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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2013

1997 Economic Census: Manufacturing Reports: Electroplating, Plating, Polishing, Anodizing, and Coloring by
1997 Economic Census: Manufacturing Reports: Optical Instrument and Lens Manufacturing by
Derivatives and Risk Management in the Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Electricity Industries by
Criminal Profiling, Part 2 of 7 by
1997 Economic Census: Manufacturing Reports: Dry Pasta Manufacturing by
Applications of Ground-Based Radar to Mine Slope Monitoring by
New Paradigms by Reidy, Tom
Interview with CPT Sir Montreal Toomer by Skinner, Allen
Interview with Maj James D. Sides by Holmes, Jeffery
Roof Bolting Machine Operators Skills Training for a Walk-Thru Roof Bolter: Trainer's Guide by
Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Lung Cancer by
Précis, Ou Histoire Abrégée Des Guerres de la Révolution Française. Partie 1: , Depuis 1792 Jusqu'à 1815 by Tissot-P-F
La République Telle Que Nous La Voulons: Programme Révolutionnaire, Politique, Économique Et Social by Verges d'Esboeufs-A-J-A
Collection Des Ordres Généraux (2e Édition) by Sans Auteur
La Faillite Et La Liquidation Judiciaire Dans Les Rapports Internationaux by Travers-M
La Confédération Des Nations: Contribution À La Constitution d'Une Démocratie Mondiale by Wenger, Henri, DuBois, J. J., Tissot, Paul
Quelques Mots Sur Une Question À l'Ordre Du Jour: Réflexions Sur Les Moyens Propres: À Diminuer Les Crimes Et Les Récidives by Vidocq-F
Bon Sens Et Politique by Sans Auteur
La Dynastie Napoléonienne Et La Moralité de Ses Oeuvres: Réponse À La Revanche de M. P.: de Cassagnac by de Thezan de Biran-A
Voyages d'Études Médicales: Eaux Minérales, Stations Maritimes, Climatériques Et Sanatoriums: de France: Compte Rendu Du Voyage de 1899 Aux Stations D by Voyage d'Etudes Medicales
Manuel Des Braves. Biographie Héroïque. T. I. by Regnault-Warin
Basque Intelligence Service, Part 10 of 10 by
Basque Intelligence Service, Part 7 of 10 by
Ergonomics and Risk Factor Awareness Training for Miners by
Bulletin of the Women's Bureau, No. 27: The Occupational Progress of Women: An Interpretation of Census Statistics of Women in Gainful Occupations by
Columbine High School, Part 1 of 4 by
Environmental Technology Verification Report: Aanderaa Instruments Inc.: Rcm Mk II with Optode 3830 Multi-Parameter Water Quality Probe / Sonde by
Contraband Cell Phones in Prisons, Possible Wireless Technology Solutions by
U.S. Direct Investment Abroad: 1982 Benchmark Survey, Final Results by
Volume of Consumer Instalment Credit, 1929-38 by
Interview with Maj Michael Larkin by Ricci, Christopher
Interview with Maj Steven Dowgielewicz by Deckard, Marty
Steel: Price and Policy Issues by Cooney, Stephen
Office of Inspector General Audit Report: Coast Guard Small Boat Station Search and Rescue Program: Project Id: Mh-2001-094 by
Temperature and Petroleum Generation History of the Wilcox Formation, Louisiana: Open-File Report 2012-1046 by Pitman, Janet K.
