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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2009

Peace-Building and Development in Guatemala and Northern Ireland by Reilly, C.
Political Authoritarianism in the Dominican Republic by Krohn-Hansen, C.
Peace-Building and Development in Guatemala and Northern Ireland by Reilly, C.
The Idea of Humanity in a Global Era by Mazlish, B.
Fashioning History: Current Practices and Principles by Berkhofer, R.
The Great Derangement: A Terrifying True Story of War, Politics, and Religion at the Twilight of the American Empire by Taibbi, Matt
The Dynamics of Ancient Empires: State Power from Assyria to Byzantium by
The Third Paradigm: Democracy Is Headed The Way Of The Monarch By Divine Right. What Will Replace It? by Ludwig, Mark A.
Neoliberalism and Globalization in Africa: Contestations from the Embattled Continent by Mensah, J.
Neoliberalism and Globalization in Africa: Contestations from the Embattled Continent by Mensah, J.
Political Parties And Party Problems In The United States: A Sketch Of American Party History And Of The Development And Operations Of Party Machinery by Woodburn, James Albert
The American Republic And Its Government: An Analysis Of The Government Of The United States (1916) by Woodburn, James Albert
A Leap In The Dark: Or Our New Constitution (1893) by Dicey, Albert Venn
A Short Account Of The Representation Of Scotland, In The Parliament Of Great Britain: With Outlines Of A Plan For Its Reformation (1813) by Borthwick, John
A Father's Gift To His Son, On His Becoming An Apprentice: To Which Is Added Dr. Franklin's Way To Wealth (1821) by Saunders, Richard, Franklin, Benjamin
A Glossary Of Terms Used In British Heraldry: With A Chronological Table, Illustrative Of Its Rise And Progress (1847) by Gough, Henry
A Narrative Of The Expedition V2: Sent By Her Majesty's Government To The River Niger, In 1841, Under The Command Of H. D. Trotter (1848) by Allen, William, Thomson, T. R. H.
A Copy Of The Poll, At The Election Of Members To Serve In Parliament: For The Borough Of Kingston-Upon-Hull (1835) by Holden, Thomas, Egginton, John
A Copy Of The Royal Charter And Statutes Of The Society Of Antiquaries Of London (1837) by Society of Antiquaries of London
Among The Great Masters Of Warfare: Scenes In The Lives Of Famous Warriors (1902) by Rowlands, Walter
A Study Of The Parliament Of Paris And The Other Parliaments Of France (1884) by Bancroft, Jane Marie
A Study Of The Physical Vigor Of American Women (1920) by Jacobs, Edwin Elmore
Among The People Of British Columbia: Red, White, Yellow, And Brown (1903) by Herring, Frances Elizabeth
A Political View Of The Times: Or A Dispassionate Inquiry Into The Measures And Conduct Of The Ministry And Opposition (1821) by J. Warren
A Poll For Members Of Parliament For The Borough Of Colchester, In The County Of Essex (1768) by Ennew, Samuel
Amos Fayle: Or Through The Wilderness Into A Wealthy Place (1878) by Prosser, Sophie Amelia
A Curb To Predatory Wealth (1912) by Marshall, William Vickroy
Aircraft In Warfare: The Dawn Of The Fourth Arm (1916) by Lanchester, Frederick William
An Inquiry Into The Expediency Of Applying The Principles Of Colonial Policy To The Government Of India (1822) by Young, Gavin
A Prospectus For Forming A British Colony On The Island Of New Caledonia (1842) by Sullivan, Benjamin
A View Of The Reign Of Frederick II Of Prussia: With A Parallel Between That Prince, And Philip II Of Macedon (1789) by Gillies, John
A Life Sentence: Or Duty In Dealing With Crime (1905) by Burgess, William Watson
Abstracts Of Dorset Inquisitiones Post Mortem: Returned Into The Court Of Chancery In The Reign Of King Charles The First (1894) by
A Letter From Mr. Burke, To A Member Of The National Assembly: In Answer To Some Objections To His Book On French Affairs (1791) by Burke, Edmund
A Discourse On The Government Of The Thoughts (1787) by Tullie, George
A Companion To The British Pharmacopoeia (1866) by Squire, Peter
A Free Translation Of The Preface To Bellendenus: Containing Animated Strictures On The Great Political Characters Of The Present Time (1788) by Bellendenus, Gulielmus
Auserlesene Bibliothek Der Allgemeinen Staatswissenschaft (1795) by Voss, Christian Daniel
A Word To Women (1898) by Humphry
Austria In 1848 And 1849: The Political Movement In Austria, During The Years 1848 And 1849 (1850) by Pillersdorff, Franz Xaver
Alt-Arisches Jus Civile (1896) by Leist, Burkard Wilhelm
Money by Resnick, Abraham
A Diplomat's Helpmate: How Rose F. Foote, Wife Of The First U.S. Minister And Envoy Extraordinary To Korea, Served Her Country In The Far East (1918) by Lawrence, Mary Viola Tingley
Lincoln and Douglas: The Debates That Defined America by Guelzo, Allen C.
