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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1995

Sterilization of People with Mental Disabilities: Issues, Perspectives, and Cases by Greenwood Publishing Group, Brantlinger, Ellen a.
Public Services and Market Mechanisms: Competition, Contracting and the New Public Management by Walsh, Kieron
Early Tudor Government, 1485-1558 by Gunn, Steven
Politics and Development in the Caribbean Basin: Central America and the Caribbean in the New World Order by Grugel, Jean
Reforming Sex: The German Movement for Birth Control and Abortion Reform, 1920-1950 by Grossmann, Atina
The Politics of the Unpolitical: German Writers and the Problem of Power, 1770-1871 by Craig, Gordon A., Craig, Grodon A.
The Sepoy and the Raj: The Indian Army, 1860-1940 by Omissi, David
In Search of National Economic Success: Balancing Competition and Cooperation by Kenworthy, Lane
Military in Politics and Society in France & Germany in the 20th Century by
The Democratic Socialism of Emile Vandervelde: Between Reform and Revolution by Polasky, Janet
Beyond Poverty and Affluence: Toward a Canadian Economy of Care by Goudzwaard, Bob, de Lange, Harry
The Democratic Socialism of Emile Vandervelde: Between Reform and Revolution by Polasky, Janet
Yugoslavism: Histories of a Failed Idea, 1918-1992 by Djokic, Dejan
Latin America In Comparative Perspective: New Approaches To Methods And Analysis by H. Smith, Peter
Late Imperial Culture by Kaplan, E. Ann, de la Campa, Roman
Responsibility as Paradox: A Critique of Rational Discourse on Government by Harmon, Michael M.
The Amendments to the Constitution: A Commentary by Anastaplo, George
Value Judgments by Goodman, Ellen
Media Freedom: The Contradictions Of Communications In The Age Of Modernity by Barbrook, Richard
Economics of Emancipation by Butler, Kathleen Mary
A New World Order?: Global Transformations in the Late Twentieth Century by Smith, David, Borocz, Jozsef
Political Leaders of Contemporary Western Europe: A Biographical Dictionary by
Strategy and Tactics of the Salvadoran Fmln Guerrillas: Last Battle of the Cold War, Blueprint for Future Conflicts by Perdomo, Gustavo, Bracamonte, Jose A., Moroni Bracamonte, Jose Angel
Pluralism, Justice, and Equality by
Pluralism, Justice, and Equality by
Women Against Slavery: The British Campaigns, 1780-1870 by Midgley, Clare
The Terms of Cultural Criticism: The Frankfurt School, Existentialism, Poststructuralism by Wolin, Richard
Economic Democracy: The Politics of Feasible Socialism by Archer, Robin
Remaking the Italian Economy by Locke, Richard M.
Industrial Enterprise and European Integration: From National to International Champions in Western Europe by
Law in a Digital World by Katsh, M. Ethan
The Politics of Social Protest: Comparative Perspectives on States and Social Movements by
The Post-Soviet Nations: Perspectives on the Demise of the USSR by Motyl, Alexander
First New Left: British Intellectuals After Stalin by Kenny, Michael
Civil-Military Relations in Israel by Ben-Meir, Yehuda
Political Science in History by
Judging the State: Courts and Constitutional Politics in Pakistan by Newberg, Paula R.
A Union for Empire by
The Economics of Defense by Sandler, Todd
Money Sings: The Changing Politics of Urban Space in Post-Soviet Yaroslavl by Ruble, Blair A.
Between States: Interim Governments in Democratic Transitions by Shain, Yossi
Redefining the Egyptian Nation, 1930 1945 by Gershoni, Israel, Gershoni, I.
