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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2014

The Shame of It: Global Perspectives on Anti-Poverty Policies by
The Shame of It: Global Perspectives on Anti-Poverty Policies by
From Above: War, Violence, and Verticality by
The Emergence of Regionalism in Mumbai by Gogate, Sudha P.
The Future of Western Civilization Series 1 Book 2: Psychiatrist Dr Nicholas Beecroft interviews Visionary Leaders by Beecroft, Nicholas
The Future of Western Civilization Series 1 Book 3: Psychiatrist Dr Nicholas Beecroft interviews Visionary Leaders by Beecroft, Nicholas
The Future of Western Civilization Series 1 Book 4: Psychiatrist Dr Nicholas Beecroft Interviews Visionary Leaders by Beecroft, Nicholas
Political Participation in France and Germany by
Europeanisation and Party Politics: How the EU affects Domestic Actors, Patterns and Systems by
Re-Discovering Ronald Reagan: The Greatest President of Our Lifetime by Moroz, Hal
Power and Responsibility in Chinese Foreign Policy by
Spooked: The Truth about Intelligence in Australia by
Indigenous Sovereignty and the Being of the Occupier: Manifesto for a White Australian Philosophy of Origins by Vassilacopoulos, George, Nicolacopoulos, Toula
The Problems of Philosophy by Russell, Bertrand
Security and Sovereignty in the North Atlantic by
National Policy in a Global Economy: How Government Can Improve Living Standards and Balance the Books by Budge, I., Birch, S.
The Singular Politics of Derrida and Baudrillard by Evans, Mihail
Arctic Politics, the Law of the Sea and Russian Identity: The Barents Sea Delimitation Agreement in Russian Public Debate by Honneland, G.
New Labour Policy, Industrial Relations and the Trade Unions by Coulter, S.
Obama, Us Foreign Policy and the Dilemmas of Intervention by Ryan, D., Fitzgerald, D.
Global Modernity: A Conceptual Sketch by Schmidt, V.
Cameron's Conservatives and the Internet: Change, Culture and Cyber Toryism by Ridge-Newman, A.
Revisiting Iris Marion Young on Normalisation, Inclusion and Democracy by
The Public on the Public: The British Public as Trust, Reflexivity and Political Foreclosure by Westall, C., Gardiner, M.
Cosmopolitan Borders by Rumford, C.
Security Sector Reform in Southeast Asia: From Policy to Practice by
The Unlawful Society: Global Crime and Security in a Complex World by Battersby, Paul
Foucault on the Politics of Parrhesia by Dyrberg, T.
Western Aid at a Crossroads: The End of Paternalism by Eggen, O., Roland, K.
The Ambiguous Multiplicities: Materials, Episteme and Politics of Cluttered Social Formations by Brighenti, A. Mubi
International Practice Theory: New Perspectives by Bueger, C., Gadinger, F.
Young People and Social Policy in Europe: Dealing with Risk, Inequality and Precarity in Times of Crisis by
Children and Young People's Participation and Its Transformative Potential: Learning from Across Countries by
Overcoming Poststructuralism: Rawls, Kratochwil and the Structure of Normative Reasoning in International Relations by O'Loughlin, A.
Constitutionalism and the Politics of Accommodation in Multinational Democracies by Lluch, Jaime
Conservatism and Pragmatism: In Law, Politics, and Ethics by Vannatta, S.
(Mis)Readings of Marx in Continental Philosophy by
Comparing Mass Media in Established Democracies: Patterns of Media Performance by Müller, L.
Britain and the International Committee of the Red Cross, 1939-1945 by Crossland, J.
The Politics of Information: The Case of the European Union by
Gender Equality Norms in Regional Governance: Transnational Dynamics in Europe, South America and Southern Africa by
Europeanization and European Integration: From Incremental to Structural Change by
Rhetoric in British Politics and Society by
The Integrity of Governance: What It Is, What We Know, What Is Done and Where to Go by Huberts, L.
Rethinking Peacekeeping, Gender Equality and Collective Security by
On the Uses and Abuses of Political Apologies by Mihai, Mihaela, Thaler, Mathias
The Public Understanding of Political Integrity: The Case for Probity Perceptions by Rose, J.
Europe Beyond Universalism and Particularism by
Open Source Intelligence in the Twenty-First Century: New Approaches and Opportunities by
Democracy and Crisis: Democratising Governance in the Twenty-First Century by
Democracy in Practice: Ceremony and Ritual in Parliament by
The Impact of European Employment Strategy in Greece and Portugal: Europeanization in a World of Neglect by Zartaloudis, S.
