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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2009

Six Letters To Robert Peel: Being An Attempt To Expose The Dangerous Tendency Of The Theory Of Rent Advocated By Mr. Ricardo, And By The Writers O by Von, Voss C., A Political Economist, Banfield, Thomas Charles
Random Recollections Of The Lords And Commons V1-2 (1838) by Grant, James
The Curse Of Cobden: Or John Bull Versus John Bright (1885) by Pope, John Buckingham
Prince Charlie's Friends: Or Jacobite Indictments (1896) by
Representative Statesmen V1: Political Studies (1879) by Ewald, Alexander Charles
Submarine Warfare Of Today: How The Submarine Menace Was Met And Vanquished (1920) by Domville-Fife, Charles William
Prominent Women Of Texas (1896) by Brooks, Elizabeth
Substance Of Mr. Canning's Speech, In The House Of Commons, Tuesday, December 11, 1798, On Mr. Tierney's Motion, Respecting Continental Alliances (179 by Canning, George
Remarks On The Character Ascribed By Colonel Napier, In The Fourth Volume Of His History Of The War In The Peninsula, To Spencer Perceval (1835) by Perceval, Dudley Montagu
The Great Deception: Bringing Into The Light The Real Meaning And Mandate Of The Harding Vote As To Peace (1921) by Colcord, Samuel
Mr. Clutterbuck's Election (1908) by Belloc, Hilaire
Remarks On The English Enlistment Question: With An Abstract Of The Correspondence Thereon (1856) by Russell, Robert W.
The Mind Of The Nation: A Study Of Political Thought In The Nineteenth Century (1900) by Dorman, Marcus Robert Phipps
The Minister As Shepherd (1912) by Jefferson, Charles Edward
The Minister As Prophet (1905) by Jefferson, Charles Edward
Principles Of Political Economy (1840) by Carey, H. C.
The Difference Between an Absolute and Limited Monarchy: As It More Particularly Regards the English Constitution (1719) by Fortescue, John
Alpha Dogs: The Americans Who Turned Political Spin Into a Global Business by Harding, James
Party Discipline and Parliamentary Politics by Kam, Christopher J.
Think Global, Fear Local by Leheny, David
Die Ideologie der ersten Generation der Roten Armee Fraktion by Kuhne, Florian
The Canadian Federal Election of 2008 by
Ouvrajes De Politiques V7: De Mr. L'Abbe De St. Pierre, Charles Irenee Castel, De L'Academie Franceze (1734) by Saint-Pierre, Charles, Castel, Charles Irenee
Remarks On The Petition Of The Convention: And On The Petition Of The Constitutionalists (1835) by Thom, Adam, Anti-Bureaucrat
Six Speeches Delivered In The House Of Commons At The Close Of The Debate Upon The Reform Bill (1831) by Baring, Alexander, Croker, John Wilson, Scarlett, James
The Laws And Customs, Rights, Liberties, And Privileges, Of The City Of London (1765) by City of London
The Examination Of Joseph Galloway, Late Speaker Of The House Of Assembly Of Pennsylvania: Before The House Of Commons, In A Committee On The American by Galloway, Joseph, Great Britain Parliament
The Indications Of The Creator: Or The Natural Evidences Of Final Cause (1851) by Taylor, George
The Trial Of The Constitution (1862) by Fisher, Sidney George
Thoughts On The State Of The Country: The Late Negotiations For A New Ministry, And The Disposition Of Parties (1812) by An Elector, Stuart, Peter
Remarques D'Un Francais: Ou, Examen Impartial Du Livre De M. Necker Sur L'Administration Des Finances De France (1785) by Buat-Nancay, Louis-Gabriel Du
The Truth About The War (1905) by Taburno, J.
