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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1992

A Captive Land: The Politics of Agrarian Reform in the Philippines by Putzel, James
Power to Us All: Consititution or Social Contract? by Woodcock, George
New World Order: Soc Reg' 92 by Miliband, Ralph
Hawke's Law: The Politics of Mining and Aboriginal Land Rights in Australia by Libby, Ronald
Comparing Muslim Societies: Knowledge and the State in a World Civilization by
Presidency of John F. Kennedy by Giglio, James N.
Presidency of John F. Kennedy by Giglio, James N.
The Idea of Europe: Problems of National and Transnational Identity by
Ethics of Liberal Democracy by Churchill, Robert P.
Democratic Tradition by Hucko, Elmor M.
From Bela Kun to Janos Kadar by Molnar, Miklos
Industrialisation and Social Change by Kaeble, H.
Elections: The Federal Republic of Germany in Comparison by Jesse, Eckhard
German Unification: The Unexpected Challenge by Grosser, Dieter
Industrialisation and Social Change by Kaeble, H.
Nato: The Founding of the Atlantic Alliance and the Integration of Europe by Heller, Francis H., Gillingham, John R.
The Politics of Structural Adjustment in Nigeria by
Birth or Abortion?: Private Struggles in a Political World by Maloy, Kate, Patterson, Margaret Jones
The Politics of Time by
The United States and Latin America: Myths and Stereotypes of Civilization and Nature by Pike, Fredrick B., Pike, Frederick B.
Zyklen Im Ablauf Des Wirtschaftsprozesses Mythos Und Realität. Unternehmungsverfassung Und Spitzenorganisation in Internationaler Sicht: 381. Sitzung by Bombach, Gottfried
Die Völker Der Ehemaligen Sowjetunion: Die Nationalitäten Der Gus, Georgiens Und Der Baltischen Staaten Ein Lexikon by Mark, Rudolf
Ökologische Ökonomie: Individuum Und Natur in Der Neoklassik - Natur in Der Ökonomischen Theorie: Teil 4 by
Die Abwicklung Der DDR: Die "2+4-Verhandlungen" Ein Insider-Bericht by Albrecht, Ulrich
Postdata: Año 1, Numero 2 by Alvarez Curbelo, Silvia, Gil, Carlos, Rua, Pedro Juan
Partial Justice by Norgren, Jill, Shattuck, Petra T.
Kooperation Und Abgrenzung: Zur Dynamik Von Intergruppen-Beziehungen in Kooperationssituationen by Beck, Dieter
Die Institutionalisierung Des Wohlfahrtsstaates by Rieger, Elmar
Tarifbestimmungen in Der Kraftfahrtversicherung: Ein Leitfaden Für Praktiker by Roth, Klaus
Gesundheitsbewegungen in den USA: Neue Initiativen im "anderen Amerika by Hildebrandt, Helmut
Essays in the History of Heterodox Political Economy by Samuels, Warren J.
Essays in the History of Mainstream Political Economy by Samuels, Warren J.
Japan and the Third World: Patterns, Power, Prospects by Nester, William R.
Plutonium and Security: The Military Aspects of the Plutonium Economy by Barnaby, Frank
Essays on the Economic Role of Government: Volume 2: Applications by Samuels, Warren J.
Beyond the Steady State: A Revival of Growth Theory by Halevi, Joseph
The Politics of Wage Policy in Post-Revolutionary China by Takahara, Akio
Terrorism and Democracy: Some Contemporary Cases by Janke, Peter
Power in Africa: An Essay in Political Interpretation by Chabal, Patrick
Hostage-Taking Terrorism: Incident-Response Strategy by Macwillson, Alastair C.
German Writers and Politics 1918-39 by
The Spectre of Democracy: The Rise of Modern Democracy as Seen by Its Critics by Levin, Michael
Anti-Communist Student Organizations and the Polish Renewal by Wankel, Charles
Japanese Targeting: Successes, Failures, Lessons by Woronoff, Jon
Modern Capitalism and Islamic Ideology in Iran by Bina, Cyrus
Western Doctrines on East-West Trade: Theory, History and Policy by Van Ham, Peter
The Politics of Hung Authorities by Stewart, John, Leach, Steve
South Africa, the Colonial Powers and 'African Defence': The Rise and Fall of the White Entente, 1948-60 by Berridge, G.
Oman: Politics and Development by Skeet, I.
