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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1998

The Struggle for Water: Politics, Rationality, and Identity in the American Southwest by Espeland, Wendy Nelson
What Money Can't Buy: Family Income and Children's Life Chances by Mayer, Susan E.
Gender Politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States by
Impure Science: Aids, Activism, and the Politics of Knowledge Volume 7 by Epstein, Steven
The Post-NAFTA Political Economy: Mexico and the Western Hemisphere by
Shining and Other Paths: War and Society in Peru, 1980-1995 by
Abortion: Statutes, Policies, and Public Attitudes the World Over by Simon, Rita James
Computer Simulations in Science and Technology Studies by
Internationalization of Research and Development by Brockhoff, Klaus
Huddled Masses, Muddled Laws: Why Contemporary Immigration Policy Fails to Reflect Public Opinion by Lee, Kenneth
The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society by Schlesinger, Arthur Meier
The Spectre of Comparisons: Nationalism, Southeast Asia, and the World by Anderson, Benedict
Press and Speech Freedoms in the World, from Antiquity Until 1998: A Chronology by Ingelhart, Louis E.
Democracy, Development, and the Countryside: Urban-Rural Struggles in India by Varshney, Ashutosh
Democracy and Education by Dewey, John
Charging Ahead: The Business of Renewable Energy and What It Means for America by Berger, John J.
Abuse of Power: The New Nixon Tapes by Kutler, Stanley
Implementing Sexual Harassment Policy: Challenges for the Public Sector Workplace by Reese, Laura A., Lindenberg, Karen E.
Implementing Sexual Harassment Policy: Challenges for the Public Sector Workplace by Lindenberg, Karen E., Reese, Laura A.
Cultural Dynamics of Democratization in Spain: How States Develop Human Capital in Europe by Barnes, Samuel H., Lopez-Pina, Antonio, McDonough, Peter
Caribbean Political Economy at the Crossroads: NAFTA and Regional Developmentalism by Marshall, D.
Gesundheitsökonomie by Zdrowomyslaw, Norbert, Dürig, Wolfgang
The Politics of Racism in France by Fysh, P., Wolfreys, J.
The Content of Our Character: A New Vision of Race in America by Steele, Shelby
The Art of the State: Culture, Rhetoric, and Public Management by Hood, Christopher
The Economics of Fire Protection by Ramachandran, Ganapathy
Diary of a Midwife: The Power of Positive Childbearing by Van Olphen-Fehr, Juliana
In the Land of Orpheus: Rural Livelihoods and Nature Conservation in Postsocialist Bulgaria by Cellarius, Barbara A.
People and Parliament in the European Union: Participation, Democracy, and Legitimacy by Blondel, Jean, Sinnott, Richard, Svensson, Palle
Chinese Workers: A New History by Sheehan, Jackie
Democracy in Desperation: The Depression of 1893 by Steeples, Douglas, Whitten, David
Augustine: The City of God Against the Pagans by Augustine
Stability and Change in German Elections: How Electorates Merge, Converge, or Collide by Anderson, Christopher J.
Defending the Free World: John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and the Vietnam War, 1961-1965 by Schwab, Orrin
The Emergent Independent Press in Benin and Cote D'Ivoire: From Voice of the State to Advocate of Democracy by Campbell, W. Joseph
Democratization in Late Twentieth-Century Africa: Coping with Uncertainty by
Thinking About International Ethics: Moral Theory And Cases From American Foreign Policy by Harbour, Frances V.
Die Neue Radikale Rechte Im Vergleich: Usa, Frankreich, Deutschland by Minkenberg, Michael
American Virtues: Thomas Jefferson on the Character of a Free People by Yarbrough, Jean M.
Three Anarchical Fallacies: An Essay on Political Authority by Edmundson, William A.
Russia Confronts Chechnya: Roots of a Separatist Conflict by Dunlop, John B.
Conflict and War in the Middle East: From Interstate War to New Security by Tibi, Bassam
Democracy and Apartheid: Political Theory, Comparative Politics and the Modern South African State by Butler, A.
The International Dimension of Genocide in Rwanda by Klinghoffer, A.
Politics and Government in the Visegrad Countries: Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia by Fitzmaurice, J.