Protestant Popery: Or Lessons For The Times (1850) by Christopherson, Henry
Prisons And Prisoners: Some Personal Experiences (1914) by Warton, Jane, Lytton, Constance
The British Citizen: His Rights And Privileges, A Short History (1885) by Rogers, James Edwin Thorold
Political And Financial Requirements Of British India: As Set Forth In A Petition Of The British Indian Association Of Calcutta To Both Houses Of Parl by Da Costa, John Chalmers
Peaceful Personalities And Warriors Bold (1907) by Villiers, Frederic
Sulla Controversia Relativa Alla Peschiera Dell' Acqua Santa In Palermo (1891) by Zandrino, Silvio
Political Progress Of The Nineteenth Century (1905) by Macknight, Thomas
The Wheel Of Wealth: Being A Reconstruction Of The Science And Art Of Political Economy On The Lines Of Modern Evolution (1906) by Crozier, John Beattie
The British Commonwealth: Or A Commentary On The Institutions And Principles Of British Government (1854) by Cox, Homersham
The Turks In India: Critical Chapters On The Administration Of That Country By The Chughtai, Babar, And His Descendants (1879) by Keene, Henry George
Political Reform By The Representation Of Minorities (1894) by Forney, Matthias Nace
Political Sketches: Twelve Chapters On The Struggles Of The Age (1854) by Retslag, Carl Heinrich Ludwig
The Girl That Disappears: The Real Facts About The White Slave Traffic (1911) by Bingham, Theodore Alfred
Politics And Metaphysics (1915) by Stearns, Frank Preston
Politics And The Moral Law (1901) by Ruemelin, Gustav
Politische Fastenpredigten Wahrend Deutschlands Marterwoche (1817) by Paul, Jean
Politische Sonette, 1898 (1898) by Reuleaux, Carl
The Sultan And The Powers (1896) by MacColl, Malcolm
Pro Ecclesia Dei V5: Church And State Review (1864) by Denison, George Anthony
Religion And Policy V2: And The Countenance And Assistance Each Should Give To The Other (1811) by Hyde, Edward
Religion And Politics: Or Church And State (1834) by Dobell, Peter
The White Slave Trade: Transactions Of The International Congress On The White Slave Trade (1899) by National Vigilance Association
A Treatise On Government, And Constitutional Law: Being An Inquiry Into The Source And Limitation Of Governmental Authority According To American Theo by Tiffany, Joel
The Political Reorganization Of The People (1902) by Sanders, William
The Mind Of The Nation: A Study Of Political Thought In The Nineteenth Century (1900) by Dorman, Marcus Robert Phipps
Democratic Revolution in Ukraine: From Kuchmagate to Orange Revolution by
Reform: An Essay On The Political, Financial, And Social Condition Of The United States Showing Dangers, Defects, And Remedies (1896) by Clairmont, Ralph De
The Grey Festival: Being A Narrative Of The Proceedings Connected With The Dinner Given To Earl Grey, At Edinburgh, On Monday, September 15, 1834 (183 by Gracie, John Black
Secularism and State Policies toward Religion by Kuru, Ahmet T.
Third Way Reforms by Huo, Jingjing
Alexis de Tocqueville, the First Social Scientist by Elster, Jon
The Forensics of Election Fraud by Ordeshook, Peter C., Shakin, Dimitri, Myagkov, Mikhail
Students for a Democratic Society by Pekar
Kontakte Jugendlicher mit politischen Parteien: Eine Bestandsaufnahme am Beispiel niederösterreichischer Schülerinnen und Schüler by Rausch, Bettina
Basil Henry Liddell Hart: STRATEGIE: Seminararbeit zum Buch by Rausch, Bettina
Der Islamismus im Niedergang? Gilles Kepel im Vergleich mit Bassam Tibi by Hansen, Joscha
Ist der PATRIOT Act eine Gefahr für die US-amerikanische Demokratie?: Analyse anhand des Polity Projekts nach Jaggers und Gurr by Koba, Fabian
Partizipation und Parteienwandel in Deutschland by Koba, Fabian
Zu Claude Lévi-Strauss - "Die Struktur der Mythen": Rezeption und Weiterentwicklung by Kuhne, Florian
Aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik für Ältere by Gießmann, Marcus
Das institutionelle Bundeshaushaltsverfahren und der Versuch einer Entscheidungsprozessanalyse am Beispiel des Bundestagsetats by Stadelmaier, Frank
The Uprising: An Unauthorized Tour of the Populist Revolt Scaring Wall Street and Washington by Sirota, David
E-Democracy: Chancen und Risiken für die Demokratie by Jäger, Ralf
Globalization, Political Violence and Translation by
Politicians, Bureaucrats and Leadership in Organizations: Lessons from Regional Planning in France by Burnham, J.
