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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2010

Un Libro Rojo Para Lenin by Dalton, Roque
A Handbook of Poll Sureys In Media: An Indian Perspective by Bhaskara, Rao N.
The Case for Legalizing Capitalism (Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Kelly, Kel
Voices for a Culture of Peace Vol. 1: Compendium of the Sgi-USA Culture of Peace Distinguished Speaker Series by Culture of Peace Press
Ueber Den Deutschen Zollverein by Khne, Ludwig Samuel Bogislav, Kuhne, Ludwig Samuel Bogislav
Das Leben Und Staatsmannische Wirken Des Demosthenes: Nach Den Quellen Dargestellt by Haupt, Otto
Das Verhaltnis Ungarns Zu Osterreich. by Offermann, Alfred Von
Die Bewegung Des Socialismus Und Communismus by Oelckers, Theodor
Philipp Melanchthon Und Die Deutsche Reformation Bis 1531 by Sell, Karl
Geschichte Des Romischen Rechts Unter Vergleichung Des Deutschen Bis Zu Karls Des Grossen Kaiserkronung: Ein Grundriss by Bremer, Franz Peter
Die Social-Demokratie: Nach Ihrem Wesen Und Ihrer Agitation Quellenmassig Dargestellt by Schuster, Richard
Das Joch Des Krieges: Roman by Andreyev, Leonid Nikolayevich
Die Gegenwärtige Lage Russlands, Insbesondere Die Constitutionellen Bestrebungen Des Russischen Adels Und Das Verhältniss Deutschlands Und Oesterreich by Walcker, Karl
Eine Sozial-Okonomische Studie by Adler, Georg
Los Nuevos Peligros De Cuba Entre Sus Cinco Crisis Actuales by Rodriguez-Ferrer, Miguel
Der Rheinische Bund 1254 by Weizscker, Julius, Weizsacker, Julius
Was Wollen, Was Konnen, Was Sollen Die Deutschen Im Donaureich?: Beantwortet Nach Dem Rucktritte Thun's by Anonymous
Beitrag Zur Casuistik Der Lehre Von Der Exterritorialitat Der Gesandtschaftlichen Functionare by Ziemssen, Wilhelm
Importation and Use of Opium: Hearings Before the Committee ... on H.R. 25240, H.R. 25241 and H.R. 25242. May 31, 1910 by Anonymous
Altbabylonische Rechtsurkunden Aus Der Zeit Der Hammurabi-Dynastie, Volume 1 by Daiches, Samuel
Der Demokrat, Erster Theil by Pye, Henry James
Der Kirchenstaat Unter Klemens V. Von Anton Eitel ... by Anonymous
Sulla Municipalizzazione; Studio Economico-Sociale by Gualtieri, [nicolò Maria Francesco Avar
Der Siebenjahrige Krieg: Vom Jahre 1756 Bis 1762, Erster Theil by Thielen, Maximilian Friedrich
Official Proceedings of the ... Republican National Convention by Anonymous
Die Lehre Von Der Ministerverantwortlichkeit by Hauke, Franz
Mein Prozess Gegen Die Allgemeine Zeitung: Stenographischer Bericht, Dokumente, Und Erlauterungen by Zeitung, Allgemeine, Vogt, Karl Christoph
Argument of Everett W. Burdett, Esq: For the Massachusetts Street Railway Association, Before the Special Committee Appoined by the Governor to Invest by Burdett, Everett Watson
Constitutions Und Local by Anonymous
Minister Hassenpflug Und Die Kurhessische Volksvertretung: Ein Wort an Die Offentliche Meinung by Oetker, Friedrich
Das Recht Des Landwirthes ...: Gemeinverstandlich Dargestellt, Volume 1 by Marchet, Gustav
Politische Bildung Und Patriotismus: Eine Unterrichtspolitische Studie by Tezner, Friedrich
C. Julius Casar, Sein Verfahren Gegen Die Gallischen Stamme Von Standpunkte Der Ethik Und Politik Unter Zugrundelegung Seiner Kommentarien Und Der Bio by Saalfeld, Gunther Alexander E. a., Saalfeld, Gnther Alexander E. a., Saalfeld, G. Nther Alexander E. a.
