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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1991

The Strangers Next Door by Iglauer, Edith
Decade of War by Sundaram, Anjali
Polpop 2: Politics and Popular Culture in America Today by Combs, James
Of Time and Power: Leadership Duration in the Modern World by Van de Walle, Nicolas, Bienen, Henry S.
Church and State: The English Experience by Hastings, Adrian
Self-Directed Groupwork: Users Take Action for Empowerment by Mullender, A., Ward, D.
Democracy and New Technology by McLean, Iain
Election Broadcasting in Canada by Fletcher, Frederick J.
Media, Elections, and Democracy: Royal Commission on Electoral Reform by Fletcher, Frederick J.
Long-Wave Rhythms in Economic Development and Political Behavior by Berry, Brian J. L.
Aggressive Unilateralism: America's 301 Trade Policy and the World Trading System by
The Battle For Guatemala: Rebels, Death Squads, And U.s. Power by Jonas, Susanne
Churchill, the Great Game and Total War by Jablonsky, David
Sachregister Zu Den Verhandlungen Des Deutschen Bundestages 11. Wahlperiode (1987-1991) Und Zu Den Verhandlungen Des Bundesrates (1987-1990) by
Betrachtungen Zum Problem Der Macht by Bracher, Karl Dietrich
Ferdinand Tönnies: Soziologie ALS Skeptische Aufklärung Zwischen Historismus Und Rationalismus by Bickel, Cornelius
Erosion Des Wachstumsparadigmas: Neue Konfliktstrukturen Im Politischen System Der Bundesrepublik? by
Korruption in China: Analyse Eines Politischen, Ökonomischen Und Sozialen Problems by
Die Romanliteratur Der DDR: Erzähltechniken, Leserlenkung, Kulturpolitik by Schregel, Friedrich-Hermann
Sprache Statt Politik?: Politikwissenschaftliche Semantik- Und Rhetorikforschung by
Aboriginal Peoples and Electoral Reform in Canada: Volume 9 by
Media and Voters in Canadian Election Campaigns by
Staat Und Stadt: Systematische, Vergleichende Und Problemorientierte Analysen "Dezentraler" Politik by
Ukraine Under Perestroika: Ecology, Economics and the Workers' Revolt by Marples, David R.
The Falling Rate of Profit in the Postwar United States Economy by Moseley, Fred
Economic Reforms and Welfare Systems in the Ussr, Poland and Hungary: Social Contract in Transformation by Adam, Jan
Soviet Reforms and Beyond by Cooper, Leo
Science, Medicine and Cultural Imperialism by
Comparative Health Policy and the New Right: From Rhetoric to Reality by
Debates on the Future of Communism by Tismaneanu, Vladimir
Chirac's France, 1986-88: Contemporary Issues in French Society by Tuppen, John H.
Edward Boyle: His Life by His Friends by Gold, Ann
A Stable External Currency for Europe by Riboud, Jacques
The Language of Political Leadership in Contemporary Britain by Gaffney, John
Strategies of Economic Development: Readings in the Political Economy of Industrialization by Martin, Kurt
Us Foreign Policy in the 1990s by Schmergel, Greg
The Competitiveness of the UK Economy by McKenzie, George W., Arndt, Sven W.
The Chinese State in the Era of Economic Reform: The Road to Crisis by White, Gordon
The Arms Race in an Era of Negotiations by Schaerf, Carlo, Carlton, David
Politics, Technology and Development: Decision-Making in the Turkish Iron and Steel Industry by Szyliowicz, Joseph S.
Western Trade Pressure on the Soviet Union: An Interdependence Perspective on Sanctions by Hunter, David W.
War Finance, Reconstruction, Hyperinflation and Stabilization in Hungary, 1938-48 by Siklos, Pierre L.
Why Developing Countries Fail to Develop: International Economic Framework and Economic Subordination by Mathur, Purushottam Narayan
After the Cold War: Europe's New Political Architecture by Rusi, Alpo M.
The Statesman's Year-Book World Gazetteer by Paxton, John
Socialism Today?: The Changing Meaning of Socialism by Sik, Ota
Czechoslovakia 1918-88: Seventy Years from Independence by
Eurobarometer: The Dynamics of European Public Opinion Essays in Honour of Jacques-René Rabier by
Socialism Without the State by Luard, E.
