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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1993

Long Walks and Intimate Talks: Stories, Poems and Paintings by Paley, Grace
George Grant and the Future of Canada by
Legislating Together: The White House and Capitol Hill from Eisenhower to Reagan by Peterson, Mark A.
Press Gallery: Congress and the Washington Correspondents by Ritchie, Donald a.
The Phantom Respondents: Opinion Surveys and Political Representation by Brehm, John O.
Monitoring Government: Inspectors General and the Search for Accountability by Light, Paul C.
Nation Against State: A New Approach to Ethnic Conflicts and the Decline of Sovereignty by Gottlieb, Gideon, Gottlieb, Gidon, Gottlieb, Gildon
Fair Land Sarawak: Some Recollections of an Expatriate Officer by Morrison, Alastair
The Politics of Culture in Soviet-Occupied Germany, 1945-1949 by Pike, David
Schlagwörter Im Politisch-Kulturellen Kontext: Zum Öffentlichen Diskurs in Der Brd Von 1966 Bis 1974 by Niehr, Thomas
Wirtschaftspolitische Konzeptionen in Der Sowjetunion Im Wandel by Touché, Burkhard
New Studies in the Politics by Brown, Michael E.
Out of the Shadows: Women, Resistance and Politics in South America by Fisher, Jo
Die Massenmedien Im Wahlkampf: Untersuchungen Aus Dem Wahljahr 1990 by
Vernunft Und Vernichtung: Zur Philosophie Und Soziologie Der Moderne by Weiß, Johannes
After the Cold War: International Institutions and State Strategies in Europe, 1989-1991 by
Die europäische Integration als ordnungspolitische Aufgabe by
Welt Im Wandel: Grundstruktur Globaler Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen: Jahresgutachten 1993 by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Parlament Und Gesellschaft: Eine Funktionsanalyse Der Repräsentativen Demokratie by
Change in the Chilean Countryside: From Pinochet to Aylwin and Beyond by
The Political Economy of North American Free Trade by
The Burdensharing Debate: A Reassessment by Duke, Simon
Military Rule and Transition in Ecuador, 1972-92 by Isaacs, Anita
The Pathology of the U.S. Economy: The Costs of a Low-Wage System by Perelman, Michael
Pakistan and the Geostrategic Environment: A Study of Foreign Policy by Rizvi, H.
The Diplomacy of Pragmatism: Britain and the Formation of Nato, 1942-49 by Baylis, J.
Political Theory, International Relations, and the Ethics of Intervention by
Governing Together: The Extent and Limits of Joint Decision-Making in Western European Cabinets by
The Soviets, Their Successors and the Middle East: Turning Point by Hollis, Rosemary
Trade Policies Towards Developing Countries by
Industrial Policy in Italy, 1945-90 by Baldassarri, Mario
A Post-Apartheid Southern Africa? by Beaudet, Pierre, Thede, Nancy
The New Institutional Architecture of Eastern Europe by Whitefield, Stephen
Making Trade Policy in the European Community by Hayes, J. P.
Monetary Theory and Monetary Policy: New Tracks for the 1990s by Frowen, S.
Economic Reform, Trade and Agricultural Development by
Die Neuordnung Der Telekommunikationsindustrie in Den USA: Krise Fordistischer Akkumulation, Deregulierung Und Gewerkschaften by Lüthje, Boy
European Power and the Japanese Challenge by Nester, William R.
The Military and Society in Haiti by Laguerre, Michel S.
Radar at Sea: The Royal Navy in World War 2 by Howse, Derek
International Historical Statistics: The Americas 1750-1988 by Mitchell, Brian
The Future of European Security: The Pursuit of Peace in an Era of Revolutionary Change by
Elderly Care: A World Perspective by Tout, Ken
South Africa's Other Whites: Voices for Change by Jaster, Robert Scott
Intellectuals in Twentieth-Century France: Mandarins and Samurais by
Adam Smith: International Perspectives by Mizuta, Hiroshi, Sugiyama, Chuhei
Freezing Assets: The USA and the Most Effective Economic Sanction by Alerassool, Mahvash
Iran and the Arab World by
The Politics of Economic Change in Postwar Japan and West Germany: Volume 1: Macroeconomic Conditions and Policy Responses by
Dilemmas of National Security and Cooperation in India and Pakistan by Malik, Hafeez
The Japanese Experience of Economic Reforms by
Keynes and the Role of the State: The Tenth Keynes Seminar Held at the University of Kent at Canterbury, 1991 by
Public Interest and Market Pressures: Problems Posed by Europe 1992 by Mayes, David G.
