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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2009

Lernvorschläge für die Sachkundeprüfung im Bewachungsgewerbe gem. §34a GewO IX - Praxishilfen: Band 9 - Bewerbungstraining by Weßeling, Kim Marc Alexander
Constitution in 2020 by
Countering Terrorist Financing; The practitioner's point of view by
The Tolerability of Risk: A New Framework for Risk Management by
Deliberative Demokratie und europäische Umweltschutzpolitik: Die Arbeit der Green 10 by Schoenfeld, Marion
EU-Krisenmanagement aus dem Blickwinkel der Europäischen Sicherheitsstrategie (ESS): Fallstudie zur Georgienkrise 2008 by Krippendorf, Patrick
Die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen China und den USA: Konflikt oder gegenseitige Abhängigkeit? by Reibestein, Felix
Philosophie Reflexion von Staat und Politik: Hannah Arendts Begriff des Politischen und die Kritik des Totalitarismus by Frank, Thomas
Bundestag und Verbände: Ideal und Praxis by Woye, Sebastian
President Ronald Reagan's Initial Actions Project by White House
Lernvorschläge für die Sachkundeprüfung im Bewachungsgewerbe gem. §34a GewO X - Praxishilfen: Band 10 - Arbeitsrecht by Weßeling, Kim Marc Alexander
Governing Lethal Behavior in Autonomous Robots by Arkin, Ronald
All Eyes On U.S.: And Yes We Can by Igbokwe, Mel C.
Pennsylvania, a State of Corruption by Worob, Stephen
Pennsylvania, A State of Corruption by Worob, Stephen
Surviving Field Research: Working in Violent and Difficult Situations by
Southeast Asian Affairs 2009 by
Organisationen und Demokratie in der Systemtheorie Niklas Luhmann by Horlau, Andrei
Intelligence reform and counterterrorism effectiveness: A structural approach by Meingast, Stefan
Finanzielle Auswirkungen durch einen Nordstaat by Knödel, Jean
Die besonderen Chancen und Risiken kleiner Staaten in der EU by Fehlhaber, Jörg
Der "Berliner Antisemitismusstreit" und die Folgen by Anonymous
Attlee's Great Contemporaries: The Politics of Character by
Rational Choice - Eine kritische Betrachtung by Scheipers, Tilman
Volksentscheide als Mittel gegen Politikverdrossenheit by Scheipers, Tilman
Die politische Führung der CSU durch Edmund Stoiber by Fermer, Bastian
The Renewal of Nuclear Power in Finland by
The Renewal of Nuclear Power in Finland by
The New Energy Crisis: Climate, Economics and Geopolitics by
The New Energy Crisis: Climate, Economics and Geopolitics by
Democracy and the Politics of the Extraordinary: Max Weber, Carl Schmitt, and Hannah Arendt by Kalyvas, Andreas
The Isolated State in Relation to Agriculture and Political Economy: Part III: Principles for the Determination of Rent, the Most Advantageous Rotatio by Von Thünen, Johann
Globalising the Regional, Regionalising the Global: Volume 35, Review of International Studies by
Principles of Ecosystem Stewardship: Resilience-Based Natural Resource Management in a Changing World by
Political Ideology in the Arab World: Accommodation and Transformation by Browers, Michaelle L.
Political Ideology in the Arab World by Browers, Michaelle L.
Ancient Greek Political Thought in Practice by Cartledge, Paul
Ancient Greek Political Thought in Practice by Cartledge, Paul
Nachhaltige Mobilität: Wege und Visionen by Schmidt, Josias
Indirect Taxation within the EU - Harmonisation vs. Competition by Knödel, Jean
Legal Practice and the Written Word in the Early Middle Ages: Frankish Formulae, C.500 1000 by Alice, Rio, Rio, Alice
Sustainable Development in Practice by Munasinghe, Mohan
Zur Systematisierung der Ursachen von Terrorismus: Die Rezeption des 11. September 2001 in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Literatur by Rice, Deborah
Die politische Kommunikation in Demokratien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wahlkampfkommunikation by Kreß, Christian
Deutschland als Bund und Länder: Seminararbeit by Walczuk, Ireneusz
Rethinking Asylum by Price, Matthew E.
