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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2020

Fire Officer: Principles and Practice Includes Navigate Premier Access: Principles and Practice by Ward, Michael J.
Big Impact: A Rising Legacy by Ewen M. Ed, David K.
The Battle for Public Opinion: The President, the Press, and the Polls During Watergate by Lang, Kurt, Lang, Gladys Engel
Sadaa Sarvadaa by Dumbre, Sada
Supreme Court Mein Ramlala by Kumar, Pawan
Naye Bharat ki Nyayik Kranti 2020 by Bahadur, Brijesh Singh
Chhuachhoot Mukta Samras Bharat by Kumar, Indresh
Nootan Sadi Ke Navneet Shriguruji by Giri, Dhananjay
5 Sarsanghchalak by Anand, Arun
5 Sarsanghchalak by Anand, Arun
Bharatiya Janata Party Ki Gauravgatha by Gupta, Shantanu
Handbook Near and Middle East States: Geography - History - Culture - Politics - Economy by Lit Verlag
The America-China Divide: The Race to Control the World by Wagner, Daniel
Actualités Sociales by Boullangé, L.
Association Pour La Réforme Et La Codification Du Droit Des Gens, Esquisse Rapide: Rédigée Pour La Conférence Qui s'Ouvrira À La Haye Le 1er Septembre by Miles, James B.
Mémoires Concernant l'Administration Des Finances: Sous Le Ministere de M. l'Abbé Terrai, Contrôleur Général by Coquereau, Jean-Baptiste-Louis
Réflexions Militaires Et Politiques. Traduit de l'Espagnol by Puerto, Alvaro Navia-Ossorio
Vers Le Triomphe Du Pacifisme by De Roy, Gaston
Règlemens d'Entre Les Cour de Parlement Et Chambre Des Comptes de Bretagne by Collectif
Etre Centriste by Vatimbella, Alexandre
Essays in Technology, Security and Strategy, Volume III by Bryen, Stephen, Bryen, Shoshana
Du Contrat Social Ou Principes Du Droit Politique. Nouvelle Édition: Suivi Des Considérations Sur Le Gouvernement de Pologne Et Sur Sa Reformation Pro by Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Le Mode François Ou Discours Sur Les Principaux Usages de la Nation Françoise by Sobry, Jean-François
de l'Esprit Des Loix Ou Du Rapport Que Les Loix Doivent Avoir Avec La Constitution: de Chaque Gouvernement, Les Moeurs, Le Climat, La Religion, Le Com by Montesquieu
de l'Esprit Des Loix Ou Du Rapport Que Les Loix Doivent Avoir Avec La Constitution: de Chaque Gouvernement, Les Moeurs, Le Climat, La Religion, Le Com by Montesquieu
Des Changemens Survenus Dans l'Art de la Guerre, 1700-1815: Conséquences de Ces Changemens Relativement Au Système Des Places Fortes by de Chambray, Georges
Le Dogme Ou La Loi Auxixe Siècle by Barbet, Auguste
Manuel Des Rois Ou Des Droits Et Des Devoirs Des Citoyens by Chas, Jean
Exercices Des Bouches À Feu En Usage Dans La Marine. Partie 1: Exercices À Bord Des Bâtiments. 2e Édition by Ministère de la Marine Et Des Colonies
Nepal Ka Samvaidhanik Vikas by Kumar, Rakesh Meena
Conseils À de Jeunes Diplomates by Hoffmanns, De
Intelligence Surveillance, Security Sector Reforms, Accountability Principles and National Security Challenges within European Union by Jalalzai, Musa
Slaying Goliath: The Passionate Resistance to Privatization and the Fight to Save America's Public Schools by Diane Ravitch
Democracy for the New Millennium: Getting Money Out of Politics by Karath, Michael
Science as Cultural Practice: Vol. II: Modernism in the Sciences, Ca. 1900-1940 by
The Islamic Political Theory of Sadr by Aziz, Talib
The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism by
The Global Politics of Science and Technology by
Resounding International Relations: On Music, Culture, and Politics by
International Populism: The Radical Right in the European Parliament by Werner, Annika, McDonnell, Duncan
Defenseless Under the Night: The Roosevelt Years and the Origins of Homeland Security by Dallek, Matthew
Ivory: Power and Poaching in Africa by Somerville, Keith
Oeuvres. Nouvelle Édition. Tome 4: Contenant Les Trois Premiers Livres de l'Histoire de Florence by Machiavel, Nicolas
Précis Du Droit Des Gens Moderne de l'Europe, Fondé Sur Les Traités Et l'Usage: Pour Servir d'Introduction À Un Cours Politique Et Diplomatique. 2e Éd by Von Martens, Georg Friedrich
Sortition and Democracy: History, Tools, Theories by
Sortition and Democracy: History, Tools, Theories by
Considérations Sur La Réforme Des Armes, Jugée Au Conseil de Guerre: Assemblé À l'Hôtel Royal Des Invalides by Saint-Auban, Antoine Baratier
Des Fortifications Et Des Relations Generales de la Guerre de Siege: Pour Servir de Réponse Au Dernier Ouvrage de Marc-René Montalembert by Michaud d'Arçon, Jean-Claude-Éléonore
Manuel Pratique Du Consulat: Ouvrage Consacré Spécialement Aux Consuls de Prusse Et Des Autres États Formant Le Zollverein by de Mensch, F. A.