Why Obama Won: The Making of a President 2008 by Mitchell, Greg
Der Weg Der Hizbullah: Demokratietauglichkeit, Konflikt- Und Stabilisierungspotenziale Im Libanon by Sakmani, Manuel Samir
Violence Without Guilt: Ethical Narratives from the Global South by Herlinghaus, H.
Staatsgeheimnis: Wie der Bundesnachrichtendienst mit Hilfe von Medien und Justiz seine eigenen Mitarbeiter enttarnt by Dietl, Wilhelm
Southeast Asian Culture and Heritage in a Globalising World: Diverging Identities in a Dynamic Region by Ismail, Rahil
Key Concepts in Governance by Bevir, Mark
Bilanzpolitische Instrumentarien zur Beeinflussung eines Abschlusses nach IAS/IFRS: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des window dressing nach neuem Recht by Grabo, Thilo
Russland 2020: Eine provokative Thesis by Ravioli, Sandra
The Sage Dictionary of Policing by
Realsatiren Aus Absurdistan by Schulz, Karl Peter
Varieties of Capitalism and Europeanization: National Response Strategies to the Single European Market by Menz, Georg
Dynamics of Conflict by Francisco, Ronald A.
Reflections on European Integration: 50 Years of the Treaty of Rome by
Engendering Der Makroökonomie Und Handelspolitik: Potenziale Transnationaler Wissensnetzwerke by Caglar, Gülay
Kriminalität Im Alltag: Eine Handlungstheoretische Analyse Von Gelegenheiten by Eifler, Stefanie
Die Willkür Des Staates: Herrschaft Und Verwaltung in Osteuropa by Hensell, Stephan
Understanding Keynes' General Theory by Sheehan, B.
Theatralisierung Der Gesellschaft: Band 1: Soziologische Theorie Und Zeitdiagnose by
The Blair Legacy: Politics, Policy, Governance, and Foreign Affairs by
Post-Neoliberalism in the Americas by
Religious Freedom and the Supreme Court by Green, Steven K., Flowers, Ronald B., Rogers, Melissa
Post-Neoliberalism in the Americas by
The Northern Ireland Question: The Peace Process and the Belfast Agreement by Barton, Brian, Roche, Patrick J.
The Global Politics of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Science: Regenerative Medicine in Transition by Gottweis, H., Salter, B., Waldby, C.
Reflections on European Integration: 50 Years of the Treaty of Rome by
Reflections on European Integration: 50 Years of the Treaty of Rome by
Geschlecht Und Macht: Analysen Zum Spannungsfeld Von Arbeit, Bildung Und Familie by
The Northern Ireland Question: The Peace Process and the Belfast Agreement by Barton, Brian, Roche, Patrick J.
The Blair Legacy: Politics, Policy, Governance, and Foreign Affairs by
Guns, Drugs, and Development in Colombia by Holmes, Jennifer S.
Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Future of International Nonproliferation Policy by
The World Water Crisis: The Failures of Resource Management by Brichieri-Colombi, Stephen
Handbook of Urban Services: Basic Guide for Local Governments by Coe, Charles K.