Judicial Settlement of International Disputes: Jurisdiction, Justiciability and Judicial Law-Making on the Contemporary International Court by McWhinney, Edward J.
Soviet Power: The Continuing Challenge by Sherr, James
The Methodologies of Positivism and Marxism: A Sociological Debate by Romm, Norma R. a.
Disarming Military Industries: Turning an Outbreak of Peace Into an Enduring Legacy by Southwood, Peter
Can the Welfare State Compete?: A Comparative Study of Five Advanced Capitalist Countries by
Hegelian Reflections on the Idea of Nuclear War: Dialectical Thinking and the Dialectic of Mankind by Krombach, Hayo B. E. D.
Security and the CSCE Process: The Stockholm Conference and Beyond by Freeman, John
Marx's Capital and One Free World: A Fundamental Reappraisal of His Political Economy by Horie, Tadas
Kissinger and Brzezinski: The Nsc and the Struggle for Control of Us National Security Policy by Andrianopoulos, Gerry Argyris
A Conservative Against Hitler: Ulrich Von Hassell: Diplomat in Imperial Germany, the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich, 1881-1944 by Schollgen, Gregor, Willmot, Louise
City-Center: Erfolgsfaktoren Innerstädtischer Einkaufszentren by Bühler, Thomas
'Erinnerung Ist Unsere Aufgabe': Über Literatur, Moral Und Politik 1945-1990 by Vogt, Jochen
Keeping a Watchful Eye: The Politics of Congressional Oversight by Aberbach, Joel D.
Perestroika and Soviet National Security by McCgwire, Michael
Civic Freedom in Central Europe: Voices from Czechoslovakia by Skilling, H. Gordon
The Effects of Warning on Strategic Stability by Steinbruner, John D., Blair, Bruce G.
Soviet Military Operational Art: In Pursuit of Deep Battle by Glantz, Colonel David M.
The the Communist Party of the United States: From the Depression to World War II by Ottanelli, Fraser
Workers of the World & Oppress by
Soviet Military Operational Art: In Pursuit of Deep Battle by Glantz, Colonel David M.
El Temor y la Impaciencia: Ensayo Sobre la Transicion Democratica en America Latina by Sanguinetti, Julio Maria
Nazism, Liberalism, and Christianity: Protestant Social Thought in Germany and Great Britain, 1925-1937 by Barnes, Kenneth C.
The People's Mandate: Referendums and a More Democratic Canada by Boyer, J. Patrick
Populism, Its Rise and Fall by Peffer, William A.
State and Society in Post-War Japan by Eccleston, Bernard
Marxism, Pluralism and Beyond by McLennan, Gregor
Citizens, Parties and the State: A Reappraisal by Ware, Alan J.
Comparative History of Public Policy by
Terrorism, Politics and Law: The Achille Lauro Affair by Cassese, Antonio
After Redundancy: The Experience of Economic Insecurity by Westergaard, John, Noble, Iain, Walker, Alan
Modern Italian Social Theory: Ideology and Politics from Pareto to the Present by Bellamy, Richard
Sandinistas by Gilbert, Dennis
Theories of the State by Vincent, Andrew
Famine: History Association Studies by Arnold, David
Public Choice by McLean, Iain
Political Theory and Modernity by Connolly, William
Future of Democracy by Bobbio, Norberto
Military Expenditure: The Political Economy of International Security by Sen, Somnath, Deger, Saadet
Televised Presidential Debates: Advocacy in Contemporary America by Hellweg, Susan A., Pfau, Michael William, Brydon, Steven R.
Politische Aspekte Des Exils by
Der Isolierte Staat in Beziehung Auf Landwirtschaft Und Nationalökonomie by Thünen, Johann Heinrich Von
Proletarians and Politics: Socialism, Protest and the Working Class in Germany Before the First World War by Ltd, Palgrave MacMillan
Law and Public Choice: A Critical Introduction by Farber, Daniel a.
Age of Rights by Bobbio, Norberto
Contested Ground by Davis, John Emmius
Private Markets and Public Intervention: A Primer for Policy Designers by Averch, Harvey
Managing Labor Relations in the Public Sector by Coleman, Charles J.
