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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2009

The British Conservative Party and One Nation Politics by Seawright, David
Contested Capitalism: The Political Origins of Financial Institutions by Carney, Richard W.
Political Leadership, Parties and Citizens: The Personalisation of Leadership by
Holy Places in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Confrontation and Co-Existence by
18 Steps to Win a Local Election Handbook by Butler, Robert D.
18 Steps to Win a Local Election Workbook by Butler, Robert D.
Liberty, Equality, Consensus and All That Jazz at the Del Rio Bar by Silberman, Eve, Behnke, Larry, Harburg, Ernie
Alien Security: An Anthology for Human Freedom (Plus Battle Book) by
You Don't Play with Revolution: The Montréal Lectures of C.L.R. James by James, C. L. R.
Little People Little Patriots: Saving America One Child at a Time by Brezenski, Steve
Little People Little Patriots: Saving America One Child at a Time by Brezenski, Steve
Against the Personification of Democracy: A Lacanian Critique of Political Subjectivity by Swedlow, Wesley C.
Solving the American Health Care Crisis: Simply Common Sense by Umang Malhotra, Umang Malhotra, Malhotra
Solving the American Health Care Crisis: Simply Common Sense by Umang Malhotra, Malhotra, Umang Malhotra
Wittgenstein and Political Theory: The View from Somewhere by Robinson, Christopher C.
Reasons of Identity: A Normative Guide to the Political and Legal Assessment of Identity Claims by Eisenberg, Avigail
State, Security, and Subject Formation by
Self-Enforcing Trade: Developing Countries and Wto Dispute Settlement by Bown, Chad P.
The Making of the President, 1960: The Landmark Political Series by White, Theodore H.
Right-Wing Extremism in Contemporary Germany by Braunthal, G.
Global Inequality Matters by Moellendorf, D.
Global Inequality Matters by Moellendorf, D.
Crowds by Lee, Gerald Stanley
Measuring Human Rights by Carvalho, Edzia, Landman, Todd
Measuring Human Rights by Carvalho, Edzia, Landman, Todd
Public Health Ethics and Practice by
Democracy And Education by Dewey, John
The Inhumanity Of Socialism: The Case Against Socialism & A Critique Of Socialism by Adams, Edward F.
Public Health Ethics and Practice by
Doha Blues: Institutional Crisis and Reform in the WTO by Jones, Kent
Burma/Myanmar: What Everyone Needs to Know(r) by Steinberg, David I.
Investment and Property Rights in Yugoslavia: The Long Transition to a Market Economy by Uvalic, Milica
The Foreign Policy of the Gdr in Africa by Winrow, Gareth M.
Handlungsmöglichkeiten kommunaler Familienpolitik: Am Beispiel familienfördernder Maßnahmen der kreisfreien Stadt Gelsenkirchen by Müller, Oliver
Grundgesetz und Europäische Union: Das Grundgesetz als Sockel oder Schranke der Europäischen Integration? by Weis, Michael
EU Sozialpolitik im Spannungsfeld zwischen positiver und negativer Integration: Der Binnenmarkt und sein Legitimationspotential by Kleemann, Boris
Direkte Demokratie - eine sinnvolle Ergänzung?: Eine Darstellung am Beispiel Deutschlands by Schmidt, Weronika
"Globalisierung" & "Global Governance": Verständnis und Grundlinien beider Phänomene in der Finanzmarktkrise und weltweiten Wirtschaftsrezession by Hempel, Florian
Die USA der Bad Guy des Kyoto-Protokolls by Cordier, Florian
Ein Theorievergleich zwischen klassischem Realismus und Neorealismus: Wie unterscheidet sich Macht als Handlung leitendes Interesse der Akteure vom Re by Nolte, Nina
Recycling: Kreislaufarten, Formen, Behandlungsprozesse: Untergliederung des Recyclings sowie Vorstellung der Aufbereitungstechniken des Materialrecycl by Neininger, Sebastian
God and Globalization: Volume 3: Christ and the Dominions of Civilization by
Le Principe De La Separation Des Pouvoirs D'Apres L'Abbe De Mably (1907) by De Mellis, Paul
Le Referendum (1905) by Curti, Theodor
Sur L'Empoli Du Mot Revolution Dans La Science Politique (1908) by Giardina, Frederic Di Martino
Le Proces De Panama (1904) by Brunet, Gaston
Die Differenzierenden Momente Zwischen Demokratie, Aristokratie Und Monarchie (1905) by Schwarzlose, Richard
Essai Sur L'Histoire De La Revolution En Lozere (1894) by Andre, Louis
Grundzuge Der Politik (1827) by Weber, Heinrich Benedict Von
Commentaires Politiques Et Historiques Sur Le Traite Du Prince De Machiavel De Frederic II (1827) by De Bouille, Louis Joseph Amour Marquis
Le Regime Representatif En Turquie (1914) by Noury, Soubhy
Refugees, the State and the Politics of Asylum in Africa by Milner, J.
