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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1999

Social Democracy and the Working Class: In Nineteenth- And Twentieth-Century Germany by Berger, Stefan
Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency, 1930-1970 by McAdam, Doug
Politics Without Democracy: England 1815-1918 by Bentley, Michael
Undercover Investigations for the Workplace by Ferraro, Eugene F.
Crossroads and Conflict: Security and Foreign Policy in the Caucasus and Central Asia by
Ukraine: The Search for a National Identity by
Understanding and Explaining Adjudication by Lucy, William
Social Costs of Transformation to a Market Economy in Post-Socialist Countries: The Case of Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary by Adam, J.
Towards Recovery in Pacific Asia by
Towards Recovery in Pacific Asia by
Journalism and Democracy: An Evaluation of the Political Public Sphere by McNair, Brian
America's World Identity: The Politics of Exclusion by Renwick, N.
Journalism and Democracy: An Evaluation of the Political Public Sphere by McNair, Brian
Political Tactics by Bentham, Jeremy
Poverty, Livelihoods, and Governance in Africa: Fulfilling the Development Promise by
Capitalism Russian-Style by Gustafson, Thane
Russia's New Politics: The Management of a Postcommunist Society by White, Stephen
Russia's New Politics: The Management of a Postcommunist Society by White, Stephen
Democracy and Trust by
Policy-Making and Diversity in Europe: Escape from Deadlock by Heritier, Adrienne, Windhoff-Heritier, Adrienne, Hritier, Adrienne
Security, Identity and Interests: A Sociology of International Relations by Bill, McSweeney, McSweeney, Bill
Policy-Making and Diversity in Europe: Escape from Deadlock by H. Ritier, Adrienne, Heritier, Adrienne, Windhoff-Heritier, Adrienne
The Ideology of Order: A Comparative Analysis of Jean Bodin and Thomas Hobbes by King, Preston
Steuerungs- Und Regelungsprobleme in Der Informationsgesellschaft by
Information, Innovation and Impacts by
Public Technology Procurement and Innovation by
Institutions, Politics and Fiscal Policy by
The State and the International Oil Market: Competition and the Changing Ownership of Crude Oil Assets by Van Der Linde, C.
Fact, Faith and Fiction in the Development of Science: The Gifford Lectures Given in the University of St Andrews 1976 by Hooykaas, R.
Johannes Clauberg (1622-1665): And Cartesian Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century by
Democracy in Argentina: Hope and Disillusion by Tedesco, Laura
The Munich Crisis, 1938: Prelude to World War II by
The Evolution of US Peacekeeping Policy Under Clinton: A Fairweather Friend? by MacKinnon, Michael G.
The Evolution of US Peacekeeping Policy Under Clinton: A Fairweather Friend? by MacKinnon, Michael G.
Democracy in Argentina: Hope and Disillusion by Tedesco, Laura
Geopolitics, Geography and Strategy by
Public Choice Interpretations of American Economic History by Heckelman, Jac C., Moorhouse, John C., Whaples, Robert M.
University-Industry R&d Collaboration in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan by Rahm, D., Bozeman, Barry, Kirkland, J.
1543 and All That: Image and Word, Change and Continuity in the Proto-Scientific Revolution by
Reorganizing the Joint Chiefs of Staff: The Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986 by Lederman, Gordon
Feeding the German Eagle: Soviet Economic Aid to Nazi Germany, 1933-1941 by Ericson, Edward E., Jr.
Geopolitics, Geography and Strategy by
Historical Dictionary of Political Communication in the United States by
The Bradley and How It Got That Way: Technology, Institutions, and the Problem of Mechanized Infantry in the United States Army by Haworth, W. Blair
Corruption and Democratisation by
Soft Boundaries: Re-Visioning the Arts and Aesthetics in American Education by Detels, Claire, Smith, Ralph Alexander, Detels, Claire Janice
Revolutionary Social Transformation: Democratic Hopes, Political Possibilities and Critical Education by Allman, Paula
Let Every Child Be Wanted: How Social Marketing Is Revolutionizing Contraceptive Use Around the World by Harvey, Philip D.
