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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2009

Democratisation and Power-Sharing in Stormy Weather: The Case of Lebanon by Fakhoury Mühlbacher, Tamirace
Reforming International Institutions: Another World is Possible by Secretariat, Ubuntu Forum
Government as Entrepreneur by Link, Albert N., Link, Jamie R.
The Audacity of Leadership: 10 Essentials to Becoming a Transformative Leader in the 21st Century by Gunn, Anton J.
Memoires De Lord Clarendon V1 (1827) by Hyde, Edward
Mainz Im Genusse Der Durch Die Franzosen Errungzen Freiheit Und Gleichheit (1793) by Deutchland Publisher
Memoires Historiques Et Diplomatiques De Barthelemy (1799) by De Barthclemy, Francois
Le Patriote Francois Et Impartial V1: Ou Reponse A La Lettre (1753) by Court, Antoine
Le Caractere De La Reine Elizabet: Et De Ses Principaux Ministres D'Etat (1694) by Bohun, Edmund
List Of Electors, Resident Of California, In The Military Service Of The United States (1864) by California Adjutant General's Office
Le Conseiller D'Estat: Ou Recueil Des Plus Generales Considerations Servant Au Maniment Des Affaires Publiques (1641) by Bethune, Philippe De
Le Rivolutioni Di Napoli (1706) by Giraffi, Alessandro
Manual Of Patriotism (1900) by Skinner, Charles Rufus
Lettres De Mr. Le Chevalier Guill. Temple V2: And Autres Ministres D'Etat, Tant En Angleterre Que Dans Les Paiis Etrangers (1711) by Temple, William, Swift, Jonathan
Letters To A Member Of Parliament, On Subjects Connected With The Established Church (1835) by A Country Clergyman, Gurney, John Hampden
Melanges De Philosophie, De Politique, Et De Litterature (1761) by La Veuve Brunet Publisher
Memoires Sur Les Dernieres Revolutions De La Pologne: Ou On Justifie Le Retour Du Roy Auguste (1710) by Przebendowski, Piotr Henryk
Melanges Historiques, Politiques, Critiques Etc. V1-2: Ou Precis Des Evenemens Les Plus Interessans De L'Histoire Ancienne Et Moderne (1780) by Ducrot
La Science De La Legislation V2 (1786) by Filangieri, Gaetano
Letters, To The Marquis Of Hastings, On The Indian Press: With An Appeal To Reason And The British Parliament (1824) by A Friend to Good Government, Romeo, Francesco, Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings
Le Songe De Scipion, La Lettre Politique A Quintus: Et Les Paradoxes De Ciceron (1725) by Graevius, Joannes Georgius, Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Lettres D'Un Gentilhomme Francois Sur L'Etablissement D'une Capitation Generale (1695) by Le Vassor, Michel
Memoire Pour Les Cures De France: Relativement A La Convocation Prochaine Des Etats-Generaux (1788) by Anonymous
Lord Bolingbroke: Being Extracts From The Political Writings Of Henry St. John Bolingbroke (1897) by Bolingbroke, Henry St John, Erskine, Stuart
L'Espion Francois A Londres V2: Ou Observations Cirtiques (1780) by Goudar, Ange
Life And Times Of William E. Gladstone (1898) by Ridpath, John Clark
Memoire Sur La Question (1784) by Burtin, Francois-Xavier De
Lettre D'Un Saxon La Mr. Le Comte De Mirabeau Contenant Quelques Remarques (1789) by Gebhardt, Adam G.
Magna Charta: Or The Rise And Progress Of Constitutional Civil Liberty In England And America (1880) by Wells, John Cleland
Climate Change and the Media by
Pensamientos Politicos Y Economicos Dirigidos A Promover En Espana La Agricultura (1798) by Quintero, Miguel Ignacio Perez
P E P, Poise, Efficiency, Peace: A Book Of Hows Not Whys For Physical And Mental Efficiency (1914) by Hunter, William Crosbie
Proces-Verbal Des Seances De L'Assemblee Provinciale Du Berri Tenue A Bourges En Septembre Et Octobre 1780 (1787) by Assemblee Provinciale Di Berri
Neueste Staatskunde Von Deutschland Part 1, Book 4-5: Gulich Und Berg (1785) by Frohn, Konrad
Debate On The Test And Corporation Acts (1790) by Cooper, Thomas
Memoires Historiques, Politiques, Et Litteraires, Concernant Le Portugal V1: Et Toutes Ses Dependances, Avec La Bibliotheque Des Ecrivains (1743) by De Oliveira, Francisco Xavier
Versuch Einer Staatsgeschichte Von Steyermark (1780) by Baumeister, Josef Von
Testimony Of The Secretary Of War In The Wood Hearing (1904) by Frye, Alexis Everett
The Debs Decision (1919) by Nearing, Scott
Tobacco And Its Bondage: By A Slave Who Became Free (1898) by Hubbard, Lester C.
