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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2009

The Next Founders: Voices of Democracy in the Middle East by Muravchik, Joshua
United Nations and Nuclear Orders by
The Liberty Party, 1840-1848: Antislavery Third-Party Politics in the United States by Johnson, Reinhard O.
St. Augustine and the Theory of Just War by Mattox, John Mark
Women and Public Policy in Canada: Neoliberalism and After? by
Women, Power, Politics: The Hidden Story of Canada's Unfinished Democracy by Bashevkin, Sylvia
Ideology: Comparative and Cultural Status by Rejai, Mostafa
Political Culture and Conflict Resolution in the Arab World: Lebanon and Algeria by Macqueen, Benjamin
Nationalist Movement in India: A Reader by
Economic Sanctions Reconsidered by Elliott, Kimberly Ann, Hufbauer, Gary Clyde, Schott, Jeffrey
Accountability in Public Expenditures in Latin America and the Caribbean: Revitalizing Reforms in Financial Management and Procurement by Sanchez, Alfonso, Ladipo, Omowunmi, Sopher, Jamil
Volkswirtschaftslehre Für Betriebswirte: Bachelor-Basiswissen by Puhani, Josef
Fiscal Challenges by Garrett, Elizabeth, Jackson, Howell E., Graddy, Elizabeth A.
Behind the Development Banks: Washington Politics, World Poverty, and the Wealth of Nations by Babb, Sarah
China 2020: How Western Business Can--And Should--Influence Social and Political Change in the Coming Decade by Santoro, Michael A.
Behind the Development Banks: Washington Politics, World Poverty, and the Wealth of Nations by Babb, Sarah
The Eight Percent Solution: Five Steps to Ensure that the United States Remains the Greatest Nation by Moody, Dwayne
Environment and Empire by Beinart, William, Hughes, Lotte
I Can't Believe I'm Sitting Next to a Republican: A Survival Guide for Conservatives Marooned Among the Angry, Smug, and Terminally Self-Righteous by Stein, Harry
Japan's Foreign and Security Policy in the Twenty First Century: Challenges and Alternatives by Fujii, William
On Empire: Americawarand Global Supremacy by Hobsbawm, E. J.
Civil Organizations and Protest Movements in Israel: Mobilization Around the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by
Group Purchasing Organizations: An Undisclosed Scandal in the U.S. Healthcare Industry by Sethi, S.
American Diplomacy and Strategy Toward Korea and Northeast Asia, 1882 - 1950 and After: Perception of Polarity and Us Commitment to a Periphery by Kim, S.
Youth Work Ethics by Roberts, Jonathan
Civil Organizations and Protest Movements in Israel: Mobilization Around the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by
Die Finanzpolitische Handlungsfähigkeit Der Bundesländer: Determinanten, Institutionelle Defizite Und Reformoptionen by Hildebrandt, Achim
Mitbestimmte Medienpolitik: Gewerkschaften, Gremien Und Governance in Hörfunk Und Fernsehen by Nehls, Sabine
Troubled Identity and the Modern World by Donskis, L.
Elections and Democracy After Communism? by Herron, E.
Group Purchasing Organizations: An Undisclosed Scandal in the U.S. Healthcare Industry by Sethi, S.
The Mubarak Leadership and Future of Democracy in Egypt by Arafat, A.
Palestinian Collective Memory and National Identity by
Kommunalfinanzen in Suburbia: Das Beispiel Der Regionen Hamburg Und Berlin by Wixforth, Jürgen
NGO and Social Movement Networking in the World Social Forum by Acosta, Raul
Liberalism against Liberalism: Theoretical Analysis of the Works of Ludwig von Mises and Gary Becker by Aranzadi, Javier
The Economic Analysis of Terrorism by
Economics of the Firm: Analysis, Evolution and History by Dietrich, Michael
Occupying Iraq: A History of the Provisional Authority by Dobbins, James
Closing the Coverage Gap: The Role of Social Pensions and Other Retirement Income Transfers by
Elections and Democracy After Communism? by Herron, E.