Essais Sur L'Histoire Politique Des Derniers Siecles (1874) by Van Praet, Jules
Essai Sur Les Communes Et Sur Le Gouvernement Municipal Dans Le Canton De Vaud V2 (1828) by Clavel, Francois
De La Necessite Tres Urgente De Soumettre Le Catholicisme Romain En Irlande (1829) by Pozzo, Ferdinand Dal
Essai Sur Les Anciennes Assemblees Nationales De La Savoie, Du Piemont V1: Et Des Pays Qui Y Sont Ou Furent Anexes (1829) by Pozzo, Ferdinand Dal
In the Tank-A Bound Blog: How the Media Political Machine Used Conveyance of Toxic Information to Become the Latest Political Force to Be Reckon by Mark a. Anderson, A. Anderson, Mark a. Anderson
L'Angleterre Etudes Sur Le Self Government (1864) by Michel Publisher
The Complete Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers by Henry, Patrick, Madison, James, Jay, John
Le Referendum En Suisse (1892) by Heuve, Jules, Deploigel, Simon
Etude Sur Les Lois Constitutionnelles De 1875 (1882) by Lefebvre, Charles
Le Idee Politiche Del Bartolo (1882) by Chiappelli, Luigi
De L'Opposition Dans Le Gouvernement Et De La Liberte De La Presse (1827) by De Bonald, Louis Gabriel Ambroise
Contro Il Parlamentarismo: Saggio Di Psicologia Collettiva (1895) by Sighele, Scipio
Die Politischen Parteien In Den Vereinigten Staaten Von Amerika (1868) by Doehn, Rudolf
Histoire Du Gouvernement Provisoire (1850) by Regnault, Elias
Grundzuge Der Politik (1827) by Weber, Heinrich Benedict Von
Essai Sur La Constitution Pratique Et Le Parlement D'Angleterre (1821) by Amedee, R.
Etudes Sociales Et Politiques: Le Comte De Montlosier Et Le Gallicanisme (1881) by Bardoux, Agenor
Le Gouvernement Dans La Democratie V1 (1892) by De Laveleye, Emile
De La Democracia En America (1854) by De Tocqueville, Alejandro
Le Polonais V4: Journal Des Interets De La Pologne (1835) by Au Bureau Du Journal Publisher
Le Suffrage Universel (1883) by Larose Et Forcel Publisher
Le Referendum En Suisse (1892) by Heuve, Jules, Deploigel, Simon
Essai Politique Sur Le Revenu Public V2 (1823) by Ganilh, Charles
De La Liberte Des Peuples: Et Des Droits Des Monarques Appeles A Les Gouverner (1818) by de Gastine, Civique
Le Pouvoir Executif Aux Etats-Unis: Etude De Droit Constitutionnel (1873) by De Chambrun, Adolphie
Considerations Politiques Sur L'Etat Actuel De L'Allemagne: Traduction De L'Ouvrage Allemand Intitule (1821) by Lindner, Friedrich Ludwig, Depping, Georg Bernhard
Storia Della Rivoluzione Del Distretto Di Nicastro Nel, 1848 (1882) by Municipale Publisher
Die Systeme Der Staatswissenschaften Von Say, Jacob Und Politz (1833) by Diederichs, F. F. a. Von
Etude Sur La Souverainete Et L'Etat Federatif (1886) by Borel, Eugene
Etude Sur La Reforme En Pologne (1857) by Lacombe, Alphonse
Audience De Rentree Du 3 Novembre 1875: Discours (1875) by Renouard, Augustin Charles
Commentaire De La Loi Sur L'Organisation Municipale Promulguee Le 5 Avril 1884 (1885) by De Ramel, Fernand
Le Socialisme Utopique (1898) by Lichtenberger, Andre
Studien Zur Entwicklung Und Theoretischen Begrudung Der Monarchie Im Altertum (1898) by Kaerst, Julius
De La Democracia En America (1854) by De Tocqueville, Alejandro
de L'Esprit Des Lois V4 (1784) by Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat
Essai Sur La Democratie L'Instruction Publique Et Les Universites (1897) by Knoepfler, L.