EU-Migration: das Emigrationsverhalten der Bewohner ost- und mitteleuropäischer Länder nach dem EU-Beitritt by Siuts, Amke
Aderarea Marii Britanii la Comunitatea Europeana by Lucian, Secrieru
Relationship between the European Court of Justice and the National Constitutional Courts. The control of legislative competences of the European Unio by Knödel, Jean
Politics by Aristotle
Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson by Jefferson, Thomas
Militant Islamists: Terrorists Without Frontiers by Alaolmolki, Nozar
Auswirkungen von Erwerbslosigkeit: Überblick über individuelle Auswirkungen und Folgen von Erwerbslosigkeit auf die Psyche by Wurm, Stefan
Cosmopolitanism: A Philosophy for Global Ethics by Van Hooft, Stan
Filmanalyse "In this world" unter der Betrachtung von Gründen für Migration in Verbindung mit der Tsunami-Katastrophe 2004 by Wurm, Stefan
Entwicklung und Etablierung der Responsibility to Protect - Paradigmenwechsel vollzogen? by Danken, Thomas
Cosmopolitanism: A Philosophy for Global Ethics by Van Hooft, Stan
Die Sozialstudie - eine didaktische Arbeit by Schäftlein, Marjana
Die katholische Soziallehre by Oehmig, Richard
E-Government Development and Diffusion: Inhibitors and Facilitators of Digital Democracy by
Handbook of Research on ICT-Enabled Transformational Government: A Global Perspective by
Canada: The Meat of the World Sandwich by Appadurai, Samy
Political Theology for Theological Politics: [A Reflective Inquiry into The Relevance of The "Isaianic Option" for Contemporary Politics.] by Umoren, G. Emem
When in the Course of Human Events: Independence from Political Parties by Smallwood, John
Palestinian Women and Politics in Israel by Daoud, Suheir Abu Oksa
Aviation Security by United States Government Accountability
Remoralizing Britain?: Political, Ethical and Theological Perspectives on New Labour by
Remoralizing Britain?: Political, Ethical and Theological Perspectives on New Labour by
Rethinking the Third World: International Development and World Politics by Berger, Mark T., Weber, Heloise
Studying Public Policy: Policy Cycles & Policy Subsystems by Howlett, Michael, Ramesh, M., Perl, Anthony
The Dilemmas of Engagement: The Role of Consultation in Governance by Stewart, Jenny
The Role of Departmental Secretaries: Personal reflections on the breadth of responsibilities today by Podger, Andrew
Blue Covenant: The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water by Barlow, Maude
Stop at Nothing: The Life and Adventures of Malcolm Turnbull; Quarterly Essay 34 by Crabb, Annabel
Iraq in Transition: The Legacy of Dictatorship and the Prospects for Democracy by Munson, Peter J.
New Common Ground: A New America, a New World by Etzioni, Amitai
Cuban Medical Internationalism: Origins, Evolution, and Goals by Erisman, H. Michael, Kirk, J.
Challenges to Chinese Foreign Policy: Diplomacy, Globalization, and the Next World Power by
Economic Persuasions by
China's Rise in the World ICT Industry: Industrial Strategies and the Catch-Up Development Model by Ning, Lutao
Hillel Steiner and the Anatomy of Justice: Themes and Challenges by
Cutting the Edge: Current Perspectives in Radical/Critical Criminology and Criminal Justice by
Print the Legend: Politics, Culture, and Civic Virtue in the Films of John Ford by
Humanity in War: 150 Years of the Red Cross in Photographs by
Truth Recovery in Northern Ireland: Critically Interpreting the Past by Simpson, Kirk
Problems of Democratic Transitions in Multi-Ethnic States. Comparison Between the Former Yugoslavia and Present Days Myanmar by Minsat, Sandy
Dreaming Blackness: Black Nationalism and African American Public Opinion by Price, Melanye T.
Ethical Leadership in Turbulent Times: Modeling the Public Career of George C. Marshall by Pops, Gerald M.
Political Booms: Local Money and Power in Taiwan, East China, Thailand, and the Philippines by White, Lynn T.
China Rising: Will the West Be Able to Cope? the Real Long-Term Challenge of the Rise of China -- And Asia in General by Blankert, Jan Willem
Democracy Reconsidered by
Democracy Reconsidered by
Powers and Principles: International Leadership in a Shrinking World by
Nuclear Energy and Global Governance: Ensuring Safety, Security and Non-proliferation by Findlay, Trevor
Police Corruption: Exploring Police Deviance and Crime by Punch, Maurice
The Biopolitics of the War on Terror: Life Struggles, Liberal Modernity and the Defence of Logistical Societies by Reid, Julian
Ethnographies Revisited: Constructing Theory in the Field by
Environment and the City by George, Clive, Ravetz, Joe
The Selection and Election of Presidents by Hirschfield, Robert S.
Kazakhstan: Contemporary Politics by
Kazakhstan: Contemporary Politics by
Conflict of Power by Belew, Sadie
Virginia Under Charles I and Cromwell, 1625-1660 by Washburn, Wilcomb E.
Russia, the Asymmetric Threat to the United States: A Potent Mixture of Energy and Missiles by Wood, John
The Agony of Argentine Capitalism: From Menem to the Kirchners by Lewis, Paul
The Agony of Argentine Capitalism: From Menem to the Kirchners by Lewis, Paul
Liberty's Blueprint: How Madison and Hamilton Wrote the Federalist Papers, Defined the Constitution, and Made Democracy Safe for the World by Meyerson, Michael I.