Das Stadtrecht Von Bantia, Ein Sendschreiben an Theodor Mommsen by Kirchhoff, Johann Wilhelm Adolf
Zwei Politische Satiren Des Alten ROM: Ein Beitrage Zur Geschichte Der Satire by Birt, Theodor
Ueber Die Neueren Versuche Zur Verbesserung Der Gefängnisse Und Strafansta Ten by David, Christian Georg Nathan
Das Karolingische Und Das Byzantinische Reich in Ihren Wechselseitigen Politischen Beziehungen... by Harnack, Otto
Lettres D'Osman. ...: Constantinople, Volume 3 by De Arcq, Philippe-Auguste Sainte-Foy
Die Akademische Laufbahn Und Ihre Okonomische Regelung: Ein Wort an Die Regierung Und an Die Volksvertretung by Runze, Georg Wilhelm August
Protokoll Der Verhandlungen Des Parteitages by Deutschlands, Sozialdemokratische Partei
Besserungstrafe Und Besserungstrafanstalten ALS Rechtsforderung: Eine Berufung an Den Gesunden Sinn Des Deutschen Volks by Rder, Karl David August, Roder, Karl David August
Zur Entstehung Der Stadtverfassung in Italien by Von Heinemann, Lothar
Rede Des Athenischen Staatsmannes Lykurgos Gegen Leokrates by Lycurgus
Freiheitspredigt Und Schwarmgeister in Korinth: Ein Beitrag Zur Charakteristik Der Christuspartei by Lutgert, Wilhelm, Ltgert, Wilhelm
Die Politik Des Hauses Braunschweig-Luneburg in Den Jahren 1640 Und 1641 by Langenbeck, Wilhelm
Physica Specimina by Barletti, Carlo
Messere Arlotto Mainardi Pievano Di S.Cresci a Maciuoli by Guerrazzi, Francesco Domenico
Die Betriebsregulierung in Den Preussischen Staatsforsten, Nebst Einigen Aus Rein Praktischen Rucksichten Sich Ergebenden Vorschlagen Zu Ihrer Weitere by Anonymous
Unsere Socialpolitischen Parteien by Von Scheel, Hans
Considérations Historiques Et Diplomatiques Sur Les Ambassades Des Romains Comparées Aux Modernes by Weiske, Carl August
Die Politik Der Niederlande in Ihren Beziehungen Zu Japan by Bley, J. K. H.
Referendum Und Initiative in Den Schweizerkantonen by Stssi, Heinrich, Stussi, Heinrich
Die Anfange Der Landfriedensaufrichtungen in Deutschland by Goecke, Rudolf
Untersuchungen Uber Die Rede Des Demosthenes Von Der Gesandtschaft by Slameczka, Franz
Furst Bulows Reden Nebst Urkundlichen Beitragen Zu Seiner Politik: 1897-1903 by Blow, Bernhard, Penzler, Johannes, Bulow, Bernhard
History of the United States of America During the Second Administration of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 4 by Adams, Henry
Défense De L'essai Sur L'indifférence En Matière De Religion by de Lamennais, Félicité Robert
La Vie Municipale Au Xvme Siècle Dans Le Nord De La France by D'Avesne, Albéric Calonne
Politische Correspondenz Friedrich's Des Grossen ... by
Kriegsgefangen: Erlebtes 1870 by Fontane, Theodor
Der Krieg Des Grossen Kurf Rsten Gegen Frankreich, 1672-1675 by Peter, Heinrich
Englands Zustande, Politik Und Machtentwickelung: Mit Beziehung Auf Deutschland, Volume 1 by Hfken, Gustaf, Hofken, Gustaf
Die Besiedlung Von Ostdeutschland Durch Die Zweite Germanische Volkerwanderung by Beheim-Schwarzbach, Maximilian
The Ship of State by Anonymous
Om Svenskt Statsborgarskap by Blomberg, Hugo
Telephony: Construction of Underground Conduits by Abbott, Arthur Vaughan
Itinéraire Postale Et De Commerce De L'Europe: Soigneusement Rev., Corrigé Et Augm by Gandini, Francesco
Der Kampf Gegen Die Socialdemokratie by Ehlers, Otto
Polen in Ost Und West by Slepowron, Eugen V.