Essai Sur Un Code Maritime Général Européen, Pour La Conservation de la Liberté de la Navigation: Et Du Commerce Des Nations Neutres En Tems de Guerre by Toze, Eobald
Sur La Question, s'Il Eut Été Possible de Prévenir Et d'Abréger La Guerre de Trente ANS: Et Du Commerce Des Nations Neutres En Tems de Guerre by Toze, Eobald
Dressage et conduite du cheval de guerre by de Benoist, Jules
Apologie Du Mémoire Présenté Au Roi, Ouvrage Dédié À l'Assemblée Des Etats-Généraux: Tenue À Versailles En 1789 by Brémont, Etienne
Le Premier Grenadier de France, La Tour d'Auvergne, Étude Biographique by Déroulède, Paul
Extraits de la politique sacrée. Sur l'autorité by Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne
Politique Et Morale by Pouzolz, Élie
Recueil de Différents Projets Tendant Au Bonheur Des Citoyens: Mémoires Sur Différents Objets d'Économie Politique, de Mécanique, de Littérature Et de by Pingeron, Jean-Claude
La politique extérieure de la France, le respect des autres races by Estournelles de Constant, Paul-Henri-Benjamin
France, Britain and the United States in the Twentieth Century: Volume 2, 1940-1961: A Reappraisal by Williams, Andrew J.
Towards a New Pensions Settlement: The International Experience by McClymont, Gregg, Tarrant, Andy, Gosling, Tim
L'Aristocratie Anglaise, La Démocratie Américaine Et de la Libéralité Des Institutions Françaises: Études Politiques by Farcy, Charles-François
Polarized and Demobilized: Legacies of Authoritarianism in Palestine by El Kurd, Dana
L'Idée d'un roy parfait. Dans laquelle on découvre la veritable grandeur by Chansierges
Le juif cet inconnu by Fayolle, Eugène
Est-ce que je deviens antisémite ? by Fayolle, Eugène
India in a Warming World: Integrating Climate Change and Development by
Formulaire Pour Servir À La Rédaction Des Actes de l'État-Civil by Durand, Adrien
Dictionnaire des termes de marine, marine à voiles et à vapeur by Poussart, A.
Les Voies Navigables de l'Empire Français, de la Belgique Et Des Provinces de la Rive Gauche Du Rhin by Collin, Alexandre
Why Politics Matters: An Introduction to Political Science by Dooley, Kevin, Patten, Joseph
Political Science (Introductiion to Indian Constitution) by Prof Tambe, Pramod Rajendra, Prof Jadhav, Haridas Arjun, Prof Khokale, Dadaram Laxman
Beyond the Periphery of the Skin: Rethinking, Remaking, and Reclaiming the Body in Contemporary Capitalism by Federici, Silvia
Understanding Politics: Ideas, Institutions, and Issues by Magstadt, Thomas
Bhrashtachar Ki Vishbel by Tomar, Sadachari Singh
Insiders Talk: How to Successfully Lobby State Legislatures: Guide to State Legislative Lobbying, 4th Edition - Revised, Updated, Expanded by Guyer, Robert Lawrence
Insiders Talk: How to Get and Keep Your First Lobbying Job: Preparation, Potential Employers, and First-Day Performance by Guyer, Robert L.