Economic Informality: Causes, Costs, and Policies-A Literature Survey by Karakurum-Ozdemir, Kamer, Oviedo, Ana Maria, Thomas, Mark R.
Climate Change and the World Bank Group: Phase I - An Evaluation of World Bank Win-Win Energy Policy Reforms by Chomitz, Kenneth, World Bank
Lobbying and Policy Change: Who Wins, Who Loses, and Why by Berry, Jeffrey M., Hojnacki, Marie, Baumgartner, Frank R.
The Magna Carta Manifesto: Liberties and Commons for All by Linebaugh, Peter
The Seizure of Power: Fascism in Italy, 1919-1929 by Lyttelton, Professor Adrian, Lyttelton, Adrian
The Essential Herman Kahn: In Defense of Thinking by
Reading Capital by Althusser, Louis, Balibar, Étienne
Patriarcha and Other Political Works by Filmer, Robert
Challenges to Chinese Foreign Policy: Diplomacy, Globalization, and the Next World Power by
Religion in Development: Rewriting the Secular Script by Deneulin, Séverine
Global Trade Pol 2008 by
Western Democracies and the New Extreme Right Challenge by
Anti-Political Establishment Parties: A Comparative Analysis by Abedi, Amir
Ecological Politics and Democratic Theory: The Challenge to the Deliberative Ideal by Humphrey, Mathew
Print the Legend: Politics, Culture, and Civic Virtue in the Films of John Ford by
Marxism & Scientific Socialism: From Engels to Althusser by Thomas, Paul
Palestine and the Gulf States: The Presence at the Table by Zahlan, Rosemarie Said
Politics without Power: The National Party Committees by
The Price of Perfection: Individualism and Society in the Era of Biomedical Enhancement by Mehlman, Maxwell J.
Dreaming Blackness: Black Nationalism and African American Public Opinion by Price, Melanye T.
Information and Communication in Venice: Rethinking Early Modern Politics by de Vivo, Filippo
Developing China: Land, Politics and Social Conditions by Lin, George C. S.
Social Stratification in Central Mexico, 1500-2000 by Isaac, Barry L., Nutini, Hugo G.
Russia and the European Union: Prospects for a New Relationship by
Thinking History, Fighting Evil: Neoconservatives and the Perils of Analogy in American Politics by MacDonald, David B.
Hegel's Critique of Modernity: Reconciling Individual Freedom and the Community by Luther, Timothy C.
Rethinking the 21st Century: 'New' Problems, 'Old' Solutions by
Jordan: A Hashemite Legacy by Milton-Edwards, Beverley, Hinchcliffe, Peter
The End of Certainty: Towards a New Internationalism by Chan, Professor Stephen
Voluntary Associations in Tsarist Russia: Science, Patriotism, and Civil Society by Bradley, Joseph
Network Power: The Social Dynamics of Globalization by Grewal, David Singh
Lethal Logic: Exploding the Myths That Paralyze American Gun Policy by Henigan, Dennis A.
Postcolonial State in Africa: Fifty Years of Independence, 1960-2010 by Young, Crawford
Insecure Spaces: Peacekeeping, Power and Performance in Haiti, Kosovo and Liberia by Higate, Doctor Paul, Henry, Doctor Marsha
Insecure Spaces: Peacekeeping, Power and Performance in Haiti, Kosovo and Liberia by Henry, Doctor Marsha, Higate, Doctor Paul
Khatami's Iran: The Islamic Republic and the Turbulent Path to Reform by Tazmini, Ghoncheh
Religion in Development: Rewriting the Secular Script by Deneulin, Séverine
Women as Terrorists: Mothers, Recruiters, and Martyrs by Cragin, R. Kim, Daly, Sara
The Liberal Hour: Washington and the Politics of Change in the 1960s by MacKenzie, G. Calvin, Weisbrot, Robert
The Political Mind: A Cognitive Scientist's Guide to Your Brain and Its Politics by Lakoff, George
Jordan: A Hashemite Legacy by Hinchcliffe, Peter, Milton-Edwards, Beverley
The Political Economy of State-Business Relations in Europe: Interest Mediation, Capitalism and EU Policy Making by Eising, Rainer
Post-communist Regime Change: A Comparative Study by Møller, Jørgen
Decolonization in South Asia: Meanings of Freedom in Post-independence West Bengal, 1947-52 by Bandyopadhyay, Sekhar
Political Theology for Theological Politics: [A Reflective Inquiry into The Relevance of The "Isaianic Option" for Contemporary Politics.] by Umoren, F. G. Emem
Reinventing Data Protection? by
Budgeting for Hard Power: Defense and Security Spending Under Barack Obama by O'Hanlon, Michael E.