Streffleurs Militarische Zeitschrift, Vierter Band, Zehntes Bis Zwolftes Heft by Anonymous
Politische Geschichte Der Gegenwart, Volume 10 by Wippermann, Karl, Muller, Wilhelm
The Elements of Experimental Chemistry, Volume 1 by Henry, William
The Colliers' Strike in South Wales: Its Cause, Progress and Settlement by Dalziel, Alexander
Der Antheil Des Koniglich Sachsischen Armeecorps Am Feldzuge 1866 in Oesterreich by Generalstab, Saxony
Die Schweiz Topographisch, Ethnographisch, Und Politisch, Erster Theil by Hamm, Wilhelm
Streffleurs Militarische Zeitschrift, Vierter Band, Zehntes Bis Zwolftes Heft by Anonymous
Socialismen: En Historisk Framstallning by Branting, Hjalmar
Standard Schedule for Grading Cities and Towns of the United States with Reference to Their Fire Defenses and Physical Conditions by Anonymous
Ueber Den Einfluss Der Altromischen Vorstellungen Vom Staat Auf Die Politik Kaiser Friedrichs I. Und Die Anschauungen Seiner Zeit ... by Pomtow, Max
Freymüthige Gedanken Über Die Theurung in Wien by Karacsay, Fedor
Anarchismus Und Strafrecht by Seuffert, Hermann
Die Bestenerung Der Gemeinden ... by Friedberg, Robert
Kleine Beitrage Zu Grossen Fragen in Oesterreich by Kalchberg, Joseph
Der Souveranetatsbegriff Von Bodin Bis Zu Friedrich Dem Grossen: Inaugural-Dissertation by Dock, Karl Adolf
A Plain Examination of Socialism by Simonson, Gustave
Die Frauenfrage by Cathrein, Victor
Staatsmanner Und Geschichtschreiber Des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts by Lorenz, Ottokar
The Political Grammar of the United States: Or, a Complete View of the Theory and Practice of the General and State Governments, with the Relations Be by Mansfield, Edward Deering
Lettres D'Osman. ...: Constantinople, Volume 2 by De Arcq, Philippe-Auguste Sainte-Foy
Uber Politisch-Satirische Gedichte Aus Der Schottischen Reformationszeit, Volume 8 by Anonymous
Die Reformen Des Osmanischen Reiches: Mit Besonderer Berucksichtigung Des Verhaltnisses Der Christen Des Orients Zur Turkischen Herrschaft by Eichmann, F.
Die Grundsatze Der Modern Weltanschauung by Brodbeck, Adolf
Frauenbildung by Lange, Helene
Deutsches Furstentum Und Deutsches Verfassungswesen by Hubrich, Eduard
Annual Report of the State Engineer and Surveyor for the Year[s] ... by
Political Campaigns by
The Village Charter: In Two Parts by Drake, John N., York, New
Afghanistan: India's Strategic Stakes by Centre for Joint Warfare Studies
Governing Fear by
Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability 3/10: The Law and Politics of Sustainability by
Rising China: Opportunity or Strategic Challenge by
Peace and Stability in Afghanistan: The Way Ahead by
India Bangladesh Relations: The Way Ahead by Bammi (Retd), Lt Gen
The Capitalist and the Entrepreneur (Large Print Edition): Essays on Organizations and Markets (Large Print Edition) by Klein, Peter G.
