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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1998

Genetisches Prinzip: Zur Struktur Der Kulturgeschichte Bei Jacob Burckhardt, Georg Lukács, Ernst Robert Curtius Und Walter Benjamin by Simonis, Linda
Rentenversicherung Und Kapitalbildung by Bräuninger, Michael
The Quest for Responsibility: Accountability and Citizenship in Complex Organisations by Bovens, M. A. P., Bovens, Mark
Partisan Politics in the Global Economy by Garrett, Geoffrey
The Democratic Dilemma: Can Citizens Learn What They Need to Know? by Arthur, Lupia, Lupia, Arthur, McCubbins, Mathew D.
The Democratic Dilemma: Can Citizens Learn What They Need to Know? by Lupia, Arthur, McCubbins, Mathew D., Arthur, Lupia
Institutional Design in Post-Communist Societies by Elster, Jon
The Quest for Responsibility: Accountability and Citizenship in Complex Organisations by Bovens, M. A. P., Bovens, Mark
India, Pakistan, and the Kashmir Dispute: On Regional Conflict and Its Resolution by Wirsing, Robert
Philosophies of Integration: Immigration and the Idea of Citizenship in France and Britain by Favell, Adrian
Ozone Diplomacy: New Directions in Safeguarding the Planet, Enlarged Edition by Benedick, Richard Elliot
Legitimacy in International Relations and the Rise and Fall of Yugoslavia by Williams, John
European Union and National Macroeconomic Policy by
European Union and National Macroeconomic Policy by
British System of Government by Birch, Anthony H.
Peacemaking and Peacekeeping for the New Century by
The European Court and National Courts: Doctrine & Jurisprudence: Legal Change in Its Social Context by
Productivity in Public and Non Profit Organizations: Strategies and Techniques by Berman, Evan M.
Revolutions 1789-1917 by Todd, Allan
The Integration of the European Union and Domestic Political Issues by Feld, Werner J.
The Promise and Reality of European Security Cooperation: States, Interests, and Institutions by
Constitutional Reform in the UK: Principles and Practice by
The Nebi Yearbook 1998: North European and Baltic Sea Integration by
The Birth Of Japan's Postwar Constitution by Moore, Ray A., Koseki Shoichi
A Philosophy Of International Law by Teson, Fernando
Governance and the Changing American States by Hedge, David
Mau Mau and Kenya: An Analysis of a Peasant Revolt by Maloba, Wunyabari O.
Palestinian Women of Gaza and the West Bank by
Sources of Conflict in the 21st Century: Strategic Flashpoints and U.S. Strategy by Khalilzad, Zalmay
The Inheritance: How Three Families and the American Political Majority Moved from Left to Right by Freedman, Samuel G.
The Missing Majority: The Recruitment of Women as State Legislative Candidates by Niven, David
Electronic Whistle-Stops: The Impact of the Internet on American Politics by Selnow, Gary W.
The NATO Enlargement Debate, 1990-1997: The Blessings of Liberty by Solomon, Gerald B. H.
Segregation in Federally Subsidized Low-Income Housing in the United States by James, David M., Green, Rodney D., Coulibaly, Modibo
Machiavelli's Virtue by Mansfield, Harvey C.
Electronic Whistle-Stops: The Impact of the Internet on American Politics by Selnow, Gary W.
Ideas of Social Order in the Ancient World by Harle, Vilho
Part-Time Prospects: An International Comparison by
Part-Time Prospects: An International Comparison by
Citizenship and the Ethics of Care: Feminist Considerations on Justice, Morality and Politics by Sevenhuijsen, Selma
Citizenship and the Ethics of Care: Feminist Considerations on Justice, Morality and Politics by Sevenhuijsen, Selma
Regionalist Parties in Western Europe by
Constructing the World Polity: Essays on International Institutionalisation by Ruggie, John Gerard
Incarcerating Criminals: Prisons and Jails in Social and Organizational Context by
Africa's Second Wave of Freedom: Development, Democracy, and Rights, Vol. 11 by Graybill, Lyn, Thompson, Kenneth W.