Luigi Einaudi: Selected Political Essays, Volume 3 by
Relating Indigenous and Settler Identities: Beyond Domination by Bell, A.
Reassessing Lukashenka: Belarus in Cultural and Geopolitical Context by Ioffe, G.
Nationality, Citizenship and Ethno-Cultural Belonging: Preferential Membership Policies in Europe by Dumbrava, C.
States, Markets and Education: The Rise and Limits of the Education State by Weymann, A.
LGBT Activism and the Making of Europe: A Rainbow Europe? by Paternotte, David, Ayoub, Phillip
Learning from the World: New Ideas to Redevelop America by
African Transnational Diasporas: Fractured Communities and Plural Identities of Zimbabweans in Britain by Pasura, D.
Institutional Crisis in 21st-Century Britain by Richards, David
Recognition and the Media by Maia, R.
Framing Citizen Participation: Participatory Budgeting in France, Germany and the United Kingdom by Röcke, A.
Analyzing Social Media Data and Web Networks by
After the Empires: The Creation of Novel Political-Cultural Projects in East Asia by Preston, P.
Masculinity and Nationhood, 1830-1910: Constructions of Identity and Citizenship in Belgium by Hoegaerts, J.
Political Elites in the Transatlantic Crisis by
Independence of the Scottish Mind: Elite Narratives, Public Spaces and the Making of a Modern Nation by Hassan, G.
The Politics of Marketising Asia by
Parenting, Family Policy and Children's Well-Being in an Unequal Society: A New Culture War for Parents by Hartas, D.
Democracy and Social Peace in Divided Societies: Exploring Consociational Parties by Bogaards, M.
The Political Economy of Labour Market Reforms: Greece, Turkey and the Global Economic Crisis by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Co-Operative Innovations in China and the West by
Sustainable Civilization by Loparo, Kenneth A.
British Foreign Policy and the National Interest: Identity, Strategy and Security by
Public Administration and the Modern State: Assessing Trends and Impact by Lehrke, J.
Gender and Welfare States in East Asia: Confucianism or Gender Equality? by Pascall, Gillian, Sung, Sirin
The Politics of Financial Markets and Regulation: The United States, Japan, and Germany by Konoe, S.
Spirituality and Sustainable Development by Ulluwishewa, Rohana
Political Communication and Cognition by Lilleker, D.
Constituent Power and Constitutional Order: Above, Within and Beside the Constitution by Spång, M.
Europeanizing Civil Society: How the EU Shapes Civil Society Organizations by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Civil Society Organizations, Unemployment, and Precarity in Europe: Between Service and Policy by Baglioni, Simone
The Politics of Civil-Military Cooperation: Canada in Bosnia, Kosovo, and Afghanistan by Ankersen, C.
Gendering Family Policies in Post-Communist Europe: A Historical-Institutional Analysis by Saxonberg, S.
The South Korean Development Experience: Beyond Aid by
Migration, Space and Transnational Identities: The British in South Africa by Conway, D., Leonard, P.
Experiences of War and Nationality in Denmark and Norway, 1807-1815 by Nordhagen Ottosen, M., Glenthøj, R.
Social Vulnerability in European Cities: The Role of Local Welfare in Times of Crisis by
Fringe Players and the Diplomatic Order: The 'New' Heteronomy by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Emotions, Language and Identity on the Margins of Europe by Giorgi, K.
The Invention of a European Development Aid Bureaucracy: Recycling Empire by Dimier, V.
Government Through Culture and the Contemporary French Right by Ahearne, J.
The Political Economy of Korea: Transition, Transformation and Turnaround by Uttam, J.
Politics in Contemporary Vietnam: Party, State, and Authority Relations by
Civil Society and Democracy Promotion by
Assessing the Open Method of Coordination: Institutional Design and National Influence of EU Social Policy Coordination by
Countering Global Terrorism and Insurgency: Calculating the Risk of State Failure in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq by Underhill, N.
Regionalizing Global Crises: The Financial Crisis and New Frontiers in Regional Governance by
Citizens, Community and Crime Control by Bullock, K.
Strategic Cultural Change and the Challenge for Security Policy: Germany and the Bundeswehr's Deployment to Afghanistan by Hilpert, C.