Neue Konfliktlinien in Der Mobilisierung Öffentlicher Meinung: Eine Fallstudie by Gerhards, Jürgen
Literacy for All in Africa, Vol. 1 by
Nature Notes from Tanzania (H) by Outwater, Anne
Moving the Mountain: Women Working for Social Change by Strom, Sharon Hartman, Cantarow, Ellen, O?malley, Susan Gushee
Theater and Politics: An International Anthology by
The Local Customs Accounts of the Port of Exeter 1266-1321 by
Scuds or Butter?: The Political Economy of Arms Control in the Middle East by Sadowski, Yahya M.
Unlocking the Files of the FBI: A Guide to Its Records and Classification System by Langbart, David A., Haines, Gerald K.
Out of the Shadows by Fisher, Jo
Interactionism: Exposition and Critique by Reynolds, Larry T.
Interactionism: Exposition and Critique by Reynolds, Larry T.
Rebel Radio: Story of El Salvador's Radio Venceremos by Vigil, José Ignacio López
Discourse on the Origins of Inequality (Second Discourse), Polemics, and Political Economy by Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Föderalismus im deutsch-britischen Meinungsstreit by
Machiavelli and Republicanism by
Women Activists: Challenging the Abuse of Power by Garland, Anne Witte
Westminster's World: Understanding Political Roles by Searing, Donald D.
New Studies in the Politics by Brown, Michael E.
Controversial Issues in Health Care Policy by Kronenfeld, Jennie Jacobs, Kelly, Rita Mae, Palumbo, Dennis
Social Cognition and Individual Change: Current Theory and Counseling Guidelines by Brower, Aaron M., Nurius, Paula
Abortion and American Politics by O'Brien, David M., Hinkson Craig, Barbara, Craig, Barbara H.
Edmund Burke: A Philosophical Enquiry Into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful by Burke, Edmund
The Prince by Machiavelli, Niccolò
The Rise of a Party-State in Kenya: From Harambee! to Nyayo! by Widner, Jennifer A.
Time, Politics, and Policies: A Legislative Year by Loomis, Burdett A.
Time, Politics, and Policies: A Legislative Year by Loomis, Burdett A.
Iran: Political Culture in the Islamic Republic by
In Search of a Political Philosophy: Ideologies at the Close of the Twentieth Century by Stankiewicz, W. J.
The Politics of Pictures: The Creation of the Public in the Age of the Popular Media by Hartley, John
Increasing Returns & Efficiency by Quinzii, Martine
War & Peace Literature for Children and Young Adults: A Resource Guide to Significant Issues by Unknown, Walter, Virginia a.
The Republic: Introduction by Alexander Nehamas by Plato
Zerfall Der Staatsmacht Persiens Unter Nasir Ad-Din Schah Qagar (1848-1896): Einblicke in Die Machtverhältnisse Am Teheraner Hof Nach Den Tagebüchern by Edjtehadi, Mostafa
Dictionary of Labour Biography: Volume IX by
Why Perestroika Failed by Boettke, Peter J.
The Many Faces of National Security in the Arab World by
The Diplomacy of Pragmatism: Britain and the Formation of Nato, 1942-49 by Baylis, J.
Political Sociology by Bottomore, Tom
Dictionary of Labour Biography: Volume IX by
Pakistan and the Geostrategic Environment: A Study of Foreign Policy by Rizvi, H.
Chile: The Political Economy of Development and Democracy in the 1990s by Hojman, D.
The Promise and Paradox of Civil Service Reform by
The Disintegration of the Monolith by Kagarlitsky, Boris
Bildpublizistik der frühen Neuzeit by Schilling, Michael
Enacting the Presidency: Political Argument, Presidential Debates, and Presidential Character by Hinck, Edward A.