Conflict and War in the Middle East: From Interstate War to New Security by Tibi, Bassam
Statecraft and Security by
Building Social Capital in Thailand: Fibers, Finance and Infrastructure by Unger, Danny
Building Social Capital in Thailand: Fibers, Finance and Infrastructure by Unger, Danny
Collaborative Federalism: Economic Reform in Australia in the 1990s by Painter, Martin
The Mind of John Locke: A Study of Political Theory in Its Intellectual Setting by Cambridge University Press, Harris, Ian
Economic Development and Cooperation in the Pacific Basin by
Encomium Emmae Reginae by
Miami by Didion, Joan
Political Diaries of the Arab World: Aden 1899-1967 16 Volume Hardback Set by
Conversion of Former Btw Facilities by Gazsó, Lajos G., Geissler, Erhard, Buder, Ernst
The Political Economy of War and Peace by
Israel and the Bomb by Cohen, Avner
Fallen Soviet Generals: Soviet General Officers Killed in Battle, 1941-1945 by Maslov, Aleksander a.
Democratization and the Media by
Participation and the Quality of Environmental Decision Making by
Conversion of Former Btw Facilities by Buder, Ernst, Geissler, Erhard, Gazsó, Lajos G.
Applications in Criminal Analysis: A Sourcebook by Peterson, Marilyn
Participation and Democracy East and West: Comparisons and Interpretations by Rueschemeyer, Dietrich
Dilemmas of Transition: The Environment, Democracy and Economic Reform in East Central Europe by Baker, Susan, Jehlicka, Petr
Democratization and the Media by
Deficit Hysteria: A Common Sense Look at America's Rush to Balance the Budget by Benavie, Arthur
Dilemmas of Transition: The Environment, Democracy and Economic Reform in East Central Europe by Jehlicka, Petr, Baker, Susan
The Dynamics of the Armed Struggle by Bell, J. Bowyer
Between Bargaining and Politics: An Introduction to European Labor Relations by Slomp, Hans
Abortion: Statutes, Policies, and Public Attitudes the World Over by Simon, Rita James
Community and Political Thought Today by
Social Change in Russia and Eastern Europe: From Party Hacks to Nouveaux Riches by Brucan, Silviu
Narcobusiness: Latin America and the World Drug Trade by Harding, Colin
Ethical Challenges of Authority in a Pluralistic Society: The Nigerian Example by Nwankwo, Josephat Okanumee
Comparative Politics: Theory and Method by Peters, B. Guy
Global Obscenities: Patriarchy, Capitalism, and the Lure of Cyberfantasy by Eisenstein, Zillah
Social Policy in a Changing Society by Mullard, Maurice, Spicker, Paul
Political Theory and the European Union: Legitimacy, Constitutional Choice and Citizenship by
The German Revolution of 1848-49 by Siemann, Wolfram
Street-Level Leadership: Discretion and Legitimacy in Front-Line Public Service by Denhardt, Janet V., Crothers, Austin Lane
Disability Politics and Community Care by Priestley, Mark
Democracy in Europe: Legitimising Politics in a Non-State Polity by Abromeit, Heidrun
The Best Defense: True Stories of Intended Victims Who Defended Themselves with a Firearm by Waters, Robert A.
Social Policy in a Changing Society by Spicker, Paul, Mullard, Maurice
Civil Society and Democracy in Africa: Critical Perspectives by
Civil Society and Democracy in Africa: Critical Perspectives by
The Japan Handbook by
Strategic Balance and Confidence Building Measures in the Americas by
Strategic Balance and Confidence Building Measures in the Americas by
Comparative Politics: Theory and Method by Peters, B. Guy
Critical Challenges for Health Care Reform in Europe by Saltman
Global Obscenities: Patriarchy, Capitalism, and the Lure of Cyberfantasy by Eisenstein, Zillah
Globalization and Europe by
The Pursuit of Certainty: David Hume, Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, Beatrice Webb by Letwin, Shirley Robin
Two Ships Passing by Carley, Dave
The Temple of Memories: History, Power, and Morality in a Chinese Village by Jing, Jun
The Pursuit of Certainty: David Hume, Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, Beatrice Webb by Letwin, Shirley Robin
Voices of the Survivors: Testimony, Mourning, and Memory in Post-Dictatorship Argentina (1983-1995) by Evangelista, Liria, Foster, David W.
Divided They Fell: The Demise of the Democratic Party, 1964-1996 by Radosh, Ronald
News and Culture of Lying by Weaver, Paul H.
