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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2007

Deutsche Sicherheitsstrukturen im 21. Jahrhundert. Streitbare Demokratie und ihre institutionelle Umsetzung durch den Verfassungsschutz by Normann, Lars
Right Wing, Wrong Bird: Why the Tactics of the Religious Right Won't Fly with Most Conservative Christians by Hunter, Joel C.
Die Macht der Verführer: Liebe, Geld, Wissen, Kunst und Religion in Verführungsszenarien des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts by
State of the World: An Urban Future (2007) by The Worldwatch Institute
Complete Liberty (Large Print Edition): The Demise of the State and the Rise of Voluntary America (Large Print Edition) by Bertrand, Wes
Rhode Island Latino Political Empowerment by Avila, Tomas Alberto
Regional Outlook: Southeast Asia 2007-2008 by
The Worldwide Practice of Torture: A Preliminary Report by Edgerton, Robert B.
Thailand: The Politics of Despotic Paternalism by Chaloemtiarana, Thak
Globalistan: An Antidote to THE WORLD IS FLAT by Escobar, Pepe
Multiparty Politics in Mississippi, 1877-1902 by Cresswell, Stephen
Launching the Grand Coalition by
Engendering Human Security: Feminist Perspectives by
The New Political Economy of Development: Globalization, Imperialism, Hegemony by Kiely, Ray
The American Political System by Brogan, D. W.
Die Dokumentarische Methode Und Ihre Forschungspraxis: Grundlagen Qualitativer Sozialforschung by
Radical Democracy and the Internet: Interrogating Theory and Practice by
Young People and Politics in the UK: Apathy or Alienation? by O´toole, T., Jones, S., Marsh, D.
Transforming the Golden-Age Nation State by
Economic Government of the Eu: A Balance Sheet of New Modes of Policy Coordination by
Criminal Records: A Database for the Criminal Justice System and Beyond by Thomas, T.
Trinidad and Tobago: Ethnic Conflict, Inequality and Public Sector Governance by Premdas, Ralph
Reclaiming Social Policy: Globalization, Social Exclusion and New Poverty Reduction Strategies by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Press and Television in British Politics: Media, Money and Mediated Democracy by Gavin, N.
Britain, Germany and the Future of the European Union by Schweiger, C.
Development Success: Statecraft in the South by McCourt, W.
Towards Understanding Community: People and Places by
Communication in the Age of Suspicion: Trust and the Media by
Emotional Governance: Politics, Media and Terror by Richards, B.
The Palgrave Review of British Politics 2006 by
Fiscal Policy Without a State in Emu? by Kaarlejärvi, J.
European Anti-Discrimination and the Politics of Citizenship: Britain and France by
Kingship, Rebellion and Political Culture: England and Germany, c. 1215-c. 1250 by Weiler, B.
Changing State Feminism by
The Europeanization of National Policies and Politics of Immigration: Between Autonomy and the European Union by
Governing New European Democracies by Müller-Rommel, F., Malová, D., Blondel, J.
Russia: Re-Emerging Great Power by
Women, Men, Work and Family in Europe by
Censorship in Fascist Italy, 1922-43: Policies, Procedures and Protagonists by Talbot, G.
Democracy and Interest Groups: Enhancing Participation? by Jordan, G., Maloney, W.
Corruption and Development: The Anti-Corruption Campaigns by
Constitutional Politics in the European Union: The Convention Moment and Its Aftermath by Longman, C., Schönlau, J., Castiglione, D.
The Radical Attitude and Modern Political Theory by Edwards, J.
The New Transnationalism: Transnational Governance and Democratic Legitimacy by Dingwerth, K.
Methods in Democratic Network Governance by
The Reform of Public Services Under New Labour: Narratives of Consumerism by Needham, C.
Discursive Constructions of Identity in European Politics by
Global Health Governance and the Fight Against Hiv/AIDS by
Deliberation, Participation and Democracy: Can the People Govern? by Rosenberg, Shawn W.
Suffrage Outside Suffragism: Britain 1880-1914 by
The Regulatory State in an Age of Governance: Soft Words and Big Sticks by King, R.
