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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1999

Globalizing Care: Ethics, Feminist Theory, and International Relations by Robinson, Fiona
Slovakia Since Independence: A Struggle for Democracy by Goldman, Minton F.
Public Address in the Twentieth-Century South: The Evolution of a Region by Towns, W. Stuart
The Singapore Puzzle by Haas, Michael
Managing for Results in State Government by Aristigueta, Maria Pilar, Aristgueta, Maria Pilar
The Mekong River and the Struggle for Indochina: Water, War, and Peace by Dieu, Nguyen
State Building and Democratization in Africa: Faith, Hope, and Realities by
Sanctions In Haiti: Human Rights and Democracy under Assault by Gibbons, Elizabeth
World Citizenship and Mundialism: A Guide to the Building of a World Community by de V. Roberts, John C., Roberts, John C. de V.
Implementing the Un Convention on the Rights of the Child: A Standard of Living Adequate for Development by
Politik Diesseits Der Macht?: Zu Einfluß, Funktion Und Stellung Von Kleinparteien Im Politischen System Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Boom, Dirk Van Den
Das Republikanische Europa: Aspekte Einer Nachholenden Zivilisierung by Richter, Emanuel
Politische Konfliktlinien, Individualistische Werte Und Politischer Protest: Ein Deutsch-Französischer Vergleich by Schild, Joachim
Externe Faktoren Im Demokratisierungsprozeß: Eine Vergleichende Untersuchung Afrikanischer Länder by Hartmann, Christof
Schutz Des Staates: Von Der Autokratie Zur Streitbaren Demokratie by Backes, Uwe
Campaign Strategies and Message Design: A Practitioner's Guide from Start to Finish by Moffitt, Mary Anne
Campaign Strategies and Message Design: A Practitioner's Guide from Start to Finish by Moffitt, Mary
Handbuch Der Kommunalen Sozialpolitik by
Die Parteien Nach Der Bundestagswahl 1998 by
Konflikt Und Entwicklung Im Südlichen Afrika by Meyns, Peter
Kommunalpolitik: Eine Einfuhrung by
The Unification of Germany, 1989-1990 by Leiby, Richard
Money on the Move: The Revolution in International Finance Since 1980 by Solomon, Robert
The American Experiment with Government Corporations by Mitchell, Jerry
Turkey Before and After Ataturk: Internal and External Affairs by
Turkey Before and After Ataturk: Internal and External Affairs by
The Prospects for North Korea Survival by Reese, David
Empirical Studies in Comparative Politics by
Die Nordische Allianz in Der Europäischen Union by Schumacher, Tom
Der Sozialstaat Zwischen "Markt" Und "Hedonismus"? by
Politik ALS Beruf by
Mob Oder Souverän: Diskurse Über Die Rechtliche Regulierung Kollektiver Protestformen by Pfriem, Reinhard
Parteien in Frankreich: Kontinuität Und Wandel in Der V. Republik by
Vom Wohlfahrtsstaat Zum Wettbewerbsstaat by Schmid, Josef, Strünck, Christoph, Heinze, Rolf G.
Fundamentalismusverdacht: Plädoyer Für Eine Neuorientierung Der Forschung Im Umgang Mit Allochthonen Jugendlichen by
Die Internationale Bauausstellung Emscher Park: Eine Studie Zur Steuerungsproblematik Komplexer Erneuerungsprozesse in Einer Alten Industrieregion by Kilper, Heiderose
Regionalisierung: Theorie -- PRAXIS -- Perspektiven by Fürst, Dietrich, Kilper, Heiderose, Benz, Arthur
Ostdeutsche Verwaltungskultur Im Wandel by Rogas, Karsten
The American Experiment with Government Corporations by Mitchell, Jerry
Theorien Rationalen Handelns in Der Politikwissenschaft: Eine Kritische Einführung by Braun, Dietmar
Zum Wandel Der Geschlechterrepräsentationen in Der Sozialpolitik: Ein Policy-Analytischer Vergleich Der Politikprozesse Zum Österreichischen Bundespfl by Behning, Ute
Culture and Security: Multilateralism, Arms Control and Security Building by
Political Parties: A Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy by
View of the Constitution of the United States by Tucker, St George
Inside Game/Outside Game: Winning Strategies for Saving Urban America by Rusk, David
Impeachment of a President: Andrew Johnson, the Blacks, and Reconstruction by Trefousse, Hans L.