The Decisions Of Princess Thoo-Dhamma Tsari (1851) by Latteer, T.
Murder Of Union Soldiers (1867) by United States Congress
Recueil De Loix, Arretes, Proclamations, Traites, Notes Ministerielles V1 (1799) by Francois Lacombe Publisher
Verdaderos Intereses De La Patria (1787) by Nipho, Francisco Mariano, De Caraccioli, Louis Antoine, 1719
Versuch Eines Handbuchs Der Schweizerischen Staatskunde (1796) by Faesi, Johann Caspar
Memoirs Of Sir Robert Peel V2: First Lord Of Her Majesty's Treasury (1842) by Maxwell, William Hamilton
Vergleichung Der Im Jahr 1736 Das Herzogthum Schlesien Betroffenen Grossen Theurung Und Hungers-Noth Mit Derjenigen (1771) by Anonymous
Perverted Politics: A Few Thoughts For The Time (1887) by Tyndall, John
The Second Athenian Confederacy (1905) by Marshall, Frederick Henry
Ungaria Semper Libera, Suique Juris: Et Nunquam Vel Principi, Vel Genti Alicui Externae, Obnoxia (1764) by Benczur, Jozsef
The Political And Commercial Works Of That Celebrated Writer Charles D'Avenant V5 (1771) by D'Avenant, Charles
The Life And Work Of Gladstone (1905) by Renwick, James
The Political Herald, And Review V2: Or A Survey Of Domestic And Foreign Politics (1786) by C C J and J Robinson
The Universal Politician, And Periodical Reporter Of The Most Interesting Occurrences Which Happen Throughout The World: July And August, 1796 (1796) by A Society of Gentlemen
Project For A Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Essay (1796) by Kant, Immanuel
Traitte De La Politique De France (1669) by Chastelet, Paul Hay Du
Recueil Historique D'Actes V2: Negotiations, Memoires Et Traitez (1728) by Missy, Jean Rousset De
The Political Works Of Andrew Fletcher (1732) by Fletcher, Andrew
The Frontier Fort: Or Stirring Times In The Northwest Territory Of British America (1879) by Kingston, William Henry Giles
The Politician's Dictionary V2: Or A Compendium Of Political Knowledge (1776) by William Lane Publisher
Vervolg Van Consideratien Over Den Toestant Der Tegenwoordige Staats-Zaken Van Nederlandt (1684) by Anonymous
The Unrest In India: Considered And Discussed (1907) by Khan, Syed Sirdar Ali
Fr. Baco's Von Verulam Unterhaltungen Uber Verschiedene Gegenstande Aus Der Moral, Politik Und Oeconomic (1797) by Bacon, Francis
Reponses Du Conseil De La Ville De Lausanne Aux Memoires Justificatifs De Monsieur Viret (1787) by Viret, Monsieur
The Poll At The Election Of A Knight Of The Shire For The County Of Gloucester (1776) by Gloucester England
Zwo Abhandlungen Uber Moralische Und Politische Gegenstande (1795) by Kant, Immanuel
The Hibernian Patriot: Being A Collection Of The Drapier's Letters To The People Of Ireland (1730) by Wood, William, Swift, Jonathan
Principes Ou Elemens Du Droit Politique (1784) by Burlamaqui, Jean Jacques
Return Of Military Dead Buried In France: Hearings Before The Committee On Foreign Affairs, House Of Representatives, Part 3 (1919) by Duff, J. A., Montague, A. J., Anderson, George Wayne
Patriotic Eloquence: Being Selections From One Hundred Years Of National Literature (1865) by Kirkland, C. M.