The Patriot: An Exhortation to Liberate America from the Barbarians by Hart, Gary
Winning Local and State Elections by Beaudry, Ann
Cambodia Reborn?: The Transition to Democracy and Development by Curtis, Grant
Driving Forces: The Automobile, Its Enemies, and the Politics of Mobility by Dunn, James A.
Getting Agencies to Work Together: The Practice and Theory of Managerial Craftsmanship by Bardach, Eugene
Aspects of Enlightenment by Osborne, Thomas
Democracy and Its Alternatives: Understanding Post-Communist Societies by Mishler, William, Rose, Richard, Haerpfer, Christian
New Jersey's Multiple Municipal Madness by Karcher, Alan
The Atomic West by
Guns, Girls, Gambling, Ganja: Thailand's Illegal Economy and Public Policy by Treerat, Nualnoi, Phongpaichit, Pasuk, Piriyarangsan, Sungsidh
Legislative Theatre: Using Performance to Make Politics by Boal, Augusto
Judging Evil: Rethinking the Law of Murder and Manslaughter by Pillsbury, Samuel H.
The Market Meets Its Match: Restructuring the Economies of Eastern Europe by Amsden, Alice, Kochanowicz, Jacek, Taylor, Lance
Bay of Pigs Declassified: The Secret CIA Report on the Invasion of Cuba by
Mutual Contempt: Lyndon Johnson, Robert Kennedy, and the Feud That Defined a Decade by Shesol, Jeff
The Nature of the Japanese State: Rationality and Rituality by McVeigh, Brian J.
From Boycott to Economic Cooperation: The Political Economy of the Arab Boycott of Israel by Feiler, Gil
The Politics of Drug Control by Bentham, M.
Classical Liberalism: The Unvanquished Ideal by Conway, D.
China in International Society Since 1949: Alienation and Beyond by Zhang, Y.
Running Steel, Running America: Race, Economic Policy, and the Decline of Liberalism by Stein, Judith
The Guatemalan Tax Reform by Martinez-Vazquez, George, Bahl, Roy, Wallace, Sally
Institutions And Democratic Statecraft by Heper, Metin, Kazancigil, Ali, Rockman, Bert
From Submission To Rebellion: The Provinces Versus The Center In Russia by Loiberg, Mikhail, Shlapentokh, Vladimir, Levita, Roman
Damming The Danube: Gabcikovo/nagymaros And Post-communist Politics In Europe by Fitzmaurice, John
Interest Groups And Monetary Integration: The Political Economy Of Exchange Regime Choice by Hefeker, Carsten
The New Political Culture by Clark, Terry Nichols, Hoffmann-Martinot, Vincent
Caribbean Public Policy: Regional, Cultural, and Socioeconomic Issues for the 21st Century by Gayle, Dennis J., Braveboy-Wagner, Jacqueline Anne
Explaining Euro-Paralysis: Why Europe Is Unable to ACT in International Politics by Zielonka, J.
Women and Democracy: Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe by
Industriepolitik by Brösse, Ulrich
Institutionen und Ressourcen by
Battered Women, Children, and Welfare Reform: The Ties That Bind by
Soviet Politics: In Perspective by Sakwa, Richard
Soviet Politics: In Perspective by Sakwa, Richard
The Cold War and Soviet Insecurity: The Stalin Years by Mastny, Vojtech
Religious Politics in Latin America, Pentecostal vs. Catholic by Smith, Brian H.
The Russian Question: Nationalism, Modernization, and Post-Communist Russia by Allensworth, Wayne
Reading Public Opinion: How Political Actors View the Democratic Process by Herbst, Susan
Politics and Symbols: The Italian Communist Party and the Fall of Communism by Kertzer, David I.
No End to Alliance: The United States and Western Europe: Past, Present and Future by
The Political Economy of a 'Social Europe': Understanding Labour Market Integration in the European Union by Kluth, M.
Term Limits and Legislative Representation by Carey, John M.
Problems of Market Liberalism: Volume 15, Social Philosophy and Policy, Part 2 by
The Romance of Italy and the English Imagination: Italy, the English Middle Class and Imaging the Nation in the Nineteenth Century by O'Connor, Maura
The European Court of Justice: The Politics of Judicial Integration by Dehousse, Renaud, Dehousse
Indonesian Politics Under Suharto: The Rise and Fall of the New Order by Vatikiotis, Michael R. J.