The External Relations of the European Community: The International Response to 1992 by
Ethnicity and Conflict in a Post-Communist World: The Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and China by
Public Debt and Private Wealth: Debt, Capital Flight and the IMF in Sudan by Brown, Richard P. C.
The Internationalization of the German Political Economy: Evolution of a Hegemonic Project by Graf, William D.
Mozambique: A War Against the People by Andersson, Hilary
Morality and Sovereignty in the Philosophy of Hobbes by Shelton, George
Britain's Encounter with Revolutionary China, 1949-54 by Tuck-Hong Tang, James
Party Policy and Government Coalitions by
Thailand's Turn: Profile of a New Dragon by Kulick, Elliott, Wilson, Dick
The Principles of Islamic Political Economy: A Methodological Enquiry by Choudhury, Masudul Alam
Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea in Africa: Towards the 21st Century: Inaugural Lecture Given on the Occasion of Her Appointment as Professor of t by Kwiatkowska, Barbara
Democratization in Poland, 1988-90: Polish Voices by
Changing Threat Perceptions and Military Doctrines by Valki, Laszlo
Averting a Latin American Nuclear Arms Race: New Prospects and Challenges for Argentine-Brazil Nuclear Co-Operation by Leventhal, Paul
Ukraine: From Chernobyl' to Sovereignty: A Collection of Interviews by
The Creation of the Modern Ministry of Finance in Siam, 1885-1910 by Brown, Ian
Sylvia Pankhurst: From Artist to Anti-Fascist by Bullock, Ian
Cyprus and the International Economy by Wilson, Rodney
The Presidency in Mexican Politics by Philip, George D. E.
Enterprise Reforms in a Centrally Planned Economy: The Case of the Chinese Bicycle Industry by Zhang Xun-Hai
The Economics of High Inflation by Beckerman, Paul
Radical Reform in Soviet Defence Policy: Selected Papers from the Fourth World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Harrogate, 1990 by Allison, R.
Securing Peace in Europe, 1945-62: Thoughts for the Post-Cold War Era by
Reshaping Europe in the Twenty-First Century by
Greece, 1941-49: From Resistance to Civil War: The Strategy of the Greek Communist Party by Vlavianos, Haris
International Perspectives on the Falklands Conflict: A Matter of Life and Death by
The Federal Republic of Germany and NATO: 40 Years After by
Economic Reform and Third-World Socialism: A Political Economy of Food Policy in Post-Revolutionary Societies by Utting, Peter
The Great Rights of Mankind: A History of the American Bill of Rights by Schwartz, Bernard
Canada and the World: Agenda for the Last Decade of the Millennium by
Arcana of Freemasonry by Churchward, Albert
Hopes and Fears by
From Pki to the Comintern, 1924-1941: The Apprenticeship of the Malayan Communist Party by Kheng, Cheah Boon
Nurturing Neighborhood: The Brownsville Boys' Club and Jewish Community in Urban America, 1940-1990 by Sorin, Gerald
The Centennial History of the Independent Labour Party by Laybourn, Keith, James, David, Jowitt, T.
Summer Stock: Behind the Scenes with LBJ in '48 by Phipps, Joe
The Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke: Volume IX: The Revolutionary War, 1794-1797, and Ireland by Burke, Edmund
The Gestapo and German Society: Enforcing Racial Policy 1933-1945 by Gellately, Robert
Inadvertent Escalation: The Anxieties of Autonomy in Enlightenment Philosophy and Romantic Literature by Posen, Barry R.
Britain, Spain and Gibraltar 1945-1990: The Eternal Triangle by Haigh, R. H., Morris, D. S.
Wohnen Und Stadtpolitik Im Umbruch: Perspektiven Der Stadterneuerung Nach 40 Jahren DDR by
Das Problem Der Freiheit Im Lichte Des Wissenschaftlichen Sozialismus: Konferenz Der Sektion Philosophie Der Deutschen Akademie Der Wissenschaften Ber by Heppener, Sieglinde, Hedeler, Wladislaw
Volk Und Herrschaft Im Frühen Byzanz: Methodische Und Quellenkritische Probleme by
Changing Uganda: Dilemmas of Structural Adjustment by Hansen, Hölger Bernt
Politics, Women and Well-Being: How Kerala Became 'a Model' by Jeffrey, Robin
Stalinism: Its Nature and Aftermath: Essays in Honour of Moshe Lewin by
India's Strategic Future: Regional State or Global Power? by
The Other Hong Kong Report 1992 by
Armed Forces and Political Power in Eastern Europe: The Soviet/Communist Control System by Gitz, Bradley R.