Polls and Surveys: Understanding What They Tell Us by Bradburn, Norman M., Sudman, Seymour
Readings in State and Local Public Finance by
The Civil Service Since 1945 by Theakston, Kevin
Pathologie Des Psychosomatischen Reaktionsmusters: Diagnose - Klinik - Therapie by Gathmann, Peter
British Foreign Policy in the Age of the American Revolution by Scott, H. M.
The Case for Legalizing Drugs by Miller, Richard
From Cotton Belt to Sunbelt: Federal Policy, Economic Development, and the Transformation of the South, 1938-1980 by Schulman, Bruce J.
Language and Power by Anderson, Benedict R. O'g
Media Messages in American Presidential Elections by Owen, Diana
Florida Media Law by Dickerson, Donna Lee
China's Crisis: Dilemmas of Reform and Prospects for Democracy by Nathan, Andrew J.
The Other Hong Kong Report 1991 by
Federal Role in Urban Mass Transportation by Morgan, Rick
Sages and Filial Sons: Mythology and Archaeology in Ancient China by
The Nature of Politics by Masters, Roger D.
Mexican Americans: Leadership, Ideology, and Identity, 1930-1960 by García, Mario T.
Belonging to America: Equal Citizenship and the Constitution by Karst, Kenneth L.
Pornography in a Free Society by Franklin E., Zimring, Hawkins, Gordon, Gordon, Hawkins
Kant: Political Writings by Kant, Immanuel
Schumpeter and the Political Economy of Change by McKee, David L.
Social Policies for the Elderly in the Third World by Tracy, Martin
Within These Walls: A Study of Communication Between Presidents and Their Senior Staffs by Witherspoon, Patricia Dennis
The Environmental Contexts of AIDS by Muir, Marie A.
The Concepts of Comparative Politics by Needler, Martin C.
A Classical Approach to Occupational Wage Rates by Stevans, Lonnie, Gleicher, David, Green, Rodney
Teaching Public Policy: Theory, Research, and Practice by
Public Goods and Market Failures: A Critical Examination by Cowen, Tyler
The Economic Pivot in a Political Context by
Resurrecting Marx: Analytical Marxists on Exploitation, Freedom and Justice by Gordon, David
Myth of the Nation and Vision of Revolution: Ideological Polarization in the Twentieth Century by Talmon, Jacob L.
Edmund Burke: The Enlightenment and Revolution by
We the People: The Economic Origins of the Constitution by McDonald, Forrest
Public Administration by Simon, Herbert A.
Regierungsmehrheit Und Opposition in Den Staaten Der Eg by
Akademiker-Arbeitslosigkeit: Reintegration Durch Abm by Franck, Michael
Regieren in Der Bundesrepublik II: Formale Und Informale Komponenten Des Regierens in Den Bereichen Führung, Entscheidung, Personal Und Organisation by
Demokratie Und Außenpolitik in Lateinamerika by
Politics, Economics, and Welfare by Dahl, Robert a.
Fathers and Children: Andrew Jackson and the Subjugation of the American Indian by Rogin, Michael Paul
Cheating and Deception by Bell, J. Bowyer
The Resurgent Liberal: And Other Unfashionable Prophecies by Reich, Robert B.
Essays on the Theory of Scientific Cognition by Kmita, Jerzy
Operational Research and Systems: The Systemic Nature of Operational Research by Keys, Paul
Market, State, and Community: Theoretical Foundations of Market Socialism by Miller, David
Heraus Forderungen Antworten: Politische Bildung in Den Neunziger Jahren by
The New Aspects of Time: Its Continuity and Novelties by Capek, M.
Nordrhein-Westfalen Und Die Europäische Gemeinschaft by Woyke, Wichard
Surviving the Storm: A Memoir: A Memoir by Xuezhao, Chen
The Transition to Democracy: Proceedings of a Workshop by Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
The Future of the U.S.-Soviet Nuclear Relationship by National Academy of Sciences, Committee on International Security and Arms Control
The American Polity: Essays On The Theory And Practice Of Constitutional Government by Erler, Edward J.
Exporting Democracy: The United States and Latin America: Case Studies by
Roman Law and Comparative Law by Watson, Alan
New Communities in a Changing World by
Trappings of Power: Ballistic Missiles in the Third World by Nolan, Janne E.