Machine Gun Kelly, Part 1 of 97 by
Evaluation of Instrumented Cable Bolts in Cement Grout to Determine Physical and Numerical Modeling Properties by
Issues Related to Occupational Exposure to Isocyanates, 1989 to 2002 by
Guide to Evaluating the Effectiveness of Strategies for Preventing Work Injuries by
Interview with Col (Ret.) Scott Thein by Van Wey, Dennis
Estimation and Evaluation of Cancer Risks Attributed to Air Pollution in Southeast Chicago by
Estimation of Emissions from Charcoal Lighter Fluid and Review of Alternatives: Final Report by
Interview with Lcdr Daniel Buhr by Umbrel, Shawn
Interview with Maj Marty Deckard by Lessard, Laurence
Interview with Maj Matt McQuilton by Fike, Jenna
Interview with Maj Rachele Smith by Pearson, Natalie
Evaluation of Casmalia Resources Disposal Facility Casmalia California by
Interview with Sgm (P) Stephen Kammerdiener by Van Wey, Dennis
Alcatraz Escape, Part 1 of 17 by
Miami Shooting 4-11-86, Part 4 of 11 by
Practical Demonstrations of Ergonomic Principles by
Pillar and Roof Span Design Guidelines for Underground Stone Mines by
Niosh Skin Notation Profiles: Bisphenol a (Bpa) by
Gloria Agrin Josephson, Part 01 of 02 by
Supplément À La Deuxième Édition Des 'Conseils Aux Goutteux Et Aux Rhumatisans': Suivi d'Une Méthode Simple, Et À La Portée de Tout Le Monde, de Secou by Villette-G
La Cosmopolie, Ou La République Universelle by Vuilmet-V
A Messieurs Les Électeurs de la Meuse by Thiery
Compte Rendu de la XIE Conférence Tenue À Vienne, Palais Du Reichsrat, Du 7 Au 9 Septembre 1903 by Union Interparlementaire
Compte Rendu de la Xiie Conférence Tenue À Saint-Louis, Missouri Du 12 Au 14 Septembre 1904 by Union Interparlementaire
Les Conditions Du Travail En Danemark: Rapport Adressé Au Ministre Des Affaires Étrangères by Thomson-C
La Loi Du Nombre: Notre Principe de Gouvernement by Valmor-J
Liberté de Tester by Veauce-C
Du Système Répressif Et de la Poursuite Criminelle En Angleterre, Discours by de Veillecheze-J
Cinquante ANS de Révolution by Sans Auteur
Cahier Des Charges Générales Provisoire Du 12 Juillet 1907, Relatif Aux Fournitures À Faire: Aux Divers Services Du Département de la Guerre... by Sans Auteur
Rapport Du Maire: Compte Administratif de 1891 by Vellard-F
Code-Manuel Des Marchands de Vins, Limonadiers, Liquoristes, Brasseurs, Hoteliers, Aubergistes: , Etc. 2e Édition by Sans Auteur
Le Problème Du Temps Et En Particulier Du Suffrage Universel by Vitteaut-J-B
Du Despotisme, de la Monarchie, de la République by Veret-P
République, Travail: Discours Prononcés À La Chambre Des Députés Et Au Sénat by Viviani-R
Le Principe de Propriété Individuelle Devant l'Assemblée Constituante by Thiebault-M
EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base, O.U., CA by
Equilibrium Fluoride Capacity of Activated Alumina: Determination of the Effects of PH and Competing Ions by
Environmental Technology Verification Report: Physical Removal of Cryptosporidium Oocysts, E. Coli, and Bacillus Spores in Drinking Water: Pall Corpor by
Bangladesh by Chaudhury, Dipanjan Roy
The American Commonwealth - Volume 1 by Bryce, Viscount James
The American Commonwealth - Volume 2 by Bryce, Viscount James
The Life of John Marshall, Vol. 1 by Beveridge, Albert J.
The Life of John Marshall, Vol. 2 by Beveridge, Albert J.
The Life of John Marshall, Vol. 3 by Beveridge, Albert J.
The Life of John Marshall, Vol. 4 by Beveridge, Albert J.
The American Commonwealth - Volume 3 by Bryce, Viscount James
Myth, Ritual & Religion - Volume 2 by Lang, Andrew
Strategies for Preventing Terrorism by Bjorgo, T., Bjorgo, Tore
The Failure of Anglo-Liberal Capitalism by Hay, C.
Fukushima: Impacts and Implications by Elliott, D.
The Double Crisis of the Welfare State and What We Can Do about It by Taylor-Gooby, P.
Democracy in Iran by Jahanbegloo, R.
The Contemporary Embassy: Paths to Diplomatic Excellence by S. Rana, Kishan
Controversies in Policy Research: Critical Analysis for a New Era of Austerity and Privation by
Modern Democracies - In Two Volumes, Vol. II by Bryce, Viscount James
Governance, Performance, and Capacity Stress: The Chronic Case of Prison Crowding by Bastow, S.
British Muslim Politics: Examining Pakistani Biraderi Networks by Akhtar, P.
Uncoding the Digital: Technology, Subjectivity and Action in the Control Society by Savat, D.