Seiteneinsteiger: Unkonventionelle Politiker-Karrieren in Der Parteiendemokratie by
Demokratische Gemeinschaft Trotz Ethnischer Differenz: Theorien, Institutionen Und Soziale Dynamiken by Schlenker-Fischer, Andrea
Sozialstaat ALS Produkt Einer Staatselite: Die Türkei Im Südeuropäischen Vergleich by Dinc, Cüneyd
The Exclusionary Politics of Asylum by Squire, V.
The Washington Embassy: British Ambassadors to the United States, 1939-77 by
Globalization, Political Violence and Translation by
Gender and HIV/AIDS: Critical Perspectives from the Developing World by Poku, Nana K.
Non-Governmental Human Rights Organizations in International Relations by Baehr, P.
American Foreign Policy and The Politics of Fear: Threat Inflation since 9/11 by
Social Capital and Associations in European Democracies: A Comparative Analysis by
Transatlantic Homeland Security: Protecting Society in the Age of Catastrophic Terrorism by Dalgaard-Nielsen, Anja, Hamilton, Daniel
Rationalität von und in Organisationen: Rationalität und Giddens Strukturationstheorie by Frank, Thomas
Military Forces in 21st Century Peace Operations: No Job for a Soldier? by Arbuckle, James V.
China's Large Enterprises and the Challenge of Late Industrialisation by Sutherland, Dylan
Effa Woodpecker Story by Wilson Essien
Effa Woodpecker Story by Wilson Essien
The Source of Terrorism: MIDDLE CLASS REBELLION - A Fatal Enigma Unveiled by Belvedere, Thomas
Zwischen Terrorismus und Politik - Sinn Féin im Wandel by Vogel, Dominic
The AIDS Pandemic in Uganda by Muriisa, Roberts
The Body Commodity: Trafficking Women in Post Conflict Eastern Europe by Sethi, Jasleen Kaur
Ist die Partnerschaft der Afrikanischen Union und der Europäischen Union im Darfur-Konflikt ein Erfolg? by Richter, Björn
Gerhard Schröders Vertrauensfrage 2005: Politik am Rande der Verfassung by Neumann, Felix
Englische Schule und Konstruktivismus im Vergleich: Die Bedeutung des Sozialkonstruktivismus für die Englische Schule by Neumann, Felix
Ethics As Foreign Policy: Britain, The EU and the Other by Bulley, Dan
The Politics of Exile in Latin America by Roniger, Luis
Islamic Legitimacy in a Plural Asia by
Russian Business Power: The Role of Russian Business in Foreign and Security Relations by
Conscience, Dissent and Reform in Soviet Russia by Boobbyer, Philip
Regionalism in Post-Suharto Indonesia by
Literature in Post-Communist Russia and Eastern Europe: The Russian, Czech and Slovak Fiction of the Changes 1988-98 by Chitnis, Rajendra Anand
The Communist Movement in the Arab World by Ismael, Tareq Y.