Reflections in the Dark Room: The Black Essays by Kenyada, Richard
Reframing Social Citizenship by Taylor-Gooby, Peter
Presidents with Prime Ministers: Do Direct Elections Matter? by Tavits, Margit
Rectifying International Injustice: Principles of Compensation and Restitution Between Nations by Butt, Daniel
Global Poverty, Ethics and Human Rights: The Role of Multilateral Organisations by McNeill, Desmond, Stclair, Asunción Lera
Letter-fit: Miteinander-Füreinander e.V:4 Jahre Vereinsgeschichte im Projekt Soziale Stadt by Scholl, Petra
The Arts of Rule: Essays in Honor of Harvey C. Mansfield by
The Arts of Rule: Essays in Honor of Harvey C. Mansfield by
The Trouble with America: Flawed Government, Failed Society by Long, Kenneth J.
The Trouble with America: Flawed Government, Failed Society by Long, Kenneth J.
Conservative Brain Trust: The Rise, Fall, and Rise Again of the American Enterprise Institute by Wiarda, Howard J.
Conservative Brain Trust: The Rise, Fall, and Rise Again of the American Enterprise Institute by Wiarda, Howard J.
Stories of Inclusion?: Power, Privilege, and Difference in a Peace and Justice Network by Piatelli, Deborah a.
North Korea: Toward a Better Understanding by
The Logics of Globalization: Case Studies in International Communication by Kavoori, Anandam P.
Excellence Unleashed: Machiavelli's Critique of Xenophon and the Moral Foundation of Politics by Rasmussen, Paul J.
Globalization and Postcolonialism: Hegemony and Resistance in the Twenty-first Century by Krishna, Sankaran
Gender and the Politics of Possibilities: Rethinking Globablization by Desai, Manisha
Improving Recapitalization Planning: Toward a Fleet Management Model for the High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle by Pint, Ellen M.
Cowboys Up by Hardin, Ty
Cowboys Up by Hardin, Ty
From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology by Weber, Max
Policing Race and Place in Indian Country: Over- and Under-enforcement by Perry, Barbara
The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship the World Over by Simon, Rita James, Brooks, Alison
The Lesser Good: The Problem of Justice in Plato and Levinas by Hamblet, Wendy C.
Leadership in a Changing World: Dynamic Perspectives on Groups and Their Leaders by
One Economics, Many Recipes: Globalization, Institutions, and Economic Growth by Rodrik, Dani
A Necessary Engagement: Reinventing America's Relations with the Muslim World by Nakhleh, Emile a.
The Police and the Public: Some Thoughts on the British System of Justice by Wright, S. Fowler
From Mao to Market: Rent Seeking, Local Protectionism, and Marketization in China by Wedeman, Andrew H.
Writing and Political Engagement in Seventeenth-Century England by
Zum Phänomen der Politikverdrossenheit und dessen Interpretation in der Perspektive des politischen Denkens Siegfried Landshuts by Arps, Arne
A Companion To The British Pharmacopoeia (1866) by Squire, Peter
A Glossary Of Terms Used In British Heraldry: With A Chronological Table, Illustrative Of Its Rise And Progress (1847) by Gough, Henry
Austria In 1848 And 1849: The Political Movement In Austria, During The Years 1848 And 1849 (1850) by Pillersdorff, Franz Xaver
Political Parties And Party Problems In The United States: A Sketch Of American Party History And Of The Development And Operations Of Party Machinery by Woodburn, James Albert
A Leap In The Dark: Or Our New Constitution (1893) by Dicey, Albert Venn
Die Förderung von Innovationen durch Vernetzung zwischen Universitäten und Unternehmen in einer wissensbasierten Gesellschaft am Beispiel Rheinland-Pf by Baumbach, Matthias
Die Einwirkung privater Sicherheitsfirmen auf die Reform des Sicherheitssektors am Beispiel der Polizeireform in Afghanistan by Hajric, Damir
The Broken Olive Branch: Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and the Quest for Peace in Cyprus: Volume Two: Nationalism Versus Europeanization by Anastasiou, Harry
Die Ökonomische Theorie der Politik und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Theorie der Wirtschaftspolitik by Bonacker, Helge
The Political and Institutional Effects of Term Limits by Thompson, L., Elder, C., Sarbaugh-Thompson, M.
High Noon in America: Beginning of Another 100 Years of American Prosperity by Boe, Esq P. Nathaniel
Winning the Asymmetric War: Political, Social and Military Responses by
Die Pathologie der Moderne - Hannah Arendt und der Verlust der politischen Freiheit by Bock, Andreas
Conflict, Negotiation and European Union Enlargement by Schneider, Christina J.