Everything is Personal: Notes on Now by Stone, Laurie
Firenze E La Nascita del "Partito Degli Intellettuali": Alla Vigilia Della Grande Guerra by
Rwanda's Stillborn Middle-Income Economy: Paul Kagame, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Jim Yong Kim, the World Bank and Rwanda Vision 2020 Fiasco by Himbara, David
Rishwat Mahadevi Ki Jai! by Kothari, Yashwant
Now It Can Be Told by Bali, A. N.
Primitive Politics and the Poverty Machinery: Setting the world on fire! by Kazungu, Brian
Le Hezbollah a-t-il réussi à construire une mémoire collective pour la société de résistance?: La Mémoire de Guerre comme un instrument de la Guerre by Fahs, Hassan
NATO Enlargement and Russian Aggressive Posturing: 2nd Edition by Halaychik Ma, Brandon C.
Death by Ecology: Killing California, America Next? by Canfield, Roger B.
New Voices and New Perspectives in International Economic Law by
Public Perceptions of Radiation Effects on Health Risks and Well-Being: A Case of Rfemf Risk Perceptions in Malaysia by Yusop, Farrah Dina, Abdullah, Noorhidawati, Kamarulzaman, Yusniza
Green Transformation and Development by Gu, Shuzhong, Xie, Meie, Zhang, Xinhua
State Energy Transition: German and American Realities and Chinese Choices by Zhu, Tong, Wang, Lei
The Media, European Integration and the Rise of Euro-Journalism, 1950s-1970s by Herzer, Martin
South Africa's Post-Apartheid Military: Lost in Transition and Transformation by Heinecken, Lindy
Binnenflucht im Kontext der Sustainable Development Goals: Kolumbien by Moll, Maximilian
Perspectives on Vietnam's Science, Technology, and Innovation Policies by Truong, Dao Thanh
A typographical gazetteer by Cotton, Henry
Outline of Roman history from Romulus to Justinian: (including translations of the Twelve tables, the Institutes of Gaius, and the Institutes of Justi by Nasmith, David
Regionale Konflikte Im Südchinesischen Meer: Ein Überblick by Michel, Julius
Ethnic Dignity and the Ulster-Scots Movement in Northern Ireland: Supremacy in Peril by Gardner, Peter
Bedingungslose Jugendhilfe: Von Der Selektiven Abhilfe Defizitärer Elternschaft Zur Universalen Unterstützung Von Erziehung by Schrödter, Mark
The Migration Myth in Policy and Practice: Dreams, Development and Despair by Ullah, Akm Ahsan, Haque, MD Shahidul
Dictatorship and the Electoral Vote: Francoism and the Portuguese New State Regime in Comparative Perspective, 1945-1975 by Lasus, Carlos Domper
Performance contracting and service delivery by Onyango, Michael Ang'anyo, Sitienei (Ed), Shadrack Kipkoech, Ndege (Ed), Peter Odhiambo
Progressive Challenges to the American Constitution by
Thoughtlessness and Decadence in Iran: A Sojourn in Comparative Political Theory by Shomali, Alireza
Stranger in a Strange State: The Politics of Carpetbagging from Robert Kennedy to Scott Brown by Galdieri, Christopher J.
John Marshall's Constitutionalism by Ray, Clyde H.
Postnormal Conservation: Botanic Gardens and the Reordering of Biodiversity Governance by Neves, Katja Grötzner
Fight to Live, Live to Fight: Veteran Activism after War by Schrader, Benjamin
One America?: Presidential Appeals to Racial Resentment from LBJ to Trump by Angelo, Nathan
Postpolitics and the Limits of Nature: Critical Theory, Moral Authority, and Radicalism in the Anthropocene by Scerri, Andy
Militant Acts: The Role of Investigations in Radical Political Struggles by Hoffman, Marcelo
Property Rights in Contemporary Governance by
Organizing for Transgender Rights: Collective Action, Group Development, and the Rise of a New Social Movement by Nownes, Anthony J.
Dangerously Divided: How Race and Class Shape Winning and Losing in American Politics by Hajnal, Zoltan L.
Gendering the Renaissance Commonwealth by Becker, Anna
The Other Abyssinians: The Northern Oromo and the Creation of Modern Ethiopia, 1855-1913 by Yates, Brian J.
