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General Political Science in 2009

Science and Whig Manners: Science and Political Style in Britain, C. 1790-1850 by Bord, Joe
The Italian General Election of 2008: Berlusconi Strikes Back by
E-Government Interoperability and Information Resource Integration: Frameworks for Aligned Development by Solli-Sæther, Hans, Gottschalk, Petter
Electronic Constitution: Social, Cultural, and Political Implications by
The Italian General Election of 2008: Berlusconi Strikes Back by
Toward Globalization with a Human Face by Krau, Edgar
Dictionary and Introduction to Global Environmental Governance by Meganck, Richard a., Saunier, Richard E.
Reappraisals: Reflections on the Forgotten Twentieth Century by Judt, Tony
Bad Money: The Inexcusable Failure of American Finance: An Update to Bad Money (A Penguin Group eSpecial from Penguin Books) by Phillips, Kevin
Twenty Chickens for a Saddle: The Story of an African Childhood by Scott, Robyn
U.S. vs. Them: Conservatism in the Age of Nuclear Terror by Scoblic, J. Peter
Understanding the Global Warming Hoax: Expanded and Updated by Johnson, Leo
Transnational Transcendence: Essays on Religion and Globalization by
Cyprus: A Conflict at the Crossroads by
Devolution U. K. CB by Mitchell, James
The Europeanisation of Whitehall: UK Central Government and the European Union by Burch, Martin, Bulmer, Simon
Mining Town Crisis: Globalization, Labour and Resistance in Sudbury by
Edible Action: Food Activism & Alternative Economics by Miller, Sally
Mst: Simiente de la Vida Y La Esperanza En Brazil by Stedile, Joao Pedro, Guevara, Aleida
Tracking Rural Change: Community, Policy and Technology in Australia, New Zealand and Europe by
Tackling America's Toughest Questions: Alternative Media Interviews by Boyle, Francis A.
Intellectual Property and the New Global Japanese Economy by Taplin, Ruth
Africa: The Politics of Suffering and Smiling by Chabal, Patrick
Politics in Ireland: Convergence and Divergence in a Two-Polity Island by Adshead, Maura, Tonge, Jonathon
Plug-In Electric Vehicles: What Role for Washington? by
Aviation and Airport Security: Terrorism and Safety Concerns by Sweet, Kathleen
Cambridge Police Department by Degou, David J.
Understanding Post-Communist Transformation: A Bottom Up Approach by Rose, Richard
Reintegrating Armed Groups After Conflict: Politics, Violence and Transition by
State Terrorism and Neoliberalism: The North in the South by Blakeley, Ruth
Parliamentary Reform at Westminster by Kelso, Alexandra
International Conflict Management by Butler, Michael J.
Chen Village: Revolution to Globalization by Chan, Anita, Unger, Jonathan, Madsen, Richard
Hadrami Arabs in Present-day Indonesia: An Indonesia-oriented group with an Arab signature by Jacobsen, Frode F.
Bali's silent crisis: Desire, Tragedy, and Transition by Lewis, Jeff, Lewis, Belinda
Rules of Disengagement by Cohn, Marjorie, Gilberd, Kathleen
The Mirage of China: Anti-Humanism, Narcissism, and Corporeality of the Contemporary World by Liu, Xin
Vereintes Europa. Zur diskursiven Konstruktion einer europäischen Identität und ihrer Reproduktion in Schulbüchern by Langner, Carsta
Offene Methode der Koordinierung und Europäisches Sozialmodell. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven by
Nice Work If You Can Get It: Life and Labor in Precarious Times by Ross, Andrew
Trade Unions and Democracy: Strategies and Perspectives by
Investing in the Disadvantaged: Assessing the Benefits and Costs of Social Policies by
Poverty, Justice, and Western Political Thought by Vaughan, Sharon K.
Let Nobody Turn Us Around: An African American Anthology by
Detente, Democracy and Dictatorship by Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
Popular Government: Its Essence, Its Permanence and Its Perils by Taft, William Howard
Beyond the Boundaries: A New Structure of Ambition in African American Politics by Persons, Georgia A.
The New Media of Surveillance by
The De-Radicalization of Jihadists: Transforming Armed Islamist Movements by Ashour, Omar
Tensions in the Struggle for Sexual Minority Rights in Europe: Que(e)Rying Political Practices by Beger, Nico
Food, Risk and Politics: Scare, Scandal and Crisis--Insights Into the Risk Politics of Food Safety by Randall, Ed
Weimar Radicals: Nazis and Communists Between Authenticity and Performance by Brown, Timothy Scott
Cyberpower and National Security by
Constitution of Imperium by Lipschutz, Ronnie D.