Women in the Middle East: Perceptions, Realities and Struggles for Liberation by
Policy for Land: Law and Ethics by Caldwell, Lynton Keith, Shrader-Frechette, Kristin
Sex, Death, and Hierarchy in a Chinese City: An Anthropological Account by Jankowiak, William
Hungarian Foreign Policy: The Experience of a New Democracy by Kun, Joseph C.
Rivals beyond Trade by Encarnation, Dennis J.
County Governments in an Era of Change by
Social Security and Individual Equity: Evolving Standards of Equity and Adequacy by Meyer, Charles W., Wolff, Nancy
A Rhetoric of the People: The German Greens and the New Politics by Coleman, William E.
Why Nations Cooperate by Stein, Arthur A.
Ghana: In Search of Stability, 1957-1992 by Lambert, Youry
Affirmative Action and Justice: A Philosophical and Constitutional Inquiry by Rosenfeld, Michel
Not Just Deserts - A Republican Theory of Criminal Justice by Pettit, Philip, Braithwaite, John
The End of American Exceptionalism: Frontier Anxiety from the Old West to the New Deal by Wrobel, David M.
Political Psychology by Elster, Jon, Elester, Jon
Lawson: Politica Sacra Et Civilis by Lawson, George
Inventing Accuracy: A Historical Sociology of Nuclear Missile Guidance by MacKenzie, Donald
Fathers and Families: Paternal Factors in Child Development by Biller, Henry B.
Virtue and the Promise of Conservatism: The Legacy of Burke and Tocqueville by Frohnen, Bruce
Secret Science: Federal Control of American Science and Technology by Foerstel, Herbert
Competition in the Natural Gas Pipeline Industry: An Economic Policy Analysis by Gallock, Edward C., Gallick, Edward C.
Perpetuating Patriotic Perceptions: The Cognitive Function of the Cold War by Hirshberg, Matthew S., Hirshberg, Mathew
American Inquisitors by Lippmann, Walter
The Political Systems of Empires by Eisenstadt, Shmuel N.
Philosophy of Democratic Government by Simon, Yves R.
Philosophy of Democratic Government by Simon, Yves R.
The Promise of American Life by Croly, Herbert
Covetous of Truth: The Life and Work of Thomas White, 1593-1676 by Southgate, B. C.
Software Failure Risk: Measurement and Management by Sherer, Susan A.
Breaking the Mold: Forging a Common Defense Manufacturing Vision by Board on Manufacturing and Engineering Design, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
The Future of the Survey of Income and Program Participation by Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council
Environmental Law by Blumm, Michael C.
An der Wiege deutscher Identität nach 1945 by Nörr, Knut W.
The Land That Feeds Us by Hart, John F.
Fair Trade: Reform and Realities in the International Trading System by Brown, Michael Barratt
The Rebirth of Urban Democracy by Berry, Jeffrey M., Portney, Kent E., Thomson, Ken
Growth with Equity: Economic Policymaking for the Next Century by Baily, Martin Neil, Litan, Robert E., Burtless, Gary
Societal Culture and Management by
Growing Up Latino by
Monocultures of the Mind: Perspectives on Biodiversity and Biotechnology by Shiva, Vandana
Politics under the Later Stuarts: Party Conflict in a Divided Society 1660-1715 by Harris, Tim
From the Secret Files of J. Edgar Hoover by Theoharis, Athan
Reinventing Government: The Five Strategies for Reinventing Government by Gaebler, Ted, Osborne, David
Galileo's Revenge: Junk Science in the Courtroom by
Lincoln on Leadership: Executive Strategies for Tough Times by Phillips, Donald T.
Why Government Is the Problem by Friedman, Milton
Tears of a Crocodile: From Rio to Reality in the Developing World by Middleton, Neil
Socialism: Past and Future by Harrington, Michael
Radar at Sea: The Royal Navy in World War 2 by Howse, Derek
Mobilizing Against Nuclear Energy by Joppke, Christian
Reformism and Revisionism in Africa's Political Economy in the 1990s: The Dialectics of Adjustment by Shaw, T.
