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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2008

Bagels, Barry Bonds, and Rotten Politicians (Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Blumert, Burton S.
The New Economy by Gronlund, Laurence
The Art of Shrinking Heads: The New Servitude of the Liberated in the Age of Total Capitalism by Dufour, Dany-Robert
This Is Not a President: Sense, Nonsense, and the American Political Imaginary by Rubenstein, Diane
The Last Crusade: Americanism and the Islamic Reformation by Palmer, Michael a.
The British Left's 'Great Debate' on Europe by Mullen, Andrew
Nuclear Matters in North Korea: Building a Multilateral Response for Future Stability in Northeast Asia by Davis, Jacquelyn K., Schoff, James L., Perry, Charles M.
The Specter of Munich: Reconsidering the Lessons of Appeasing Hitler by Record, Jeffrey
Las Guerrillas Contemporáneas En América Latina by Prieto, Alberto
Global Environmental Challenges: Perspectives from the South by
Against Perfectionism: Defending Liberal Neutrality by Lecce, Steven
This Is Not a President: Sense, Nonsense, and the American Political Imaginary by Rubenstein, Diane
Globalization, Labour Markets and Inequality in India by Mazumdar, Dipak, Sarkar, Sandip
Free Labor: Workfare and the Contested Language of Neoliberalism by Krinsky, John
Globalisation, Modernity and Social Change: Hotspots of Transition by Taylor, Graham, Dürrschmidt, Jörg
Globalisation, Modernity and Social Change: Hotspots of Transition by Taylor, Graham, Dürrschmidt, Jörg
Metternich and Austria: An Evaluation by Sked, Alan
From Ideologies to Public Philosophies by Schumaker, Paul
Cinema and Popular Geo-politics by
Transnational Islam and Regional Security: Cooperation and Diversity between Europe and North Africa by
The Constitutionalization of the European Union by
From Ideologies to Public Philosophies by Schumaker, Paul
Revolution in the Making of the Modern World: Social Identities, Globalization and Modernity by
Surviving Climate Change: The Struggle To Avert Global Catastrophe by
Reflections on the Revolution in France by Burke, Edmund, III
The Protection of Minorities in the Wider Europe by
Global Change, Civil Society and the Northern Ireland Peace Process: Implementing the Political Settlement by
Constituting Communities: Political Solutions to Cultural Conflict by
Class, Power and the State in Capitalist Society: Essays on Ralph Miliband by
The Failure of the Middle East Peace Process?: A Comparative Analysis of Peace Implementation in Israel/Palestine, Northern Ireland and South Africa by Ben-Porat, Guy
The Politics of the Thatcher Revolution: An Interpretation of British Politics 1979 - 1990 by Fry, G.
Participatory Democracy, Science and Technology: An Exploration in the Philosophy of Science by Rogers, K.
Transparency and Accountability in Science and Politics by Andersson, K.
Humanitarian Intervention After Kosovo: Iraq, Darfur and the Record of Global Civil Society by Hehir, Aidan
Peace as Governance by Sriram, C.
People and Parliament: Representative Rights and the English Revolution by Yerby, G.
The Assets Agenda: Principles and Policy by Prabhakar, Rajiv
Community, Conflict and the State: Rethinking Notions of 'safety', 'cohesion' and 'wellbeing' by Cooper, C.
Consumption and the Globalization Project: International Hegemony and the Annihilation of Time by Comor, E.
Metaphors of Globalization: Mirrors, Magicians and Mutinies by
Transitions Through Homelessness: Lives on the Edge by McNaughton, C.
Beyond the Nation State: Parties in the Era of European Integration by Hanley, D.
Transnationalization of Public Spheres by Weßler, H., Brüggemann, M., Peters, B.
This Thing Called Trust: Civic Society in Britain by Stoneman, P.
Organized Business Interests in Changing Environments: The Complexity of Adaptation by
Politics and the Ruling Group in Putin's Russia by
Governments and Marriage Education Policy: Perspectives from the Uk, Australia and the Us by Van Acker, Elizabeth
New Labour and the Civil Service: Reconstituting the Westminster Model by Richards, D.
Media, Culture and Society in Putin's Russia by
Presbyterians in Ireland: Identity in the Twenty-First Century by Baillie, S.
Foucault on Politics, Security and War by
Martyrs in the Making: Political Martyrdom in Late Medieval England by Piroyansky, D.