Ethnicity and Electoral Politics by Birnir, Johanna Kristin
Public Philosophy in a New Key by Tully, James
Public Philosophy in a New Key by Tully, James
Private Military Companies - Die Auftraggeber privater Militärfirmen und ihre politökonomischen Interessen by Schrittwieser, Alwin
Staatszerfall in Somalia und im Irak - Eine vergleichende Fallstudie by Hanisch, Norbert
The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama by Ifill, Gwen
Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Bundeswehr und Privaten Militär- und Sicherheitsunternehmen (PMSU) in Theorie und Praxis: Eine Fallstudie by Feyock, Sebastian
Die Rahmenbedingungen der Arbeitsmarktpolitik: Europäische Union - Deutschland - Bundesländer by Schäfer, Christian
Welchen Einfluss haben die politischen Kulturen Frankreichs und Deutschlands auf die Ausländerpolitik der jeweiligen Staaten? by Meincke, Terry Daniel
Kritische Betrachtungen zu Joseph Schumpeters Theorie: Liegt ein realistisches Demokratieverständnis vor? by Paulsen, Nina
Konstruktivismus: Theoriegebäude oder theoretisches Bauprojekt? by Schäfer, Christian
Obama Does Globalistan by Escobar, Pepe
Democracy and Education by Dewey, John
Die Funktion des Antagonism in Bezug auf die Stiftung des ewigen Friedens im Kontext natürlicher Freiheit und des kulturellen Fortschritts der menschl by Hanisch, Norbert
Age of Obama: A Reporter's Journey with Clinton, McCain and Obama in The Making of the President, 2008 by Curtis, Mark
USA Love It Or Leave It: Obama 2009 Times of Change by Wallpher, Luis
Threats in the Age of Obama by
Persuader-in-Chief: Global Opinion and Public Diplomacy in the Age of Obama by Snow, Nancy
Papewas: Erzählungen von Kulturen, Innovation und Wirtschaft by Schneider, Franz Christian
Das deutsche Bildungssystem auf dem Prüfstand: Reformfähigkeit und Reformwille by Tiede-Schwerin, Alexandra
Die Türkei als Zuwanderungs- und Transitland: Neue Migrationsströme als Problem an der Schengengrenze der Europäischen Union und als Herausforderung f by Ersoy, Tuncay
Der Landtagswahlkampf der hessischen SPD 2007/08: Eine Analyse der Plakatserie "Er-Sie" by Pirker, Daniel-David
Die gegenwärtige Fiskalpolitik der deutschen Bundesregierung by Shakhray, Iryna
Die ökonomische Lehre von Aristoteles - Eine Analyse der aristotelischen Theorie der Ökonomik zum Nachweis, welche Bedeutung Ökonomie heute haben könn by Vrochte, Brigitte
Devolution and Social Citizenship in the UK by
Devolution and Social Citizenship in the UK by
Election Campaigning Japanese Style by Curtis, Gerald
Gesetz ohne Gewissen? - Eine Analyse des Films "Sophie Scholl - die letzten Tage" im Spannungsfeld von Politik, Moral, Religion und Recht by Feuchtgruber, Dorothea
Solomon's Proof by Barcuse, Rashan
To Preserve the Nation by Bradley, Scott N.
To Preserve the Nation by Bradley, Scott N.
Beast Too: Dead Man Writing: More radical and thought provoking opinions from The Gantt Report, America's most controversial Black newspaper column by Gantt, Lucius
Tote und Tabu. Zur Tabuisierungsschwelle und (kommunikativen) Verbreitung des Antisemitismus in Deutschland. by Dietrich, Christian
Auf der Suche nach dem modernisierten Wahlkampf. Eine vergleichende Betrachtung der SPD-Bundestagswahlkämpfe zwischen 1998 und 2005 by Baumhauer, Steffen
The Politics of Exclusion: The Failure of Race-Neutral Policies in Urban America by Saito, Leland T.
The Tradition of Non-Use of Nuclear Weapons by Paul, T. V.
The Making of a Catholic President: Kennedy vs. Nixon 1960 by Casey, Shaun
Zambia Health Sector Public Expenditure Review by Picazo, Oscar, Zhao, Feng
The Politics of Exclusion: The Failure of Race-Neutral Policies in Urban America by Saito, Leland T.
