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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2009

Six Roads from Abilene: Some Personal Recollections of Edgar Eisenhower by McCallum, John
Can You Top This? by Laurie, Joe, Jr., Ford, Senator Ed, Hershfield, Harry
Prince Of Democracy: James Cardinal Gibbons by Boucher, Arline, John Tehan
Conditions Of Peace by Carr, Edward Hallett
Mr. Conservative: Barry Goldwater by Bell, Jack
The Old South: Struggles For Democracy by Dodd, William E.
World Without War by Bernal, J. D.
The Age of Conformity by Valentine, Alan
The River Plate Republics: Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay by De Sherbinin, Betty
Our Government: A Textbook Of Civics by Davis, Sheldon E., McClure, Clarence H., Smith, Henry L.
The Revolt of Asia: The End of the White Man's World Dominance by Close, Upton
Handbook for Americans: Army, Navy, Marine Corps Facts, Insignia, Uniforms; The Constitution of the United States; The Monroe Doctrine; Facts by Penfield, Thomas
The Welfare Staters by Fox, Victor J.
Total Empire: The Roots And Progress Of World Communism by Walsh, Edmund A.
Congress And The American Tradition by Burnham, James
Political And Industrial Democracy, 1776-1926 by Lauck, W. Jett
World Revolution in the Cause of Peace by Curtis, Lionel
Problems of Citizenship by Hudnut, Ruth Allison, Baker-Crothers, Hayes
In Place Of Fear by Bevan, Aneurin
The Future Of Federalism by Rockefeller, Nelson A.
A Social And Political History Of Texas by Gambrell, Herbert P., Newton, Lewis W.
The Web Of Government by Maciver, R. M.
Africa: Angry Young Giant by Hempstone, Smith
Louis Napoleon And The Second Empire by Thompson, J. M.
The Key to Peace: A Formula for the Perpetuation of Real Americanism by Manion, Clarence
Birth Of A World: Bolivar In Terms Of His Peoples by Frank, Waldo
Assessing George W. Bush's Africa Policy and Suggestions for Barack Obama and African Leaders by Bangura, Abdul
Pakistan: Resilient, Resourceful, but Rudderless by Chaudhry, Mohammad Ashraf
The Year Of Decision, 1846 by Devoto, Bernard
The Nature of Customary Law: Legal, Historical and Philosophical Perspectives by
The Orthodox Church and Independent Greece 1821 1852 by Frazee, Charles a.
The Life Of John Birch: In The Story Of One American Boy, The Ordeal Of His Age by Welch, Robert H. W., Jr.
Normalizing Japan: Politics, Identity, and the Evolution of Security Practice by Oros, Andrew L.
Political Settlements in Divided Societies: Consociationalism and Cyprus by Yakinthou, Christalla
Mehr Hörer, aber wie?: Strategie zur Programmoptimierung privater Webradios auf Basis einer Höreranalyse by Hegewald, Mark
Muster der Konfliktlösung in der rot-grünen Bundesregierung: Eine Analyse von Entscheidungsprozessen in der Regierungskoalition von 1998-2003 by Neusser, Christian
Automatic stabilizers for fiscal policy by Pham-Gia, Khanh
Democracy in Iran: History and the Quest for Liberty by Nasr, Seyyed Vali Reza, Gheissair, Ali
The Challenge of Sustaining Emergent Democracies by Osei, Joseph
Eclipse of Destinies: Eloquence of Deception and Betrayal by Karan, Ram
Plant a New Seed: Revised 2 by Fishback, Sonny
Boomburbs: The Rise of America's Accidental Cities by Lang, Robert E., Lefurgy, Jennifer B.
The Politics of Destroying Surplus Small Arms: Inconspicuous Disarmament by
Leading Change in Multiple Contexts: Concepts and Practices in Organizational, Community, Political, Social, and Global Change Settings by Hickman, Gill Robinson
Grundlagen der marktwirtschaftlichen Ordnung: Die Problematik der Fusionskontrolle aus Sicht der Österreichischen Schule: Der Fall Hochtief / Holzmann by Ebbinghaus, Stefan
"Russland und Europa" - Der Kampf zwischen den Kulturen nach der Theorie der kulturhistorischen Typen von Nikolaj Jakovlevic Danilevskij by Balanda, Viktoria
Mehrheitswahl, Bürokratie und Umverteilung by Nagl, Alexander
The North American Free Trade Agreement: Economic impacts of the agreement on the United States of America and Mexico in comparison by Grezlikowski, Marc
The Message Matters: The Economy and Presidential Campaigns by Vavreck, Lynn
Revisiting Transnational Migration-Development Nexus by Prasai, Sagar
Local Government Capacity for Policy Implementation in South Africa by Davids, Gregory Jerome
How Can Fair Trade Promote Development? by El Filali, Maria
Partisan Publics: Communication and Contention Across Brazilian Youth Activist Networks by Mische, Ann
Barriers to Democracy: The Other Side of Social Capital in Palestine and the Arab Wthe Other Side of Social Capital in Palestine and the Arab World Or by Jamal, Amaney A.