The Evolution of Inequality: War, State Survival, and Democracy in Comparative Perspective by Midlarsky, Manus I.
Private Property and the Endangered Species ACT: Saving Habitats, Protecting Homes by
From Direct Action to Affirmative Action: Fair Employment Law and Policy in America, 1933--1972 by Moreno, Paul D.
Peronism Without Perón: Unions, Parties, and Democracy in Argentina by McGuire, James W.
Getting Away with Murder: The Canadian Criminal Justice System by Paciocco, David
Essays in Transportation Economics and Policy: A Handbook in Honor of John R. Meyer by
COP Talk: Essential Communication Skills for Community Policing by Braziel, Rick, Kidd, Virginia
View of the Constitution of the United States: With Selected Writings by Tucker, St George
Rethinking Green Politics: Nature, Virtue and Progress by Barry, John
Café Europa: Life After Communism by Drakulic, Slavenka
Equality and Democracy by Green, Philip
Intimate Ironies: Modernity and the Making of Middle-Class Lives in Brazil by Owensby, Brian P.
The New Management of British Local Governance by Stoker, Gerry
Changing Party Policy in Britain by Kelly, Richard
Toward Mexico's Democratization: Parties, Campaigns, Elections and Public Opinion by
The Politics of Sexual Morality in Ireland by Hug, C.
Toward Mexico's Democratization: Parties, Campaigns, Elections and Public Opinion by
Democracy in Practice by Catt, Helena
The Association of Classical Athens: The Response to Democracy by Jones, Nicholas F.
Toleration, Identity and Difference by
Machiavelli by
Uncertain Transition: Ethnographies of Change in the Postsocialist World by
From Fear to Friendship: Dixon, Illiis, and Dikson, Siberia by Shaw, William
Economic Transition in Hungary and East Germany: Gradualism, Shock Therapy and Catch-Up Development by Stephan, J.
Environmental Cancer-A Political Disease? by Rothman, Stanley, Lichter, S. Robert
Nationalism and Communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union: A Basic Contradiction by Kemp, W.
Politics of Sexual Morality in Ireland by Hug, C.
The Politics of Cultural Policy in France by Eling, K.
Failure and Forgiveness: Rebalancing the Bankruptcy System by Gross, Karen
The New Majority: Toward a Popular Progressive Politics by
The New Family ? by
Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed by Scott, James C.
Legalized Gambling: For and Against by Evans, Rod
Lyndon Johnson and the Great Society by Andrew, John a.
The Development of Secularism in Turkey by Berkes, Niyazi
The Development of Secularism in Turkey by Berkes, Niyazi
National Collective Identity: Social Constructs and International Systems by Hall, Rodney Bruce
Betriebliche Umweltökonomie in Fällen, Band 1, Anwendung betriebswirtschaftlicher Instrumente by
Unequal Partners: User Groups and Community Care by Mort, Maggie, Barnes, Marian, Harrison, Stephen
The Making of Eu Foreign Policy: The Case of Eastern Europe by Smith, Karen E.
Max Weber and the Culture of Anarchy by
Authority and Welfare in China by Twohey, M.
Africa in Chaos by Ayittey, George B. N.
Reinventing Leadership: Making the Connection Between Politics and Business by Kellerman, Barbara
Religion, Globalization and Political Culture in the Third World by
Authority and Welfare in China: Modern Debates in Historical Perspective by Twohey, M.
Europe in the World: The Persistence of Power Politics by Keens-Soper, Maurice
The East Asian Challenge for Human Rights by
Bitter Harvest: FDR, Presidential Power and the Growth of the Presidential Branch by Dickinson, Matthew J.
The Crisis in Kashmir: Portents of War, Hopes of Peace by Ganguly, Umit, Ganguly, Sumit
Democratic Choice and Taxation by Hettich, Walter, Winer, Stanley L.