To what extent are there policy convergence and/or divergence in the employment policies of Germany and the United Kingdom?: The Employment Strategy a by Daniel, Andrea
Deutsche Familienpolitik im internationalen Vergleich by Kamalian, Kian
Glenn Beck's Common Sense: The Case Against an Ouf-Of-Control Government, Inspired by Thomas Paine by Beck, Glenn
African Media and the Digital Public Sphere by
Die "Nation" auf dem Prüfstand/La "Nation" en question/Questioning the "Nation" by
Marx global by Hoff, Jan
Am Rande Europas? by
'non-Lethal' Weapons by Davison, N.
Der Europäische Traum im Zeitalter der Globalisierung by Jurca, Anna Milena
(Illegale) Migration in die USA. Mexikanische Einwanderer und der American Dream by Rokoss, Christina
Gouvernementalität - Zur Klärung des Begriffs by Schultze, Martin
Designschutz in der Schiffbauindustrie by Wöhrn, Kirsten-Inger
Social Policy Review 21: Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 2009 by
Russophobia: Anti-Russian Lobby and American Foreign Policy by Tsygankov, A.
Iran in the 20th Century: Historiography and Political Culture by
Keith Kyle, Reporting the World by Kyle, Keith
The Cyprus Referendum: A Divided Island and the Challenge of the Annan Plan by Pericleous, Chrysostomos
Emerging Evidence on Vouchers and Faith-Based Providers in Education by
Councils in Action by
Dependence and Opportunity: Political Change in Ahafo by Robertson, A. F., Dunn, John
A Machiavellian Treatise by Stephen, Gardiner, Gardiner, Stephen
Bertrand Russell and Trinity by Hardy, G. H.
Sister Peg: A Pamphlet Hitherto Unknown by David Hume by
The Pornography of Power: Why Defense Spending Must Be Cut by Scheer, Robert
A.V. Dicey: General Characteristics of English Constitutionalism; Six Unpublished Lectures- With a Foreword by Lord Plant of Highfield by
Biomasse als Kraftstoff: Ein Beitrag zum Klimaschutz? by Giese, Martin
Die ökonomische Modernisierung der Bundeswehr als Teil der Transformation by Giese, Martin
Europäischer Verfassungspatriotismus? by Giese, Martin
Cesare Beccarias "Von den Verbrechen und von den Strafen" und seine Auswirkungen auf das Europa des 18. Jahrhunderts unter besonderer Berücksichtigung by Huisinga, Ralf
Wahlsysteme ohne Wirkung? Der Einfluss der Wahlsystemreformen auf das Parteiensystem in Italien nach 1993 by Fermer, Bastian
Analyse eines ethnisch-religiösen Konflikts: Der Indien-Pakistan-Konflikt by Wolf, Tobias
Lernvorschläge für die Sachkundeprüfung im Bewachungsgewerbe gem. §34a GewO XII - Lexikon: Band 12 - Lexikon zur Sachkundeprüfung by Weßeling, Kim Marc Alexander
Environment and the City by George, Clive, Ravetz, Joe
México y los Estados Unidos: Guerra y Migración: Las consecuencias de una vecindad complicada by Hahn, Jens
The Treaty of Lisbon - Reasons for the Irish No Vote by Schneider, Ulrike
Gesellschaftliche Konfliktlinien im deutschen Parteiensystem: Enstehung, Fortentwicklung und gegenwärtige Bedeutung von Cleavage-Strukturen für das Pa by Gmeiner, Jens
Lernvorschläge für die Sachkundeprüfung im Bewachungsgewerbe gem. §34a GewO XI - Sammelband: Stoffsammlung aus den Bänden 1-10 by Weßeling, Kim Marc Alexander
The Happiness of the People by Murray, Charles
The Global Social Policy Reader by
The Global Social Policy Reader by
Armut in Deutschland: Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme by Wolf, Tobias
The Evolving Physiology of Government: Canadian Public Administration in Transition by
Neue europäische Sicherheitskonzepte im Vergleich: Human Security Doctrine und Europäische Sicherheitsstrategie by Gräßler, Martin J.