Le Pastorali Politiche Dell' Episcopato (1860) by D'Azeglio, Roberto
Le Regime Electoral En Belgique Et A L'Etranger (1899) by Oscar Schepens Publisher
Le Recrutement Des Administrateurs Coloniaux (1895) by Boutmy, Emile
Des Motifs Qui Ont Dicte Le Nouveau Projet De Loi Sur Les Elections (1820) by Constant, Benjamin
Le Gouvernement De L'Algerie (1892) by Ferry, Jules
Considerations Historiques Et Diplomatiques: Sur Les Ambassades Des Romains Comparees Aux Modernes (1834) by Weiske, Carl August
Etude Sur La Revision De La Contitution De 1875 (1884) by Bozerian, Jules Francois Jeannotte
The Limits of Religious Thought Examined in Eight Lectures by Mansel, Henry Longueville
Die Ministerverantwortlichkeit In Konstitutionellen Monarchien (1899) by Maurer, Ernst
Gründe und Ursachen für den Erfolg der Dänischen Volkspartei - Vom Aufstieg der Dänischen Volkspartei und seinen politischen Folgen by Volquardsen, Ebbe
Toward a Russian market economy: Two views of economic transformation and their implications for Russia's future by Ingold, Simon M.
1989: Bob Dylan Didn't Have This to Sing about by Clover, Joshua
State Of The Union Addresses Of John Quincy Adams by Adams, John Quincy, Former Ow
Government And Rebellion by Adams, E. E.
Der Hegemon in einer komplexen Welt: Warum inklusive Institutionen für die USA eine Teillösung darstellen können by Schmidt, Daniel
Einwohnerveredelung im Länderfinanzausgleich und die Lage der Stadtstaaten by Schmidt, Daniel
In the Tank-A Bound Blog: How the Media Political Machine Used Conveyance of Toxic Information to Become the Latest Political Force to Be Reckoned Wit by Mark a. Anderson
Studies in Law, Politics, and Society, Volume 49 by Sarat, Austin
Die Berliner Didaktik by Hewner, Martin
Rebuttal to the Rogue by Litman, Malia Anne
How can Critical Security Studies approaches be applied to the `the war on terrorism´? by Seidler, Felix
Sicherheitsinstitution im Wandel: Die NATO nach Ende des Kalten Kriegs by Teige, Oliver
McKenzie's Warning: A Criminal Defense Attorney's Game Plan for Empowering Your Teens to Protect Their Rights by McKenzie, James D.