Xenocrates Oder Ueber Die Abgaben (1784) by Schlosser, Johann Georg
Institutionum Politicarum Libri Duo (1657) by Boxhorn, Marcus Zuerius
The Progress Of The Revolutions Of 1640 And 1830 (1832) by J Murray Publisher
My Country! My Congress! (1917) by Yeiser, John Otho
Patriotische Briefe (1767) by Moser, Friedrich Carl Von
The Portfolio V3: A Collection Of State Papers, And Other Documents And Correspondence, Historical, Diplomatic, And Commercial (1836) by Anonymous
The Proposal, Commonly Called Sir Matthew Decker's Scheme: For One General Tax Upon Houses, Laid Open (1757) by Massie, Joseph
Revolutionary Characters Of New Haven: The Subject Of Addresses And Papers Delivered Before The General David Humphreys Branch, No. 1 (1911) by Sons of the American Revolution
Military Government (1920) by Smith, Harry Alexander
Revolutionary Ireland And Its Settlement (1911) by Murray, Robert Henry
Nauka Prawa Przyrodzonego, Politycznego, Ekonomiki Polityczney, Y Prawa Narodow (1785) by Strojnowski, Hieronim
Thoughts On The Canada Bill, Now Depending In Parliament (1791) by Fonblanque, John
Nuevo Reglamento Que S. M. Se Ha Servido Expedir Para Gobierno Del Monte Pio De Reales Oficinas (1797) by Spain
Versuch Einer Osterreichischen Staatsgeschichte (1771) by Schrotter, Franz Ferdinand Von
Phases Of Royal Government In New York 1691-1719 (1905) by Spencer, Charles Worthen
Socialpolitische Studien, Book 2: Beitrage Sur Politik, Geschichte Und Ethik Der Socialen Frage (1897) by Hirsch, Heinrich
My Friendship With Prince Hohenlohe (1912) by Hedemann, Alexandrine Von
Ricerche Istoriche E Politiche: Sopra Il Secolo Decimo Ottavo (1788) by Anonymous
Modern Slavery (1840) by De Lamennais, Felicite Robert
The Battle Of Eddington Or British Liberty: A Tragedy (1832) by Penn, John
The Irish Question Considered In Its Integrity: With An Introduction, And Prefatory Remarks On The Conduct Of The House Of Peers (1844) by Mornington, William Long Wellesley
Lord Milner (1901) by Milner, Alfred, Luke, W. B.
The Proposal, Commonly Called Sir Matthew Decker's Scheme: For One General Tax Upon Houses, Laid Open (1757) by Massie, Joseph
Memoirs Of Tobias Rustat, Yeoman Of The Robes To King Charles II, Etc.: With Notices Of Some Eminent Contemporaries (1849) by Hewett, William, Rustat, Tobias
Ueber Den Charakter Der Bauern: Und Ihr Verhaltniss Gegen Die Gutsherrn Und Gegen Die Regierung (1786) by Garve, Christian
Hitler by Olden, Rudolf
Thomas Morus Utopia (1895) by More, Thomas
Revolutionary Characters Of New Haven: The Subject Of Addresses And Papers Delivered Before The General David Humphreys Branch, No. 1 (1911) by Sons of the American Revolution
Lord Bolingbroke: Being Extracts From The Political Writings Of Henry St. John Bolingbroke (1897) by Bolingbroke, Henry St John, Erskine, Stuart
The Battle Of Eddington Or British Liberty: A Tragedy (1832) by Penn, John
Versuch Eines Handbuchs Der Schweizerischen Staatskunde (1796) by Faesi, Johann Caspar
The Psychology Of Jingoism (1901) by Hobson, John Atkinson
Russia as an Aspiring Great Power in East Asia: Perceptions and Policies from Yeltsin to Putin by Rangsimaporn, P.
Physiocratie V4: Ou Constitution Naturelle Du Gouvernement Le Plus Avantageux Au Genre Humain (1768) by De Nemours, Pierre Samuel DuPont, Quesnay, Francois
China's Three Decades of Economic Reforms by
The Origins & Development of the European Union 1945-2008: A History of European Integration by
Russia as an Aspiring Great Power in East Asia: Perceptions and Policies from Yeltsin to Putin by Rangsimaporn, P.