Down on Their Luck: A Study of Homeless Street People by Anderson, Leon, Snow, David A.
Politics and Jobs: The Boundaries of Employment Policy in the United States by Weir, Margaret
Behind the Intifada: Labor and Women's Movements in the Occupied Territories by Hiltermann, Joost R.
Central Asia in World History by Adshead, S. A. M.
Contemporary Cases in Women's Rights by Goldstein, Leslie Friedman
John Quincy Adams: A Bibliography by Parsons, Lynn H.
Central Asia in World History by Adshead, S. A. M.
The Drama Of Leadership by Starratt, Robert J.
The Drama Of Leadership by Starratt, Robert J.
Assassins of Memory: Essays on the Denial of the Holocaust by Vidal-Naquet, Pierre
The Cold War and American Science: The Military-Industrial-Academic Complex at Mit and Stanford by Leslie, Stuart W.
Leadership for the Twenty-First Century by Rost, Joseph C.
Japanese Policymaking: The Politics Behind Politics Informal Mechanisms and the Making of China Policy by Zhao, Quansheng
G W F Hegel: Modernity and Politics by Dallmayr, Fred R.
Experiencing Psychiatry: Users' Views of Services by Lacey, Ron, Rogers, Anne, Pilgrim, David
Martin Luther King, Jr.: Apostle of Militant Nonviolence by Colaiaco, James A.
The New Politics of Science by Dickson, David
Gramsci, Historical Materialism and International Relations by
Political Discourse in Early Modern Britain by
Arnold: Culture and Anarchy by Arnold, Matthew
Political Expression and Ethnicity: Statecraft and Mobilization in the Maori World by Hazlehurst, Kayleen M.
Professional Developments in Policy Studies by Mills, Miriam K., Nagel, Stuart S.
Harry S. Truman: Presidential Rhetoric by Ryan, Halford Ross
Welfare System Reform: Coordinating Federal, State, and Local Public Assistance Programs by
Contemporary Economic Systems: A Regional and Country Approach by Gianaris, Nicholas
Workers at Risk: The Failed Promise of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration by McGarity, Thomas, Shapiro, Sidney
The Critical Press and the New Deal: The Press Versus Presidential Power, 1933-1938 by Best, Gary D.
German Communism, Workers' Protest, and Labor Unions: The Politics of the United Front in Rhineland-Westphalia 1920-1924 by Peterson, Larry
The Poetry of the Chartist Movement: A Literary and Historical Study by Schwab, Ulrike
Managing the New Public Services by
How Washington Really Works: Fourth Edition by Peters, Charles
Zukunftsgestaltung und Chaostheorie: Grundlagen einer neuen Zukunftsgestaltung unter Einbeziehung der Chaostheorie by Mittelstaedt, Werner
Peace as a Woman's Issue: A History of the U.S. Movement for World Peace and Women's Rights by Alonso, Harriet
Liberty, Equality, and Efficiency by Meade, James E.
Modern Caribbean Politics by
The Emergence of the Arab Movements by Tauber, Eliezer
America's Constitutional Soul by Mansfield, Harvey C.
Do Institutions Matter?: Government Capabilities in the United States and Abroad by
Francis Bacon: History, Politics and Science, 1561 1626 by Wormald, B. H. G., Brian Harvey Goodwin, Wormald
Four Hours in My Lai by Sim, Kevin, Bilton, Michael
Mothers On The Job: Maternity Policy in the U.S. Workplace by Vogel, Lise
The Elite Connection: Problems and Potential of Western Democracy by Etzioni, Amitai
Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, Volume 3 by Marx, Karl
Contemporary Egypt: Through Egyptian Eyes: Essays in Honour of P.J. Vatikiotis by
International Relations Theory: New Normative Approaches by Brown, Chris
Politics, Theory, and Contemporary Culture by
Harold Laski: A Political Biography by Newman, M.
Harold Laski: A Political Biography by Newman, M.
John Strachey: An Intellectual Biography by Thompson, N.
John Strachey: An Intellectual Biography by Thompson, N.
The Problems of Jurisprudence by Posner, Richard A.
Thomas Hobbes and the Natural Law Tradition by Bobbio, Norberto
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