Women and the Political Process in Twentieth-Century Iran by Paidar, Parvin
Democracy and Authoritarianism in South Asia: A Comparative and Historical Perspective by Jalal, Ayesha, Jalel, Ayesha
The Culture of Politics in Modern Kenya by Haugerud, Angelique, Angelique, Haugerud
The Puzzle of Strikes by Franzosi, Roberto
Cicero: de Re Publica: Selections by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Stirner: The Ego and Its Own by Stirner, Max
The Eritrean Struggle for Independence: Domination, Resistance, Nationalism, 1941 1993 by Iyob, Ruth
Reflections on Leadership: How Robert K. Greenleaf's Theory of Servant-Leadership Influenced Today's Top Management Thinkers by
Empowering Older People: An International Approach by
Transportation Infostructures: The Development of Intelligent Transportation Systems by Diebold, John, Diebold
Postsuburban California: The Transformation of Orange County Since World War II by Olin, Spencer C., Kling, Rob, Poster, Mark
Second-Order Directional Derivatives in Nonsmooth Optimization by Huang, Liren
Decision-making in Deng's China: Perspectives from Insiders by Lee Hamrin, Carol, Zhao, Suisheng, Barnett, A. Doak
The Gogo: History, Customs, and Traditions by Mnyampala, Mathius E., Maddox, Gregory
Look for the Union Label: History of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union by Tyler, Gus
The Case Against School Choice: Politics, Markets and Fools by Meier, Kenneth J., Smith, Kevin B.
The Case Against School Choice: Politics, Markets and Fools by Meier, Kenneth J., Smith, Kevin B.
Emerging Patterns of East Asian Investment in China: From Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong: From Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong by Croix, Sumner J. La
Korea Approaches Reunification by Eberstadt, Nicholas
Radical Political Economy: Explorations in Alternative Economic Analysis by Lippit, Victor
Look for the Union Label: History of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union by Tyler, Gus
Remaking Russia: Voices from within by Isham, Heyward, Pipes, Richard
Radical Reform in Yeltsin's Russia: What Went Wrong? by Nelson, Julie, Kuzes, Irina Y.
The International Politics of Eurasia: v. 3: The Politics of Religion in Russia and the New States of Eurasia by Dawisha, Karen, Starr, S. Frederick
The Gogo: History, Customs, and Traditions by Maddox, Gregory, Mnyampala, Mathius E.
East Asia in Transition:: Toward a New Regional Order by Ross, Robert S.
Radical Reform in Yeltsin's Russia: What Went Wrong? by Kuzes, Irina Y., Nelson, Julie
Decision-making in Deng's China: Perspectives from Insiders by Lee Hamrin, Carol, Zhao, Suisheng, Barnett, A. Doak
The International Politics of Eurasia: v. 3: The Politics of Religion in Russia and the New States of Eurasia by Starr, S. Frederick, Dawisha, Karen
National Identity and Democratic Prospects in Socialist China by Friedman, Edward
East Asia in Transition:: Toward a New Regional Order by Ross, Robert S.
Radical Political Economy: Explorations in Alternative Economic Analysis by Lippit, Victor
Emerging Patterns of East Asian Investment in China: From Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong: From Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong by Croix, Sumner J. La
Korea Approaches Reunification by Eberstadt, Nicholas
The Legacies of Communism in Eastern Europe by
Race, Politics and Social Change by Back, Les, Solomos, John
Explaining Northern Ireland: Broken Images by McGarry, John, O'Leary, Brendan
Democratic Community: Nomos XXXV by
The Youth Gang Problem: A Community Approach by Spergel, Irving A.
Nationalism in Ireland by Boyce, D. George
The Law Firm and the Public Good by
Rethinking the Political: Gender, Resistance, and the State by
The Nixon Administration and the Making of U.S. Nuclear Strategy by Terriff, Terry
The Confucian Transformation of Korea: A Study of Society and Ideology by Deuchler, Martina
The Politics of Righteousness: Idaho Christian Patriotism by Aho, James A.
Marxismus - Leninismus - Kommunismus - Faschismus: Aufsätze Zur Ideologie Und Herrschaftsstruktur Der Totalitären Diktaturen by Pohlmann, Friedrich
Political Economy for Socialism by Itoh, Makoto
Hegemon Und Symmachoi by Dreher, Martin
Undercover Investigations by Barefoot, J. Kirk
Social Work and Community Care by Payne, Malcolm
Civil Society by
Explaining Northern Ireland by O'Leary, Brendan, McGarry, John
Radio Wars: Truth, Propaganda and the Struggle for Radio Australia by Hodge, Errol
Beyond the State: An Essay in Interpretation by Hoffman, John
Drugs, Crime and Corruption: Thinking the Unthinkable by Clutterbuck, R.