Theorizing Confucian Virtue Politics: The Political Philosophy of Mencius and Xunzi by Kim, Sungmoon
Black Political Thought: From David Walker to the Present by
Presidential Elections and Majority Rule: The Rise, Demise, and Potential Restoration of the Jeffersonian Electoral College by Foley, Edward B.
Regimes of Inequality by Lynch, Julia
Dangerously Divided by Hajnal, Zoltan L.
Black Political Thought by
Modi-Shah: Manzil Aur Raah by Sinha, R. K.
Pratibimba by Chaturvedi, Ashutosh
Gathbandhan Rajaneeti Mein Bihar: Double Engine Sarkar by Dinesh, Kumar
Delhi ko Poorna Rajya ka Darza? by Sharma, S. K.
Politics for Dummies by Delaney, Ann M.
Breaking the Two-Party Doom Loop: The Case for Multiparty Democracy in America by Drutman, Lee
Do Morals Matter?: Presidents and Foreign Policy from FDR to Trump by Nye, Joseph S.
Women, Politics, and Public Policy: The Political Struggles of Canadian Women by Findlay, Tammy, Newman, Jacquetta, White, Linda
Totalitarian Space and the Destruction of Aura by Ahmed, Saladdin
The Revolution Will Not Be Theorized: Cultural Revolution in the Black Power Era by Henderson, Errol A.
Rwanda's Stillborn Middle-Income Economy: Paul Kagame, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Jim Yong Kim, the World Bank and Rwanda Vision 2020 Fiasco by Himbara, David
Real World Socialism: Spiritual, Moral and Economic Bankruptcy - Sold By Using False Hopes and Deceit by Lameiro Ph. D., Gerard
Race Talk in the South African Media by Botma, Gawie
Freedom Lost: A history of newspapers, journalism and press censorship in Australia by Pullan, Robert
Das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen im Kontext liberaler Gerechtigkeitstheorien: Eine Analyse anhand John Rawls' Theorie der Gerechtigkeit by Anonymous
Lijphart und die direkte Demokratie by Anonymous
Die Policy des Washington Consensus und ihre Folgen by Mißler, Mathias
Der Rekurs des Islamischen Staates auf den Frühislam: Ein Vergleich des "Islamischen Staates" mit den ersten vier Kalifen nach Muhammed by Hundertmark, Hendrik
A New "Year of the Woman"? The Rise of Female Democrats and the Struggle for Female Republican Candidates in the Midterm Elections by Schreinemacher, Lisa
Transition from Pediatric to Adult Healthcare Services for Adolescents and Young Adults with Long-Term Conditions: An International Perspective on Nur by
Social Media and Elections in Africa, Volume 1: Theoretical Perspectives and Election Campaigns by
Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland. Die "verlorene" Generation im deutschen Bildungssystem by Gruhn, Laura
Necessary Risks: Professional Humanitarianism and Violence Against Aid Workers by Stoddard, Abby
Public Characters: The Politics of Reputation and Blame by Zuern, Elke, Jasper, James M., Young, Michael P.
Der Nord-Süd-Konflikt in Italien. Wirtschaftliche Fragmentierung des Euroraumes by Anonymous
Die Arabische Wahrnehmung Der Eu-Außenpolitik Zur Palästina-Frage: Zwischen Al-Aqsa-Intifada (2000) Und Arabischem Frühling (2012) by Harba, Malek
Regionaler Pressemarkt Und Publizistische Vielfalt: Strukturen Und Inhalte Der Regionalpresse in Deutschland Und Österreich 1995-2015 by Berghofer, Simon, Vonbun-Feldbauer, Ramona, Grüblbauer, Johanna
Tertiary Student Migration from Central Asia to Germany: Cases of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan by Abdullaeva, Nargiza
Unwanted: Italian and Jewish Mobilization Against Restrictive Immigration Laws, 1882-1965 by Marinari, Maddalena
Civic Engagement in Social and Political Constructs by
Social justice; a critical essay by Woodbury Willoughby, Westel
Unwanted: Italian and Jewish Mobilization Against Restrictive Immigration Laws, 1882-1965 by Marinari, Maddalena
Examining Ethics and Intercultural Interactions in International Relations by
Accountability and Review in the Counter-Terrorist State by Blackbourn, Jessie, de Londras, Fiona, Morgan, Lydia
Accountability and Review in the Counter-Terrorist State by Blackbourn, Jessie, de Londras, Fiona, Morgan, Lydia
Feminist Advocacy and Activism in State Institutions: Investigating the Representation of Women's Issues and Concerns in the Jamaican Legislature by Coore-Hall, Jacqueline A.