The Europeanisation of Whitehall: UK Central Government and the European Union by Bulmer, Simon, Burch, Martin
The Separatist Conflict in Sri Lanka: Terrorism, ethnicity, political economy by Bandarage, Asoka
Africa: The Politics of Suffering and Smiling by Chabal, Patrick
Western Marxism and the Soviet Union: A Survey of Critical Theories and Debates Since 1917 by Van Der Linden, Marcel
Holy Places of Jerusalem in Middle East Peace Agreements: The Conflict Between Global and State Identities by Molinaro, Enrico
African Women and Icts: Investigating Technology, Gender and Empowerment by
Ecological Debt: Global Warming and the Wealth of Nations by Simms, Andrew
The National Security Strategy of the United States of: September 2002 by Bush, George W.
The National Security Strategy of the United States of by Bush, George W.
National Strategy for Combating Terrorism by Bush, George W.
Documentary History of the First Federal Elections, 1788-1790, Volume III by Denboer, Gordon R.
Blood and Belief: The PKK and the Kurdish Fight for Independence by Marcus, Aliza
Rationing Justice: Poverty Lawyers and Poor People in the Deep South by Shepard, Kris
National Strategy for Homeland Security: Homeland Security Council by Bush, George W.
State, Space, World: Selected Essays by Lefebvre, Henri
Unmaking the Nation: The Politics of Identity and History in Modern Sri Lanka by
In Roosevelt's Bright Shadow: A Collection in Honour of the 70th Anniversary of Fdr's 1938 Speech at Queen's University and Marking Canada's Special by Milnes, Arthur
Unconventional Weapons and International Terrorism: Challenges and New Approaches by
A Place in Politics: São Paulo, Brazil, from Seigneurial Republicanism to Regionalist Revolt by Woodard, James P.
Handwörterbuch Der Münzkunde Und Ihrer Hilfswissenschaften by Halke, Heinrich
Crisis of the State: War and Social Upheaval by
Saviors or Sellouts: The Promise and Peril of Black Conservatism, from Booker T. Washington to Condoleezza Rice by Bracey, Christopher
Handbook of Intelligence Studies by
Science Next: Innovation for the Common Good from the Center for American Progress by
Globalizing Justice for Mass Atrocities: A Revolution in Accountability by Sriram, Chandra Lekha
Nordic Approaches to Peace Operations: A New Model in the Making by Jakobsen, Peter Viggo
Information Strategy and Warfare: A Guide to Theory and Practice by
Understanding Terrorist Innovation: Technology, Tactics and Global Trends by Dolnik, Adam
China's War on Terrorism: Counter-Insurgency, Politics and Internal Security by Wayne, Martin I.
The Virginia Convention of 1776 by Hugh Blair Grigsby
Soviet Karelia: Politics, Planning and Terror in Stalin's Russia, 1920-1939 by Baron, Nick
Economic and Social Transformation in China: Challenges and Opportunities by Hu, Angang
Abortion, Sin and the State in Thailand by Whittaker, Andrea
Between Stalin and Hitler: Class War and Race War on the Dvina, 1940-46 by Swain, Geoffrey
European Integration and the Nationalities Question by
National Parliaments within the Enlarged European Union: From 'Victims' of Integration to Competitive Actors? by
Policy Transfer in European Union Governance: Regulating the Utilities by Bulmer, Simon, Dolowitz, David, Humphreys, Peter
Identity Politics in the Age of Genocide: The Holocaust and Historical Representation by MacDonald, David B.
Habermas: Rescuing the Public Sphere by Johnson, Pauline
Asian States: Beyond the Developmental Perspective by
Virtual Thailand: The Media and Cultural Politics in Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore by Lewis, Glen
Relentless: The Socialist Attack on American Freedom by Krigbaum, Edward J.
Global Democracy: For and Against: Ethical Theory, Institutional Design and Social Struggles by Marchetti, Raffaele
Aggression, Crime and International Security: Moral, Political and Legal Dimensions of International Relations by Wilson, Page
The South's Role in the Creation of the Bill of Rights by
Parties and Elections in New European Democracies by Munro, Neil, Rose, Richard
Fair Bananas!: Farmers, Workers, and Consumers Strive to Change an Industry by Frundt, Henry J.