Insurgent Citizenship: Disjunctions of Democracy and Modernity in Brazil by Holston, James
Volksentscheid und Referendum: Direkte Demokratie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Mehlhorn, Nico
Ending British Rule in Africa Hb: Writers in a Common Cause by Polsgrove, Carol
Dynamics of American Political Parties by Stonecash, Jeffrey M., Brewer, Mark D.
Conservative Thinkers: The Key Contributors to the Political Thought of the Modern Conservative Party by Garnett, Mark, Hickson, Kevin
The Insiders' Journey: Pursuing the American Dream by Krauss, Irving
The Insiders' Journey: Pursuing the American Dream by Krauss, Irving
From Watergate to Hugo Chavez: An ex-diplomat's memoirs by Palacios, Gonzalo T.
Ruling the World? by
Immanuel Kant 'Zum Ewigen Frieden': Grundsätzliche Realisierbarkeit und weltpolitische Situation by Pape, Alexander Christian
Saskatchewan Politics: Crowding the Centre [With DVD] by
Railways, Urban Development and Town Planning in Britain: 1948-2008 by Haywood, Russell
Publizistische Konflikte Und Skandale by Kepplinger, Hans Mathias
Do They Walk Like They Talk?: Speech and Action in Policy Processes by
Paths to Peace: Domestic Coalition Shifts, War Termination and the Korean War by Stanley, Elizabeth A.
Some Words of Advice to the Commander-in-Chief: What you Don't Know Might Hurt your Country by Dieu, Le Tat
Some Words of Advice to the Commander-in-Chief: What you Don't Know Might Hurt your Country by Dieu, Le Tat
Jean-Jacques Rousseau - theoretischer Vordenker des Totalitarismus? Der Einfluss der politischen Philosophie Rousseaus auf die Entstehung totalitärer by Obodzinskiy, Slava
Wiedervereinigung unter Kohl: Der Einfluss von Persönlichkeit im Einigungsprozess by Rietschel, Markus A. M.
The Ayatollah Begs to Differ: The Paradox of Modern Iran by Majd, Hooman
Direkte Demokratie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Volksentscheide als Mittel gegen die Politikverdrossenheit? by Weber, Jakob
Welche Rolle spielt der spezifische geschichtliche Entstehungskontext der einzelnen Nationalstaaten bei der Herausbildung föderalistischer Staatensyst by Aktuna, Orkun
Turkish Politics and the Rise of the Akp: Dilemmas of Institutionalization and Leadership Strategy by Kumbaracibasi, Arda Can
Political Rules of the Road: Representatives, Senators and Presidents Share their Rules for Success in Congress, Politics and Life by
Red Dog Rising by Schettler, Jeff
Darwin and International Relations: On the Evolutionary Origins of War and Ethnic Conflict by Thayer, Bradley A.
Delta in Distress: The Politics and Perils of Petroleum Patronage in Nigeria by Bagia, Terry
The A to Z of the Welfare State by Greve, Bent
The A to Z of the United Nations by Fomerand, Jacques
Subversive Citizens: Power, Agency and Resistance in Public Services by
Die Evolution Der Kooperation: Aus Dem Amerikanischen Übersetzt Und Mit Einem Nachwort Von Werner Raub Und Thomas Voss by Axelrod, Robert
Interest Group Politics in Europe: Lessons from EU Studies and Comparative Politics by
Subversive Citizens: Power, Agency and Resistance in Public Services by
Social Welfare and Religion in the Middle East: A Lebanese Perspective by Jawad, Rana
Should Turkey join the EU? by Küpper, Volker
Gandhi and Beyond: Nonviolence for a New Political Age by Cortright, David
Gandhi and Beyond: Nonviolence for a New Political Age by Cortright, David
Understanding Muslim Discourse: Language, Tradition, and the Message of Bin Laden by Lo, Mbaye Bashir
Birth of the Republic: The Origin of the United States by McFerran, Warren
We the People by Sanders, Clifford L., Jr.
We the People by Sanders, Clifford L., Jr.
Taking Back America by Rider, Robert R.