Transformation in Ungarn Und Der DDR: Eine Vergleichende Analyse by Ehrhart, Christof E.
Nomadische Bewegungen Und Die Symbolik Der Krise: Flucht Und Wanderung in Der Weimarer Republik by Gerhard, Ute
Methoden Der Textanalyse: Leitfaden Und Überblick by Titscher, Stefan, Wodak, Ruth, Meyer, Michael
Einwanderung Und Gerechtigkeit: Mitgliedschaftspolitik Auf Dem Prüfstand Amerikanischer Gerechtigkeitstheorien Der Gegenwart by Rieger, Günter
Politikvermittlung Und Demokratie in Der Mediengesellschaft: Beiträge Zur Politischen Kommunikationskultur by
Corporate Governance by Banks in Transition Economies: The Polish Experience by
Landmark Documents On the Us Congress by Smock, Raymond
One and the Many the One and the Many: America's Struggle for the Common Good by Marty, Martin E.
Dividing Ireland: World War One and Partition by Hennessey, Thomas
Ireland Since 1800: Conflict and Conformity by Hoppen, K. Theodore
Ireland and the Politics of Change by Crotty, William J.
Dividing Ireland: World War One and Partition by Hennessey, Thomas
Film Propaganda: Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany by Taylor, Richard
The Affluent Society by Galbraith, John Kenneth
The Fifth French Republic: Presidents, Politics and Personalities: A Study of French Political Culture by Thody, Philip
The Reagan Presidency and the Politics of Race: In Pursuit of Colorblind Justice and Limited Government by Laham, Nicholas
State Under Siege: Development And Policy Making In Peru by Mauceri, Philip
Political Power and Social Theory by
Battered Women, Children, and Welfare Reform: The Ties That Bind by
Foreign and Security Policy in the European Union by
It Takes a Nation: A New Agenda for Fighting Poverty - Updated Edition by Blank, Rebecca M.
The Machiavellian Legacy: Essays in Italian Political Thought by Femia, J.
Redefining the Third World by
Nuclear Weapons Free Zones by
Empowering the West: Electrical Politics Before FDR by Brigham, Jay
China Joins the World: Progress and Prospects by
From Occupation To Independence: A History Of The Peoples Of The English-Speaking Caribbean Region by Hart, Richard
Politökonomische Theorie Der Alterssicherung by Drost, Andre
The Woven Figure: Conservatism and America's Fabric by Will, George F.
Chemiepolitik Zwischen Marktwirtschaft Und Ökologischer Strukturpolitik: Ein Ökonomischer Beitrag Zum Umgang Mit Produktrisiken in Der Chemischen Indu by
Statistik für Politikwissenschaftler by Wagschal, Uwe
Business Environment and Opportunities in China: Shanghai and Its Surrounding Region by
Diskurse Und Strategien in Organisationen: Ein Beitrag Zu Einer Prozeßorientierten Theorie Der Strategischen Führung by
Civil War in Lebanon, 1975-92 by O'Ballance, E.
The Political Economy of Regional Cooperation in the Middle East by Eder, Mine, Kirisci, Kemal, Carkoglu, Ali
Politics of Sexuality: Identity, Gender, Citizenship by
African Guerrillas by
The Fifth French Republic: Presidents, Politics and Personalities: A Study of French Political Culture by Thody, Philip
South Africa Reborn: Building A New Democracy by Deegan, Heather
Is Communism Dead Forever? by McCollum, James K.
The Crippled Giant: Nigeria Since Independence by Osaghae, Eghosa E.
Internal Peace / La Paix civile by Millon, Charles
Interpreting NAFTA: The Science and Art of Political Analysis by Mayer, Frederick
Workers' Paradox: The Republican Origins of New Deal Labor Policy, 1886-1935 by O'Brien, Ruth
France Restored: Cold War Diplomacy and the Quest for Leadership in Europe, 1944-1954 by Hitchcock, William I.
Economic Theory and Social Justice by
Reagan, Bush and Right-Wing Politics: Elites, Think Tanks, Power and Policy by
Student Protest: The Sixties and After by Groot, Gerard J. De
Back To Europe: Central And Eastern Europe And The European Union by Henderson, Karen
Governance and Environment in Western Europe: Politics, Policy and Administration by Jansen, Alf-Inge, Hanf, Kenneth
Capital Flows and Financial Crises: Experiences of Women Working Construction by
Capital Flows and Financial Crises by
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