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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2012

The Left & the European Constitution CB: From Laeken to Lisbon by
More Confessions of a Trauma Junkie: My Life as a Nurse Paramedic by Mayo, Sherry Jones
Recognition Theory & Contemp French CB: Reopening the Dialogue by
Against the Odds: Politicians, Institutions and the Struggle Against Poverty by Manor, James, Melo, Marcus Andre, Ng'ethe, Njuguna
Systemic Failures of Indian Polity by N. Gulati, Mahinder
Génération Y: La génération qui va redessiner l'Europe by Smati, Rafik
Why Peace by
A Congressional History of Railways in the United States, 1850-1887... by Haney, Lewis Henry
Geschichte Der Deutschen Sozialdemokratie: Bd. Bis Zur Marzrevolution... by Mehring, Franz
In Transit, Volume 31... by Union, Amalgamated Transit
Karl Rodbertus: Darstellung Seines Lebens Und Seiner Lehre, Volumes 1-2... by Dietzel, Heinrich
Assault on Merit by Anand, R. K.
Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability 1/10: The Spirit of Sustainability by
Nepal in Transition: A Way Forward by
Counterinsurgency and Quest for Peace by Athale (Retd), Anil
India China Relations: Future Perspectives by
Indian Economy: Trends and Challenges by
Jammu and Kashmir: Impact on Polity, Society and Economy by
Maoist Insurgency and India's Internal Security by Rammohan, E. N., Singh, Amrit Pal, Agarwal, A. K.
Coastal Security: Maritime Dimensions of India's Homeland Security by Singh, K. R. Prof
Peace and Stability in Asia-Pacific Region: Assessment of the Security Architecture by
Post Conflict Sri Lanka: Rebuilding of Society by
The Invisible Wall of China by Nayal, Mohit
The Possibilities of Politics: Democracy in America, 1877-1917 by Johnston, Robert D.
Understanding the Crisis in Greece: From Boom to Bust by Pelagidis, Theodore, Mitsopoulos, M.
Mineral Rents and the Financing of Social Policy: Opportunities and Challenges by Hujo, Katja
Region and State in Nineteenth-Century Europe: Nation-Building, Regional Identities and Separatism by
The East Asian Peace: Conflict Prevention and Informal Peacebuilding by Weissmann, M.
Class Inequality in Austerity Britain: Power, Difference and Suffering by
Pentecostalism and Development: Churches, Ngos and Social Change in Africa by
Young Migrants: Exclusion and Belonging in Europe by
Russia and Its Near Neighbours by
Refugees, Theatre and Crisis: Performing Global Identities by Jeffers, A.
Engaging Colonial Knowledge: Reading European Archives in World History by
The Influence of International Institutions on the EU: When Multilateralism Hits Brussels by
Employment and Development Under Globalization: State and Economy in Brazil by Cohn, S.
Sex, Gender and the Conservative Party: From Iron Lady to Kitten Heels by Childs, S., Webb, P.
Music, Radio and the Public Sphere: The Aesthetics of Democracy by Fairchild, Charles
Tragedy and International Relations by
Citizenship, Belonging and Intergenerational Relations in African Migration by
Bilateral Perspectives on Regional Security: Australia, Japan and the Asia-Pacific Region by
The Cosmopolitanization of Science: Stem Cell Governance in China by Zhang, J.
Max Weber and Contemporary Capitalism by Gane, N.
Developmental Politics in Transition: The Neoliberal Era and Beyond by
Asean, Sovereignty and Intervention in Southeast Asia by Jones, L.
Fool's Gold?: Utopianism in the Twenty-First Century by Sargisson, L.
Labour Market Flexibility and Pension Reforms: Flexible Today, Secure Tomorrow? by
Holding-Together Regionalism: Twenty Years of Post-Soviet Integration by Libman, Alexander, Vinokurov, E.
Organized Crime, Political Transitions and State Formation in Post-Soviet Eurasia by Kupatadze, A.
Global Shipping in Small Nations: Nordic Experiences After 1960 by
The Myth about Global Civil Society: Domestic Politics to Ban Landmines by Tepe, D.
