Gorbachev's New Thinking on Terrorism by Golan, Galia
Gorbachev's New Thinking on Terrorism by Golan, Galia
Richard Nixon: Rhetorical Strategist by Bochin, Hal
Public Policy and Transit System Management by
Political Equality: An Essay in Democratic Theory by Beitz, Charles R.
Market Environmentalism: Lessons for Hong Kong by Kwong, Jo Ann
The Urban Transition: Reflections on the American and Asian Experiences by Ginsburg, Norton
The Other Hong Kong Report 1990 by
American Conservative Thought Since World War II: The Core Ideas by Thorne, Melvin J.
Iran S Revolution: The Search for Consensus by
Democracy in Latin America: Visions and Realities by Stein, Nancy, Jonas, Susanne
Niccolo Machiavelli: An Annotated Bibliography of Modern Criticism and Scholarship by Ruffo-Fiore, Silvia, Fiore, Silvia
Market, State, and Community: Theoretical Foundations of Market Socialism by Miller, David
Transport Policy by Hamilton, Kerry
The Politics of Latin American Development by Wynia, Gary W.
Mill and Liberalism by Cowling, Maurice
Inventing the French Revolution: Essays on French Political Culture in the Eighteenth Century by Baker, Keith Michael
Between the Blocs: Problems and Prospects for Europe's Neutral and Nonaligned States by
The Soviet Concept of 'Limited Sovereignty' from Lenin to Gorbachev: The Brezhnev Doctrine by Jones, Robert A.
The Us-Turkish-NATO Middle East Connection: How the Truman Doctrine and Turkey's NATO Entry Contained the Soviets by McGhee, George
Building Foundations by
Thomas Hobbes and Political Theory (PB) by
Der Haushaltsausschuß Des Deutschen Bundestages: Struktur Und Entscheidungsprozeß by Sturm, Roland
Turkey and the European Community by Evin, Ahmet, Denton, Geoffrey
Aufstand Der Palästinenser Die Intifada by Schreiber, Friedrich
Die Cdu: Organisationsstrukturen, Politiken Und Funktionsweisen Einer Partei Im Föderalismus by Schmid, Josef
Symbole Der Politik -- Politik Der Symbole by
The Human Rights Reader by
Wissenschaftliches Interesse Und Politische Verantwortung: Dimensionen Vergleichender Bildungsforschung: Ausgewählte Schriften 1967-1989 by Anweiler, Oskar
Black Electoral Politics: Participation, Performance, Promise by
Edmund Burke: Appraisals and Applications by
Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance by Colburn, Forrest D.
Nature, Experiment, and the Sciences: Essays on Galileo and the History of Science in Honour of Stillman Drake by
Regieren in Der Bundesrepublik I: Konzeptionelle Grundlagen Und Perspektiven Der Forschung by
Worlds Apart: Collective Action in Simulated Agrarian and Industrial Societies by Dukes, R. L.
Politische Bildung in Deutschland: Entwicklung - Stand - Perspektiven by
Regional Policy in a Changing World by Savoie, Donald J., Hansen, Niles, Higgins, Benjamin
Spaltungen Der Gesellschaft Und Die Zukunft Des Sozialstaates: Beiträge Eines Symposiums Aus Anlaß Des 60. Geburtstages Von Hans-Hermann Hartwich by
Stadt Und Arbeitslosigkeit: Örtliche Arbeitsmarktpolitik by Benzler, Susanne, Heinelt, Hubert
Assessment of the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Studies Program: I. Physical Oceanography by Commission on Geosciences Environment and Resources, Committee to Review the Outer Continental Shelf Environmenta, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Inner-City Poverty in the United States by National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
The Disorder of Women: Democracy, Feminism, and Political Theory by Pateman, Carole
The Politics of Public Spending in Canad by Savoie, Donald J.
Regional Policy by Copperthwaite, Nigel, Mellors, Colin
Hearts and Minds, Water and Fish: Support for the IRA and INLA in a Northern Irish Ghetto by
Die Strategische (Ohn-) Macht Der Friedensbewegung: Kommunikations- Und Entscheidungsstrukturen in Den Achtziger Jahren by
Octopus: The Long Reach of the Sicilian Mafia by Sterling, Claire
Capitalism in Contrasting Cultures by
Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun by Roberts, Wess
Data Processing In Taxation by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Beyond Realism and Marxism: Critical Theory and International Relations by Linklater, A.
Women, Employment and the Family in the International Division of Labour by
Political and Social Change in China Since 1978 by Burton, Charles
The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham: Volume 9: January 1817 to June 1820 by Bentham, Jeremy
The Struggle for Black Political Empowerment in Three Georgia Counties by Hanks, Lawrence J.