The Labour Markets of Emerging Economies: Has Growth Translated Into More and Better Jobs? by Verick, Sher, Cazes, Sandrine
Luhmann Observed: Radical Theoretical Encounters by La Cour, Anders
Media and the Politics of Arctic Climate Change: When the Ice Breaks by
Democracy, Gender, and Social Policy in Russia: A Wayward Society by Chandler, Andrea
Global Justice and the Politics of Recognition by
Constructing Risky Identities in Policy and Practice by
Security, Democracy and War Crimes: Security Sector Transformation in Serbia by Zverzhanovski, I., Gow, J.
The Politics of Party Policy: From Members to Legislators by Gauja, A.
Britain and Germany Imagining the Future of Europe: National Identity, Mass Media and the Public Sphere by Novy, L.
The Greek Crisis and European Modernity by Kouki, Hara, Triandafyllidou, Anna
Public Policies in Shared Societies: A Comparative Approach by Fitzduff, M.
Britain's Imperial Muse: The Classics, Imperialism, and the Indian Empire, 1784-1914 by Hagerman, C.
Women Intellectuals in Post-68 France: Petitions and Polemics by Long, I.
Smart Energy Technologies in Everyday Life: Smart Utopia? by Strengers, Y.
Interpreting the Peace: Peace Operations, Conflict and Language in Bosnia-Herzegovina by Baker, C., Kelly, M.
Transnational Student-Migrants and the State: The Education-Migration Nexus by Robertson, Shanthi
Societal Actors in European Integration: Polity-Building and Policy-Making 1958-1992 by Meyer, Jan-Henrik
Social Movements and Sexual Citizenship in Southern Europe by Santos, A.
The Transnational Governance of Violence and Crime: Non-State Actors in Security by
Changing Social Risks and Social Policy Responses in the Nordic Welfare States by
Diaspora Engagement and Development in South Asia by
The Political Economy of Empire in the Early Modern World by
Environmental Sustainability in Transatlantic Perspective: A Multidisciplinary Approach by Achilles, Manuela, Elzey, Dana
Emigration Nations: Policies and Ideologies of Emigrant Engagement by
Participation, Citizenship and Trust in Children's Lives by
Culture of the Slow: Social Deceleration in an Accelerated World by
The EU and Immigration Policies: Cracks in the Walls of Fortress Europe? by Roos, C.
Presidents, Assemblies and Policy-Making in Asia by
Modes of Governance and Revenue Flows in African Mining by
Innovation and Biomedicine: Ethics, Evidence and Expectation in HIV by Michael, M., Rosengarten, M.
Tolerance, Intolerance and Respect: Hard to Accept? by
China's Hukou System: Markets, Migrants and Institutional Change by Young, Jason
Permanent Emergency Welfare Regimes in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Exclusive Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy by Cerami, Alfio
Mixed Race Identities by Song, M., Aspinall, P.
The Politics of Animal Experimentation by Lyons, Dan
Prime Ministers and Rhetorical Governance by Grube, D.
The Treaty of Lisbon: Origins and Negotiation by Phinnemore, D.
Transnational Civil Society and the World Bank: Investigating Civil Society's Potential to Democratize Global Governance by Pallas, C.
Visual Peace: Images, Spectatorship, and the Politics of Violence by Möller, Frank
NATO Beyond 9/11: The Transformation of the Atlantic Alliance by
Corruption, Anti-Corruption and Governance by Hough, D.
Image Warfare in the War on Terror by Roger, N.
International Conflict Over Water Resources in Himalayan Asia by Wirsing, R., Jasparro, C., Stoll, D.
Territory, Migration and the Evolution of the International System by Vigneswaran, D.
Charting Transformation Through Security: Contemporary Eu-Africa Relations by Haastrup, T.
Theorizing Society in a Global Context by Krossa, A.
Regulating Capitalism?: The Evolution of Transnational Accounting Governance by Werner, J., Zimmermann, J.
Cybercrime and Cybersecurity in the Global South by Kshetri, N.
Enlarging the European Union: The Commission Seeking Influence, 1961-1973 by Geary, M.
Central and Eastern European Attitudes in the Face of Union by Guerra, S.
Financing Illegal Migration: Chinese Underground Banks and Human Smuggling in New York City by Zhao, Linda
Genocide and Its Threat to Contemporary International Order by Gallagher, A.
Unequal Actors in Equalising Institutions: Negotiations in the United Nations General Assembly by Panke, D.