Environmental consciousness in USA by Geier, Katrin
Keeping Our Chemical Facilities Safe by Melvin, Stephen R., Benson, William R.
Land Reform in Puerto Rico: Modernizing the Colonial State, 1941-1969 by Garcia-Colon, Ismael
Visual Synergies in Fiction and Documentary Film from Latin America by
Visual Synergies in Fiction and Documentary Film from Latin America by
Adam Smith and the Character of Virtue by Hanley, Ryan Patrick
Why NATO Endures by Thies, Wallace J.
The Myth of Presidential Representation by Wood, B. Dan
The Myth of Presidential Representation by Wood, B. Dan
The Reagan Legacy by Stinson, John T.
The Evolution of Arms Control: From Antiquity to the Nuclear Age by Burns, Richard
Oman: Politics and Society in the Qaboos State by Valeri, Marc
Ehekrise? - Das deutsch-französische Tandem während der Osterweiterung im Kontext von Vertiefungs- und/oder Erweiterungsdebatte by Taubert, Janin
Rethinking Asylum by Price, Matthew E.
Globalization, Philanthropy, and Civil Society: Projecting Institutional Logics Abroad by
Migration, Integration und Asyl in Österreich - Die Vorhaben der österreichischen Bundesregierung der XXIV. Legislaturperiode: Und die Positionen von by Kopetzky-Tutschek, Michael
Es war in der Zeit als die Mauer fiel: Heimreise zur Zeit der Wende by Di Bella, Antje-Marianne
Logik der Kommunikation, Rationalität des Rechts, Kalkül der Macht: Entwicklung und Anwendung einer mikroanalytisch-psychologischen Rationalitätstheor by Fahrner, Matthias
Soviet Fates and Lost Alternatives: From Stalinism to the New Cold War by Cohen, Stephen
Out of Mao's Shadow: The Struggle for the Soul of a New China by Pan, Philip P.
Earth in Our Care: Ecology, Economy, and Sustainability by Maser, Chris
Energieversorgung als sicherheitspolitische Herausforderung: Die Europäische Union und Russland: Dependenz oder Interdependenz? by Markert, Martina
Überlegungen zum Verhältnis von Sprache und Denken mit Bezug auf die Sapir-Whorf-Hypothese und auf regionale Beispiele zur räumlichen und zeitlichen O by Dotterweich, Leona
Games, Groups, and the Global Good by
The Politics of Social Protection in Rural India by Pellissery, Sony
Liberalization and Apostasy of America by C. Paul Puckett, Paul Puckett, C. Paul Puckett
An Awakening Spiritual Journey into Dirty Politics after Election 2008 by Ross, Emmie
Historiography and Writing Postcolonial India by Jabbar, Naheem
Resisting the Tide by
Nanotechnology for Chemical and Biological Defense by Kosal, Margaret
The Foundations of the British Labour Party: Identities, Cultures and Perspectives, 1900-39 by
The Political Economy of Refugee Migration and Foreign Aid by Czaika, M.