The Tradition of Non-Use of Nuclear Weapons by Paul, T. V.
Shared sovereignty and denationalisation of statehood in the European Union: Has Governance eclipsed Government? by Capogrosso, Fabrizio
Mediation als Mittel der Internationalen Konfliktbearbeitung by Dowedeit, Raik
Qualitative und quantitative Methoden: Grabenkampf oder sinnvolle Kombination? by Bastuck, Pamela
After The Peace (1922) by Brailsford, Henry Noel
Civic Lessons From Mayor Mitchel's Defeat (1921) by Amberg, Eda, Allen, William Harvey
James Madison and the Spirit of Republican Self-Government by Sheehan, Colleen A.
Jahrbuch Innere Führung 2009: Die Rückkehr des Soldatischen by
Ane Compendious And Breue Tractate: Concerning The Office And Duty Of Kings (1864) by
An Earnest Appeal To The British Public On Behalf Of The Missing Arctic Expedition (1857) by Pim, Bedford Clapperton T.
An Essay On The Reconstitution Of Her Majesty's Government In Canada (1839) by Bliss, Henry
Civil List And Forms Of Government Of The Colony And State Of New York (1868) by Hutchins, S. C.
Archaisms Of Terence Mentioned In The Commentary Of Donatus (1890) by Smith, Kirby Williams
An Appeal To The British Nation In Behalf Of Colonel Stoddart And Captain Conolly: Now In Captivity In Bokhara (1843) by Grover, John
Debates In The Senate Of The United States On The Judiciary: During The First Session Of The Seventh Congress (1802) by United States Senate
Anvers Maritime (1898) by Salvagne, Paul
An Inquiry Into The Share, Which King Charles I Had In The Transactions Of The Earl Of Glamorgan, Afterwards Marquis Of Worcester (1756) by Birch, Thomas
Civil Government In The Philippines (1903) by McGovney, Dudley Odell
American Waterways V31, No. 1 January, 1908: The Annals Of The American Academy Of Political And Social Science (1908) by Johnson, Emory R.
Aristotle's Politics: Books One, Three, Four, And Seven (1877) by Aristotle, Bekker, Immanuel
British And Foreign Colonies: Being The Inaugural Address, Session 1884-1885, Delivered November 18, 1884 (1884) by Rawson, Rawson William
An Essay Suggestive Of A Scheme Of Colonization Adapted To The Wild Lands Of British North America (1859) by Taylor, S. M.
British And Native Cochin (1860) by Lawson, Charles Allen
An Essay On Political Economy, Part 1: Showing In What Way Fluctuations In The Price Corn May Be Prevented (1828) by G. B. Whittaker
An Appeal And Caution To The British Nation: With Proposals For The Immediate Or Gradual Emancipation Of The Slaves (1824) by Member Dominica Legislature
Feeding Lions: Sharing the Conservative Philosophy in a Politically Hostile World by Ibbetson, Paul A.
Feeding Lions: Sharing the Conservative Philosophy in a Politically Hostile World by Ibbetson, Paul A.
Faithful Against Torture by Citizens for Global Solutions, For Globa, Citizens for Global Solutions
Visionary Liberia Leader: Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf by Sirleaf, Dr Amos Mohammed D.
Visionary Liberia Leader: Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf by Sirleaf, Dr Amos Mohammed D.
War Memory and Popular Culture: Essays on Modes of Remembrance and Commemoration by
Die Bedeutung der Treue, des Germanentums und des Nibelungenliedes in der politischen Theorie des Nationalsozialismus by Wells, William
Parteifinanzierung in Deutschland: Rahmenbedingungen und aktuelle Situation der FDP by Bouerdick, Timo
Arbeitslosigkeit und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft by Budde, Sebastian
Politik - Wissenschaft - Medien: Festschrift Für Jürgen W. Falter Zum 65. Geburtstag by
Polizei Und Fremde - Fremde in Der Polizei by
Evaluation: Ein Systematisches Handbuch by
Kososvo - Transformationsprozess durch Governance externer Akteure: Fluch oder politischer Segen für eine demokratische Weichenstellung? by Just, Marvin
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