A Sociology of Immigration: (Re)Making Multifaceted America by Morawska, E.
Repairing Paradise: The Restoration of Nature in America's National Parks by Lowry, William R.
Memoirs And Reflections Upon The Reign And Government Of King Charles I And King Charles II (1721) by Bulstrode, Richard
La Ville Et La Republique De Venise (1680) by De Limojon, Alexandre Toussaint
On Behalf of Others: The Psychology of Care in a Global World by Scuzzarello, Sarah, Monroe, Kristen R., Kinnvall, Catarine
Advice & Dissent: The Struggle to Shape the Federal Judiciary by Maltzman, Forrest, Binder, Sarah A.
Globalization and the New Politics of Embedded Liberalism by Hays, Jude C.
Oil in China: From Self-Reliance to Internationalization by Lim, Tai Wei
Political Change in Japan: Electoral Behavior, Party Alignment, and the Koizumi Reforms by
Der demographische Wandel und seine Folgen - ausgewählte Beispiele in einer Betrachtung anhand des rheinland-pfälzischen Landkreises Vulkaneifel (Daun by Reiche, Tobias
Wohin mit den Öl- und Gasmillionen - Diskussion um den Stabilisierungsfonds by Andreä, Ingo
Aesthetics and World Politics by Bleiker, R.
Aesthetics and World Politics by Bleiker, R.
Aesthetics and World Politics by Bleiker, R.
Gender and Political Communication in America: Rhetoric, Representation, and Display by
The Constitution of Vietnam: A Contextual Analysis by Sidel, Mark
Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward by Committee on Applied and Theoretical Statistics, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Things of Concern: A Dissertation Relating to the State of the World and the State of the Mind by Goldstein, Joseph K.
Things of Concern by Goldstein, Joseph K.
Politics 501 by Darling, Dallas M.
Argumente für und gegen die Regeln des Stabilitäts- und Wachstumspaktes zur Europäischen Währungsunion by Kamalian, Kian
Politikerinnen in den Medien - marginalisiert und trivialisiert?: Eine Medienanalyse by Wegener, Lisa
A General Police System: Political Economy and Security in the Age of Enlightenment by
Public Opinion by Lippmann, Walter
Rebuild America: Solving the Economic Crisis Through Civic Works by Myers-Lipton, Scott
Inventing the Job of President: Leadership Style from George Washington to Andrew Jackson by Greenstein, Fred I.
Die wirtschaftspolitischen Entwicklungen in Lateinamerika: Von der Kolonialzeit bis heute by Grabbert, Tammo
Peace and Conflict 2010 by Hewitt, J. Joseph, Wilkenfeld, Jonathan, Gurr, Ted Robert
Before the Deluge: Public Debt, Inequality, and the Intellectual Origins of the French Revolution by Sonenscher, Michael
Princeton Readings in American Politics by
The Persuadable Voter: Wedge Issues in Presidential Campaigns by Shields, Todd G., Hillygus, D. Sunshine
Activist Scholarship: Antiracism, Feminism, and Social Change by Sudbury, Julia, Okazawa-Rey, Margo
Power and Plenty: Trade, War, and the World Economy in the Second Millennium by O'Rourke, Kevin H., Findlay, Ronald
Black Rebels: African-Caribbean Freedom Fighters in Jamaica by Zips, Werner
Britain and Arab Unity: A Documentary History from the Treaty of Versailles to the End of World War II by Rizk, Younan Labib
The State in Contemporary Islamic Thought: A Historical Survey of the Major Muslim Political Thinkers of the Modern Era by Belkeziz, Abdelilah
Women in Power in Post-Communist Parliaments by
Challenging Neoliberalism in Latin America by Silva, Eduardo
Lokale Bildungslandschaften: Perspektiven Für Ganztagsschulen Und Kommunen by
Politische Theorien Der Europäischen Integration: Ein Text- Und Lehrbuch by
The Aid Trap: Hard Truths about Ending Poverty by Hubbard, R. Glenn, Duggan, William
The Rise of the Global Imaginary by Steger, Manfred
Direct Democracy and the Courts by Miller, Kenneth P.
