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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1994

The Political Economy of Policy Reform by
Unhealthy Alliances: Bureaucrats, Interest Groups, and Politicians in Health Reform by Butler, Henry N.
The Audience Reflected in the Medium of Law: A Critique of the Political Economyof Speech Rights in the United States by Ruggles, Myles Alexander
The Audience Reflected in the Medium of Law: A Critique of the Political Economy of Speech Rights in the United States by Ruggles, Myles Alexander
The Politics of Colonial Exploitation by Fasseur, Cornelis
Debating the Constitution - Débat Sur La Constitution by
Media Law by
China in Transformation by
Losing Time: The Industrial Policy Debate by Graham, Otis
Perilous States: Conversations on Culture, Politics, and Nation by
Huguccio The Life, Works, and Thought of a Twelfth-Century Jurist by Muller, Wolfgang P.
Silencing Science: National Security Controls and Scientific Communication by Relyea, Harold C.
The Power for Sanity: Selected Editorials of William Cullen Bryant, 1829-61 by Bryant, William Cullen
The Power for Sanity: Selected Editorials of William Cullen Bryant, 1829-61 by Bryant, William Cullen
Israeli Preoccupations: Dualities of a Confessional Citizen by Chertok, Haim
The Political Economy of Edmund Burke: The Role of Property in His Thought by Canavan, Francis
Can the Free Market Pick Winners?: What Determines Investment by Davidson, Paul
Measuring the Costs of Protection in the United States by Elliott, Kimberly Ann, Hufbauer, Gary Clyde
Symbolic Interaction: An Introduction to Social Psychology by
Cuban Revolution in Crisis by Fitzgerald, Frank T.
Wahlen Und Wähler: Analysen Aus Anlaß Der Bundestagswahl 1990 by
Probleme Moderner Gesellschaften: Peter Atteslander Zum 65. Geburtstag by
Auf Dem Weg Nach Europa: Europäische Perspektiven Nach Dem Ende Des Kommunismus by
Einführung in Die Staatslehre: Die Geschichtlichen Legitimitätsgrundlagen Des Demokratischen Verfassungsstaates by Kriele, Martin
Sjahrir by Mrázek, Rudolf
China's Struggle for the Rule of Law by Keith, Ronald C.
Non-Market Controls and the Accountability of Public Enterprises in Tanzania by Mihyo, Paschal
Resistance, Chaos and Control in China: Taiping Rebels, Taiwanese Ghosts and Tiananmen by Weller, Robert Paul
The Economic Foundations of Government by Holcombe, Randall G.
T. G. Masaryk: Against the Current, 1882-1914 by Skilling, H. Gordon
Soviet-Pakistan Relations and Post-Soviet Dynamics, 1947-92 by Malik, Hafeez
Trade, Aid and Development: Essays in Honour of Hans Linnemann by Gunning, Jan Willem
Fiscal Problems in the Single-Market Europe by
French Theories of Regulation and Conceptions of the International Division of Labour by Robles Jr, Alfredo C.
The Political Economy of Foreign Policy in Ecowas by Okolo, Julius Emeka, Shaw, Timothy M.
Restructuring South Africa by
Caribbean Maritime Security by Morris, Michael A.
Asian Development and Public Policy by Nagel, Stuart S.
Economics in a Changing World: Volume 4: Development, Trade and the Environment by
The Role of Human Rights in Foreign Policy by Baehr, Peter R.
The Political Economy of Social Control in Singapore by Tremewan, Christopher
The Middle East in the New World Order by
The Language of Politics in Seventeenth-Century England by Condren, Conal
Feminism and International Relations: Towards a Political Economy of Gender in Interstate and Non-Governmental Institutions by Whitworth, Sandra
The Dynamics of Change in Southern Africa by
Towards a Theory of United Nations Peacekeeping by Fetherston, A. B.