Neville Chamberlain and British Rearmament: Pride, Prejudice, and Politics by Ruggiero, John
The Political Economy of Rural Development in China, 1978-1999 by Chen, Weixing
Policing Islam: The British Occupation of Egypt and the Anglo-Egyptian Struggle Over Control of the Police, 1882-1914 by Tollefson, Harold
The Ups and Downs of Affirmative Action Preferences by Anderson, A. Janell, Custred, Harry, Raza, M. Ali
Citizenship and Ethnicity: The Growth and Development of a Democratic Multiethnic Institution by Gross, Feliks
Regulating the National Pastime: Baseball and Antitrust by DuQuette, Jerold J.
Global Capital and National Politics: Reforming Mexico's Financial System by Kessler, Timothy P.
International Maoism in the Developing World by Alexander, Robert Jackson
We Get What We Vote For... or Do We?: The Impact of Elections on Governing by
We Get What We Vote For... or Do We?: The Impact of Elections on Governing by
Peacekeepers, Politicians, and Warlords: The Liberian Peace Process by Mackinlay, John, Olonisakin, 'Funmi, Alao, Abiodun
Dispatches from the Balkan War and Other Writings by Finkielkraut, Alain
Power, Patronage, and Political Violence: State Building on a Brazilian Frontier, 1822-1889 by Bieber, Judy
Fragile Land: The State of the Scottish Environment by Cramb, Auslan
The Return of Politics by
Minority Politics at the Millennium by
Beyond the Call by Frank, Marshall
Capital, Coercion, and Crime: Bossism in the Philippines by Sidel, John T.
Modern Forests: Statemaking and Environmental Change in Colonial Eastern India by Sivaramakrishnan, K.
Capital, Coercion, and Crime: Bossism in the Philippines by Sidel, John T.
Native American Sovereignty by
Native American Cultural and Religious Freedoms by
Political Participation in the United States by Conway, M. Margaret
School Choice and Social Controversy: Politics, Policy, and Law by
A Piece of My Mind: Reflections at Sixty by Wilson, Edmund
Fortress America the American Military and the Consequences of Peace by Greider, William
Politics and Society in Modern Israel: Myths and Realities by Garfinkle, Adam
Politics and Society in Modern Israel: Myths and Realities by Garfinkle, Adam
Before the Vote: Forecasting American National Elections by
Naval Strategy in Northeast Asia: Geo-strategic Goals, Policies and Prospects by Kim, Duk-Ki
Toward an Ethic of Citizenship: Creating a Culture of Democracy for the 21st Century by Dustin, William K.
The New World Order: An Economic Global Regime by James, Carlo
Modern Political Thought: A Reader by
Modern Political Thought: A Reader by
International Relations, Political Theory and the Problem of Order: Beyond International Relations Theory? by Rengger, N. J.
Political Economy and the New Capitalism: Essays in Honour of Sam Aaronovitch by
Community Policing, Chicago Style by Skogan, Wesley G.
Conflict in Northern Ireland: An Encyclopedia by Elliott, Sydney
The Russian Presidency: Society and Politics in the Second Russian Republic by Na, Na
Awaiting Apocalypse by Corcoran, P.
Modern Forests: Statemaking and Environmental Change in Colonial Eastern India by Sivaramakrishnan, K.
Stuck in Neutral: Business and the Politics of Human Capital Investment Policy by Martin, Cathie Jo
Islam and Gender: The Religious Debate in Contemporary Iran by Mir-Hosseini, Ziba
Gendered Policies in Europe: Reconciling Employment and Family Life by
From Psychiatric Patient to Citizen: Overcoming Discrimination and Social Exclusion by Sayce, Liz
From Psychiatric Patient to Citizen: Overcoming Discrimination and Social Exclusion by Sayce, Liz
Bureaucrats and Leadership by
Citizenship and Identity by Wood, Patricia K., Isin, Engin F.
Citizenship and Identity by Wood, Patricia K., Isin, Engin F.