The Future of Entrepreneurship in Latin America by
Public Security in the Negotiated State: Policing in Latin America and Beyond by Müller, Markus-Michael
The Diffusion of Power in Global Governance: International Political Economy Meets Foucault by
Hedley Bull and the Accommodation of Power by Ayson, R.
Reconciling Enemy States in Europe and Asia by Heo, Seunghoon Emilia
Discourses of Freedom of Speech: From the Enactment of the Bill of Rights to the Sedition Act of 1918 by Rudanko, J.
The Mediterranean Dimension of the European Union's Internal Security by Wolff, S.
Alternatives to Neoliberal Globalization: Studies in the Political Economy of Institutions and Late Development by Lo, D.
Energy Security in the Era of Climate Change: The Asia-Pacific Experience by
Measuring Global Poverty: Toward a Pro-Poor Approach by Wisor, S.
Citizens' Initiatives in Europe: Procedures and Consequences of Agenda-Setting by Citizens by
Africa Toward 2030: Challenges for Development Policy by
The Risorgimento Revisited: Nationalism and Culture in Nineteenth-Century Italy by
Leaders of the Opposition: From Churchill to Cameron by
The Gaze of the West and Framings of the East by
Health Reforms in South-East Europe by
The Politics of Resource Extraction: Indigenous Peoples, Multinational Corporations, and the State by
Dialogues with Contemporary Political Theorists by
Global Matters for Non-Governmental Public Action by
Government Transparency: Impacts and Unintended Consequences by Erkkilä, T.
National Interests and European Integration: Discourse and Politics of Blair, Chirac and Schröder by Milzow, K.
International Migration, Development and Human Wellbeing by Wright, Katie
Public Services and Financial Austerity: Getting Out of the Hole? by Latham, R., Prowle, M.
After Secularism: Rethinking Religion in Global Politics by Wilson, E.
The New European Left: A Socialism for the Twenty-First Century? by Hudson, K.
Exchange Rate Alignments by Mills, J.
Latin American Responses to Globalization in the 21st Century by
European Union Budget Reform: Institutions, Policy and Economic Crisis by
Territories of Citizenship by
Biopolitical Experience: Foucault, Power and Positive Critique by Blencowe, C.
Recognition Theory as Social Research: Investigating the Dynamics of Social Conflict by O'Neill, Shane, Smith, Nicholas H.
Political Autonomy and Divided Societies: Imagining Democratic Alternatives in Complex Settings by Keating, Michael, Gagnon, Alain-G
French Presidential Elections by Bélanger, É., Lewis-Beck, M., Nadeau, R.
Radicalism: A Philosophical Study by McLaughlin, P.
Material Participation: Technology, the Environment and Everyday Publics by Marres, N.
Globalization, Hegemony and the Future of the City of London by Talani, L.
The Politics of Samuel Johnson by
Negotiating Boundaries: Gender, Violence and Transformation in Brazil by Wilding, P.
Remaking Citizenship in Multicultural Europe: Women's Movements, Gender and Diversity by
England After the Great Recession: Tracking the Political and Cultural Consequences of the Crisis by Preston, P. W.
Transnational Transfers and Global Development by
Islam in the West: Key Issues in Multiculturalism by Farrar, Max, Valli, Yasmin
Work, Family Policies and Transitions to Adulthood in Europe by
The Scale of Interest Organization in Democratic Politics: Data and Research Methods by
Public Service Media and Policy in Europe by Donders, K.
Borders and Crime: Pre-Crime, Mobility and Serious Harm in an Age of Globalization by
The Politics of Culture: The Case for Universalism by Mirza, M.
Red Racisms: Racism in Communist and Post-Communist Contexts by Law, I.
The Euro Crisis by
Changing Work and Community Identities in European Regions: Perspectives on the Past and Present by Jefferys, Steve, Kirk, John, Contrepois, Sylvie
Feeling the Heat: The Politics of Climate Policy in Rapidly Industrializing Countries by Bailey, Ian, Compston, Hugh
European Disunion: Between Sovereignty and Solidarity by
A Nuclear Weapons-Free World?: Britain, Trident and the Challenges Ahead by Ritchie, Nick
Understanding Media Policies: A European Perspective by
Designing Case Studies: Explanatory Approaches in Small-N Research by Haverland, M., Blatter, J.