Debt and Adjustment in the World Economy: Structural Asymmetries in North-South Interactions by Vos, Rob
West European Communist Parties After the Revolutions of 1989 by
Can the Free Market Pick Winners?: What Determines Investment by Davidson, Paul
A New Dawn. A Collection of Speeches of President Olusegun Obasanjo. Vol. 2 by
Öffentlichkeit, Öffentliche Meinung, Soziale Bewegungen by
Social Inquiry: Needs, Possibilities, Limits by Meehan, Eugene J.
Approaching Suhartos Indonesia from the Margins by
The Rise of Modern Judicial Review: From Judicial Interpretation to Judge-Made Law, by Wolfe, Christopher
From War to Peace: Arab-Israeli Relations, 1973-1993 by Rubin, Barry, Ginat, Joseph, Ma'oz, Moshe
Economic Effects of Health Reform by Steurle, Eugene C.
Thai Radical Discourse by Reynolds, Craig J.
Deregulating the Public Service: Can Government be Improved? by Diiulio, John J.
Referendums Around the World:: The Growing Use of Direct Democracy by Butler, David, Ranney, Austin
Beyond Left and Right: The Future of Radical Politics by Giddens, Anthony
History of the Social-Democratic Federation by Crick, Martin
Selective Judicial Competence by Hoadley, Mason C.
Put to Work by Rose, Nancy E.
Killing and Letting Die by Steinbock, Bonnie, Norcross, Alastair
Defining and Measuring Democracy by
Shaping Political Attitudes: The Impact of Interpersonal Communication and Mass Media by Lenart, Silvo
The Marketing of the President: Political Marketing as Campaign Strategy by Newman, Bruce I.
Kentucky Politics and Government: Do We Stand United? by Miller, Penny M.
Just Before Dawn by Omotoso, Kole, Omotoso, Koke, Saro-Wiwa, Ken
The Case Against the Fed (Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Rothbard, Murray N.
Critica de la Modernidad by Touraine, Alain
Sociologia Politica by Lagroye, Jacques
The Politics of Redistributing Urban Aid by Montjoy, Robert S., Watson, Douglas J.
Associative Democracy: New Forms of Economic and Social Governance by Hirst, Paul
Rethinking Middle East Politics: State Formation and Development by Bromley, Simon
New Germany Votes: Reunification and the Creation of a New German Party System by
The Western Security Community 1948-1950: Common Problems and Conflicting National Interests During the Foundation Phase of the North Atlantic by
The United Nations and the Principles of International Law: Essays in Memory of Michael Akehurst by
Health and Development by
Voices of Decline - The Postwar Fate of Us Cities by Beauregard, Robert A.
Fiscal Problems in the Single-Market Europe by
The Lords of Poverty: The Power, Prestige, and Corruption of the International Aid Business by Hancock, Graham
Toward the African Revolution by Fanon, Frantz
Italienische Nahostpolitik: Genese Einer Mediterranen Variante Westlicher Nahostpolitik 1946-1956 by Holthaus, Alexander
Political Parties and the State: The American Historical Experience by Shefter, Martin
In the Sticks: Cultural Identity in a Rural Police Force by Young, Malcolm
Between Two Armies in the Ixil Towns of Guatemala by Stoll, David
Logic and Experience: The Origin of Modern American Legal Education by Lapiana, William P.
Between Two Armies in the Ixil Towns of Guatemala by Stoll, David
Faces of Power: Alexander's Image and Hellenistic Politics Volume 11 by Stewart, Andrew
Planning for Change: Industrial Policy and Japanese Economic Development 1945-1990 by Vestal, James E.
Democracy: The Unfinished Journey, 508 BC to AD 1993 by
United Nations, Divided World: The Un's Roles in International Relations by
The Soviet Union in Eastern Europe, 1945-89 by
Corporations, Crime and Accountability by Braithwaite, John, Fisse, Brent
Politics and Rationality: Rational Choice in Application by
International Perspectives on the Gulf Conflict 1990-91 by
The Soviet Union in Eastern Europe, 1945-89 by
Politics and Rationality: Rational Choice in Application by
The Comparative Political Economy of the Welfare State by Janoski, Thomas, Hicks, Alexander M.