Constructing the World Polity: Essays on International Institutionalisation by Ruggie, John Gerard
The Italian Guillotine: Operation Clean Hands and the Overthrow of Italy's First Republic by Mantovani, Luca, Burnett, Stanton H.
Britannia's Glories: The Walpole Ministry and the 1739 War with Spain by Woodfine, Philip
Civil Society in Yemen by Carapico, Sheila
Applied Economics and Public Policy by Begg, Iain, Henry, Brian
Institutional Design in Post-Communist Societies: Rebuilding the Ship at Sea by Elster, Jon, Offe, Claus, Preuss, Ulrich K.
Political Thought and Political Thinkers by Shklar, Judith N.
Soviet Economic Development from Lenin to Khrushchev by Davies, Robert William, Davies, R. W.
Deliberative Democracy by
The Politics of Oligarchy: Institutional Choice in Imperial Japan by Ramseyer, J. Mark, Rosenbluth, Frances McCall
Deliberative Democracy by
Soviet Economic Development from Lenin to Khrushchev by Davies, Robert William, Davies, R. W., R. W., Davies
Partisan Politics in the Global Economy by Garrett, Geoffrey
Liberalism and the Limits of Justice by Sandel, Michael J., Michael J., Sandel
The Power of Separation: American Constitutionalism and the Myth of the Legislative Veto by Korn, Jessica
Detocqueville and the French by Melonio, Francoise
Laws Stories: Narrative and Rhetoric in the Law by
Russia and Chechnia: The Permanent Crisis: Essays on Russo-Chechen Relations by
The Scourging of Iraq: Sanctions, Law and Natural Justice by Simons, G.
The Logic of Evil: The Social Origins of the Nazi Party, 1925-1933 by Brustein, William
Private Action and the Public Good by
Virtual Justice: The Flawed Prosecution of Crime in America by Uviller, H. Richard
The Constitution and Criminal Procedure: First Principles by Amar, Akhil Reed
The NATO Enlargement Debate, 1990-1997: The Blessings of Liberty by Solomon, Gerald B. H.
Reconciling Free Trade, Fair Trade, and Interdependence: The Rhetoric of Presidential Economic Leadership by Conti, Delia B.
National Identity in Eastern Germany: Inner Unification or Continued Separation? by Staab, Andreas
The Waste and the Backyard: The Creation of Waste Facilities: Success Stories in Six European Countries by
Israel at the Polls, 1996 by
Conservative Reformers: The Freshman Republicans in the 104th Congress: The Freshman Republicans in the 104th Congress by Rae, Nicol C.
Provincial Strategies of Economic Reform in Post-Mao China: Leadership, Politics, and Implementation by Chung, Jae Ho, Lin, Zhimin, Cheung, Peter T. y.
Conservative Reformers: The Freshman Republicans in the 104th Congress: The Freshman Republicans in the 104th Congress by Rae, Nicol C.
The State by Jasay, Anthony De
Race, Crime, and the Law by Kennedy, Randall
Colonial Origins of the American Constitution: A Documentary History by
Democracy and International Conflict by Ray, James Lee
Crown Powers, Subjects and Citizens by Vincenzi, Christopher
A Republic of Men: The American Founders, Gendered Language, and Patriarchal Politics by Kann, Mark E.
Global Public Policy: Governing Without Government? by Reinicke, Wolfgang H.
Seize the Book, Jail the Author: Johann Lorenz Schmidt and Censorship in Eighteenth-Century Germany by Spalding, Paul S.
Honest Numbers and Democracy: Social Policy Analysis in the White House, Congress, and the Federal Agencies by Williams, Walter
The Political Economy of German Unification by
Research in Political Sociology by
Integrity and Conscience: Nomos XL by
A Republic of Men: The American Founders, Gendered Language, and Patriarchal Politics by Kann, Mark E.
Money and Good Intentions Are Not Enough: Or, Why a Liberal Democrat Thinks States Need Both Competition and Community by Brandl, John E.
Community of Citizens: On the Modern Idea of Nationality by Schnapper, Dominique
China in the Post-Deng Era by
Moral Judgment: Does the Abuse Excuse Threaten Our Legal System? by Wilson, David Q., Wilson, James Q.