The Soviet Defence Industry Complex from Stalin to Krushchev by
Betriebliche Umweltökonomie in Fällen, Band II, Umweltmanagement und ökologieorientierte Instrumente by
Health Promotion Policy in Europe: Rationality, Impact, and Evaluation by Lueschen, Guenter, Rütten, Alfred, Lengerke, Thomas Von
What Constitutes a Good Society? by
Enlightenment and Modernity by Wokler, Robert
The Future and Its Enemies: The Growing Conflict Over Creativity, Enterprise, and Progress by Postrel, Virginia
Time in Contemporary Intellectual Thought: Volume 2 by
Early Modern Concepts for a Late Modern World: Althusius on Community and Federalism by Hueglin, Thomas O.
In the Name of Liberalism: Illiberal Social Policy in the USA and Britain by King, Desmond
Regulation Inside Government: Waste-Watchers, Quality Police, and Sleaze-Busters by Hood, Christopher, Scott, Colin, James, Oliver
In the Name of Liberalism: Illiberal Social Policy in the United States and Britain by King, Desmond
Semi-Presidentialism in Europe by
The Rise of the Fiscal State in Europe, C. 1200-1815 by
Musik und Ästhetik im Berlin Moses Mendelssohns by
Global Democracy: Key Debates by
Alphabetisierung Und Literalisierung in Deutschland in Der Frühen Neuzeit by
Before the Vote: Forecasting American National Elections by
Global Democracy: Key Debates by
Gendarmes and the State in Nineteenth-Century Europe by Emsley, Clive
On The Rim Of Mexico: Encounters Of The Rich And Poor by Ruiz, Ramon Eduardo
The Exclusive Society: Social Exclusion, Crime and Difference in Late Modernity by Young, Jock
Planungslexikon: Ein Leitfaden Durch Das Labyrinth Der Planersprache by
Die PRAXIS in Der Präsentation: Ein Sequenzanalytisches Verfahren Zur Untersuchung Von Bundestagsreden by Borst, Timo
Bangladesh, India & Pakistan: International Relations and Regional Tensions in South Asia by Jacques, K.
Development with Women by Rowan-Campbell, Dorienne
Building Sustainable Peace: Conflict, Conciliation and Civil Society in Northern Ghana by Linde, Ada
Die Gartenstadtbewegung in England, Ihre Entwickelung Und Ihr Jetziger Stand by Berlepsch-Valendàs
Essays in the History of Canadian Law, Volume VIII: In Honour of R.C.B. Risk by
Documents of American Indian Diplomacy (2 Volume Set): Treaties, Agreements, and Conventions, 1775-1979 Volume 4 by Deloria, Vine, Demallie, Raymond J.
Multicultural Questions by
The Emergence of the Global Political Economy by Thompson, William
The British Political Process: An Introduction by
Parliamentary Party Groups in European Democracies: Political Parties Behind Closed Doors by
The Emergence of the Global Political Economy by Thompson, William
Utopian Bodies and the Politics of Transgression by Sargisson, Lucy
The European Rescue of the Nation State by Milward, Alan
Integrating Environment and Economy: Strategies for Local and Regional Government by
The New Social Democracy by
What Is Citizenship? by Heater, Derek
The British Political Process: An Introduction by
Gramsci and Contemporary Politics: Beyond Pessimism of the Intellect by Sassoon, Anne Showstack
The European Rescue of the Nation State by Milward, Alan
Political Thought by
The British General Elections 1945-1992: 15 Volume Set by
The United States and Europe in the Global Arena by
The Post-Communist Era: Change and Continuity in Eastern Europe by Fowkes, B.
The Post-Communist Era: Change and Continuity in Eastern Europe by Fowkes, B.
War on Drugs: An International Encyclopedia by Chepesiuk, Ron
From EMS to Emu: 1979 to 1999 and Beyond by
Scandalous New Orleans: An Encyclopedia of Crime, Prostitution, Corruption, Loose Ladies, Gamblers, and Crooked Politicians by Declouet, Fred
When a Judge Can't Judge: A Fathers Story by Moody, Nelson L., Sr.