On Clowns: The Dictator and the Artist: Essays by Manea, Norman
Russia and the New States of Eurasia: The Politics of Upheaval by Dawisha, Karen
Corporations, Crime and Accountability by Fisse, Brent, Braithwaite, John
Knox: On Rebellion by Knox, John
Knox: On Rebellion by Knox, John
The Comparative Political Economy of the Welfare State by Janoski, Thomas, Hicks, Alexander M.
Gramsci: Pre-Prison Writings by Gramsci, Antonio Fo
Giving for Social Change: Foundations, Public Policy, and the American Political Agenda by Lerner, Robert, Rothman, Stanley, Nagai, Althea K.
Science and Technology Advice: To the President, Congress and Judiciary by Ghurye, G. S.
Rechtsradikale Gewalt Im Vereinigten Deutschland: Jugend Im Gesellschaftlichen Umbruch by
Umweltpolitik: Bilanz, Probleme, Zukunft by Wilhelm, Sighard
Macht Und Wandel: Die Beziehungen Der USA Zu Mexiko Und Brasilien: Außenpolitik, Wirtschaft Und Sicherheit 1979 Bis 1992 by Schirm, Stefan
Adventures of a Bystander by Drucker, Peter
A Better Guide Than Reason: Federalists and Anti-Federalists by Bradford, M. E.
Handbook of Public Services Management by
Science and Technology Policy in Interdependent Economies by Mowery, David C.
An International Perspective on Economic Education by
Vision 2020 by Laszlo, Ervin
Bindungsverlust Und Zukunftsangst Leben in Der Risikogesellschaft: Eine Disputation by
Wieviel Demokratie Verträgt Europa? Wieviel Europa Verträgt Die Demokratie? by
Japan. Europa. Usa.: Weltpolitische Konstellationen Der 90er Jahre by
Impact Assessment and Evaluation in Transportation Planning by Blaas, E. W., Nijkamp, Peter
Soziale Netze Und Soziale Unterstützung Alleinerziehender Frauen: Eine Empirische Studie by Niepel, Gabriele
Romanticism in Science: Science in Europe, 1790-1840 by
Failed Transitions: The Eastern European Economy and Environment Since the Fall of Communism by Manser, Roger
Sandino's Daughters Revisited: Feminism in Nicaragua by Randall, Margaret
The Failure of Presidential Democracy by
Alaska Politics and Government by McBeath, Gerald A., Morehouse, Thomas A.
Political Memoir: Essays on the Politics of Memory by
Policing Politics: Security Intelligence and the Liberal Democratic State by Gill, Peter
The Evolution of US Finance: v. 1: Federal Reserve Monetary Policy, 1915-35 by D'Arista, Jane W.
Policing Politics: Security Intelligence and the Liberal Democratic State by Gill, Peter
Manufactured Exports of East Asian Industrializing Economies and Possible Regional Cooperation by Yang, Shu-Chin
Hate Speech: The History of an American Controversy by Walker, Samuel
Victory Secrets of Attila the Hun: 1,500 Years Ago Attila Got the Competitive Edge. Now He Tells You How You Can Get It, Too--His Way by Roberts, Wess
The Employment & Distributional Effects of Mandated Benefits by O'Neill, June E.
State and Society in Syria and Lebanon by
The Evolution of US Finance: v. 1: Federal Reserve Monetary Policy, 1915-35 by D'Arista, Jane W.
Socialism: What Went Wrong? by Silber, Irwin
New Ideology of Imperialism: Renewing the Moral Imperative by Furedi, Frank
Imposing Duties: Government's Changing Approach to Compliance by Sparrow, Malcolm K.
The Dynamics of Russian Politics: A Short History by Green, Barbara B.
Associative Democracy: New Forms of Economic and Social Governance by Hirst, Paul
Imposing Duties: Government's Changing Approach to Compliance by Sparrow, Malcolm K.
Above the Law: Police and the Excessive Use of Force by Fyfe, Skolnick
Religious Nationalism: Hindus and Muslims in India by Van Der Veer, Peter
Masses, Classes, Ideas: Studies on Politics and Philosophy Before and After Marx by Balibar, Etienne
The Constitution in the Supreme Court: The Second Century, 1888-1986 by Currie, David P.