Partizipative Demokratie und ihre Institutionalisierung in der Arbeitswelt: Theorie, Praxis und Forderungen für eine weiterreichende Demokratisierung by Doerr, Florian
Demokratiemuster in den deutschen Bundesländern by Himmer, Johannes
Von der Europäischen Politischen Zusammenarbeit zur Gemeinsamen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik: Entwicklung und Perspektiven by Hübner, Frank
An Assessment of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Center for Neutron Research: Fiscal Year 2009 by Laboratory Assessments Board, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
An Assessment of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology: Fiscal Year 2009 by Laboratory Assessments Board, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
An Assessment of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Electronics and Electrical Engineering Laboratory: Fiscal Year 2009 by Laboratory Assessments Board, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
An Assessment of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Information Technology Laboratory: Fiscal Year 2009 by Laboratory Assessments Board, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
An Assessment of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory: Fiscal Year 2009 by Laboratory Assessments Board, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Land of the Free, Home of the Brave: America by Keshu, Dilip
Sozialpolitik und Verteilung mit besonderem Augenmerk auf die österreichische Empirie by Grafl, Andreas
60 Jahre außenpolitische Beziehungen zwischen Bundesrepublik und USA 1949-2009: Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Perspektiven unter dem Gesichtspunkt Kont by Chapman, Christoph
Dialectics of Class Struggle in the Global Economy by Everling, Clark
Variations in Economic Analysis: Essays in Honor of Eli Schwartz by
Reforming the City: Responses to the Global Financial Crisis by
Social and Organizational Performance Review: Concepts and Research by Performance Improvement Institute
Jurisprudence of Jrgen Habermas: In Defence of Human Rights and a Search for Legitimacy, Truth and Validity by Orjiako, Chin L.
1776 Faith by Webster, Phil
Post-Zionism, Post-Holocaust by Yakira, Elhanan
Gandhi: 'Hind Swaraj' and Other Writings by Gandhi, Mohandas
Fear of Enemies and Collective Action by Evrigenis, Ioannis D.
Debating Varieties of Capitalism: A Reader by
Die Ursachen und Folgen der portugiesischen Nelkenrevolution by Schell, Svenja
Debating Varieties of Capitalism: A Reader by
Remaking Global Order: The Evolution of Europe-China Relations and Its Implications for East Asia and the United States by Casarini, Nicola
Ideas, Institutions, and Trade: The Wto and the Curious Role of Eu Farm Policy in Trade Liberalization by Daugbjerg, Carsten, Swinbank, Alan
The Role of Human Rights in Contemporary U.S. Foreign Policy towards China by Meys, Britta
Hugo Chávez and the Bolivarian Revolution: Populism and Democracy in a Globalised Age by Cannon, Barry
American Power After the Berlin Wall by Henriksen, T.
Hugo Chávez and the Bolivarian Revolution: Populism and Democracy in a Globalised Age by Cannon, Barry
Guilty: Liberal "Victims" and Their Assault on America by Coulter, Ann
Sozialpolitik und Sozialismus: Anspruch und Wirklichkeit der sozialen Sicherung in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik by Groothuis, René
Faith, Reason, and the War Against Jihadism by Weigel, George
Does Europe need one language?: An analysis of the challenging linguistic diversity in the European Union by Apolzan, Ilinca
Das Verhältnis der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands (SPD) und der Linkspartei: PDS in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und Sachsen by Scheele, Christopher
Fisheries Exploitation in the Indian Ocean: Threats and Opportunities by
The Australian Study of Politics by
The Australian Study of Politics by
Divided Counsel: The Anglo-American Response to Communist Victory in China by Martin, Edwin W.
The Great Powers and Global Struggle, 1490-1990 by Rasler, Karen A., Thompson, William R.
The Demon in Diplomacy by Demirdjian, Z. S. Andrew
The Demon In Diplomacy by Demirdjian, Z. S. Andrew
The Galvanization of the Young Vote in the 2008 Presidential Election: Lessons Learned from the Phenomenon by Starks, Glenn L.
Capitalism Unbound: The Incontestable Moral Case for Individual Rights by Bernstein, Andrew
Realizing the ASEAN Economic Community: A Comprehensive Assessment by
Der Gewollte Soldat Und Sein Wandel: Personelle Rüstung Und Innere Führung in Den Aufbaujahren Der Bundeswehr 1956 Bis 1964/65 by Nägler, Frank
Zur Instrumentierung der Umweltpolitik: Analyse und Vergleich umweltpolitischer Instrumente sowie der Umweltschutzstrategien der Unternehmen by Neininger, Sebastian
Der Einfluss des Wahlsystems auf die Regierungsstabilität: Eine Analyse von 21 OECD Ländern by Ruge, Marcel
Das parlamentarische Regierungsformat der deutschen Länder in der Sinnkrise: Direktwahl der Ministerpräsidenten als Ausweg? by Rühmann, Florian
The Metaphysical Theory of the State (Routledge Revivals) by Hobhouse, L. T.