Sovereignties: Contemporary Theory and Practice by Prokhovnik, R.
Re-Energizing Citizenship: Strategies for Civil Renewal by
Neoliberalism and Institutional Reform in East Asia: A Comparative Study by
Social Constructionist Identity Politics and Literary Studies by Gupta, S.
Nature, Technology and Cultural Change in Twentieth-Century German Literature: The Challenge of Ecocriticism by Goodbody, A.
European Foreign Policy in an Evolving International System: The Road Towards Convergence by
Protecting Human Security in a Post 9/11 World: Critical and Global Insights by Shani, Giorgio, Sato, Makoto
India, China and Globalization: The Emerging Superpowers and the Future of Economic Development by Mahtaney, P.
The Dynamics of Referendum Campaigns: An International Perspective by
Proportional Representation and the Constituency Role in Britain by Lundberg, Thomas Carl
Gendering the International Asylum and Refugee Debate by Freedman, J.
The Left Party in Contemporary German Politics by Koß, M., Hough, Dan, Olsen, Jonathan
Subnational Government: The French Experience by Loughlin, John
The New Progressive Dilemma: Australia and Tony Blair's Legacy by O'Reilly, D.
Central European History and the European Union: The Meaning of Europe by
Redefining Nationalism in Modern China: Sino-American Relations and the Emergence of Chinese Public Opinion in the 21st Century by Shen, S.
Democratic Dilemmas of Multilevel Governance: Legitimacy, Representation and Accountability in the European Union by
Arming Conflict: The Proliferation of Small Arms by Bourne, M.
Turkey and the European Union: Prospects for a Difficult Encounter by Lagro, Esra
The Dynamics of Federalism in National and Supranational Political Systems by Pagano, Michael A.
New Governance in European Social Policy: The Open Method of Coordination by Büchs, Milena
The Transformation of State Socialism: System Change, Capitalism, or Something Else? by
Germany's New Right as Culture and Politics by Woods, R.
The State and Kurds in Turkey: The Question of Assimilation by Heper, M.
The Cis, the EU and Russia: Challenges of Integration by
The Uncertain Foundation: France at the Liberation 1944-47 by
Negotiating Political Conflicts by Pfetsch, F.
International Democracy Assistance for Peacebuilding: Cambodia and Beyond by Peou, Sorpong
The Civil Service in the 21st Century: Comparative Perspectives by
The Changing Politics of European Security: Europe Alone? by
The Political Economy of International Capital Mobility by Watson, M.
The Power of Entrepreneurs: Politics and Economy in Contemporary Spain by Cabrera, Mercedes, Rey, Fernando Del
State and Civil Society in Northern Europe: The Swedish Model Reconsidered by
The End of the Berlusconi Era? by
Thailand: The Politics of Despotic Paternalism by Chaloemtiarana, Thak
Surviving the New Economy by Carpenter, Tris, Neff, Gina, Amman, John
Political and Legal Obligation by
Manifiestos by Zapata, Emiliano
The New Political Economy of Development: Globalization, Imperialism, Hegemony by Kiely, R.
Inhuman Conditions: On Cosmopolitanism and Human Rights by Cheah, Pheng
Identity, Competition and Electoral Availability: The Stabilisation of European Electorates 1885-1985 by Bartolini, Stefano, Mair, Peter
Present Day Political Organization of China by Brunnert, H. S., Hagelstrom, V. V.
Global Political Economy in the Information Age: Power and Inequality by Youngs, Gillian
Managing Development in a Global Context by Dwivedi, O., Khator, R., Nef, J.
Torture and the Military Profession by Wolfendale, J.
Technology and Security: Governing Threats in the New Millennium by Rappert, Brian
Politics in Britain by Norton, Bruce F.
The Many Faces of Patriotism by
The Many Faces of Patriotism by
The Counter-terrorism Puzzle: A Guide for Decision Makers by Ganor, Boaz
Current Issues and Trends in E-Government Research by Norris, Donald F.