Justice and Foreign Rule: On International Transitional Administration by Jacob, D.
Monetary Policy and Financial Repression in Britain, 1951-59 by Allen, W.
Growing Up in Poverty: Findings from Young Lives by
Regimes of Risk: The World Bank and the Transformation of Mining in Asia by Hatcher, Pascale
Peace, Justice and International Order: Decent Peace in John Rawls' the Law of Peoples by Förster, A.
The Political Process of Policymaking: A Pragmatic Approach to Public Policy by Zittoun, P.
Refugee Politics in the Middle East and North Africa: Human Rights, Safety, and Identity by Ullah, A.
Citizenship After the Nation State: Regionalism, Nationalism and Public Attitudes in Europe by Jeffery, Charlie, Wincott, Daniel
Understanding Lifestyle Migration: Theoretical Approaches to Migration and the Quest for a Better Way of Life by
The Foreign Policies of Post-Yugoslav States: From Yugoslavia to Europe by
Migration and Care Labour: Theory, Policy and Politics by Anderson, B., Shutes, I.
Rethinking Fascism and Dictatorship in Europe by
Mediated Citizenship: The Informal Politics of Speaking for Citizens in the Global South by
Rethinking Unemployment and the Work Ethic: Beyond the 'Quasi-Titmuss' Paradigm by Dunn, A.
Post-War Statebuilding and Constitutional Reform: Beyond Dayton in Bosnia by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Informal Empire and the Rise of One World Culture by Barton, G.
The New Counter-Insurgency Era in Critical Perspective by Smith, M. L. R., Ward Gventer, Celeste
Developments in Strategic and Public Management: Studies in the US and Europe by Joyce, Paul, Holzer, Marc
The Psychology of Power: Temptation at the Top by Van Ginneken, Jaap
The Limits to Capital in Spain: Crisis and Revolt in the European South by Ribera-Fumaz, R., Charnock, G., Purcell, T.
More Scottish Than British: The 2011 Scottish Parliament Election by Carman, Christopher, Johns, Robert, Mitchell, J.
Promoting U.S. Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa by Hendrickson, R.
Methodological Challenges and New Approaches to Research in International Development by
Policy-Making in the Treasury: Explaining Britain's Chosen Path on European Economic and Monetary Union. by Smith, M.
The British Government and the Falkland Islands, 1974-79 by Donaghy, A.
Tracing the Discourses of Terrorism: Identity, Genealogy and State by Ditrych, O.
Managing Africa's Natural Resources: Capacities for Development by
Britain After Empire: Constructing a Post-War Political-Cultural Project by Preston, P.
Europarties After Enlargement: Organization, Ideology and Competition by Bressanelli, E.
Deviance in International Relations: 'rogue States' and International Security by
Global Economic Crisis and the Politics of Diversity by
Watching the Watchers: Parliament and the Intelligence Services by Defty, A., Kirkpatrick, J., Bochel, H.
Gender, Military Effectiveness, and Organizational Change: The Swedish Model by Hojem, P., Berts, H., Egnell, R.
The European Approach to Peacebuilding: Civilian Tools for Peace in Colombia and Beyond by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Rethinking the Future of Europe: A Challenge of Governance by Schepers, Stefan
The Party Politics of the EU and Immigration by Odmalm, P.
Postcolonial Citizens and Ethnic Migration: The Netherlands and Japan in the Age of Globalization by O. Sharpe, Michael
The Un Secretariat's Influence on the Evolution of Peacekeeping by Weinlich, S.
Equality in International Society: A Reappraisal by Hjorth, R.
Industrial Policy in Europe After 1945: Wealth, Power and Economic Development in the Cold War by
Interpreting Hashtag Politics: Policy Ideas in an Era of Social Media by Jeffares, S.
Making China Strong: The Role of Nationalism in Chinese Thinking on Democracy and Human Rights by Weatherley, R.
European Union Delegations in EU Foreign Policy: A Diplomatic Service of Different Speeds by Austermann, F.
The Rule of Law: Definitions, Measures, Patterns and Causes by Møller, J., Skaaning, S.
Secrets and Democracy: From Arcana Imperii to WikiLeaks by Quill, L.
Britain, Europe and National Identity: Self and Other in International Relations by Gibbins, J.
Democratic Deliberation in Deeply Divided Societies: From Conflict to Common Ground by
The Ethics of Memory in a Digital Age: Interrogating the Right to Be Forgotten by
Japan's Maritime Security Strategy: The Japan Coast Guard and Maritime Outlaws by Black, L.
