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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2005

Maurice Duplessis by Paulin, Marguerite
Malcolm X and African American Self-Consciousness by Bassey, Magnus O.
Völkische Bewegung - Konservative Revolution - Nationalsozialismus: Aspekte einer politisierten Kultur. Kultur und antidemokratische Politik in Deutsc by
In Defense of The Economic Analysis of Regulation by Hahn, Robert W.
Silently Silenced: Essays on the Creation of Acquiescence in Modern Society by Mathiesen, Thomas
The African Institution (1807-1827) and the Antislavery Movement in Great Britain by Ackerson, Wayne
Paying for Democracy: Political Finance and State Funding for Parties by Casas-Zamora, Kevin
The Open Society Paradox: Why the Twenty-First Century Calls for More Openness--Not Less by Bailey, Dennis
Pulpit and Politics: Clergy in American Politics at the Advent of the Millennium by
Theorizing Nationalism by Day, Graham, Thompson, Andrew
Political Elites by Parry, Geraint
Organizational Jazz: Extraordinary Performance through Extraordinary Leadership by Whiteley, Alma, Kathrine, Johansen S., Napoli, David
Palestinian and Israeli Nationalism: Identity Politics and Education in Jerusalem: Cairo Papers Vol. 25, No. 4 by Weiss, Evan S.
Party Politics in Germany: A Comparative Politics Approach by Lees, C.
Political Communication and Democracy by Rawnsley, G.
The Political Economy of Robert Lowe by Maloney, J.
The Search for Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction: Inspection, Verification and Non-Proliferation by Pearson, Graham S.
Improving International Competition Order: An Institutional Approach by Conrad, C.
British Politics and European Elections 2004 by Westlake, M., Butler, D.
Reinventing Accountability: Making Democracy Work for Human Development by Jenkins, R., Goetz, A.
Humanitarian Intervention and Safety Zones: Iraq, Bosnia and Rwanda by McQueen, C.
Marxism and the State: An Analytical Approach by Wetherly, P.
The New Governance of the English Regions by Sandford, M.
Transforming Political Leadership in Local Government by
Ngo's and the United Nations: Institutionalization, Professionalization and Adaptation by Martens, K.
The Globalizations of Organized Labour: 1945-2004 by Myconos, G.
Economic Policy in the European Union by Korkman, Sixten
The Long March to Capitalism: Embourgeoisment, Internationalization and Industrial Transformation in India by D'Costa, A.
The State of Law in the South Caucasus by
Internationalizing and Privatizing War and Peace: The Bumpy Ride to Peace Building by Wulf, H.
European Security and Transatlantic Relations After 9/11 and the Iraq War by
Leadership in Democracy: From Adaptive Response to Entrepreneurial Initiative by Brooker, P.
Managing Development: Measures of Success and Failure in Development by Frankel, E.
The IMF and the Politics of Financial Globalization: From the Asian Crisis to a New International Financial Architecture? by Thirkell-White, B.
Cohesion Policy in the European Union: The Building of Europe by Leonardi, R.
The Republican Transformation of Modern British Politics by Foote, G.
Global Encounters: International Political Economy, Development and Globalization by
Political Culture and Post-Communism by
The Ethics of the Market by Meadowcroft, J.
Housing Decisions in Later Life by Leamy, M., Miller, V.
Analysing the Foreign Policy of Small States in the EU: The Case of Denmark by Larsen, H.
Politics and the Irish Working Class, 1830-1945 by
Internet Discourse and Health Debates by Richardson, K.
Liberty Beyond Neo-Liberalism: A Republican Critique of Liberal Governance in a Globalising Age by Slaughter, S.
The French Communist Party During the Fifth Republic: A Crisis of Leadership and Ideology by Raymond, Gino G.
European Welfare States and Supranational Governance of Social Policy by Johnson, A.
Designing Democracy: Eu Enlargement and Regime Change in Post-Communist Europe by Pridham, G.
The Emergence of Greater China: The Economic Integration of Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong by Sung, Y.