Globalistan: An Antidote to the World Is Flat by Escobar, Pepe
The Zakir Husain Memorial Lectures by College, Zakir Husain
Questioning Globalized Militarism by Custers, Peter
Imams and Emirs: State, Religion and Sects in Islam by Khuri, Fuad I.
Conservative Thought in Contemporary China by Moody, Peter
Conservative Thought in Contemporary China by Moody, Peter
American Government and the Vision of the Democrats by LaTour, Mark Louis
The Open Economy and its Enemies by Duckett, Jane, Miller, William L.
Toward a New Socialism by
People, States and Fear: An Agenda for International Security Studies in the Post-Cold War Era by Buzan, Barry
Aftershock: Confronting Trauma in a Violent World: A Guide for Activists and Their Allies by Jones, Pattrice
Antitrust: The Case for Repeal (Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Armentano, Dominick T.
The Politically Incorrect Guide to the South: (And Why It Will Rise Again) by Johnson, Clint
The Islamic Shield: Arab Resistance to Democratic and Religious Reforms by Elhadj, Elie
21st Century Dissent: Anarchism, Anti-Globalization and Environmentalism by Curran, G.
Discursive Leadership: In Conversation with Leadership Psychology by
Discursive Leadership: In Conversation with Leadership Psychology by
The Globalization of Nothing 2 by Ritzer, George
Bonheur de ville: Un maire au chevet de sa banlieue by Pemezec, Philippe
The Governors of North Carolina by Hill, Michael
Storm Over Texas: The Annexation Controversy and the Road to Civil War by Silbey, Joel H.
Observing Government Elites: Up Close and Personal by
Spa-Emancipacion de la Mujer Y by Sankara, Thomas
Thomas Sankara Speaks: The Burkina Faso Revolution 1983-1987 by Sankara, Thomas
Women's Liberation and the African Freedom Struggle by Sankara, Thomas
Incorrectly Political: Augustine and Thomas More by Kaufman, Peter Iver
Thomas Sankara Parle: La Révolution Au Burkina Faso, 1983-1987 by Sankara, Thomas
Politics and History: Montesquieu, Rousseau, Marx by Althusser, Louis
A European Foreign Policy? Decision-Making in European External Policy by Ladzik, Jeannette, Haseler, Stephen, Donnelly, Brendan
Making Sense of Human Rights by Nickel, James
Rethinking the World: Great Power Strategies and International Order by Legro, Jeffrey W.
A Companion to the Anthropology of Politics by
Welfare Policy Under New Labour: Views from Inside Westminster by Bochel, Hugh, Defty, Andrew
A Leadership for Peace: How Edwin Ginn Tried to Change the World by Rotberg, Robert I.
Sustainability in Manufacturing: Recovery of Resources in Product and Material Cycles by
An Endless War: The Russian-Chechen Conflict in Perspective: With a Preface by Anatol Lieven by Souleimanov, Emil
The Balance of Power in Asia-Pacific Security: US-China Policies on Regional Order by Odgaard, Liselotte
Global Inequality: Patterns and Explanations by
Managing Change in the Public Services by
Economic Government of the Eu: A Balance Sheet of New Modes of Policy Coordination by
Innovation and Its Discontents: How Our Broken Patent System Is Endangering Innovation and Progress, and What to Do about It by Jaffe, Adam B., Lerner, Josh
You Make A Good Point...Bonehead!: Reflections On The House Of Bush by Johnson, Jason
Feeling My Culture by Bloggs, Joe
Law in the United States by Murray, Peter L., Von Mehren, Arthur T.
Law in the United States 2ed by Murray, Peter L., Von Mehren, Arthur T.
Public Service Performance by
Theatre and Postcolonial Desires by Amkpa, Awam
Political Game Theory: An Introduction by Meirowitz, Adam, McCarty, Nolan M.
Peacemakers in Action: Profiles of Religion in Conflict Resolution by
Casebook for the Foundation: A Great American Secret by Kohler, J. Scott, Schindler, Steven, Fleishman, Joel L.