The French Revolution and the Creation of Benthamism by Blamires, C.
Development Finance in the Global Economy: The Road Ahead by
Restoring Hope: Decent Care in the Midst of HIV/AIDS by
Power and Politics After Financial Crises: Rethinking Foreign Opportunism in Emerging Markets by
New Humanitarianism: Britain and Sierra Leone, 1997-2003 by Schümer, T.
Method and Substance in Macrocomparative Analysis by
Social Security, the Economy and Development by
World Society and the Middle East: Reconstructions in Regional Politics by Stetter, S.
The Ideology of Home Ownership: Homeowner Societies and the Role of Housing by Ronald, R.
Twenty-First Century Populism: The Spectre of Western European Democracy by
Russia and Its Other(s) on Film: Screening Intercultural Dialogue by
Families in Converging Europe: A Comparison of Forms, Structures and Ideals by Oinonen, E.
Local Governance in Central and Eastern Europe: Comparing Performance in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Russia by Hudalla, A., Wollmann, H., Lankina, T.
Global Sustainability: Social and Environmental Conditions by Borghesi, S., Vercelli, A.
Globalization, Regionalization and Business: Conflict, Convergence and Influence by Schelhase, M.
Class Formation, Civil Society and the State: A Comparative Analysis of Russia, France, UK and the Us by Burrage, Michael
Public and Private Social Policy: Health and Pension Policies in a New Era by
The State of Loyalism in Northern Ireland by Spencer, G.
Marxism and Criminological Theory: A Critique and a Toolkit by Cowling, Mark
The Rise and Fall of Privatization in the Russian Oil Industry by Sim, S.
Democracy and Institutional Development: Spain in Comparative Theoretical Perspective by
The Critical Theory of Robert W. Cox by Leysens, A.
Civil Society Participation in European and Global Governance: A Cure for the Democratic Deficit? by
Family Practices in South Asian Muslim Families: Parenting in a Multi-Faith Britain by Becher, H.
The Organization of Opinion: Open Voting in England, 1832-68 by Mitchell, J.
Responding to Crises in the Modern Infrastructure: Policy Lessons from Y2K by Quigley, K.
Our Man in Berlin: The Diary of Sir Eric Phipps, 1933-1937 by Johnson, G.
Foucault in an Age of Terror: Essays on Biopolitics and the Defence of Society by
Exile to Siberia, 1590-1822 by Gentes, A.
Post-NAFTA North America: Reshaping the Economic and Political Governance of a Changing Region by Morales, I.
Remembering and Imagining Palestine: Identity and Nationalism from the Crusades to the Present by Gerber, H.
Europe-Asia Relations: Building Multilateralisms by Balme, Richard, Bridges, Brian
The Rise of Neoliberalism in Advanced Capitalist Economies: A Materialist Analysis by King, J. E., Howard, M.
The Political Economy of Human Rights Enforcement: Moral and Intellectual Leadership in the Context of Global Hegemony by Manokha, I.
Global Governance in Accounting: Rebalancing Public Power and Private Commitment by Zimmermann, J., Werner, J., Volmer, P.
The Europeanization of Cyprus: Polity, Policies and Politics by Sepos, A.
Families Raising Disabled Children by Goodley, Dan, Clavering, Emma, McLaughlin, J.
Conflict Transformation and Social Change in Uganda: Remembering After Violence by Buckley-Zistel, Susanne
The New German Jewry and the European Context: The Return of the European Jewish Diaspora by
Risk Regulation in the Single Market: The Governance of Pharmaceuticals and Foodstuffs in the European Union by Krapohl, Sebastian
Intelligence, Security and Policing Post-9/11: The Uk's Response to the 'War on Terror' by Phythian, Mark
The Limits of Europeanization: Reform Capacity and Policy Conflict in Greece by Featherstone, K., Papadimitriou, D.
Internationalising China's Financial Markets by Schlichting, Svenja
The Boundaries of EU Enlargement: Finding a Place for Neighbours by
Nation-Building and Identity in Europe by Tzanelli, R.
Globalization and the State: Volume I: International Institutions, Finance, the Theory of the State and International Trade by Peláez, C.
France on the World Stage: Nation State Strategies in the Global Era by
The Politics of Economic Inequality in Developing Countries by Nel, P.
The Labour Party and Constitutional Reform: A History of Constitutional Conservatism by Dorey, P.