The Unions and the Democrats by Dark, Taylor E.
Notes on Puerto Rican Revolution by Lewis, Gordon K.
Sunset Over the Islands: The Caribbean in an Age of Global and Regional Challenges by Na, Na
Korean Politics by Oh, John Kie-Chiang
Korean Politics by Oh, John Kie-Chiang
Anatolia Junction: A Journey Into Hidden Turkey by Reed, Fred A.
Foreign Ministries: Change and Adaptation by
Social Movements in a Globalising World by Kriesi, Hanspeter, Rucht, Dieter
Chinese Perspectives on International Relations: A Framework for Analysis by Chan, G.
Implementing Holistic Government: Joined-Up Action on the Ground by Appelbee, Elaine, Wilkinson, David
Law, Law Reform and the Family by Cretney, Stephen
Legislator of the World: Writings on Codification, Law, and Education by Bentham, Jeremy
Research in Public Administration by
Communication, Citizenship, and Social Policy: Rethinking the Limits of the Welfare State by
Wirtschaftspolitische Leitbilder Des Marxismus-Leninismus: Konzeptionen -- Defizite -- Folgen by
The English Legal System in Action: The Administration of Justice by White, Robin C. a.
Consumers Against Capitalism?: Consumer Cooperation in Europe, North America, and Japan, 1840D1990 by
The Illicit Global Economy and State Power by
Many Shades of Red: State Policy and Collective Agriculture by
Welfare Policy in Britain by
Drugs and the Limits of Liberalism by
The National Environmental Policy Act: An Agenda for the Future by Caldwell, Lynton Keith
Imperfection and Impartiality: A Liberal Theory Of Social Justice by Wissenburg, Marcel L. J.
Echoes of a Native Land: Two Centuries of a Russian Village by Schmemann, Serge
Politics and Society in Western Europe by Ersson, Svante, Lane, Jan-Erik
Foreign Ministries: Change and Adaptation by
Politics and Society in Western Europe by Lane, Jan-Erik, Ersson, Svante
Politics and Development: A Critical Introduction by Tornquist, Olle
Der Umbau Des Sozialstaates: Ansichten Von Parteien Und Wohlfahrtsverbänden Zur Modernisierung Des Staates by Berger, Rainer
Die Öffentliche Begründung Politischen Handelns: Zur Argumentationsrationalität in Der Politischen Massenkommunikation by Kuhlmann, Christoph
Britain and the Maastricht Negotiations by Forster, A.
Britain and the Maastricht Negotiations by Forster, A.
The Changing Face of Maritime Power by
Identity in Northern Ireland: Communities, Politics and Change by McCall, C.
From George Wallace to Newt Gingrich: Race in the Conservative Counterrevolution, 1963--1994 (Revised) by Carter, Dan T.
Elements in Political Science by Bealey, Frank, Sheehan, Michael, Chapman, Richard A.
Elements in Political Science by Bealey, Frank, Chapman, Richard A., Sheehan, Michael
Making Sense of America: Sociological Analyses and Essays by Gans, Herbert J.
The Political Background to Aeschylean Tragedy by Podlecki, A. J.
Gentlemanly Capitalism and British Imperialism: The New Debate on Empire by Dumett, Raymond E.
Justice and the Environment: Conceptions of Environmental Sustainability and Theories of Distributive Justice by Dobson, Andrew
Pan-Arabism Before Nasser: Egyptian Power Politics and the Palestine Question by Doran, Michael Scott
A Book of Legal Lists: The Best and Worst in American Law, with 150 Court and Judge Trivia Questions by Schwartz, Bernard
Economics for the Common Good: Two Centuries of Economic Thought in the Humanist Tradition by Lutz, Mark A.
Japanese Foreign Policy: The Emerging Logic of Multilateralism by Fukushima, A.
The Changing Role Of The State In Latin America by Vellinga, Menno
Hegel and the History of Political Philosophy by Browning, Gary
Welfare States in Transition by
Strategic Cultures in the Asia-Pacific Region by
Urban Transportation Planning in the United States: An Historical Overview, Revised and Expanded Edition by Weiner, Edward
The Judicial Development of Presidential War Powers by Sheffer, Martin S.