Cast Me Out If You Will: Stories and Memoir by Antherjanam, Lalithambika
Post-Marxism: A Reader by Sim, Stuart
Postcolonial Theory: A Critical Introduction by Gandhi, Leela
Postcolonial Theory: A Critical Introduction by Gandhi, Leela
Islamic Political Thought by Watt, William Montgomery
The Politics of Law: A Progressive Critique, Third Edition by Kairys, David
The Ashes of Waco by Reavis, Dick J.
The European People's Party: Origins and Development by Jansen, T.
The Fascist Experience in Italy by Pollard, John
The Fascist Experience in Italy by Pollard, John
Realism in International Relations and International Political Economy: The Continuing Story of a Death Foretold by Guzzini, Stefano
Whitewash: Racialized Politics and the Media by Gabriel, John
Peacekeeping in Africa by
Freer Markets, More Rules by Vogel, Steven K.
Alternative Visions: Paths in the Global Village by Dallmayr, Fred
Color Conscious: The Political Morality of Race by Gutmann, Amy, Appiah, Kwame Anthony
Culture of Secrecy: The Government Versus the People's Right to Know by
The Dark Side of Paradise: Sexual Politics and Evangelicalism in Revolutionary New England by Robinson, Geoffrey
Creation of the American Republic, 1776-1787 by Wood, Gordon S.
Culture of Secrecy: The Government Versus the People's Right to Know by
The Genesis of Chinese Communist Foreign Policy by Hunt, Michael
Wettbewerbstheorie und Wettbewerbspolitik by Olten, Rainer
Profits, Taxes, and the State by Jankowski, Richard
Growth Management for a Sustainable Future: Ecological Sustainability as the New Growth Management Focus for the 21st Century by Zovanyo, Gabor
Partners on the Frontier: The Future of U.S.-Russian Cooperation in Science and Technology by Office of International Affairs, National Research Council, Policy and Global Affairs
The Death of the Kpd: Communism and Anti-Communism in West Germany, 1945-1956 by Major, Patrick
Theorizing Transition: The Political Economy of Post-Communist Transformations by
Ancient Greek Laws: A Sourcebook by Arnaoutoglou, Ilias
Ancient Greek Laws: A Sourcebook by Arnaoutoglou, Ilias
Post-Industrial Socialism: Towards a New Politics of Welfare by Little, Adrian
Theorizing Transition: The Political Economy of Post-Communist Transformations by
NAFTA on Second Thought: A Plural Evaluation by Davila-Villers, David
An Insider's Guide to Maine Politics by Potholm, Christian P.
Money: Who Has How Much and Why by Hacker, Andrew
Comparing Party System Change by
Becoming Political: Comparative Perspectives on Citizenship Education by Hahn, Carole L.
Post-Soviet Political Order by
New Theories in Growth and Development by
The New Golden Rule: Community and Morality in a Democratic Society by Etzioni, Amitai
Outside Lobbying: Public Opinion and Interest Group Strategies by Kollman, Kenneth
The Origins of Liberty: Political and Economic Liberalization in the Modern World by
Women Writers and the Early Modern British Political Tradition by
Partnerships in Urban Governance: European and American Experiences by
Acres of Skin: Human Experiments at Holmesburg Prison by Hornblum, Allen M.
Politics and Transcendent Wisdom: The Scripture for Humane Kings in the Creation of Chinese Buddhism by Orzech, Charles D.
The Rule of the Rich?: Adam Smith's Argument Against Political Power by Gallagher, Susan E.
Black Judges on Justice: Perspectives from the Bench by Washington, Linn
Postcommunist Elites and Democracy in Eastern Europe by
Un Secretary General by Newman, E.
Democracy in Dark Times: His Life and Thought by Isaac, Jeffrey C.
Democracy in Dark Times: Traditions of Love in American Poetry by Isaac, Jeffrey C.
Looking Left: Socialism in Europe After the Cold War by
Activists Beyond Borders: The Relocation of Jewish Immigrants Across America by Keck, Margaret E., Sikkink, Kathryn A.