Challenging Neoliberalism in Latin America by Silva, Eduardo
Direct Democracy and the Courts by Miller, Kenneth P.
Defenseless Christianity: Anabaptism for a Nonviolent Church by Weaver, J. Denny, Mast, Gerald J.
Palästina mon amour by Shamir, Israel
Civilising Globalisation: Human Rights and the Global Economy by Kinley, David
Europe as the Would-be World Power by Majone, Giandomenico
Europe as the Would-be World Power by Majone, Giandomenico
Performance Politics and the British Voter by Clarke, Harold D., Sanders, David, Stewart, Marianne C.
Performance Politics and the British Voter by Clarke, Harold D., Sanders, David, Stewart, Marianne C.
Cosmopolitan Communications by Norris, Pippa, Inglehart, Ronald
Governance for the Environment by
Reasonable Disagreement by McMahon, Christopher
Die Braunsche Röhre als Beispiel einer Elektronenröhre materialisiert in ihrer Funktion als Bildschirm by Kind, Urs
The Philosophy of Jürgen Habermas: A Critical Introduction by Steinhoff, Uwe
Chiefs Today - East-West Center by
Nature's New Deal: The Civilian Conservation Corps and the Roots of the American Environmental Movement by Maher, Neil M.
Case of a Lifetime by Smith, Abbe
Bankruptcies & Bailouts by
War on Terror': The Oxford Amnesty Lectures by
Framing the Global Economic Downturn: Crisis rhetoric and the politics of recessions by
Globalization and the Environment by
Transforming Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities in the Post 9/11 Era by
El Dialogo de Civilizaciones: La Crisis Global del Medio Ambiente Y El Desafio de Desarrollo by Castro, Fidel
Las Vías de Emancipación En Bolivia: Conversaciones Con Alvaro Garcia Linera by García Linera, Álvaro, Stefanoni, Pablo, Ramirez, Franklin
Bolivia En Los Tiempos de Evo Morales: Claves Para Entender El Proceso Boliviano by Moldiz, Hugo
Policy Making and Implementation: Studies from Papua New Guinea by
Transforming Ireland: Challenges, Critiques, Resources by
Does History Matter?: Making and debating citizenship, immigration and refugee policy in Australia and New Zealand by
Do Think Tanks Matter?: Assessing the Impact of Public Policy Institutes, Second Edition by Abelson, Donald E.
Attack Politics: Negativity in Presidential Campaigns Since 1960 by Buell, Emmett H., Sigelman, Lee
The Audacity of Greed: Free Markets, Corporate Thieves, and the Looting of America by Tasini, Jonathan
Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare by Russell, Bertrand
The Next Front: Southeast Asia and the Road to Global Peace with Islam by Bond, Christopher S., Simons, Lewis M.
The Ottoman Empire, 1300-1650: The Structure of Power by Imber, Colin
A Political History of the USA: One Nation Under God by Kuklick, Bruce
The Territories of Indonesia by
Contemporary State Terrorism: Theory and Practice by
Negotiating Paradise: U.S. Tourism and Empire in Twentieth-Century Latin America by Merrill, Dennis
Memphis and the Paradox of Place: Globalization in the American South by Rushing, Wanda
American Liberalism: An Interpretation for Our Time by McGowan, John
Women Suicide Bombers: Narratives of Violence by Rajan, V. G. Julie
Airport and Aviation Security: U.S. Policy and Strategy in the Age of Global Terrorism by Elias, Bartholomew
Political Economy and Globalization by Westra, Richard
The Civil Service and the Revolution in Ireland 1912-1938: 'Shaking the Blood-Stained Hand of MR Collins' by Maguire, Martin
American Civil-Military Relations: The Soldier and the State in a New Era by
Cracked but Not Shattered: Hillary Rodham Clinton's Unsuccessful Campaign for the Presidency by
Anthropologists in Arms: The Ethics of Military Anthropology by Lucas, George R.
Anthropologists in Arms: The Ethics of Military Anthropology by Lucas, George R.
Long Overdue: The Politics of Racial Reparations by Henry, Charles P.
The Clash of Globalizations: Neo-Liberalism, the Third Way and Anti-Globalization by Kiely, Ray
See More