The Fiscal Crisis of the United Kingdom by McLean, I.
The Language of Police Interviewing: A Critical Analysis by Heydon, G.
Changing Parties: An Anthropology of British Political Conferences by Faucher-King, F.
French Intellectuals and Politics from the Dreyfus Affair to the Occupation by Drake, D.
The Whig Revival, 1808-1830 by Hay, W.
Managing Residential Childcare: A Managed Service by Whipp, R., Kitchener, M., Kirkpatrick, I.
The Crisis of the German Left: The Pds, Stalinism and the Global Economy by Thompson, Peter
Quo Vadis? by
Violence and Belonging: The Quest for Identity in Post-Colonial Africa by Broch-Due, Vigdis
Whither Globalization?: The Vortex of Knowledge and Ideology by Mittelman, James H.
Ethics and Politics in Early Childhood Education by Dahlberg, Gunilla, Moss, Peter
Sporting Equality: Title IX Thirty Years Later by Simon, Rita J.
Citizenship and Belonging: Immigration and the Politics of Demographic Governance in Postwar Britain by Hampshire, James
Development Dilemmas by Ross, Don, Ayogu, Melvin
Political Exclusion and Domination by
German Scholars and Ethnic Cleansing, 1919-1945 by
Neither Left Nor Right?: The Liberal Democrats and the Electorate by Russell, Andrew, Fieldhouse, Edward
Whither Globalization?: The Vortex of Knowledge and Ideology by Mittelman, James H.
The Real America: Messages from the Heart and Heartland by Beck, Glenn
Theorizing Nationalism by Thompson, Andrew, Day, Graham
Governing Complex Societies: Trajectories and Scenarios by Peters, B., Pierre, J.
Science and Citizens: Globalization and the Challenge of Engagement by
The Porto Alegre Experiment: Learning Lessons for Better Democracy by Gret, Marion, Sintomer, Yves
Why Secret Intelligence Fails by Turner, Michael A.
Wissenschaftliche Politikberatung: Theorien, Konzepte, Institutionen by
Post-Adjustment Theories. A Few Research Trails for African Economies by Hammouda, Hakim Ben
Ethnic Violence and the Societal Security Dilemma by Roe, Paul
Eliminating Weapons of Mass Destruction: Prospects for Effective International Verification by Mathiason, J., Andemicael, B.
Transformational Leadership in East Africa. Politics, Ideology and Community by Aseka, Eric Masinde
The Search for a National Consensus. the Making of the 1995 Uganda Constitution by Odoki, B. J., Odoki, Benjamin
Politics in Land and Water Management: Study in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania by Lerise, Fred Simon
The Crumbs Off the Wife's Table by Ogbe, Hilda
Globalization. Non-Formal Education and Rural Development by Amedzro, Albert D. K.
African Studies in Social Movements and Democracy by
The Feasibility of Democracy in Africa by Ake, Claude
Nigeria's Defence and National by Imobighe, Thomas A., Imobighe, T. a.
Democratic Decentralisation Through a Natural Resource Lens: Cases from Africa, Asia and Latin America by
Government 2.0: Using Technology to Improve Education, Cut Red Tape, Reduce Gridlock, and Enhance Democracy by Eggers, William D.
Citizens of Europe?: The Emergence of a Mass European Identity by Bruter, M.
The New Global Regulatory Landscape: Impact on Finance and Investment by McGill, R., Sheppey, T.
Drafting the EU Charter: Rights, Legitimacy and Process by Schönlau, J.
The National Interest in International Relations Theory by Burchill, S.
Democracy Needs Aristocracy by Worsthorne, Peregrine
Forgotten Radicals: Communists in the Pennsylvania Anthracite, 1919-1950 by Howard, Walter T.
Racism and Public Policy by
India's Economic Growth: Strategy for the New Economy by Sengupta, J. K.
The Politics of Decline: An Interpretation of British Politics from the 1940s to the 1970s by Fry, G.
Unionism in the United Kingdom, 1918-1974 by Ward, P.