Politics in Malaysia: The Malay Dimension by
Globalization and Religious Nationalism in India: The Search for Ontological Security by Kinnvall, Catarina
Global Warming: Why You Should Be Afraid by Noonan, Joseph Patrick
Nationalism and Multiculturalism in a World of Immigration by
Netroots: Online Progressives and the Transformation of American Politics by Kerbel, Matthew Robert
Red to Blue: Congressman Chris Van Hollen and Grassroots Politics by Gottlieb, Sanford
Netroots: Online Progressives and the Transformation of American Politics by Kerbel, Matthew Robert
Nationalism and Multiculturalism in a World of Immigration by
Red to Blue: Congressman Chris Van Hollen and Grassroots Politics by Gottlieb, Sanford
Reconstituting the Global Liberal Order: Legitimacy, Regulation and Security by Jayasuriya, Kanishka
Indonesia: Towards Democracy by Abdullah, Taufik
Competition Among Financial Centres in Asia-Pacific: Prospects, Benefits, Risks and Policy Challenges by
Will Your Vote Count? Fixing America's Broken Electoral System by Ph D., Herma Percy
Vietnam's Development Strategies by Masina, Pietro
Aristotle and the Rediscovery of Citizenship by Collins, Susan D.
News Media and Power in Russia by Koltsova, Olessia
The First Black Nation: Relentless Quest by Guerrier, Vladimir
The Federalist Papers by Madison, James, Jay, John, Hamilton, Alexander
The Method of the Divine Government by James McCosh
The Iranian Rentier State by Duero, Arash
Resisting Dictatorship: Repression and Protest in Southeast Asia by Boudreau, Vincent
Fenelon on Education by Barnard, H. C.
The American Direct Primary: Party Institutionalization and Transformation in the North by Ware, Alan
Pretoria's Praetorians: Civil-Military Relations in South Africa by Frankel, Philip H.
Jean Bodin and the Rise of Absolutist Theory by Franklin, Julian H., Julian H., Franklin
Thomas Arnold on Education by Bamford, Bamford, T. W.
Matthew Arnold and the Education of the New Order by Smith, Peter, Summerfield, Geoffrey
Much Governed Nation Pt2 Vol 3 by Greenleaf, W. H.
SpeakOut: The Step-by-Step Guide to SpeakOuts and Community Workshops by Sarkissian, Wendy, Bunjamin-Mau, Wiwik
Uncommon Sense: From the Writings of Howard Zinn by Zinn, Howard, Birkenkamp, Dean, Rhudy, Wanda
Boomer Destiny: Leading the U.S. through the Worst Crisis Since the Great Depression by Osenton, Tom
The International Dimension of the Failed Algerian Transition: Democracy Betrayed? by Cavatorta, Francesco
Critical Reflections on Australian Public Policy: Selected Essays by
Joining Political Organisations: Institutions, Mobilisation and Participation in Western Democracies by Morales, Laura
Crisis Music: The Cultural Politics of Rock Against Racism by Goodyer, Ian
The Democratic Challenge: Rethinking Democracy and Democratization by Nef, Jorge, Reiter, Bernd
Getting Immigration Right: What Every American Needs to Know by
Getting Immigration Right: What Every American Needs to Know by
Taking Back Our Spirits: Indigenous Literature, Public Policy, and Healing by Episkenew, Jo-Ann
Theories of the Democratic State by Dunleavy, Patrick, Dryzek, John
The Rising Tide of Conservatism in Turkey by Carkoglu, A.
Smuggling in the American Colonies at the Outbreak of the Revolution with Special Reference to the West Indies Trade by McClellan, William S.
Capital as Power: A Study of Order and Creorder by Bichler, Shimshon, Nitzan, Jonathan
Transforming America's Israel Lobby: The Limits of Its Power and the Potential for Change by Fleshler, Daniel
Rethinking America: The Imperial Homeland in the 21st Century by Maskovsky, Jeff, Susser, Ida
Bulmer Hobson and the Nationalist Movement in Twentieth-Century Ireland by Hay, Marnie
Race, Revolution, and the Struggle for Human Rights in Zanzibar: The Memoirs of Ali Sultan Issa and Seif Sharif Hamad by Burgess, G. Thomas
Ourselves and Our Posterity: Essays in Constitutional Originalism by
Enlightenment Political Thought and Non-Western Societies: Sultans and Savages by Whelan, Frederick G.