Future War and Counterproliferation: U.S. Military Responses to NBC Proliferation Threats by Schneider, Barry R.
Managers, Part of the Problem?: Changing How the Public Sector Works by Camaron, Thomas J., Thomas, Camaron J.
Endgame in NATO's Enlargement: The Baltic States and Ukraine by Bilinsky, Yaroslav
Southern African Political History: A Chronology of Key Political Events from Independence to Mid-1997 by Kalley, Jacqueline A., Andor, L., Schoeman, Elna
Eisenhower's Executive Office by Sander, Alfred Dick
The Costs of War: America's Pyrrhic Victories by Kaplan, Abraham
Technology Transfer: From Invention to Innovation by
Intelligent Transportation System and Architecture by McQueen, Judy, McQueen, Bob
Cultural Selection by Fog, A.
Pluralism and Liberal Neutrality by
Contemporary Capitalism: The Embeddedness of Institutions by
Gender and Immigration by
Gender Camouflage: Women and the U.S. Military by
The Federal Republic of Germany at Fifty by
Poverty in Transition and Transition in Poverty: Recent Developments in Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia, Russia, and Mongolia by
Poverty in Transition and Transition in Poverty: Recent Developments in Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia, Russia, and Mongolia by
Whose Millennium? Theirs or Ours? by Singer, Daniel
Colonias and Public Policy in Texas and Mexico: Urbanization by Stealth by Ward, Peter M.
Counterpoints: Selected Essays on Authoritarianism and Democratization by O'Donnell, Guillermo
Counterpoints by O'Donnell, Guillermo
Whose Millennium? Theirs or Ours? by Singer, Daniel
Gender and Immigration by
Organizational Report Cards by Gormley, William T., Weimer, David L.
Women and Politics in Latin America by Craske, Nikki
Senates: Bicameralism in the Contemporary World by Patterson, Samuel C.
Heavenly Serbia: From Myth to Genocide by Anzulovic, Branimir
Contemporary Political Ideologies by
Gesundheitspolitische Einstellungen, Gesundheitsverhalten Und Wertewandel by
Reason and Revolution: Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory by Marcuse, Herbert
The Political Economy of Democratic Decentralization by Manor, James
Jimmy Carter as President: Leadership and the Politics of the Public Good by Hargrove, Erwin C.
The Southern Federalists, 1800-1816 by Broussard, James H.
Napoleon and the World War of 1813: Lessons in Coalition Warfighting by Riley, J. P.
More Liberty Means Less Government: Our Founders Knew This Well by Williams, Walter E.
The Islamist Challenge in Algeria: A Political History by Willis, Michael
The Rise and Demise of German Statism: Loyalty and Political Membership by Kvistad, Gregg
Costa Rica Before Coffee: Society and Economy on the Eve of the Export Boom by Gudmundson, Lowell
And Justice for All: An Oral History of the Japanese American Detention Camps by Tateishi, John
Anticlassical Political-Economic Analysis: A Vision for the Next Century by Murakami, Yasusuke
The Federal Republic of Germany at Fifty by
Aviation Terrorism and Security by Wilkinson, Paul, Jenkins, Brian
Parliaments and Pressure Groups in Western Europe by
Ministers, Mandarins and Diplomats: Australian Foreign Policy Making, 1941-1969 by Beaumont, Joan, Waters, Christopher
China in Transition: Issues and Policies by
The Shankill Butchers: The Real Story of Cold-Blooded Mass Murder by Dillon, Martin
Raising Reds: The Young Pioneers, Radical Summer Camps, and Communist Political Culture in the United States by Mishler, Paul
Raising Reds: The Young Pioneers, Radical Summer Camps, and Communist Political Culture in the United States by Mishler, Paul
Debating Democracy's Discontent: Essays on American Politics, Law, and Public Philosophy by
The Web of Politics: The Internet's Impact on the American Political System by Davis, Richard
The Right Women: A Journey Through the Heart of Conservative America by Burkett, Elinor
European Citizenship Practice: Building Institutions Of A Non-state by Wiener, Antje
Culture Wars and Local Politics by
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