The Politics of Housing Booms and Busts by Seabrooke, Leonard
The Politics of Housing Booms and Busts by Seabrooke, Leonard
Wahlen Und Wähler: Analysen Aus Anlass Der Bundestagswahl 2005 by
Frankreich Jahrbuch 2008: Frankreich in Europa by
Der Informierte Verbraucher?: Das Verbraucherpolitische Leitbild Auf Dem Prüfstand. Eine Untersuchung Am Beispiel Des Lebensmittelsektors by Schwan, Patrick
Patt Oder Gezeitenwechsel?: Deutschland 2009 by
Glaube Und Politik by Bizeul, Yves
Wähler in Deutschland: Sozialer Und Politischer Wandel, Gender Und Wahlverhalten by
Über Das Verhältnis Von Zahl Und Wirklichkeit: Untersuchung Über Den Umgang Mit Statistischem Wissen Im Massenmedialen Diskurs Über Arbeitslosigkeit by Fischer, Daniel
Die Macht Der Judikative by Brodocz, André
Nachhaltige Wirtschaftspolitik in Der Parlamentarischen Demokratie: Das Britische Beispiel by Naßmacher, Karl-Heinz, Nassmacher, Hiltrud
Ältere Arbeitnehmer: Erwerbstätigkeit Und Soziale Sicherheit Im Alter by Freiling, Gerhard, Brussig, Martin, Jansen, Andreas
Soziologie Und Politik: Sozialwissenschaftliches Expertenwissen Im Dritten Reich Und in Der Frühen Westdeutschen Nachkriegszeit by Klingemann, Carsten
The European Public Sphere and the Media: Europe in Crisis by
The European Public Sphere and the Media: Europe in Crisis by
Drug Use and Social Change: The Distortion of History by Shiner, M.
Über den Wandel der katholischen Kirche: Die Wende der katholischen Kirche zur Liberalität im Zuge des II. Vatikanischen Konzils by Gelling, Peter
Die Reform Der Finanzverwaltung in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Senger, Eike Alexander
The External Dimension of Eu Justice and Home Affairs: Governance, Neighbours, Security by
Community, Citizenship and the 'War on Terror': Security and Insecurity by Huysmans, Jef, Noxolo, Patricia
Transit Oriented Development: Making It Happen by Renne, John L.
Desobediencia Civil: de Thoreau a Gandhi Y Martin Luther King, Jr. by Mora Altamirano Ema, Eduardo
The Lebanese Forces and the Taef Accord by Ferneiny, Elie
The iPINIONS Journal: Commentaries on World Politics and Other Cultural Events of Our Times: Volume IV by Hall, Anthony Livingston
The iPINIONS Journal: Commentaries on World Politics and Other Cultural Events of Our Times: Volume IV by Hall, Anthony Livingston
Democracy in Peril: Taiwan's struggle for survival from Chen Shui-bian to Ma Ying-jeou by Cole, J. Michael
Thinking about Political Psychology by
The Social Problem in the Philosophy of Rousseau by Charvet, John
The changing nature of war and its impacts on International Humanitarian Law by Schweers, Philipp
Law and Imperialism: Criminality and Constitution in Colonial India and Victorian England by Nijhar, Preeti
Die Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele der Vereinten Nationen: Der Beitrag Deutschlands zu ihrer Umsetzung by Croonenbroeck, Anja
Ever westward? Die Westintegration der Ukraine in der geostrategischen Analyse by Baumann, Sebastian
Die EU nach der Erweiterung: Was ist mit Kerneuropa? by Giese, Martin
Das Verfassungsrechtliche Beitrittsverfahren Zur Europäischen Union: Und Seine Auswirkungen Am Beispiel Der Gotovina-Affäre Im Kroatischen Beitrittsve by Rötting, Michael
The Constantinos Karamanlis Institute for Democracy Yearbook 2009 by
Waffengänge im Kinderzimmer: Wirkung und Faszination von Kriegsspielzeug by Anonym
Israeli Politics and the First Palestinian Intifada: Political Opportunities, Framing Processes and Contentious Politics by Alimi, Eitan
Managing Instability in Algeria: Elites and Political Change Since 1995 by Werenfels, Isabelle
Das wirtschaftspolitische Instrumentarium der EU-Integrationspolitik und seine WTO-Konformität by Breitkreuz, Robert
The Power of the Internet in China: Citizen Activism Online by Yang, Guobin
Wie löst Gustav Radbruch das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Recht und Moral?: Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel des Mauerschützenurteils des Bundesgerichtsh by Graf, Tilman