Constitutional Futures Revisited: Britain's Constitution to 2020 by
Understanding Inequality and Poverty in China: Methods and Applications by Wan, G.
Public Law Within Government: Sustaining the Art of the Possible by Rattenbury, T. P. B.
Radical Islam and International Security: Challenges and Responses by
Understanding and Reducing Persistent Poverty in Africa by
The Political Future of Hong Kong: Democracy within communist China by Poon, Kit
Political Islam and Violence in Indonesia by Abuza, Zachary
Commonwealth: Inter- and Non-State Contributions to Global Governance by Shaw, Timothy M.
Democratization in the Muslim World: Changing Patterns of Authority and Power by
Governance in Post-Conflict Societies: Rebuilding Fragile States by
The Myth of Generational Conflict: The Family and State in Ageing Societies by
Religion in World Conflict by
Environmental Governance in China by
'The Chinese Century'?: The Challenge to Global Order by Scott, D.
Contemporary Germany and the Nazi Legacy: Remembrance, Politics and the Dialectic of Normality by Pearce, C.
Rethinking Trafficking in Women: Politics Out of Security by Aradau, C.
The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind by Lebon, Gustave
Oil, Democracy and the Promise of True Federalism in Nigeria by Ikein, Augustine A., Alamieyeseigha, D. S. P., Azaiki, Steve
Oil, Democracy and the Promise of True Federalism in Nigeria by Azaiki, Steve, Ikein, Augustine A., Alamieyeseigha, D. S. P.
Transformative Justice: Critical and Peacemaking Themes Influenced by Richard Quinney by
Europe and Asia: Regions in Flux by
Unveiling the Council of the European Union: Games Governments Play in Brussels by
Authority in the Global Political Economy by
Globalization, Development and the State: The Performance of India and Brazil Since 1990 by Pedersen, Jørgen Dige
Substance and Substitution: Methadone Subjects in Liberal Societies by Valentine, K., Fraser, S.
The Transformation of National Identity in the Basque Country of France, 1789-2006 by Ahedo Gurrutxaga, Igor
Relational Democracy by Ibarra Güell, Pedro
Relational Democracy by Ibarra Güell, Pedro
Serbia's Antibureaucratic Revolution: Milosevic, the Fall of Communism and Nationalist Mobilization by Vladisavljevic, N.
The Accelerating Decline in America's High-Skilled Workforce: Implications for Immigration Policy by Kirkegaard, Jacob Funk
The Transformation of National Identity in the Basque Country of France, 1789-2006 by Ahedo Gurrutxaga, Igor
Whistling Past Dixie: How Democrats Can Win Without the South by Schaller, Thomas F.
Competing Claims to Recognition in the Nigerian Public Sphere: A Liberal Argument about Justice in Plural Societies by Ejobowah, John Boye
The Crisis of Welfare in East Asia by
The Revolution and the Civil War in Spain by Témime, Émile, Broué, Pierre
The Political Economy of International Tax Governance by Rixen, T.
Culture and Consensus in European Varieties of Capitalism: A Common Sense Analysis by Bruff, I.
Utopia by Thomas More, Political Science, Political Ideologies, Communism & Socialism by More, Thomas
Writings for a Democratic Society: The Tom Hayden Reader by Hayden, Tom
Teamster Power 2/E by Dobbs, Farrell
The New Face of Political Cinema: Commitment in French Film Since 1995 by O'Shaughnessy Martin
Italian Neo-Fascism: The Strategy of Tension and the Politics of Non-Reconciliation by Bull, Anna Cento
Anarchism and Other Essays by Goldman, Emma
Past in the Making: Historical Revisionism in Central Europe After 1989 by
The Strenuous Life by Roosevelt, Theodore
Literatura, Política Y Sociedad: Construcciones de Sentido En La Hispanoamérica Contemporánea: Homenaje a Andrés Avellaneda by
Undoing the Silence: Six Tools for Social Change Writing by Dunlap, Louise
The Republic by Plato
Mediating Health Information: The Go-Betweens in a Changing Socio-Technical Landscape by
The Politics of Obedience (Large Print Edition): The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude (Large Print Edition) by De La Boetie, Etienne
Daoism: A Beginner's Guide by Miller, James
Fre-Lemancipation Des Femmes E by Sankara, Thomas
All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror by Kinzer, Stephen
Imperial Hubris: Why the West Is Losing the War on Terror by Scheuer, Michael
The Long War Ahead and the Short War Upon Us: Imperfect Civilization, Perfect Barbarism, and Wmd Terror by Wohlstetter, John, Wohlsetter, John C.