Trade, Aid and Development: Essays in Honour of Hans Linnemann by Gunning, Jan Willem
The Art of War by Tzu, Sun
The Unvarnished Doctrine: Locke, Liberalism, and the American Revolution by Dworetz, Steven M.
Lasagna: The Man Behind the Mask by Cross, Ronald, Sévigny, Hélène
From Abdullah to Hussein: Jordan in Transition by Satloff, Robert B.
Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory: A Reader by
The Abortion Controversy: A Documentary History by Rubin, Eva
American Political Trials: Revised by
U.S. Domestic and National Security Agendas: Into the Twenty-First Century by
Socialism in Russia: Theory and Practice by Simoniia, N. A., Simonia, Nodari A.
The Future of Liberal Revolution by Ackerman, Bruce
War and Reason: Domestic and International Imperatives by Lalman, David, Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce
Politics by Other Means: Higher Education and Group Thinking by Bromwich, David
The Inner Ocean: Sex and the Search for Modernity in Fin-de-Siecle Russia by Kateb, George
Letters from Prison by Gramsci, Antonio
The Rush to German Unity by Jarausch, Konrad H.
Modern Italy: Representation and Reform by Furlong, Paul
Modern Italy: Representation and Reform by Furlong, Paul
Letters from Prison by Gramsci, Antonio
Citizenship in the Western Tradition: Plato to Rousseau by Riesenberg, Peter
Shaftesbury and the Culture of Politeness: Moral Discourse and Cultural Politics in Early Eighteenth-Century England by Klein, Lawrence E.
The Mind of John Locke by Harris, Ian
Hobhouse: Liberalism and Other Writings by Hobhouse, L. T.
Hobhouse: Liberalism and Other Writings by Hobhouse, L. T., Hobhouse, Leonard Trelawney
The Politics of Corruption in Contemporary China: An Analysis of Policy Outcomes by Gong, Ting
Conflicts in and Around Russia: Nation-Building in Difficult Times by Kremenyuk, Victor
Democracy in the Caribbean: Myths and Realities by Edie, Carlene J.
The 1992 Presidential Election in the South by
ACTA Demographica 1993 by Heilig, Gerhard, Galler, Heinz, Steinmann, Gunter
The Dynamics of Russian Politics: A Short History by Green, Barbara
The Dynamics of Korean Economic Development by Soon, Cho
Human Rights in the New Europe: Problems and Progress by Forsythe, David P.
Immigrants and the American City by
Paradigms in Economic Development: Classic Perspectives, Critiques and Reflections by Kanth, Rajani K.
Espionage: Past, Present and Future? by
A Veblen Treasury: From Leisure Class to War, Peace and Capitalism: From Leisure Class to War, Peace and Capitalism by Tilman, Rick
Signifying Woman by Zerilli, Linda M. G.
Standard Deviations: Chance and the Modern British Novel by Monk, Leland
FDR and the News Media by Winfield, Betty Houchin
Art Therapy with Offenders by
Politics and Theopolitics in the Bible and Postbiblical Literature by
A Veblen Treasury: From Leisure Class to War, Peace and Capitalism: From Leisure Class to War, Peace and Capitalism by Tilman, Rick
Global Engagement: Cooperation and Security in the 21st Century by
The Chilean Economy: Policy Lessons and Challenges by
The Politics of Parenthood: Child Care, Women's Rights, and the Myth of the Good Mother by Berry, Mary Frances
Soviet Foreign Policy, 1917-1991: A Retrospective by
Signifying Woman by Zerilli, Linda M. G.
City Hall Goes Abroad: The Foreign Policy of Local Politics by Hobbs, Heidi H.
On Government by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Espionage: Past, Present and Future? by
The Evolution of US Finance: v. 2: Restructuring Institutions and Markets by D'Arista, Jane W.
The Evolution of US Finance: v. 2: Restructuring Institutions and Markets by D'Arista, Jane W.
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