Peace: A World History by Adolf, Antony
Max Weber: A Biography by Radkau, Joachim
Globalization in Question by Bromley, Simon, Hirst, Paul, Thompson, Grahame
The Politics of European Union Enlargement: Theoretical Approaches by
The Group of Seven: Finance Ministries, Central Banks and Global Financial Governance by Baker, Andrew
Central Asia and the Caucasus: Transnationalism and Diaspora by
National-Cultural Autonomy and its Contemporary Critics by
Conflict and Change in EU Budgetary Politics by Lindner, Johannes
1 Way 2 C the World: Writings 1984-2006 by Waring, Marilyn
Globalization: State of the Art and Perspectives by Schirm, Stefan A.
Consumer Capitalism by Korkotsides, Anastasios
Remapping Gender in the New Global Order by
Race and Economic Opportunity in the Twenty-First Century by
The Virtual American Empire: On War, Faith and Power by Luttwak, Edward N.
George Washington on Leadership by Brookhiser, Richard
From Economics Imperialism to Freakonomics: The Shifting Boundaries Between Economics and Other Social Sciences by Fine, Ben, Milonakis, Dimitris
Think Tanks and Policy Advice in the Us: Academics, Advisors and Advocates by
Community Volunteers in Japan: Everyday Stories of Social Change by Nakano, Lynne
Hayek Versus Marx: And Today's Challenges by Aarons, Eric
American Foreign Policy and the Politics of Fear: Threat Inflation Since 9/11 by
Indian Diaspora in the United States: Brain Drain or Gain? by Sahay, Anjali
Journalism and Political Democracy in Brazil by Matos, Carolina
Comparative Politics by
Comparative Politics by
Advice to War Presidents: A Remedial Course in Statecraft by Codevilla, Angelo
On Nuclear Terrorism by Levi, Michael
Class War?: What Americans Really Think about Economic Inequality by Page, Benjamin I.
Class War?: What Americans Really Think about Economic Inequality by Jacobs, Lawrence R., Page, Benjamin I.
Class Struggle and Resistance in Africa by
Politics in Ireland: Convergence and Divergence in a Two-Polity Island by Adshead, Maura, Tonge, Jonathon
Understanding Equal Opportunities and Diversity: The Social Differentiations and Intersections of Inequality by Bagilhole, Barbara
Reviving the Left: The Need to Restore Liberal Values in America by Furrow, Dwight
African Women and Icts: Investigating Technology, Gender and Empowerment by
Peace: A World History by Adolf, Antony
Crisis of the House Divided: An Interpretation of the Issues in the Lincoln-Douglas Debates, 50th Anniversary Edition by Jaffa, Harry V.
Russian Nationalism and the National Reassertion of Russia by
Let Nobody Turn Us Around: An African American Anthology by
Islam, the People and the State Political Ideas and Movements in the Middle East by Zubaida, Sami
Finding Jefferson: A Lost Letter, a Remarkable Discovery, and Freedom of Speech in an Age of Terrorism by Dershowitz, Alan
Women, Identity and India's Call Centre Industry by Basi, J. K. Tina
An Assessment of the Sbir Program at the National Institutes of Health by Committee for Capitalizing on Science Technology and Innovat, National Research Council, Policy and Global Affairs
The Good Citizen: A Political And Literary Miscellany (1831) by
India As It May Be: An Outline Of A Proposed Government And Policy (1853) by Campbell, George
On The Road To Democracy (1918) by Pani, Alberto J.
The Itching Palm: A Study Of The Habit Of Tipping In America (1916) by Scott, William Rufus
L'Imperialisme Democratique (1907) by Seilliere, Ernest
The Ethnology Of The Sixth Sense: Studies And Researches Into Its Abuses, Perversions, Follies, Anomalies, And Crimes (1899) by X, Jacobus
Lives Of Some Famous Women Of All Ages: Including The Empress Josephine, Lady Jane Grey, Beatrice Cenci, Joan Of Arc, Ann Boleyn, Etc. (1912) by
Justices Of The Peace Of Colonial Virginia, 1757-1775 (1922) by Virginia State Library
The Conduct Of American Foreign Relations (1922) by Mathews, John Mabry
The Defeat In The Victory (1921) by Herron, George Davis
L'Imperialisme Democratique (1907) by Seilliere, Ernest
Israel's Wanderings Or The Sciiths, The Saxons, And The Kymry: A Connected Account, Tracing The Lost Tribes Of Israel Into The British Isles (1885) by Milner, Walter Metcalfe H., Oxonian
The Almanac of Virginia Politics by Travis, Toni-Michelle C.