Working Beyond 60: Key Policies and Practices in Europe by Reday-Mulvey, G.
Pol Pot's Little Red Book: The Sayings of Angkar by Locard, Henri
Black Earth: A Journey Through Russia After the Fall (Revised) by Meier, Andrew
Dreaming The Iron Dream by Covington, Harold A.
The Choice: Global Domination or Global Leadership by Brzezinski, Zbigniew
Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism by Jacoby, Susan
Implementing the Climate Regime: International Compliance by Stokke, Olav Schram
Utopia by More, Thomas
Milestones by Qutb, Sayyid
Two Treatises of Government and A Letter Concerning Toleration by Locke, John
A Doll's House by Ibsen, Henrik
Pocket Constitution (25 Pack): U.S. Constitution with Index & Declaration of Independence by
The Colonial History of Paraguay: The Revolt of the Comuneros, 1721-1735 by Lopez, Adalberto
The Forces of Economic Growth: A Time Series Perspective by Semmler, Willi, Gong, Gang, Greiner, Alfred
Opposing Currents: The Politics of Water and Gender in Latin America by
Politics and Urban Growth in Santiago, Chile, 1891-1941 by Walter, Richard J.
The Endgame of Globalization by Smith, Neil
Customs Modernization Handbook by
The Politics of Social Policy Change in Chile and Uruguay: Retrenchment versus Maintenance, 1973-1998 by Castiglioni Nunez, Rossana
Latin America's Neo-Reformation: Religion's Influence on Contemporary Politics by Patterson, Eric
The New World of Police Accountability by Walker, Samuel E.
Paving the Way: Contributions of Interactive Conflict Resolution to Peacemaking by
Making History: Czech Voices of Dissent and the Revolution of 1989 by
Democracy at the Crossroads: International Perspectives on Critical Global Citizenship Education by
Serpico: The Classic Story of the Cop Who Couldn't Be Bought by Serpico, Frank, Maas, Peter
Dreaming of a National Socialist Australia by Winter, Barbara
Out of the Ordinary: Finding Hidden Threats by Analyzing Unusual Behavior by Hollywood, John S.
A Democracy of Distinction: Aristotle and the Work of Politics by Frank, Jill
'The Public Interest' in Regulation by Feintuck, Mike
Making Globalization Good: The Moral Challenges of Global Capitalism by
Men in Black: How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America by Levin, Mark R.
Consolidating Taiwan's Democracy by Copper, John
Liberal Rights and Political Culture: Envisioning Democracy in China by Zhou, Zhenghuan
Globalization and National Economic Welfare by Panic, M.
Uncharted Journey: Promoting Democracy in the Middle East by Ottaway, Marina, Carothers, Thomas
The Information Ecology of E-Government by
The Development of Political Attitudes in Children by Torney-Purta, Judith V.
Theology of Discontent: The Ideological Foundation of the Islamic Revolution in Iran by
Hess: Holy Hist Other Writings by Hess, Moses
Moses Hess: The Holy History of Mankind and Other Writings by Hess, Moses
International Climate Change Regime by Depledge, Joanna, Yamin, Farhana
How Russia is Not Ruled by Lynch, Allen C.
Commonwealth Principles by Scott, Jonathan
Structuring Conflict in the Arab World by Ellen, Lust-Okar, Lust-Okar, Ellen
Backfired by Federer, William J.
Oracles On Man and Government by Morley, John
Hillary: America's First Dictator by Slate, Chuck
The Colonial Clippers by Lubbock, Basil
If Lincoln Were Here by Hill, John Wesley
Heralds of Freedom by Gwaltney, L. L.