B.R Ambedkar: Perspectives on Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policies by
Die Beziehungen Zwischen Dem Staat Und Der Zeitungspresse Im Deutschen Reich by Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson
Superstitious Regimes: Religion and the Politics of Chinese Modernity by Nedostup, Rebecca
Eastern Christianity and the Cold War, 1945-91 by
Local Lives and Global Transformations: Towards World Society by Kennedy, Paul
Local Lives and Global Transformations: Towards World Society by Kennedy, Paul
Citizenship and Social Movements: Perspectives from the Global South by
The Ku Klux Klan In American Politics by Rice, Arnold S.
Ageing, Health and Pensions in Europe: An Economic and Social Policy Perspective by Bovenberg, Lans, Zaidi, Asghar
Criminal Defence and Procedure: Comparative Ethnographies in the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States by Hannken-Illjes, K., Kozin, A., Scheffer, T.
The 2009 Elections to the European Parliament by
Borderland Russians: Identity, Narrative and International Relations by Hønneland, G.
Relating Rape and Murder: Narratives of Sex, Death and Gender by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Gladstone and Ireland: Politics, Religion and Nationality in the Victorian Age by
The Northern Rebellion of 1569: Faith, Politics and Protest in Elizabethan England by Kesselring, K.
Governance of Earth Systems: Science and Its Uses by Boardman, R.
Constrained Balancing: The Eu's Security Policy by Peters, D.
Marginalization in Urban China: Comparative Perspectives by
Globalization and Labour in China and India: Impacts and Responses by
Development and Politics from Below: Exploring Religious Spaces in the African State by
Mao's Forgotten Successor: The Political Career of Hua Guofeng by Weatherley, Robert
The Politics of Private Security: Regulation, Reform and Re-Legitimation by White, A.
German National Identity in the Twenty-First Century: A Different Republic After All? by Wittlinger, R.
Europe, Regions and European Regionalism by Wyn Jones, Richard, Scully, Roger
Leadership in Democracy by Brooker, P.
Which Europe?: The Politics of Differentiated Integration by
Surviving Teenage Motherhood: Myths and Realities by Stapleton, H.
Calculating the Social: Standards and the Reconfiguration of Governing by
Global Marriage: Cross-Border Marriage Migration in Global Context by Williams, Lucy
Rethinking Contemporary Feminist Politics by Dean, J.
Transnational Actors in Global Governance: Patterns, Explanations and Implications by Jönsson, Christer, Tallberg, Jonas
Democracy and Public-Private Partnerships in Global Governance by
Legitimacy Beyond the State?: Re-Examining the Democratic Credentials of Transnational Actors by Uhlin, Anders, Erman, Eva
The Greek-Turkish Conflict in the Aegean: Imagined Enemies by Heraclides, A.
The European Union as a Small Power: After the Post-Cold War by Toje, A.
The Politics of International Migration Management by
Challenging Capacity Building: Comparative Perspectives by
Scientific Realism and International Relations by
Territorial Choice: The Politics of Boundaries and Borders by
Performing Otherness: Java and Bali on International Stages, 1905-1952 by Cohen, M.
Memory in a Global Age: Discourses, Practices and Trajectories by
The Impact of the Freedom of Information Act on Central Government in the UK: Does Foi Work? by Hazell, R., Worthy, B., Glover, M.
The State and Healthcare: Comparing OECD Countries by Frisina, Lorraine, Rothgang, H., Cacace, M.
Territory, Globalization and International Relations: The Cartographic Reality of Space by Strandsbjerg, J.
Regulating Statehood: State Building and the Transformation of the Global Order by Hameiri, S.
Translation Under Fascism by
Politics, Policy and the Discourses of Heritage in Britain by Waterton, E.
War and the Transformation of Global Politics by Jabri, V.
Legislatures and the Budget Process: The Myth of Fiscal Control by Wehner, J.
Neoclassical Realism and Defence Reform in Post-Cold War Europe by Dyson, T.
Social Movements, Public Spheres and the European Politics of the Environment: Green Power Europe? by Loparo, Kenneth A.
The Politics of Nuclear Energy in China by Yi-Chong, X.