EU-ASEAN Relations in the 21st Century: Strategic Partnership in the Making by
Designing the European Union: From Paris to Lisbon by
The Role of the Arab-Islamic World in the Rise of the West: Implications for Contemporary Trans-Cultural Relations by Al-Rodhan, Nayef R. F.
Rethinking Development Challenges for Public Policy: Insights from Contemporary Africa by
Unipolarity and the Evolution of America's Cold War Alliances by Thalakada, Nigel
European Capitalist Welfare Societies: The Challenge of Sustainability by Maier, R., Frericks, P.
Milestones and Turning Points in Development Thinking by
Everyday Life in Fascist Venice, 1929-40 by Ferris, K.
Multi-Level Party Politics in Western Europe by Detterbeck, K.
On Skidelsky's Keynes and Other Essays: Selected Essays of G. C. Harcourt by Harcourt, G.
Multinational Federalism: Problems and Prospects by Gagnon, Alain-G
The EU's Lisbon Strategy: Evaluating Success, Understanding Failure by
The Withering of the Welfare State: Regression by
The Global Crisis and Transformative Social Change by
Natural Resources and Social Conflict: Towards Critical Environmental Security by
Faith and Social Capital After the Debt Crisis by Dinham, A.
Olympic Games, Mega-Events and Civil Societies: Globalization, Environment, Resistance by
The IMF and European Economies: Crisis and Conditionality by Rogers, Chris
Constructions of European Identity: Debates and Discourses on Turkey and the EU by Loparo, Kenneth A.
New Forms of Governing: A Foucauldian Inspired Analysis by Triantafillou, P.
Rwanda Fast Forward: Social, Economic, Military and Reconciliation Prospects by Noack, Patrick
Germany, Poland and the Common Security and Defence Policy: Converging Security and Defence Perspectives in an Enlarged EU by Chappell, L.
Neoliberal Australia and US Imperialism in East Asia by Paul, E.
Comparing Devolved Governance by Birrell, D.
Losing an Empire and Finding a Role: Britain, the Usa, NATO and Nuclear Weapons, 1964-70 by Stoddart, K.
Executive Politics in Times of Crisis by
Political Communication in Direct Democratic Campaigns: Enlightening or Manipulating? by
Prime Ministers in Power: Political Leadership in Britain and Australia by Bennister, M.
Social Injustice: Essays in Political Philosophy by Bufacchi, V.
Sustainable Development and Subnational Governments: Policy-Making and Multi-Level Interactions by
Regions and Crises: New Challenges for Contemporary Regionalisms by Fioramonti, Lorenzo
Financialization and Government Borrowing Capacity in Emerging Markets by Hardie, I.
Challenging Global Finance: Civil Society and Transnational Networks by Friesen, Elizabeth
Adaptation, Poverty and Development: The Dynamics of Subjective Well-Being by
Feminisms, HIV and AIDS: Subverting Power, Reducing Vulnerability by Tallis, V.
Global Governance and Corporate Responsibility in Conflict Zones by Feil, M.
British Diplomacy and the Descent Into Chaos: The Career of Jack Garnett, 1902-19 by Fisher, J.
Interpretations of Peace in History and Culture by Dietrich, W.
Dynamics of Energy Governance in Europe and Russia by
The Making of Informal States: Statebuilding in Northern Cyprus and Transdniestria by Isachenko, D.
Sport, Politics and Society in the Arab World by Amara, M.
Language Rights: From Free Speech to Linguistic Governance by Pupavac, V.
North American Critical Theory After Postmodernism: Contemporary Dialogues by
Pursuing Strategy: NATO Operations from the Gulf War to Gaddafi by
Selling a 'Just' War: Framing, Legitimacy, and Us Military Intervention by Butler, M.