Voices of Glasnost: Interviews with Gorbachev's Reformers by Cohen, Stephen F.
Die Ursachen Des Umbruchs 1989: Politische Sozialisation in Der Ehemaligen DDR by
A Short History of the Labour Party by Pelling, Henry
McKinley, Bryan and the People by Glad, Paul W.
Jews and the German State: The Political History of a Minority, 1848-1933 by Pulzer, Peter
Eritrea, a Pawn in World Politics by Yohannes, Okbazghi
The Moral Imagination and Public Life: Raising the Ethical Question by
Whistleblowers: Exposing Corruption in Government and Industry by Glazer, Myron P.
The Politics of Individualism: Parties and the American Character in the Jacksonian Era by Kohl, Lawrence F.
Employment Policy by Holmstedt, Margareta
Financial Risk Analysis of Infrastructure Debt: The Case of Water and Power Investments by Vaughan Jones, C., Jones, C. Vaughan, Jones, Clive Vaughan
Regional and Local Economic Analysis for Practitioners: Fourth Edition by Bendavid-Val, Avrom
Regional and Local Economic Analysis for Practitioners by Bendavid Val, Avrom
Censorship: The Knot That Binds Power and Knowledge by Jansen, Sue Curry
The Constitution and the American Presidency by
Crisis and Compensation: Public Policy and Political Stability in Japan by Calder, Kent E.
Filmer: 'Patriarcha' and Other Writings by Filmer, Robert
The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto by Rostow, Walt W., Rostow, W. W.
Cicero: On Duties by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
A Step Toward Democracy:: The December 1989 Elections in Taiwan, Republic of China by Lasater, Martin L.
Down and Out in America: The Origins of Homelessness by Rossi, Peter H.
Law, Decision-Making, and Microcomputers: Cross-National Perspectives by
Governors, Legislatures, and Budgets: Diversity Across the American States by
The Joint Press Conference: The History, Impact, and Prospects of American Presidential Debates by Lanoue, David J., Schrott, Peter R., Messina, Anthony
Siting Hazardous Waste Treatment Facilities: The Nimby Syndrome by Portney, Kent E.
Beyond Ethnocentrism: A Reconstruction of Marx's Concept of Science by McKelvey, Charles
Export Development and Promotion: The Role of Public Organizations by
Persuasion in Practice by Reardon, Kathleen Kelley
The Laws of the Salian Franks by
The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy by Hirschman, Albert O.
Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents: The Politics of Leadership from Roosevelt to Reagan by Neustadt, Richard E.
America's Welfare State: From Roosevelt to Reagan by Berkowitz, Edward D.
Fighting for Peace: 7 Critical Years in the Pentagon by Weinberger, Caspar
Beyond Love by Lapierre, Dominique
Robert Nozick by Wolff, Jonathan
Can the Welfare State Compete?: A Comparative Study of Five Advanced Capitalist Countries by
Propaganda and Aesthetics: The Literary Politics of Afro-American Magazines in the Twentieth Century by Johnson, Ronald Maberry, Johnson, Abby Arthur
The Palestine Liberation Organization: From Armed Struggle to the Declaration of Independence by Nassar, Jamal R.
The Death of the Irish Language by Reg Hindley
On Interpreting Keynes: A Study in Reconciliation by Littleboy, Bruce
Public Law and Democracy in the United Kingdom and the United States of America by Craig, P. P.
The Papers of Henry Clay: Candidate, Compromiser, Elder Statesman, January 1, 1844-June 29, 1852 Volume 10 by Clay, Henry
African Successes: Four Public Managers of Kenyan Rural Development by Leonard, David K.
Mandela, Tambo, and the African National Congress: The Struggle Against Apartheid, 1948-1990, a Documentary Survey by
Hunger and Public Action by Sen, Amartya K., Ze, Jean, Dreze, Jean
America's Secret Power: The CIA in a Democratic Society by Johnson, Loch K.
Liberalism, Community, and Culture by Kymlicka, Will
Ballistic Missiles in Modern Conflict by Carus, W.
Lenin: A Political Life: Volume 2: Worlds in Collision by Service, Robert
See More