Playing the Game: The Presidential Rhetoric of Ronald Reagan by Stuckey, Mary E.
Planning: Universal Process by Branch, Melville Campbell, Branch, Melville C.
Managing Fiscal Strain in Major American Cities: Understanding Retrenchment in the Public Sector by Pammer, William J.
The Working Class and Politics in Europe and America 1929-1945 by Salter, Stephen, Stevenson, John
Moving Targets: Nuclear Strategy and National Security by Sagan, Scott Douglas
Managing the Commanding Heights: Nicaragua's State Enterprises by Colburn, Forrest D.
Persistent Inequalities: Women and World Development by
The Corporate State and the Broker State: The Du Ponts and American National Politics, 1925-1940 by Burk, Robert F.
Technology Transfer in the Developing Countries by
The Great U-Turn: Corporate Restructuring and the Polarizing of America by Harrison, Bennett
The Swedish Farmers' Movement and Government Agricultural Policy by Micheletti, Michele
Political Leaders of the Contemporary Middle East and North Africa: A Biographical Dictionary by
Homeless in America by Caton, Carol L. M.
Nationalism and International Society by Mayall, James
Rural Communities Under Stress: Peasant Farmers and the State in Africa by Barker, Jonathan
The Judgment of Sense: Renaissance Naturalism and the Rise of Aesthetics by Summers, David
The Three Crowns: Structures of Communal Politics in Early Rabbinic Jewry by Cohen, Stuart A., Cohen, Stuart
Contemporary West African States by O'Brien, Donal Cruise
The Politics of Latin American Development by Wynia, Gary W.
T.G.Masaryk (1850-1937): Volume 1: Thinker and Politician by Hanak, Harry
State, Revolution, and Superpowers in Afghanistan by Emadi, Hafizullah
Statistical Analysis for Public and Nonprofit Managers by Stiefel, Leanna
`The Workers Themselves'. Syndicalism and International Labour: The Origins of the International Working Men's Association, 1913-1923 by Thorpe, Wayne
Anton Pannekoek and the Socialism of Workers' Self Emancipation, 1873-1960 by Gerber, John P.
Burden of Support: Young Latinos in an Aging Society by Schink, Werner O., Chapa, Jorge, Hayes-Bautista, David E.
Spiritual Warfare by Diamond, Sara
Economic Crisis and Policy Choice: The Politics of Adjustment in Less Developed Countries by
Beyond the War on Drugs by Wisotsky, Steven
Report from Xunwu by Mao, Zedong
Natural Law and Justice by Weinreb, Lloyd L.
Liberalism and American Constitutional Law by Smith, Rogers M.
Japan's Unequal Trade by Lincoln, Edward J.
Political Ethics and Public Office by Thompson, Dennis F.
The Politics of Literary Theory: An Introduction to Marxist Criticism by Goldstein, Philip
American Ordeal: The Antiwar Movement of the Vietnam Era by DeBenedetti, Charles
Das Staatsoberhaupt in Der Parlamentarischen Demokratie. Verwaltung Durch Subventionen: Aussprache Zu Den Berichten in Den Verhandlungen Der Tagung De by
Friendly Fascism by Gross, Bertram
Financing Economic Development: An Institutional Response by Bingham, Richard, Hill, Edward
The Globalization of Politics: The Changed Focus of Political Action in the Modern World by Luard, Evan
The State and Labor in Modern Japan by Garon, Sheldon
The Reagan Presidency: An Incomplete Revolution? by
The Reagan Presidency: An Incomplete Revolution? by
Economics of Wage Determination by
The Politics of Military Rule in Brazil, 1964-1985 by Skidmore, Thomas E.
Whigs and Cities: Popular Politics in the Age of Walpole and Pitt by Rogers, Nicholas
Social Scientists, Policy, and the State by
Implementation and the Policy Process: Opening Up the Black Box by Palumbo, Dennis, Calista, Donald
Trial by Jury: The Tactics, Deals, and Decisions That Determined the Outcome of 17 of the Decade's Biggest Legal Cases by Brill, Steven
Political Action in Europe and the USA by Marsh, Alan
The Politics of Nonformal Education in Latin America by Torres, Carlos Alberto, Torres, Carlos
A Fragile Movement: The Struggle for Neighborhood Stabilization by Saltman, Juliet
The Urban Housing Crisis: Social, Economic, and Legal Issues and Proposals by Zarembka, Arlene
William Howard Taft: Collected Editorials, 1917-1921 by Taft, William H.
Islam, Politics, and Social Movements by
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