Consultation within WTO Dispute Settlement: A Chinese Perspective: A Chinese Perspective by Qi Zhang
Public Men: Masculinity and Politics in Modern Britain by
New Public Management in Europe: Adaptation and Alternatives by
Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal by Arnove, Anthony
Fight Back!: Tackling Terrorism, Liddy Style by Selanikio, Joel, Liddy, G. Gordon, Barrett, J. Michael
Useless Arithmetic: Why Environmental Scientists Can't Predict the Future by Pilkey-Jarvis, Linda, Pilkey, Orrin H.
New Public Management in Europe: Adaptation and Alternatives by
Putin's Russia: Life in a Failing Democracy by Politkovskaya, Anna
The Bomb in the Basement: How Israel Went Nuclear and What That Means for the World by Karpin, Michael
The Idea of Poverty by Spicker, Paul
Liberalism and the Social Problem: A Collection of Early Speeches as a Member of Parliament by Churchill, Winston S.
Germany's New Right as Culture and Politics by Woods, R.
Social Constructionist Identity Politics and Literary Studies by Gupta, S.
Freedom Is Not Enough: Black Voters, Black Candidates, and American Presidential Politics by Walters, Ronald W.
Politics on the Edges of Liberalism: Difference, Populism, Revolution, Agitation by Arditi, Benjamin
Liberalism and the Social Problem: A Collection of Early Speeches as a Member of Parliament by Churchill, Winston S.
Cross Cultural Management and Negotiation Practices by Mujtaba, Bahaudin Ghulam
Citizens, Democracy, and Markets Around the Pacific Rim by
Enlarging the Euro Area: External Empowerment and Domestic Transformation in East Central Europe by
U.S. Army Counterinsurgency and Contingency Operations Doctrine, 1942-1976 by United States Department of the Army, Birtle, Andrew J., Center of Military History
E-government in Europe: Re-booting the State by
The Europeanization of National Political Parties: Power and Organizational Adaptation by
Politics, Social Networks, and the History of Mass Communications Research: Rereading Personal Influence by Simonson, Peter
Violent Video Game Effects on Children and Adolescents: Theory, Research, and Public Policy by Gentile, Douglas A., Buckley, Katherine E., Anderson, Craig A.
Presidents Were Teenagers Too by Wasserman, Benny
Forks in the Road by Hall, I. C.
Growing Smarter: Achieving Livable Communities, Environmental Justice, and Regional Equity by
Environmental Justice and Environmentalism: The Social Justice Challenge to the Environmental Movement by
The Bush Doctrine and Latin America by
Exporting Press Freedom: Economic and Editorial Dilemmas in International Media Assistance by Lamay, Craig
Civil-military Relations in Today's China: Swimming in a New Sea: Swimming in a New Sea by Finkelstein, David M., Gunness, Kristen
American Business and Public Policy: The politics of foreign trade by Draper, Theodore
The Process of Politics: A Comparative Approach by Rasmussen, Jorgen
Onomasticon Turcicum, Turkic Personal Names, Parts I-II by Rasonyi, L., Baski, I.
Peace, Democracy, and Human Rights in Colombia by
Latin America After Neoliberalism: Turning the Tide in the 21st Century? by
Rituale des Abschieds. Eine Studie über das staatliche Begräbniszeremoniell in Deutschland by Wendler, Joachim
Limits to Liberalization by Goff, Patricia M.
Reforming the Administration of Justice in Mexico by
Contesting Empire, Globalizing Dissent: Cultural Studies After 9/11 by Denzin, Norman K., Giardina, Michael D.
Rethinking the Foundations of Modern Political Thought by
The Open Economy and its Enemies by Duckett, Jane, Miller, William L.
Rethinking the Foundations of Modern Political Thought by
Peter the Great by Bushkovitch, Paul
Challenging Global Inequality: Development Theory and Practice in the 21st Century by Hulme, David, Turner, Mark, Greig, Alastair
Weltstaat Und Weltstaatlichkeit: Beobachtungen Globaler Politischer Strukturbildung by
Vereine - Zivilgesellschaft Konkret by Zimmer, Annette
Politische Planung: Aufsätze Zur Soziologie Von Politik Und Verwaltung by Luhmann, Niklas
See More