Institutions, Ideas and Leadership in Russian Politics by Newton, Julie, Tompson, William
Left Parties in National Governments by
Key Players and Regional Dynamics in Eurasia: The Return of the 'great Game' by
Corporate Social Responsibility and Regulatory Governance: Towards Inclusive Development? by
The End of the French Exception?: Decline and Revival of the 'french Model' by
After the Nation?: Critical Reflections on Nationalism and Postnationalism by
Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability 2/10: The Business of Sustainability by
International Police Cooperation: Emerging Issues, Theory and Practice by
Sustainable Diplomacies by
Peacemaker's Guide to Warmongers: Exposing Robert Spencer, David Horowitz, and Other Enemies of Peace by Yuksel, Edip
Der Konflikt in Preussen Und Die Berufung Bismarcks in Der Offentlichen Meinung ... by Nirrnheim, Otto
Die Primar-Elemente: Nach Der Amerikanischen Ausgabe ... by Carhart, Henry Smith
Defensa De La Tortura Y Leyes Patrias Que La Establecieron: E Inpugnacion Del Tratado Que Escribio Contra Ella El Doctor D. Alfonso Maria De Acevedo by De Castro, Pedro
Die Ziele Der Deutschen Sozialdemokratie by Oldenberg, Karl
Walram Von Naumburg: Zur Geschichte Der Publicistischen Literatur Des XI. Jahrhunderts ... by Ewald, Paul
Dynamics of Local Governance in China During the Reform Era by
Report on State Administration and Expenditures: Submitted to the General Court by
Science without Boundaries: Interdisciplinarity in Research, Society and Politics by Ostreng, Willy
Popular Government in the United States: Foundations and Principles by Hyneman, Charles
Chinese Society: Change, Conflict and Resistance by
Dying Empire: U.S. Imperialism and Global Resistance by Shor, Francis
Courts and Congress: America's Unwritten Constitution by Quirk, William
By the People, For the People by Gamwell, Franklin I.
Experience and Conflict: The Production of Urban Space by Lehtovuori, Panu
The International Humanitarian Order by Barnett, Michael
The United States and NATO since 9/11: The Transatlantic Alliance Renewed by Hallams, Ellen
Palestinian Politics and the Middle East Peace Process: Consensus and Competition in the Palestinian Negotiating Team by Khatib, Ghassan
Marginalized Communities and Access to Justice by
Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia by
State Violence and Punishment in India by Sherman, Taylor C.
International Police Cooperation: Emerging Issues, Theory and Practice by
Voicing Dissent: American Artists and the War on Iraq by Roussel, Violaine, Lechaux, Bleuwenn
Powering the Green Economy: The Feed-in Tariff Handbook by Mendonca, Miguel, Jacobs, David, Sovacool, Benjamin K.
Russia's European Agenda and the Baltic States by Sleivyte, Janina
Russia's Federal Relations: Putin's Reforms and Management of the Regions by Chebankova, Elena
Goethes Faust: Ein Politisches Gedicht? by Winderlich, Carl
Schiller Und Sein Verhaltniss Zu Den Politischen Und Religiosen Fragen Der Gegenwart by Daumer, Georg Friedrich
Speech of Robert Goodloe Harper, Esq., at the Celebration of the Recent Triumphs of the Cause of Mankind, in Germany: Delivered at Annapolis, January by Harper, Robert Goodloe
Eines T. Lucretius Carus Schauergemalde Der Kriegs-Pest in Attika by Eichstdt, Heinrich Karl Abraham, Carus, Titus Lucretius
The Shipley Collection of Scientific Papers, Volume 324 by Shipley, Arthur Everett
The Banana: Empires, Trade Wars, and Globalization by Wiley, James
The State in Africa. An Analysis of Impacts of Historical Trajectories of Global Capitalist Expansion and Domination in the Continent by Mentan, Tatah
Political Islam in Central Asia: The challenge of Hizb ut-Tahrir by Karagiannis, Emmanuel
Harvard and the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs (Wcfia): Foreign Policy Research Center and Incubator of Presidential Advisors by Wiarda, Howard J.
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