Social Movements and Social Classes: The Future of Collective Action by
Heidegger's Political Thinking by Ward, James F.
Erfolgsfaktoren Der Wirtschaftsnahen Forschung by Kuhlmann, Stefan, Holland, Doris
Systemwandel Und Industrielle Innovation: Studien Zum Technologischen Und Industriellen Umbruch in Den Neuen Bundesländern by
European Union Common Foreign Policy: From Epc to Cfsp Joint Action and South Africa by Holland, M.
The Transformation of the Communist Economies: Against the Mainstream by
Botswana's Search for Autonomy in Southern Africa by Dale, Richard
Presidential Leadership and Civil Rights Policy by
The Age of Upheaval: Edwardian Politics 1899-1914 by Brooks, David
Assisted Living for the Aged and Frail: Innovations in Design, Management, and Financing by Yatabe, Suzie, Regnier, Victor, Hamilton, Jennifer
Golden Rule: The Investment Theory of Party Competition and the Logic of Money-Driven Political Systems by Ferguson, Thomas
Neither Cargo nor Cult: Ritual Politics and the Colonial Imagination in Fiji by Kaplan, Martha
Chomsky's Politics by Rai, Milan
Solidarity in the Conversation of Humankind: The Ungroundable Liberalism of Richard Rorty by Geras, Norman
Social Mobility in Contemporary Japan: Educational Credentials, Class and the Labour Market in a Cross-National Perspective by Ishida, Hiroshi
Lenin: A Political Life: Volume 2: Worlds in Collision by Service, Robert
Conflict and the Decline of Pastoralism in the Horn of Africa by
What Makes Women Sick: Gender and the Political Economy of Health by Doyal, Lesley
The National Front and French Politics: The Resistible Rise of Jean-Marie Le Pen by Marcus, Jonathan
Feminist Activism in the 1990s by
HeteroSexual Politics by
The Ferocious Engine of Democracy: A History of the American Presidency by Riccards, Michael P.
Options for Reducing Costs in the United Kingdom's Future Aircraft Carrier (CVF) Programme by Schank, John F.
Information Sharing Among Military Headquarters: The Effects on Decisionmaking by Egel, Daniel L.
Political Credibility+economic Development by Weder, Beatrice, Borner, Silvio, Brunetti, Aymo
Communitarian Ideology and Democracy in Singapore by Chua, Beng-Huat
The Jamesonian Unconscious: The Aesthetics of Marxist Theory by Burnham, Clint
Putting Health Care on the National Agenda: Revised and Updated Edition by Birenbaum, Arnold
Putting Health Care on the National Agenda: Revised and Updated Edition by Birenbaum, Arnold
The Little Platoons: Sub-Local Governments in Modern History by Liebmann, George
John F. Kennedy: A Bibliography by Giglio, James N.
International Organizations and Environmental Policy by
Public Lands and Private Rights: The Failure of Scientific Management by Fairfax, Sally K., Nelson, Robert H.
Family and Mental Illness by
War and Society in the Greek World by
Youth And Social Policy: Youth Citizenship And Young Careers by Coles, Bob
Louisa S. McCord: Political and Social Essays by
No Truth Except in the Details: Essays in Honor of Martin J. Klein by
On the Land: Confronting the Challenges to Aboriginal Self-Determination by
Federal Antitrust Policy During the Kennedy-Johnson Years by Williamson, James R.
Politica by Althusius, Johannes
Government Lawyers: The Federal Legal Bureaucracy and Presidential Politics by
Culture Incarnate: Native Anthropology from Russia: Native Anthropology from Russia by Balzer, Marjorie Mandelstam
Courage and Air Warfare: The Allied Aircrew Experience in the Second World War by Wells, Mark K.
Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope 1820-1831: The Founding of a Colonial Observatory Incorporating a Biography of Fearon Fallows by Warner, Brian
Managing Environmental Disputes: Network Management as an Alternative by
Blaming the Government: Citizens and the Economy in Five European Democracies: Citizens and the Economy in Five European Democracies by Anzalone, Christopher A.
A Forgotten Offensive: Royal Air Force Coastal Command's Anti-Shipping Campaign 1940-1945 by Goulter, Christina J. M.