The Politics of Environment in Southeast Asia by
The Politics of Environment in Southeast Asia by
Creating High-Performance Government Organizations by
A Global Ethic for Global Politics and Economics by Kung, Hans, K. Ng, Hans
Ökonomische Theorie Der Sozialpolitik: Bernhard Külp Zum 65. Geburtstag by
Public-Private Partnerships for Local Economic Development by
Managing Economic Reforms in Post-Mao China by Liou, Kuotsai Tom
New England in U.S. Government Publications, 1789-1849: An Annotated Bibliography by Clark, Suzanne M.
The Color Bind: California's Battle to End Affirmative Action by Chávez, Lydia
Siva And Her Sisters: Gender, Caste, And Class In Rural South India by Kapadia, Karin
National Projector: Film and the Nation / La Projection nationale: Cinéma et nation by Frodon, Jean-Michel
Centre Parties by Hazan, Reuven Y.
Political Ideologies in Contemporary France by Flood, Christopher
Party Politics in the New Germany by Roberts, Geoffrey
Centre Parties by Hazan, Reuven Y.
News Is a Verb: Journalism at the End of the Twentieth Century by Hamill, Pete
The Mitterrand Years: Legacy and Evaluation by
Leaving the 20th Century: The Incomplete Work of the Situationist International by
Soccul Evo by Trigger, Bruce G.
Politics of Marxism: The Critical Debates by Townshend, Jules
At the Centre of Whitehall by Jones, G., Lee, J., Burnham, J.
New Wine and Old Bottles: International Politics and Ethical Discourse by Elshtain, Jean Bethke
Anatomie der Parteizentrale by
Russians Beyond Russia by Melvin, Neil
The End of Military Fordism: Restructuring the the Global Military Sector, Part II by
Challenge to the Nation-State: Immigration in Western Europe and the United States by
The Politics of NGOs in Southeast Asia: Participation and Protest in the Philippines by Clarke, Gerard
Social Movements and American Political Institutions by
The Essential Bill of Rights: Original Arguments and Fundamental Documents by Lloyd, Gordon, Lloyd, Margie
Ecological Policy and Politics in Developing Countries: Economic Growth, Democracy, and Environment by
Deep Environmental Politics: The Role of Radical Environmentalism in Crafting American Environmental Policy by Cramer, Phillip F.
Nixon's Economy: Booms, Busts, Dollars, and Votes by Matusow, Allen J.
Politics by Principle, Not Interest: Towards Nondiscriminatory Democracy by Buchanan, James M., Congleton, Roger D.
Equal Freedom and Utility by Weinstein, David
Advice and Consent by Schwartz, Frank J.
Making the Managerial Presidency: Comprehensive Reorganization Planning, 1905-1996?second Edition, Revised by Arnold, Peri E.
Hutchinson Guide to the World: Third Edition by Oryx Publishing, Publishing, Oryx Publishing
Final Guidance For Incorporating Environmental Justice Concerns in EPA's NEPA Compliance Analyses by Environmental Protection Agency
Ukraine: State and Nation Building by Kuzio, Taras
Social Issues and Party Politics by
Beyond Liberalism by Allen, R. T.
A Culture of Its Own: Taking Latin America Seriously by Falcoff, Mark
Tibet Through Dissident Chinese Eyes: Essays on Self-determination: Essays on Self-determination by Seymour, James D., Changching, Cao
Working in the 21st Century: Policies for Economic Growth Through Training, Opportunity and Education by Levine, David I.
Social Issues and Party Politics by
An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States by Beard, Charles
Why Did the Soviet Union Collapse?: Understanding Historical Change: Understanding Historical Change by Strayer, Robert
Inside Omb:: Politics and Process in the President's Budget Office by Tomkin, Shelley Lynne
Deregulation of Electric Utilities by
The River Dragon Has Come!: Three Gorges Dam and the Fate of China's Yangtze River and Its People by Thibodeau, John G., Williams, Michael R., Qing, Dai
Making Capitalism in China: The Taiwan Connection by Hsing, You-Tien
Evaluation and Development: The Institutional Dimension by Wiesner, Eduardo
Working in the 21st Century: Policies for Economic Growth Through Training, Opportunity and Education by Levine, David I.
Why Did the Soviet Union Collapse?: Understanding Historical Change: Understanding Historical Change by Strayer, Robert
See More