Konseptisuunnittelun supersankari by Sammallahti, Tiia
Grand New Party: How Republicans Can Win the Working Class and Save the American Dream by Douthat, Ross, Salam, Reihan
Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change by Goldberg, Jonah
The American Future LP: A History (Large Print Edition) by Schama, Simon
Die Europaidee Jean Monnets und der Weg zur EGKS by Kern, Christoph
America Between the Wars: From 11/9 to 9/11: The Misunderstood Years Between the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Start of the War on Terror by Goldgeier, James, Chollet, Derek
Staatstheorien der Aufklärung by Schweizer, Stefan
Collaboration, Commitment, and Conflict by Hochstein, Lucy
Canada: The Meat of the World Sandwich by Appadurai, Samy
All Eyes On U.S.: And Yes We Can by Igbokwe, Mel C.
The Rise, the Fall and the Recovery of the USA by Hill, Elias C.
Why should we change our form of government? by Butler, Nicholas Murray
Singapore Perspectives 2009: The Heart of the Matter by Tan, Tarn How
Institutional Challenges in Post-Constitutional Europe: Governing Change by
Urban and Regional Policy and Its Effects by
Returning to Quarters: A History of Boston Firehouses by Connelly, Richard
Robert Owen on Education by Owen, Robert Dale, Robert, Owen, Silver, Harold Etc
Central Grants to Local Governments: The Political and Economic Impact of the Rate Support Grant in England and Wales by Bennett, R. J.
Church, State, and Citizen: Christian Approaches to Political Engagement by
Political Institutions and Democracy in the Dominican Republic by Marsteintredet, Leiv
Growing Up in Iran by Malakhoff, Alexander
Peace Within Our Grasp by Kline, Crandall R., Jr.
Wirkungen der europäischen Strukturfonds auf Wachstum und Konvergenz: Europäische Wirtschaftspolitik - Regionalpolitik by Schrader, Silke
Die akademische Diskussion über die Zukunft der amerikanischen Außenpolitik by Günther, Philipp
Israeli and Palestinian Terrorism: The 'Unintentional' Agents by Whitfield, Geoffrey Victor
Der bedingte Einfluss des Umweltlobbyismus auf die Umweltpolitik der BRD: Am Beispiel Greenpeace und WWF by Blinn, Haike
Eine Gegenüberstellung von Paul Watzlawick und Erving Goffman by Heberlein, Pascal
Rien ne va plus? Zum Verhältnis von Globalisierung und Nationalstaat by Williams, Nicholas
Zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit. Die Transformation der Bundeswehr seit dem 11. September 2001 by Müller, Daniel
Was ist Wohlfahrtspflege? by Thon, Rebecca
Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten von YouTube by Richter, Sandra Yvonne
Macht und Ethnizität in der Postsowjetischen Peripherie: Zur Dynamik von Konflikten in Kirgistan by Wolters, Alexander
"Catalonia is not Spain" - Die Änderung des katalanischen Autonomiestatuts 2006 by Spehn, Diana
Bedingungen besonders effektiver Einflussnahme auf die Ministerialbürokratie am Beispiel des Deutschen Bauernverbandes by Danken, Thomas
Die deutsche Ostpolitik und die KSZE als Bedingung der deutschen Einheit: Die Rolle Willy Brandts in der Ostpolitik der BRD by Mohr, Jessica
Vom Monopolisten zum Regulierer: Wandel der staatlichen Aufgaben in Deutschland am Beispiel der Liberalisierung und Regulierung des Telekommunikations by Neeser, Matthias
Rogue States als Problem der amerikanischen Außenpolitik by Günther, Philipp
Pflege von Familienangehörigen: Auswirkungen der Pflege von Familienangehörigen auf das Leben der Pflegenden unter Beachtung geschlechtsspezifischer U by Franke, Christian
Die Mearsheimer/Walt-Kontroverse: Zum Einfluss der jüdischen Lobby auf die imperiale Außenpolitik der Regierung George W. Bush by Tanriverdi, Hakan
Studies in Ethnicity, Culture, and Posing the Research Question by Fuller, Frank
Preisbildung und Spekulation an Rohstoffmärkten: Nahrungsmittel by Kleinmann, Tobias
Rechte Parteiwerbung in den Medien: Inwieweit unterstützen Medien Rechte Parteiwerbung durch Berichterstattung, am Beispiel der Verbotsdebatte des NPD by Scharfenberg, Sven
Der Fall Microsoft vs. EU: neuere Entwicklungen by Ludwig, Maximilian
Die Entwicklung des Vertrages über eine Verfassung für Europa by Eßer, Johannes Wilhelm
Auswirkungen der Frauenemanzipation auf die männliche Herrschaft in Europa: Die Fälle von Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritannien by Anonymous
Die Hisbollah. Geschichte und Rolle, sowie Akzeptanz in der Gesellschaft by Gomell, Patrick
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