Maya Nationalisms and Postcolonial Challenges in Guatemala: Coloniality, Modernity, and Identity Politics by Valle Escalante, Emilio Del
Corporate Social Responsibility and Regulatory Governance: Towards Inclusive Development? by
Corporate Social Responsibility and Regulatory Governance: Towards Inclusive Development? by
Privatising Peace: A Corporate Adjunct to United Nations Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Operations by Patterson, M.
Gender, China and the World Trade Organization: Essays from Feminist Economics by
Citizenship Acquisition and National Belonging: Migration, Membership and the Liberal Democratic State by
The Christian Right in Republican State Politics by Conger, K.
Political Authority and Party Secretaries in Poland, 1975 1986 by Lewis, Paul G.
The Deadly Ideas of Neoliberalism: How the IMF Has Undermined Public Health and the Fight Against AIDS by Rowden, Rick
Learning for Development by Johnson, Professor Hazel, Wilson, Doctor Gordon
The Plan: Wipe Out Christianity in America! by Goff, Kay
The Plan: Wipe Out Christianity in America! by Goff, Kay
Confirmatory Analysis of Police Organizational Performance by Goltz, Jeffrey
Paradoxes of Political Ethics: From Dirty Hands to the Invisible Hand by Parrish, John M., John M., Parrish
Financing Referendum Campaigns by
Art and Cultural Heritage: Law, Policy and Practice by
Der Stellenwert von Erwerbsarbeit in unterschiedlichen Grundsicherungsmodelle by Schrader, Marie
Die Rolle der Medien im Wahlkampf by Güc, Tezer
African Solutions to African Problems - Friedenssicherung durch Regionalorganisationen als Alternative zum UN-Peacekeeping in Africa by Schwarzkopf, Christopher
Laws by Plato
The Deadly Ideas of Neoliberalism: How the IMF Has Undermined Public Health and the Fight Against AIDS by Rowden, Rick
Laws by Plato
Words and Actions: The Writings of Dick Vanderveen by Vanderveen, Dick
Words and Actions: The Writings of Dick Vanderveen by Vanderveen, Dick
She Said What?: Interviews with Women Newspaper Columnists by Braden, Maria
Towards new measurement systems / Vers de nouveaux systèmes de mesure: Performances économiques et progrès social by Stiglitz, Joseph, Sen, Amartya
Hannah Arendt und die deutsche Literatur: "Ich selber wirken? Nein, ich will verstehen" by Lauber, Johanna
Regierungssysteme Afghanistans und des Irak: Eine vergleichende Untersuchung der Stabilität der Regierungsysteme des Irak und Afghanistans by Dietrich, Stefan
The effects of the Bosman-case on the professional football leagues with special regard to the top-five leagues by Schmidt, Daniel
Economic Integration and the Investment Climates in ASEAN Countries: Perspectives from Taiwan Investors by Asean Studies Center
Slavophile Empire: Imperial Russia's Illiberal Path by Engelstein, Laura
Globalization drivers for renewable energies referring to electricity production of E.ON: A competitive analysis in comparison with RWE by Jäger, Stephan
International Migration and Human Rights: The Global Repercussions of U.S. Policy by Martinez, Samuel
What Drives Prices in Egypt?: An Analysis in Light of International Experience by
Slavophile Empire: Imperial Russia's Illiberal Path by Engelstein, Laura
Securing the Peace: The Durable Settlement of Civil Wars by Toft, Monica Duffy
The Ethics of Citizenship: Liberal Democracy and Religious Convictions by
Contesting Patriotism: Culture, Power, and Strategy in the Peace Movement by Maney, Gregory M., Woehrle, Lynne M., Coy, Patrick G.
The Left at War by Bérubé, Michael
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