Media and Social Representations of Otherness: Psycho-Social-Cultural Implications by
Frieden Durch Recht - Anfragen an Das Liberale Modell: Frieden Und Recht - Band 6 by
Ethnic Boundary-Making at the Margins of Conflict in the Philippines: Everyday Identity Politics in Mindanao by Ragsag, Anabelle
Management Und Organisation in Der Polizei: Studien Zu Digitalisierung, Change Management, Motivation Und Arbeitsgestaltung by
Bribery, Fraud, Cheating: How to Explain and to Avoid Organizational Wrongdoing by
For Baka's Homeland: Eyewitness to the Birth of a State by Palaich, Michael
How To Run For Local Office: 10 Steps To Run a Successful Campaign For Local Office by Howexpert, Cole, Michael
For Baka's Homeland: Eyewitness to the Birth of a State by Palaich, Michael
DEMOCRACY of HIGH LEVEL: Participatory and leading by Vegas, Jeffrey Morales
The Totalitarian State of America: A Critique of American Government by Van, Germinal G.
Kritik und Utopie des Queeranarchismus: Queer- und postanarchistische Subjektkonstitution und Ontologie by Muehlbauer, Josef
S.O.S pour la paix by Lecha, Gérard
Les figures marquantes de l'Afrique subsaharienne - 3 by Lonsi Koko, Gaspard-Hubert
The Global Constitution: One World Government To Save The Earth by Anonymous
The Bostonians (vol. I and vol. II) by James, Henry
The Bostonians (vol. I and vol. II) by James, Henry
The Bonds of Humanity: Cicero's Legacies in European Social and Political Thought, Ca. 1100-Ca. 1550 by Nederman, Cary J.
A Public Service: Whistleblowing, Disclosure and Anonymity by Schwartz, Tim
Arab Liberal Thought in the Modern Age by Hatina, Meir
When Nehru Looked East: Origins of India-Us Suspicion and India-China Rivalry by Frankel, Francine
Left-Wing Populism: The Politics of the People by Agustín, Óscar García
France, Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect by Staunton, Eglantine
Using New Media for Citizen Engagement and Participation by
Svegot - December 2019: Perspektiv från det fria Sverige by Hugin, Kristoffer, Söderman, Magnus, Frändelöv, Daniel
The Trumpland Cookbook, Volume 2: Trump Administration Commentary, Historic Chronicle and Cookbook (sort of) by Whitworth, C. L.
The Trumpland Cookbook, Volume 2: Trump Administration Commentary, Historic Chronicle and Cookbook (sort of) by Whitworth, C. L.
Divested: Inequality in the Age of Finance by Lin, Ken-Hou, Neely, Megan Tobias
The Case for Killer Robots: Why America's Military Needs to Continue Development of Lethal AI by Marks, Robert J.
The Art of the Lie: How the Manipulation of Language Affects Our Minds by Danesi, Marcel
Blood Will Flow? Revolution in Chicago and Berkeley and the USA Today?: The True Story of Tom Hayden and Progressives Today? by Canfield, Roger B.
The AOC Way: The Secrets of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Success by Fredrickson, Caroline
The Man-Made World, Or Our Androcentric Culture by Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
The Man-Made World, Or Our Androcentric Culture by Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
Rhetoric by Aristotle by
The Failure of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Arab World by Obaid, Nawaf
Journalismus in Deutschland, Österreich Und Der Schweiz by
Banking on Markets P by Epstein, Rachel A.
Technologies of Critique by Thayer, Willy
Technologies of Critique by Thayer, Willy
Anarchaeologies: Reading as Misreading by Graff Zivin, Erin
The Bridge: Natural Gas in a Redivided Europe by Gustafson, Thane
The Turnout Myth: Voting Rates and Partisan Outcomes in American National Elections by Shaw, Daron, Petrocik, John
Decadent Orientalisms: The Decay of Colonial Modernity by Fieni, David
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