The Works of Edmund Burke Part Nine by Burke, Edmund, III
Hillary: America's First Dictator by Slate, Chuck
An Inside View of the Rebellion: An American Citizen's Textbook by Conkling, Henry
A Journal from Our Legation in Belgium by Gibson, Hugh
The Sinn Fein Rebellion As I Saw It by Norway, Mary
Commentaries on the Constitutions and Laws, Peoples and History of the United States and Upon the Great Rebellion and Its Causes by Seaman, Ezra Champion
Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America by Burke, Edmund
Warren Hastings And The Founding Of The British Administration by Trotter, Lionel
Lord Beaconsfield by Froude, James
Institutional Capital: Building Post-Communist Government Performance by Brunell, Laura
The Naked Crowd: Reclaiming Security and Freedom in an Anxious Age by Rosen, Jeffrey
The ABC of Anarchism by Berkman, Alexander
Life Of Madame Roland by Taylor, I. a.
The Police Power: Patriarchy and the Foundations of American Government by Dubber, Markus Dirk
Can the Poor Save?: Saving and Asset Building in Individual Development Accounts by Sherraden, Michael
Enforcing Obligations Erga Omnes in International Law by Tams, Christian J.
A More Equal Society?: New Labour, Poverty, Inequality and Exclusion by
The New World of Police Accountability by Walker, Samuel E.
Making and Breaking Democratic Transitions: The Comparative Politics of Russia's Regions by Ryzhenkov, Sergei, Gel'man, Vladimir, Brie, Michael
Grassroots: A Field Guide for Feminist Activism by Baumgardner, Jennifer, Richards, Amy
Guarding the Golden Door: American Immigration Policy and Immigrants Since 1882 by Daniels, Roger
Police Officer's Handbook: An Introductory Guide: An Introductory Guide by Stering, Robert S.
New Risks, New Welfare: The Transformation of the European Welfare State by
New Risks, New Welfare: The Transformation of the European Welfare State by
International Democracy and the West: The Role of Governments, Civil Society, and Multinational Business by Youngs, Richard
New Threats and New Actors in International Security by
New Threats and New Actors in International Security by
The War Over Perpetual Peace: An Exploration Into the History of a Foundational International Relations Text by Easley, E.
Rights, Liberties & the Rule of Law by Zihala, Maryann
The War Over Perpetual Peace: An Exploration into the History of a Foundational International Relations Text by Easley, E.
Famine That Kills: Darfur, Sudan by de Waal, Alex
The Anthropology of Development and Globalization: From Classical Political Economy to Contemporary Neoliberalism by
Indicator Systems for Sustainable Innovation by
The Anthropology of Development and Globalization: From Classical Political Economy to Contemporary Neoliberalism by
Recollections of Tucson Operations: The Millimeter-Wave Observatory of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory by Gordon, M. a.
History of Nordic Computing: Ifip Wg9.7 First Working Conference on the History of Nordic Computing (Hinc1), June 16-18, 2003, Trondheim, Norway by
The Economic Effects of Constitutions by Persson, Torsten, Tabellini, Guido
Species at Risk: Using Economic Incentives to Shelter Endangered Species on Private Lands by
Rethinking Development in Latin America by
State of Exception by Agamben, Giorgio
How Russia Is Not Ruled: Reflections on Russian Political Development by Lynch, Allen C.
Das Deutsche Parteiensystem: Perspektiven Für Das 21. Jahrhundert by
Organisationsgesellschaft: Facetten Und Perspektiven by
Deutschland in Europa: Ergebnisse Des European Social Survey 2002-2003 by
Die Doppelte Transformation: Demokratie Und Außenwirtschaftsliberalisierung in Entwicklungsländern by Martin, Christian
Niedersachsen-Lexikon by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Woodrow Wilson and the Roots of Modern Liberalism by Pestritto, Ronald J.
The International Climate Change Regime by Yamin, Farhana, Depledge, Joanna
Empire of Capital by Wood, Ellen Meiksins
Rogues: Two Essays on Reason by Derrida, Jacques
Socialism in America: Second Edition by Bowman, John L.
Making Waves: Politics, Propaganda, and the Emergence of the Imperial Japanese Navy, 1868-1922 by Schencking, J. Charles
Dresden: Tuesday, February 13, 1945 by Taylor, Frederick
Rogues: Two Essays on Reason by Derrida, Jacques
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