Dead Reckoning: The Art of Forensic Detection by Nordby, Ph. D.
International Political Theory: Rethinking Ethics in a Global Era by Hutchings, Kimberly
International Political Theory: Rethinking Ethics in a Global Era by Hutchings, Kimberly
Tightening the Reins: Towards a Strengthened International Nuclear Safeguards System by
The Idea of a Political Liberalism: Essays on Rawls by
The New Progressive Era: Toward a Fair and Deliberative Democracy by Levine, Peter
Pathways to Democracy: The Political Economy of Democratic Transitions by
The End of Class Politics?: Class Voting in Comparative Context by
The End of Class Politics?: Class Voting in Comparative Context by
State and Society in Early Modern Scotland by Goodare, Julian
Lyotard and the Political by Williams, James
Utopian Bodies and the Politics of Transgression by Sargisson, Lucy
Lyotard and the Political by Williams, James
Cornwall Politics in the Age of Reform, 1790-1885 by Jaggard, Edwin
Government's End by Rauch, Jon
Colonial Citizens: Republican Rights, Paternal Privilege, and Gender in French Syria and Lebanon by Thompson, Elizabeth
Colonial Citizens: Republican Rights, Paternal Privilege, and Gender in French Syria and Lebanon by Thompson, Elizabeth
Swat Teams: Explosive Face-Offs with America's Deadliest Criminals by Snow, Robert L.
Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies by
Guatemalan Military Project: A Violence Called Democracy by Schirmer, Jennifer
Geographic Profiling by Rossmo, D. Kim
Corporate Power, American Democracy, and the Automobile Industry by Luger, Stan
Capitalism Russian-Style by Gustafson, Thane
The Resurrection of Ireland: The Sinn Fein Party, 1916 1923 by Michael, Laffan, Laffan, Michael
China Transformed by Wong, R. Bin
The EEC Crisis of 1963: Kennedy, Macmillan, de Gaulle and Adenauer in Conflict by Bange, O.
Environmental Justice and the New Pluralism: The Challenge of Difference for Environmentalism by Schlosberg, David
Social Cleavages and Political Change: Voter Alignment and U.S. Party Coalitions by Manza, Jeff, Brooks, Clem
Two Tiers or Two Speeds? by Sperling, James
Voting Rites: The Devolution of American Politics by Hirschbein, Ron
Social Policy and the Body: Transitions in Corporeal Discourse by
Water Politics in the Middle East: A Context for Conflict or Cooperation? by Gray, T., Dolatyar, M.
Higher Education in Transition: The Challenges of the New Millennium by Fife, Brian, Losco, Joseph
Performance or Compliance?: Performance Audit and Public Management in Five Countries by Girre, Xavier, Lonsdale, Jeremy, Pollitt, Christopher C.
The Debate on the American Civil War Era by Tulloch, Hugh
Spanish Politics Today by Gibbons, John
Respecting State Courts: The Inevitability of Judicial Federalism by Solimine, Michael E., Walker, James L.
Random Selection in Politics by Carson, Lyn, Martin, Brian
Altruism by Ozinga, James R.
U.S. Department of State: A Reference History by Plischke, Elmer
Finding Virtue's Place: Examining America's Civic Life by Denning, S. Lance
Annual Survey of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: 1998: Holding the Course by Stokes, Gale, Rutland, Peter
The Economics of Global Climatic Change by Rao, P. M.
Understanding Economics by Smith, Harlan M.
An Introduction to the Market System by Goldberg, Kalman
Money Rules: Financing Elections In America by Gierzynski, Anthony
Public Service: Callings, Commitments And Contributions by Holzer, Marc, Holzer, Marc
True Tolerance: Liberalism and the Necessity of Judgment by Budziszewski, Jay
The Historical Archaeology of Buenos Aires: A City at the End of the World by Schávelzon, Daniel
Public Choice Essays in Honor of a Maverick Scholar: Gordon Tullock by
Political Decisions and Agency Performance by Torenvlied, R.
Environmental Policy and Societal Aims by Requier-Desjardins, Requier-Desjardins, Ed
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