Die IT-Revolution und der Aktienmarkt by Saak, Daniel
Konfliktfeld Naturschutz am Beispiel der Wattenmeer-Nationalparks by Fehmel, Anna
Der Dichter und die Politik - Gerhart Hauptmanns Politikbegriff vor dem Hintergrund seiner Äußerungen zum oberschlesischen Plebiszit im Jahre 1921 by Dalberg, Dirk Mathias
Der Deutsche Bundestag im Vergleich zum Britischen Unterhaus by Wanczura, Teresa
Jenseits russischer Villenzäune: Surrealität des menschlichen Daseins im heutigen Russland by Alexander, Prochanow
Grundrisse des §121 SGB III by Di Benedetto, Edgar
Familienleistungsausgleich by Gleie, Sarah
Welche Resultate hat der Wohlfahrtsstaat nach Niklas Luhmann für die moderne Gesellschaft? by Lachnit, Silke
Die dreistufige Arbeitsmarktreform Dänemarks der 1990er: Ein Modell für Deutschland? by Schack, Sebastian
Toward a New World Order by Del Ama, Carlos
Others: "Fighting Bob" La Follette and the Progressive Movement: Third-Party Politics in the 1920s by Richardson, Darcy G.
From Berlin to Baghdad: America's Search for Purpose in the Post-Cold War World by Brands, Hal
Asia in the Global Economy: Finance, Trade and Investment by Rajan, Ramkishen S., Rongala, Sunil
California, with a New Preface: America's High-Stakes Experiment by Schrag, Peter
Epz War and Ethics: A New Just War Theory by Fotion, Nicholas
Epz War and Ethics: A New Just War Theory by Fotion, Nicholas
Mathematics and Democracy: Designing Better Voting and Fair-Division Procedures by Brams, Steven J.
Realism Reconsidered: The Legacy of Hans Morgenthau in International Relations by
Realism Reconsidered: The Legacy of Hans Morgenthau in International Relations by
On Global Order Power, Values, and the Constitution of International Society (Paperback) by Hurrell, Andrew
The Emergence of Provincial Politics: The Madras Presidency 1870 1920 by Washbrook, D. A.
Economic Growth and Macroeconomic Dynamics: Recent Developments in Economic Theory by
Advances in Urban Ecology: Integrating Humans and Ecological Processes in Urban Ecosystems by Alberti, Marina
Theory of World Security by Booth, Ken
The Economists' Voice: Top Economists Take on Today's Problems by
Fiscal Challenges: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Budget Policy by Garrett, Elizabeth, Jackson, Howell E., Graddy, Elizabeth
Festforschung: Kulturelle Aspekte der Fußballveranstaltung als Massenereignis: Methodenerläuterung: Befragung / Interview by Siegordner, Martin
The Trafficking of Persons: National and International Responses by McCabe, Kimberly A.
Italy Today: Facing the Challenges of the New Millennium by Mignone, Mario B.
The McCarran Internal Security Act, 1950-2005 by Patenaude, Marc
Public Opinion by Lippmann, Walter
Hell and High Water: The Global Warming Solution by Romm, Joe
Dreams of Peace and Freedom: Utopian Moments in the Twentieth Century by Winter, Jay
The Swing Voter in American Politics by
The Power of the Vote: Electing Presidents, Overthrowing Dictators, and Promoting Democracy Around the World by Schoen, Douglas E.
American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America by Hedges, Chris
Common Sense: Or Why Not to Look at the World Throughcolored Glasses, Two Toilet Paper Rolls, and Some Scotch Tape by Hingst, J. P.
Natural Law in the Spiritual World by Drummond, Henry
Orlando Firefighting by Bryant, Ginger
Was erklärt die Erfolge der CSU? by Sterian, Tanja
Shared Sacrifice: Don't Ask Don't Tell & The Global War On Terror by Barkley, Gary S.
Faith and Devotion: Escape from Behind the Iron Curtain by Geder, Laszlo
Social Legislation In Illinois: Needs And Opportunities In 1921 (1921) by Eldridge, Seba
Shared Sacrifice: Don't Ask Don't Tell & The Global War On Terror by Barkley, Gary S.
See More