Contemporary Iran: Economy, Society, Politics by
Contemporary Iran: Economy, Society, Politics by
Ludwig The Second, King Of Bavaria (1908) by Tschudi, Clara
The Good Citizen: A Political And Literary Miscellany (1831) by
John Hopkins University Studies In Historical And Political Science V13: South Carolina, Maryland, And Virginia (1895) by Hendren, Samuel Rivers, Whitney, Edson L., Latane, John H.
The Formation Of The Republican Party As A National Political Organization (1911) by Kleeberg, Gordon Saul Philip
The European Psalmist: A Collection of Hymn Tunes, Selected from British and Foreign Sources (1872) by Wesley, Samuel Sebastian
The Confederation Of British North America (1866) by Bolton, Edward Chichester, Webber, Horace Hervey
The Constitution Of The Five Nations (1916) by Parker, Arthur Caswell
The Ethnology Of The Sixth Sense: Studies And Researches Into Its Abuses, Perversions, Follies, Anomalies, And Crimes (1899) by X, Jacobus
The Isles Of The Princes: Or The Pleasures Of Prinkipo (1887) by Cox, Samuel Sullivan
Israel's Wanderings Or The Sciiths, The Saxons, And The Kymry: A Connected Account, Tracing The Lost Tribes Of Israel Into The British Isles (1885) by Oxonian, Milner, Walter Metcalfe H.
On The Overland Stage: Or Terry As A King Whip Cub (1918) by Sabin, Edwin Legrand
Local Self-Government Unmystified: A Vindication Of Common Sense, Human Nature, And Practical Improvement, Against The Manifesto Of Centralism (1857) by Smith, Joshua Toulmin
Lives Of Some Famous Women Of All Ages: Including The Empress Josephine, Lady Jane Grey, Beatrice Cenci, Joan Of Arc, Ann Boleyn, Etc. (1912) by
The Dry Fly Fisherman's Entomology (1921) by Mosely, Martin Ephraim
The Congress Of Vienna (1816) by Pradt, Dominique Georges Frederic
The Constitution (1845) by Clarkson, William K.
The Global Peace Plan Part 1: The International Democratic Standards by Osorio, Ricardo, Sr.
The Eolithic Problem: Evidences Of A Rude Industry Antedating The Paleolithic (1905) by MacCurdy, George Grant
Letter To A County Member On The Means Of Securing A Safe And Honorable Peace (1798) by Beeke, Henry
The Dream Of The King's Cup-Bearer (1906) by Annagh
Letters On The Corn Laws: And On The Rights Of The Working Classes (1835) by H. B. T.
Limited Monarchy: Or Ruling Self (1865) by Fordyce, John
The Constitution Safe Without Reform (1795) by Young, Arthur
On The Position Of A Constitutional Governor Under Responsible Government (1878) by Todd, Alpheus
Pious Phrases In Politics: An Examination Of Some Popular Catchwords, Their Misuse And Meaning (1919) by Jeudwine, John Wynne
The Four Reformed Parliaments, 1832 To 1842 (1842) by
Light And Peace (1915) by Leonard, Charles Hall
The Constitution Of The Animal Creation As Expressed In Structural Appendages (1857) by Holland, George Calvert
Legislation By Three Of The Thirteen Stanleys, Kings Of Man (1860) by MacKenzie, William
On The Road To Democracy (1918) by Pani, Alberto J.
The Irish Parliament: From The Year 1782 To 1800 (1892) by Hume-Williams, William Ellis
India As It May Be: An Outline Of A Proposed Government And Policy (1853) by Campbell, George
Government By Influence And Other Addresses (1910) by Brown, Elmer Ellsworth
Le Freeholder Ou L'Anglois Jaloux De Sa Liberte: Essais Politiques (1727) by Steele, Richard, Addison, Joseph
The Jamaica Planter's Guide Or A System For Planting And Managing A Sugar Estate: Or Other Plantations In That Island, And Throughout The British West by Roughley, Thomas
Outlines Of The Women's Franchise Movement In New Zealand (1905) by Smith, W. Sidney
The Masses In The Mirror: Being An Analysis Of The Fundamentals Of Government And The Limitations Of Democracy (1919) by Irvine, Leigh Hadley
Peace And Union Recommended To The Associated Bodies Of Republicans And Anti-Republicans (1793) by Frend, William
The Consequences Of Trade, As To The Wealth And Strength Of Any Nation (1740) by Webster, William
The Democratic Ideal (1907) by Reed, Milton
The Ivory Palaces Of The King (1897) by Chapman, John Wilbur
The Foundations Of The Republic (1906) by Hale, Edward Everett
Feed-In Tariffs: Accelerating the Deployment of Renewable Energy by Mendonça, Miguel
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