Late Modernity, Individualization and Socialism: An Associational Critique of Neoliberalism by Dawson, M.
Ethical Reasoning in International Affairs: Arguments from the Middle Ground by
Economic Crisis and Political Economy: Volume 2 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik by
Dynamics of Asymmetric Territorial Conflict: The Evolution of Patience by Resnick, U.
Political Religion Beyond Totalitarianism: The Sacralization of Politics in the Age of Democracy by
Knowledge Actors and Transnational Governance: The Private-Public Policy Nexus in the Global Agora by Stone, D.
Childbearing, Women's Employment and Work-Life Balance Policies in Contemporary Europe by Fratczak, Ewa
Living with HIV and ARVs: Three-Letter Lives by Squire, C.
Economic Crisis in Europe: What It Means for the EU and Russia by
The Political Economy of Divided Islands: Unified Geographies, Multiple Polities by
Business and Governance in South Africa: Racing to the Top? by
Critical Theory and Political Engagement: From May '68 to the Arab Spring by Pawling, C.
Least Developed Countries and the WTO: Special Treatment in Trade by Hawthorne, H.
Gender Diversity, Recognition and Citizenship: Towards a Politics of Difference by Hines, S.
Belonging, Solidarity and Expansion in Social Policy by Börner, S.
The Future of US Global Power: Delusions of Decline by Brown, S.
Naturalization Policies, Education and Citizenship: Multicultural and Multination Societies in International Perspective by
Evaluating Culture: Well-Being, Institutions and Circumstance by Johnson, M.
Fair Trade, Sustainability and Social Change by Hudson, I., Fridell, M.
Governing Global Production: Resource Networks in the Asia-Pacific Steel Industry by Wilson, J.
Controlling Comitology: Accountability in a Multi-Level System by Brandsma, G.
Living Alone: Globalization, Identity and Belonging by Simpson, Roona, Jamieson, Lynn
Gender, Class and Reflexive Modernity in India by Belliappa, J.
Anti-Racist Movements in the EU: Between Europeanisation and National Trajectories by Fella, Stefano, Ruzza, Carlo
International Organizations and Internal Conditionality: Making Norms Matter by Fawn, R.
The Nature and Limits of Human Equality by Charvet, John
Inside the Bank of England: Memoirs of Christopher Dow, Chief Economist, 1973-84 by Dow, C.
Sustainable Development and Green Communication: African and Asian Perspectives by
National Broadcasting and State Policy in Arab Countries by
The European Union and the Council of Europe by Kolb, M.
The History and Practice of Humanitarian Intervention and Aid in Africa by
The Global Economic Crisis and the Future of Migration: Issues and Prospects: What Will Migration Look Like in 2045? by Ghosh, Bimal
Chronic Poverty: Concepts, Causes and Policy by
Leadership in Global Institution Building: Minerva's Rule by Tiberghien, Yves
Japan Decides 2012: The Japanese General Election by
Popular Culture in Asia: Memory, City, Celebrity by Fitzsimmons, Lorna, Lent, John a.
Climate Change and Global Policy Regimes: Towards Institutional Legitimacy by Cadman, Timothy
The New Critique of Ideology: Lessons from Post-Pinochet Chile by Camargo, Ricardo
The Protection and Promotion of Human Security in East Asia by Howe, B.
Preventing Corruption: Investigation, Enforcement and Governance by Brooks, G., Walsh, D., Lewis, C.
The State of Race by
Preventing Violent Conflict in Africa: Inequalities, Perceptions and Institutions by
Gender, Agency, and Coercion by
Capitalists in Communist China by Yang, Keming
Political Science Research Methods in Action by
Political Reason: Morality and the Public Sphere by Fives, A.
Minimum Income Protection in Flux by
Islam in Europe: Public Spaces and Civic Networks by Sofos, S., Tsagarousianou, R.
Ideology in a Global Age: Continuity and Change by Soborski, R.
The New Political Economy of Pharmaceuticals: Production, Innovation and Trips in the Global South by
Arms Control in Space: Exploring Conditions for Preventive Arms Control by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Policy-Making in EU Security and Defense: An Institutional Perspective by Dijkstra, H.
Political Parties in Multi-Level Polities: The Nordic Countries Compared by Blomgren, Magnus, Bergman, T., Aylott, Nicholas
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