Einführung einer vollständig personalisierten Verhältniswahl: Reformvorschlag in der Diskussion by Anonymous
Die Globalisierung der Armut: Bietet Globalisierung den Weg, die Armut nachhaltig zu bekämpfen? by Rexha, Anisa
Delineating an Educational Policy Framework for the Developing Nations in Meeting the Emerging Global Challenges by year 2050 by Sedere, Upali
Die Entstehung des sozialen Liberalismus in Deutschland: Vom 19. Jahrhundert bis zu den Freiburger Thesen 1971 by Blank, Thorsten
Resowjetisierung und Demokratisierung?: Ein Vergleich der Rolle der Mediensysteme Polens und Russlands in der Konsolidierungsphase des Transitionsproz by Goertz, David
Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie im starken und schwachen Ernährermodell: Ein Vergleich am Beispiel Deutschlands und Schwedens und ihrem Umgang mit by Anonymous
The Limits to Governance: The Challenge of Policy-Making for the New Life Sciences by Papaioannou, Theo
Legacies and Change in Polar Sciences: Historical, Legal and Political Reflections on The International Polar Year by
Changing Concepts and Practices of Citizenship by Kartal, Filiz
Fantasies of Salvation: Democracy, Nationalism, and Myth in Post-Communist Europe by Tismaneanu, Vladimir
Rural Social Movements in Latin America: Organizing for Sustainable Livelihoods by
Interkulturelle Kompetenz als Ziel interkultureller Bildung: Ansätze aus der bundesdeutschen Kulturpolitik im 21. Jahrhundert by Holland, Annika
Wirtschaftspolitik in der EU als Modell für China?: Chinas Außenhandel und Außenhandelspolitik by Jorberg, Benjamin
European Union: An Historical and Political Survey by McAllister, Richard
Why NATO Endures by Thies, Wallace J.
Understanding the Components Within the Criminal Justice System 101 by Hodge, Alvin S., Jr.
Useless Arithmetic: Why Environmental Scientists Can't Predict the Future by Pilkey, Orrin H., Pilkey-Jarvis, Linda
First Do No Harm: Humanitarian Intervention and the Destruction of Yugoslavia by Gibbs, David N.
Feminist Movements in Contemporary Japan by Dales, Laura
Censorship in South Asia: Cultural Regulation from Sedition to Seduction by
First Do No Harm: Humanitarian Intervention and the Destruction of Yugoslavia by Gibbs, David N.
Public Policy Values by Stewart, J.
Public Policy Values by Stewart, J.
Ethnographies Revisited: Constructing Theory in the Field by
Sixteen Million One: Understanding Civil War by Regan, Patrick M.
States of Emergency in Liberal Democracies by Lazar, Nomi Claire
The Political Uses of Expert Knowledge by Boswell, Christina
The Way of the World: A Story of Truth and Hope in an Age of Extremism by Suskind, Ron
Aviation and Climate Change: Aircraft Emissions Expected to Grow, but Technological and Operational Improvements and Government Policies Can Help C by United States Government Accountability
Elections and Campaign: John Hall and New Yorks 19th district by Biebrach, Carolin
Ayaan Hirs - eine Erfahrungsexpertin? by Bohlmann, Julia
The Right to Vote: The Contested History of Democracy in the United States by Keyssar, Alexander
The Cancer Generation: Baby Boomers Facing a Perfect Storm by Geyman, John
Climate Action: A Campaign Manual for Greenhouse Solutions by Diesendorf, Mark
Crimes of Dissent: Civil Disobedience, Criminal Justice, and the Politics of Conscience by Lovell, Jarret S.
Private Contractors and the Reconstruction of Iraq: Transforming Military Logistics by Kinsey, Christopher
Informal Coalitions and Policymaking in Latin America: Ecuador in Comparative Perspective by Mejía Acosta, Andrés
Comparative Fascist Studies: New Perspectives by
The Political Economy of Germany Under Chancellors Kohl and Schröder: Decline of the German Model? by Leaman, Jeremy
Markets and Civil Society: The European Experience in Comparative Perspective by
Referendums and Representative Democracy: Responsiveness, Accountability and Deliberation by
Christianity and Human Rights: Christians and the Struggle for Global Justice by
The School of Freedom: A Liberal Education Reader from Plato to the Present Day by
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