Bulmer Hobson the Nationalist Movmt PB by Hay, Marnie
The EU and Central & Eastern Europe. Successes and Failures of Europeanization in Politics and Society by
Mitarbeiter im Deutschen Bundestag. Politikmanager, Öffentlichkeitsarbeiter und Berater by Dagger, Steffen
Comparative Political Theory and Cross-Cultural Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Hwa Yol Jung by
Powers and Principles: International Leadership in a Shrinking World by
Prospects and Ambiguities of Globalization: Critical Assessments at a Time of Growing Turmoil by Skillen, James W.
Prospects and Ambiguities of Globalization: Critical Assessments at a Time of Growing Turmoil by Skillen, James W.
The Essential Herman Kahn: In Defense of Thinking by
Justifying the Obligation to Die: War, Ethics, and Political Obligation with Illustrations from Zionism by Baron, Ilan Zvi
Going Dirty: The Art of Negative Campaigning by Mark, David
European Security Governance: The European Union in a Westphalian World by
Power and Personality by Lasswell, Harold D.
Walking Away from Terrorism: Accounts of Disengagement from Radical and Extremist Movements by Horgan, John G.
Governance as Social and Political Communication by
Direct Rule and the Governance of Northern Ireland by Birrell, Derek
Developing a Transformation Agenda for Zimbabwe by Raftopoulos, Brian, Eppel, Shari
Scribbles from the Den. Essays on Politics and Collective Memory in Cameroon by Tande, Dibussi
Accumulation in an African Periphery. A Theoretical Framework by Shivji, Issa G.
Historical Dictionary of Middle Eastern Intelligence by Kahana, Ephraim, Suwaed, Muhammad
Ireland: The Politics of Enmity 1789-2006 by Bew
Black 1919: Riots, Racism and Resistance in Imperial Britain by Jenkinson, Jacqueline
Democracy by Laxer, James
The Revolution Betrayed by Trotsky, Leon
England and Ireland by Mill, John Stuart
The Predator State: How Conservatives Abandoned the Free Market and Why Liberals Should Too by Galbraith, James K.
The Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844 by Engels, Friedrich
Oman's Foreign Policy: Foundation and Practice by Al-Khalili, Majid
Agendas and Instability in American Politics, Second Edition by Baumgartner, Frank R., Jones, Bryan D.
Town and County Government in the English Colonies of North America by Channing, Edward
The Revolution Betrayed by Trotsky, Leon
Punishing the Poor: The Neoliberal Government of Social Insecurity by Wacquant, Loïc
Blockading the Border and Human Rights: The El Paso Operation That Remade Immigration Enforcement by Dunn, Timothy J.
Vietnam's Political Process: How Education Shapes Political Decision Making by Lucius, Casey
Better Parties, Better Government: A Realistic Program for Campaign Finance Reform by Wallison, Peter J., Gora, Joel
Die Rolle der Bundesnetzagentur bei der Bahnreform und die Entwicklung der Nordwestbahn by Albers, Christian
Songs Of Freedom: Tales From The Revolution by Honhorst, Bonita, Trent, Brandon, Kokesh, Adam
Central European Crossroads: Social Democracy and National Revolution in Bratislava (Pressburg), 1867-1921 by Duin, Pieter C. Van
Power and Society in the Gdr, 1961-1979: The 'Normalisation of Rule'? by
State Collapse and Reconstruction in the Periphery: Political Economy, Ethnicity and Development in Yugoslavia, Serbia and Kosovo by Sörensen, Jens Stilhoff
Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding: Moving from Violence to Sustainable Peace by
Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding: Moving from Violence to Sustainable Peace by
Prosperity, Peace, Respect: How Presidents Have Managed the People's Agenda by Elizabeth Warren, Ph. D., Warren, Elizabeth
Saving the American Dream: The Path to Prosperity by Kelley, Patrick
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