Locke, Shaftesbury, and Hutcheson: Contesting Diversity in the Enlightenment and Beyond by Carey, Daniel
U.S. Immigration Policy by Alden, Edward, Bush, Jeb, McLarty, Thomas F., III
Global Health and Sustainable Development Architecture: Inclusive Dialogue, Partnerships, and Community Capital by Wang, Mei-Ling
Die Arbeitsmarktpolitik in Großbritannien und Deutschland by Reith, Matthias
Der Welfare-to-Work-Ansatz in den USA by Reith, Matthias
Desiring Bodies: Ovidian Romance and the Cult of Form by Heyworth, Gregory
The Reagan Revolution: A Very Short Introduction by Troy, Gil
Flexicurity in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Reith, Matthias
Zur Soziologie der Zeitarbeitnehmerarbeit: Ein Beitrag zur Arbeitsbeziehungsforschung by Christ-Rodenbeck, Gisela
Das Beihilferegime im Mediensektor in vergleichender Perspektive: Die EU zwischen strikter Beihilfenkontrolle gegenüber den Mitgliedstaaten und sich e by Böttger, Tatjana
Freedom of Association: Volume 25, Part 2 by
"La continuité ou bien la rupture" - Veränderungen der institutionellen und politischen Rahmenbedingungen unter Nicolas Sarkozy by Baumbach, Matthias
Das politische System Nordirlands - Die Entwicklung der Konkordanzdemokratie auf Grundlage des Karfreitagsabkommens by Heitmann, Linda
Promoting Democracy and the Rule of Law: American and European Strategies by
Promoting Democracy and the Rule of Law: American and European Strategies by
Talk versus Action? Ein Vergleich systemtheoretischer und neo-institutionalistischer Ansätze am Beispiel der US-Politik in Pakistan by Sander, Florian
Promoting Democracy and the Rule of Law: American and European Strategies by
Handbook of Research on E-Government Readiness for Information and Service Exchange: Utilizing Progressive Information Communication Technologies by
Broadening and Deepening Democracy: Political Innovation in Karnataka by Raghavan, E., Manor, James
Democracy in Social Movements by
Why Dominant Parties Lose: Mexico's Democratization in Comparative Perspective by Greene, Kenneth F.
Democracy and Economic Openness in an Interconnected System: Complex Transformations by Reuveny, Rafael, Li, Quan
Gender Equality by
Democracy and Economic Openness in an Interconnected System by Li, Quan, Reuveny, Rafael
Dynamics of American Political Parties by Stonecash, Jeffrey M., Brewer, Mark D.
Democracy and Legal Change by Schwartzberg, Melissa
Barriers and drivers for the deployment of renewable energy technology in developing countries: Case study: Deployment of solar water pumps in Ghana by Dittmar, Cynthia
Die Entstehung des modernen Terrorismus im 19. Jahrhundert: Der Weg von der Französischen Revolution zur Propaganda der Tat by Heina, Michael
Post Cold War Conflicts in Africa: Case Studies of Liberia and Somalia by Ohanwe, Augustine C.
Terror Post 9/11 and the Media by Altheide, David L.
Natural Law Liberalism by Wolfe, Christopher
Global Crises, Global Solutions by
Global Crises, Global Solutions by
Monetary Policy in Low Inflation Economies by
Adapting to Climate Change: Thresholds, Values, Governance by
The Institutional Foundations of Public Policy in Argentina by Spiller, Pablo, Tommasi, Mario
Medien und Politik - Zur Formung und Bedeutung der Öffentlichen Meinung in Niklas Luhmanns Sicht by Klug, Oliver
Fragile Staatlichkeit - Ursachen, Konsequenzen, Intervention by Otto, Alexander
Climate Change Trade Measures by U. S. Government Accountability Office
Wohlfahrtsstaaten im internationalen Vergleich by Falkenberg, Nicole
International Court of Justice and Self-Defence in International Law by Green, James
Wahlrechtsdiskussion zum 2. Bundestag 1949-1953 by Skuballa, Markus
Research Integration Using Dialogue Methods by Bammer, Gabriele, Deane, Peter, McDonald, David
Pasajes de la Guerra Revolucionaria: Congo: Authorized Edition by Guevara, Ernesto Che, Guevara, Aleida
Antiimperialismo Y Noviolencia by D'Escoto, Fr Miguel
War and Rumors of War. The Evidential Base for the Recognition of Warfare in Prehistory by Wileman, Julie
Nationalism in a Global World by Pryke, Sam
Nationalism in a Global World by Pryke, Sam
Celebrity and the Environment: Fame, Wealth and Power in Conservation by Brockington, Dan
Slaying Leviathan: The Moral Case for Tax Reform by Carbone, Leslie
The Politics of Heritage Tourism in China: A View from Lijiang by Su, Xiaobo, Teo, Peggy
Globalization and Inequalities: Complexity and Contested Modernities by Walby, Sylvia
Globalization and Inequalities: Complexity and Contested Modernities by Walby, Sylvia
Lift Every Voice: The NAACP and the Making of the Civil Rights Movement by Sullivan, Patricia
The International Social Survey Programme 1984-2009: Charting the Globe by
Reclaiming Latin America: Experiments in Radical Social Democracy by
Public Administration Ethics for the 21st Century by Martinez, J.