Decentralization in Latin America: An Evaluation by
Shades of Right: Nativist and Fascist Politics in Canada, 1920-1940 by Robin, Martin
The Military Orders from the Twelfth to the Early Fourteenth Centuries by Forey, Alan
Bargaining with Uncertainty: Decision-Making in Public Health, Technologial Safety, and Environmental Quality by Ruchlin, Hirsh, Klapp, Merrie Gilbert, McCarthy, Eugene
Strategic Planning in Technology Transfer to Less Developed Countries by Madu, Christian N.
Mothers and Daughters: The Distortion of a Relationship by Nice, Vivien E.
Love of Glory and the Common Good: Aspects of the Political Thought of Thucydides by Palmer, Michael
Sitting in Judgement: The Sentencing of White-Collar Criminals by Wheeler, Stanton
The Rise of Popular Literacy in Victorian England: The Influence of Private Choice and Public Policy by Mitch, David
The Sword and the Cross: Reflections on Command and Conscience by Toner, James H.
Verification of Dual-Use Chemicals Under the Chemical Weapons Convention: The Case of Thiodiglycol by
Policing a Socialist Society: The German Democratic Republic by Wolfe, Nancy Travis
Collective Bargaining in State and Local Government by Piskulich, John Patrick, Paick Piskulich, John
Latin America to the Year 2000: Reactivating Growth, Improving Equity, Sustaining Democracy by
Spain and Central America: Democracy and Foreign Policy by Rosenberg, Robin L.
The Pulse of Politics: Electing Presidents in the Media Age by Barber, James David
Alltag Im Kz: Das Lager Sachsenhausen Bei Berlin by Hrdlicka, Manuela R.
Regieren in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Schmidt, Manfred G.
Immigranten Im Wohlfahrtsstaat: Am Beispiel Der Rechtspositionen Und Lebensverhältnisse Von Aussiedlern by Lohmann, Anne, Heinelt, Hubert
Arbeitsgestaltung Und Partizipative Systementwicklung by
Der Staat Der Autonomen Gemeinschaften in Spanien by
Bildungspolitik in Deutschland 1945-1990: Ein Historisch-Vergleichender Quellenband by
Communism, Conformity and Liberties by Stouffer, Samuel A.
The Radical Will: Selected Writings, 1911-1918 by Bourne, Randolph
Formal Demography by Smith, David P.
Socio-Economics: An Interdisciplinary Approach: Ethics, Institutions, and Markets by Bürgenmeier, Beat
Staat Und Demokratie in Europa: 18. Wissenschaftlicher Kongreß Der Deutschen Vereinigung Für Politische Wissenschaft by
Internationale Umweltpolitik: Entwicklungen -- Defizite -- Aufgaben by Strübel, Michael
Belated Feudalism: Labor, the Law, and Liberal Development in the United States by Orren, Karen
The Future of the Mass Audience by Neuman, W. Russell
Belated Feudalism: Labor, the Law, and Liberal Development in the United States by Orren, Karen
Agricultural Policies in Developing Countries by Ellis, Frank
Ancient and Medieval Memories: Studies in the Reconstruction of the Past by Coleman, Janet
The Caribbean in the Wider World, 1492-1992: A Regional Geography by Richardson, Bonham C.
Soviet Strategy and the New Military Thinking by
Patronage and Politics in the USSR by Willerton, John P.
Political Participation and Democracy in Britain by Parry, Geraint
Managerial Dilemmas: The Political Economy of Hierarchy by Miller, Gary J.
The Savage Within: The Social History of British Anthropology, 1885 1945 by Kuklick, Henrika
Price: Political Writings by Price, Richard
Virtue Transformed by Burtt, Shelley
Nicholas of Cusa: The Catholic Concordance by Sigmond, Paul E., Nicolaus of Cusa, Nicholas
The Humane Comedy: Constant, Tocqueville, and French Liberalism by Kelly, George Armstrong
Vitoria: Political Writings by Vitoria, Francisco De
Democratization in Africa: African Views, African Voices by National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
China and Global Change: Opportunities for Collaboration by National Research Council, Policy and Global Affairs, Office of International Affairs
Future National Research Policies Within the Industrialized Nations: Report of a Symposium by National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Engineering
Science and Technology Leadership in American Government: Ensuring the Best Presidential Appointments by Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Engineering, National Academy of Sciences
Calculating Visions: Kennedy, Johnson, and Civil Rights by Stern, Mark J.