Sovereignty and Responsibility: Power, Norms and Intervention in International Relations by Moses, J.
Migrants or Expatriates?: Americans in Europe by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Media Policies Revisited: The Challenge for Media Freedom and Independence by
East Central European Foreign Policy Identity in Perspective: Back to Europe and the Eu's Neighbourhood by Tulmets, E.
Housing East Asia: Socioeconomic and Demographic Challenges by
Comparing Political Communication Across Time and Space: New Studies in an Emerging Field by
Youth Cultures in the Age of Global Media by Bragg, Sara, Kehily, Mary Jane
Conceptualizing Culture in Social Movement Research by
A Journey Into Women's Studies: Crossing Interdisciplinary Boundaries by
Recipient States in Global Health Politics: Pepfar in Africa by Pereira, Ricardo
The Palgrave Handbook of Race and Ethnic Inequalities in Education by
Reassessing Egalitarianism by Moss, J.
Nato's Post-Cold War Politics: The Changing Provision of Security by
Risk Regulation, Science, and Interests in Transatlantic Trade Conflicts by Hornsby, D.
The Political Economy of Renewable Energy and Energy Security: Common Challenges and National Responses in Japan, China and Northern Europe by
Between Dissent and Power: The Transformation of Islamic Politics in the Middle East and Asia by
Friendship and International Relations by
The Arab Spring in the Global Political Economy by Talani, L.
Risk and Hierarchy in International Society: Liberal Interventionism in the Post-Cold War Era by Clapton, W.
The North Korean Nuclear Weapons Crisis: The Nuclear Taboo Revisited? by Kim, J.
Media Systems and Communication Policies in Latin America by
Regulating Banks in Central and Eastern Europe: Through Crisis and Boom by Spendzharova, A.
Policy Discourses on Irregular Migration in Germany and the United Kingdom by Vollmer, B.
Transnational Lives in China: Expatriates in a Globalizing City by Lehmann, A.
Identities and Foreign Policies in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus: The Other Europes by Feklyunina, Valentina, White, Stephen
Security in Translation: Securitization Theory and the Localization of Threat by Stritzel, H.
Environmentalism, Resistance and Solidarity: The Politics of Friends of the Earth International by Doherty, B., Doyle, T.
The Politics of Immigration in Multi-Level States: Governance and Political Parties by
Intellectual Work and the Spirit of Capitalism: Weber's Calling by Kemple, Thomas
The Financial Statecraft of Emerging Powers: Shield and Sword in Asia and Latin America by
Youth Transitions, International Student Mobility and Spatial Reflexivity: Being Mobile? by Cairns, D.
Women and Transitional Justice: Progress and Persistent Challenges in Retributive and Restorative Processes by Alam, M.
Book Destruction from the Medieval to the Contemporary by
The Chinese State, Oil and Energy Security by Taylor, Monique
Religion and Politics in Post-Socialist Central and Southeastern Europe: Challenges Since 1989 by
Political Neutrality: A Re-Evaluation by Merrill, Roberto, Weinstock, Daniel
Incomplete Democracies in the Asia-Pacific: Evidence from Indonesia, Korea, the Philippines, and Thailand by
Strategic Nuclear Sharing by Schofield, J.
Religious Ideology and the Roots of the Global Jihad: Salafi Jihadism and International Order by Turner, J.
Political Parties and the Concept of Power: A Theoretical Famework by Rye, D.
Constructing European Union Trade Policy: A Global Idea of Europe by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Building Sustainable Couples in International Relations: A Strategy Towards Peaceful Cooperation by
Democratic Theorists in Conversation: Turns in Contemporary Thought by Gagnon, J.
Mapping Mass Mobilization: Understanding Revolutionary Moments in Argentina and Ukraine by Onuch, O.
International Intervention in Ethnic Conflict: A Comparison of the European Union and the United Nations by Tannam, Etain
Power and Imbalances in the Global Monetary System: A Comparative Capitalism Perspective by Vermeiren, M.
Public Procurement's Place in the World: The Charge Towards Sustainability and Innovation by
Transitional Justice in Established Democracies: A Political Theory by Winter, S.
Migrant Remittances in South Asia: Social, Economic and Political Implications by
Creating Citizenship Communities: Education, Young People and the Role of Schools by Davies, I., Sundaram, V., Hampden-Thompson, G.
See More