The Caliphate Question: The British Government and Islamic Governance by Oliver-Dee, Sean
After Crisis: Adjustment, Recovery and Fragility in East Asia by
Political Contingency: Studying the Unexpected, the Accidental, and the Unforeseen by
Zionist Israel and Apartheid South Africa: Civil Society and Peace Building in Ethnic-National States by Badran, Amneh
Human Rights and Conflict Resolution in Context: Colombia, Sierra Leone, and Northern Ireland by
Challenges of Globalization: Immigration, Social Welfare, Global Governance by
Winning with Words: The Origins and Impact of Political Framing by
Combating Piracy: Intellectual Property Theft and Fraud by
The New Regulation and Governance of Food: Beyond the Food Crisis? by Flynn, Andrew, Marsden, Terry, Lee, Robert
Regionalism in China-Vietnam Relations: Institution-Building in the Greater Mekong Subregion by Hensengerth, Oliver
Japan's Peace-Building Diplomacy in Asia: Seeking a More Active Political Role by Lam, Peng Er
Critique, Security and Power: The Political Limits to Emancipatory Approaches by McCormack, Tara
Christianity Politics and Public Life in Kenya by
Imperialism and Global Political Economy by Callinicos, Alex
Democratizing or Reconfiguring Predatory Autocracy? Myths and Realities in Africa Today by Mentan, Tatah
Cameroon: The Stakes and Challenges of Governance and Development by
Southern Postcolonialisms: The Global South and the 'New' Literary Representations by
Contemporary Latin America: Development and Democracy Beyond the Washington Consensus by Panizza, Francisco
Energy Security Challenges for the 21st Century: A Reference Handbook by
Walden by Thoreau, Henry David
Gendered Peace: Women's Struggles for Post-War Justice and Reconciliation by
New Perspectives on Gender and Migration: Livelihood, Rights and Entitlements by
Democracy: A Reader by
The Constitutional Presidency by
Solomon on Leadership by Kimuyu, Solomon
Handbook of Peace and Conflict Studies by
"In Case Atom Bombs Fall": An Anthology of Governmental Explanations, Instructions and Warnings from the 1940s to the 1960s by
The Austin-Boston Connection: Five Decades of House Democratic Leadership, 1937-1989 by Harris, Douglas B., Riddlesperger, James W., Champagne, Anthony
The Presidency and Women: Promise, Performance, and Illusion by Martin, Janet M.
Double Deception: Stalin, Hitler, and the Invasion of Russia by Barros, James
UN Ideas That Changed the World by Jolly, Richard, Emmerij, Louis, Weiss, Thomas G.
Gender and Political Communication in America: Rhetoric, Representation, and Display by
Law and Ideology in Monarchic Israel by
Political Socialization by Greenberg, Edward
Rivalry in Eurasia: Russia, the United States, and the War on Terror by Olsson, Peter
Rivalry in Eurasia: Russia, the United States, and the War on Terror by Goldman, Minton F.
Protecting Airline Passengers in the Age of Terrorism by
Restoring the Balance: War Powers in an Age of Terror by Weinberger, Seth
Elections as Popular Culture in Asia by
Public Administration Ethics for the 21st Century by Martinez, J.
Intergovernmental Reforms in the Russian Federation by Kurlyandskaya, Galina, Golovanova, Natalia, De Silva, Migara O.
Lost in the Long Transition: Struggles for Social Justice in Neoliberal Chile by
Armutspolitik in der EU: Die Offene Methode der Koordinierung im Einsatz gegen Armut und soziale Ausgrenzung by Wurm, Stefan
Theology of Money by Goodchild, Philip
The Dictator's Seduction: Politics and the Popular Imagination in the Era of Trujillo by Derby, Lauren H.
Learning from the Cold War: Rebuilding America's Strategic Vision in the 21st Century by Stevenson, Jonathan
Choosing to Lead: Understanding Congressional Foreign Policy Entrepreneurs by Carter, Ralph G.
See More