Science Policy and Research Management in the Balkan Countries by
Introduction to Global Optimization by Horst, R., Pardalos, Panos M., Nguyen Van Thoai
Introduction to Global Optimization by Pardalos, Panos M., Nguyen Van Thoai, Horst, R.
Blaming the Government: Citizens and the Economy in Five European Democracies: Citizens and the Economy in Five European Democracies by Anzalone, Christopher A.
Scientific Racism in Modern South Africa by Dubow, Saul
Scientific Racism in Modern South Africa by Dubow, Saul
Growing Out of the Plan: Chinese Economic Reform, 1978 1993 by Naughton, Barry, Barry, Naughton
Stirner: The Ego and Its Own by Stirner, Max, Max, Stirner
Seneca: Moral and Political Essays by Seneca
Politica by Althusius, Johannes
Seeds 2: Supporting Women's Work Around the World by
Cato's Letters: Essays on Liberty by Trenchard, John, Gordon, Thomas
The Ozone Dilemma: A Reference Handbook by Newton, David E.
The Social Construction of Democracy by Chapman, Herrick, Andrews, George Reid
The Rule of Law: Nomos XXXVI by
Seeds 2: Supporting Women's Work Around the World by
America's International Trade: A Reference Handbook by Miller, E. Willard, Miller, Ruby M.
Unsung Heroes: Federal Execucrats Making a Difference by Riccucci, Norma M.
Cato's Letters: Essays on Liberty by Gordon, Thomas, Hamowy, Ronald, Trenchard, John
Southeast Asia: Tradition And Modernity In The Contemporary World, Second Edition by McCloud, Donald G.
Hooded Knights on the Niagara: The Ku Klux Klan in Buffalo, New York by Lay, Shawn
Black Nationalism: The Search for an Identity by Essien-Udom, E. U.
Testimony: Death of a Guatemalan Village by Montejo, Victor
Somalia: State Collapse, Multilateral Intervention, and Strategies for Political Reconstruction by Samatar, Ahmed I., Lyons, Terrence
Hooded Knights on the Niagara: The Ku Klux Klan in Buffalo, New York by Lay, Shawn
Ethics in Congress: From Individual to Institutional Corruption by Thompson, Dennis F.
Politics and Government in Germany, 1944-1994: Basic Documents by
Politics and Government in Germany, 1944-1994: Basic Documents by
British Politics and European Elections 1994 by
Green Hopes by Lipietz, Alain
Democracy and Development by Bagchi, A.
U.S. Countermeasures Against International Terrorism by Simon, Jeffrey
Post-Industrial Capitalism: Exploring Economic Inequality in America by Nelson, Joel I.
Ethics and International Politics by Bonanate, Luigi
Contested Terrain: Power, Politics, and Participation in Suburbia by
Dateline Soweto: Travels with Black South African Reporters by Finnegan, William
From Containment to Global Leadership: America and the World After the Cold War by Khalilzad, Zalmay
The United Nations in the New World Order: The World Organization at Fifty by
Supergrasses: A Study in Anti-Terrorist Law Enforcement in Northern Ireland by Greer, Steven
Fascist Italy by Whittam, John
Loyalty: An Essay on the Morality of Relationships by Fletcher, George P.
China at War 1901-1949 by Dreyer, Edward L.
Post-Industrial Capitalism: Exploring Economic Inequality in America by Nelson, Joel I.
Mike Barry & the KY.Irish American by
Women and War by Elshtain, Jean Bethke
Women in Electoral Politics: Lessons from Norway by Bystydzienski, Jill M.
European Union Foreign Policy and Central America by Smith, H.
After Authoritarianism: Democracy or Disorder? by Nelson, Daniel N.
After Authoritarianism: Democracy or Disorder? by Nelson, Daniel N.
Globale Herausforderungen - Europäische Antworten / Défis globaux - Réponses européenes by François-Poncet, Jean
Politics and Institutions in an Integrated Europe by
Time, Change and Freedom: An Introduction to Metaphysics by Oaklander, L. Nathan, Smith, Quentin
Time, Change and Freedom: An Introduction to Metaphysics by Smith, Quentin, Oaklander, L. Nathan
Political Science by Heineman, Robert A.
Strategic Capitalism: Private Business and Public Purpose in Japanese Industrial Finance by Calder, Kent E.
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