My France: Politics, Culture, Myth by Weber, Eugen
What If the American Political System Were Different? by Levine, Herbert M.
Questionnaires: Design and Use by Niebuhr, Marsha A., Berdie, Douglas R., Anderson, John F.
Globalizing the GATT: The Soviet Union's Successor States, Eastern Europe, and the International Trading System by Haus, Leah A.
The Legacy of Chernobyl by Medvedev, Zhores a.
Standardformulierungen für deutsche Vertragstexte mit Übersetzungen in englischer, französischer und spanischer Sprache by
But Was It Just?: Reflections on the Morality of the Persian Gulf War by Bethke, Jean
Losing Balance: De-Democratization of America: De-Democratization of America by Kreml, William P.
A Fragile Relationship: The United States and China since 1972 by Harding, Harry
What If the American Political System Were Different? by Levine, Herbert M.
Mythical Pasts, Elusive Futures: History and Society in an Anxious Age by Furedi, Frank
The Work of Nations: Preparing Ourselves for 21st Century Capitalis by Reich, Robert B.
Shah of Shahs by Kapuscinski, Ryszard
The Soccer War by Kapuscinski, Ryszard
Prison Notebooks: Volume 1 by Gramsci, Antonio
Intellectuals and the French Communist Party: Disillusion and Decline by Hazareesingh, Sudhir
Peace Movements: International Protest and World Politics Since 1945 by Carter, April
Mary Kingsley by Birkett, Dea
Habermas, Lyotard and the Concept of Justice by Raffel, S.
New Thinking in Soviet Politics by
Union of Parts by Thelen, Kathleen
Politics Within the State: Elite Bureaucrats and Industrial Policy in Authoritarian Brazil by Schneider, Ben Ross
Women and Adjustment Policies in the Third World by
Anarchist Thinkers and Thought: An Annotated Bibliography by Nursey-Bray, Paul F.
Public Management in an Interconnected World: Essays in the Minnowbrook Tradition by
Western European Integration: Implications for U.S. Policy and Strategy by Collins, Michael J.
The Economics of Intellectual Property in a World Without Frontiers: A Study of Computer Software by Jussawalla, Meheroo
Truman, Palestine, and the Press: Shaping Conventional Wisdom at the Beginning of the Cold War by Evensen, Bruce J.
The Federalists, the Antifederalists, and the American Political Tradition by
Contesting Power: Everyday Resistance in South Asian Society & History by
Science, Technology and Development: North-South Co-operation by
A New European Cooperation / Le Nouveau Concert européen by Delors, Jacques
Democracy in an Age of Corporate Colonization: Developments in Communication and the Politics of Everyday Life by Deetz, Stanley a.
Management Analysis in Public Organizations: History, Concepts, and Techniques by Damours, Stephen, Uscher, Andrew, Oman, Ray
Europeans on Europe: Transnational Visions of a New Continent by Howorth, Jolyon
Super Tuesday by Norrander, Barbara
Women, Politics and Change by
From Friend to Comrade: The Founding of the Chinese Communist Party, 1920-1927 by Van De Ven, Hans J.
The Paths to Domination, Resistance, and Terror by
The New Politics of British Trade Unionism: Union Power and the Thatcher Legacy by Marsh, David
French Socialism and Sexual Difference: Women and the New Society, 1803-44 by Foley, S.
Assets and the Poor: New American Welfare Policy by Gilbert, Neil, Sherraden, Michael
Palestine and the Egyptian National Identity by Talhami, Ghada Hashem
Political Conflict in Southern Europe: Regulation, Regression, and Morphogenesis by Koutsoukis, Kleomenis S., Ziegenhagen, Eduard a.
The Right and Democracy in Latin America by
Perestroika: A Comparative Perspective by
Haiti: The Failure of Politics by Weinstein, Brian, Segal, Aaron
Synthesis of Traditional and Modern in the Evolution of Third World Societies by Simonia, Nodari A., Simoniia, N. A.
Value Added Reporting: Lessons for the United States by Belkaoui, Ahmed R., Riahi-Belkaoui, Ahmed
China's Search for Democracy: The Students and Mass Movement of 1989: The Students and Mass Movement of 1989 by Ogden, Suzanne, Sullivan, Nancy, Hartford, Kathleen
Technology, Culture and Development: The Experience of the Soviet Model by Scanlan, James P.
Origins of the Crisis in the U.S.S.R.: Essays on the Political Economy of a Disintegrating System by Ticktin, Hillel
Power and Policy in Liberal de by
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