Elite Statecraft and Election Administration: Bending the Rules of the Game? by James, T.
Politics, Social Theory, Utopia and the World-System: Arguments in Political Sociology by El-Ojeili, C.
The Vitality of Taiwan: Politics, Economics, Society and Culture by
Regional and International Relations of Central Europe by
Understanding the Globalization of Intelligence by Svendsen, A.
The Challenge of Democratic Representation in the European Union by
Critical Discourse Analysis in Historiography: The Case of Hong Kong's Evolving Political Identity by Flowerdew, J.
Think-Tanks, Social Democracy and Social Policy by Pautz, H.
The Governance of Energy in China: Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy by Andrews-Speed, P.
Living in a Low-Carbon Society in 2050 by
Research Design in European Studies: Establishing Causality in Europeanization by
Greening Citizenship: Sustainable Development, the State and Ideology by Scerri, A.
Institutionalizing Intersectionality: The Changing Nature of European Equality Regimes by
Reclaiming Liberty: From Crisis to Empowerment by Bentwich, M.
Nigeria Since Independence: Forever Fragile? by Hill, J.
Family Policy in Transformation: US and UK Policies by Woods, D.
Basic Income Worldwide: Horizons of Reform by
Waiting for Reform Under Putin and Medvedev by
Film Remakes, Adaptations and Fan Productions: Remake/Remodel by
Justifying War: Propaganda, Politics and the Modern Age by
Explaining the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy: Theory in Action by
Media and Global Civil Society by Dencik, L.
Campaign Strategy in Direct Democracy by Bernhard, Laurent
Practicing Democracy: Local Activism and Politics in France and Finland by Luhtakallio, E.
The Stock-Flow Consistent Approach: Selected Writings of Wynne Godley by Lavoie, Marc
Frontiers of Governance: The OECD and Global Public Management Reform by Pal, L.
Liberal States and the Freedom of Movement: Selective Borders, Unequal Mobility by Mau, Steffen, Brabandt, H., Laube, L.
Terrorist's Creed: Fanatical Violence and the Human Need for Meaning by Griffin, R.
Conceptual Gaps in China-EU Relations: Global Governance, Human Rights and Strategic Partnerships by Pan, Zhongqi
Morality Politics in Western Europe: Parties, Agendas and Policy Choices by Green-Pedersen, Christoffer, Engeli, Isabelle
The European Minority Rights Regime: Towards a Theory of Regime Effectiveness by Galbreath, David J., McEvoy, Joanne
Representations of Peace and Conflict by
Civil Society Networks in China and Vietnam: Informal Pathbreakers in Health and the Environment by Wells-Dang, A.
Liberal Internationalism: The Interwar Movement for Peace in Britain by Pugh, M.
Latin America After Neoliberalism: Developmental Regimes in Post-Crisis States by Wylde, C.
Public Participation in Foreign Policy by
Local Climate Governance in China: Hybrid Actors and Market Mechanisms by Schröder, M.
Women on Corporate Boards and in Top Management: European Trends and Policy by Fagan, Colette
War and Peace in Islam: A Critique of Islamic/ist Political Discourses by Mirbagheri, Sm Farid
Reading Hayek in the 21st Century: A Critical Inquiry Into His Political Thought by Papaioannou, T.
Islam, Security and Television News by Miazhevich, G., Flood, C., Hutchings, S.
Global Tobacco Control: Power, Policy, Governance and Transfer by Studlar, D., Mamudu, H., Cairney, P.
Political Parties and Euroscepticism by Topaloff, L.
Mixed Methods in Comparative Politics: Principles and Applications by Berg-Schlosser, D.
Online Child Safety: Law, Technology and Governance by Savirimuthu, Joseph
Political Institutions and Elderly Care Policy: Comparative Politics of Long-Term Care in Advanced Democracies by Hieda, T.
Politics, Judicial Review, and the Russian Constitutional Court by Thorson, s.
Reunification in West German Party Politics from Westbindung to Ostpolitik by Kleuters, Joost
Stateless Nations: Western European Regional Nationalisms and the Old Nations by Friend, J.
See More