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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2021

A Grand Strategy-Countering China, Taming Technology, and Restoring the Media by Holstein, William J.
Episodes of the Revolutionary War by Guevara, Ernesto Che
Armageddon 2022: Russia & China Opposes India & The West; Global Crisis - Nuclear Threats - Cyber Warfare; Exposed by Rebel Press Media
GMO Food: A Reference Handbook by Newton, David E.
A State of Fear: How the UK Government Weaponised Fear During the Covid-19 Pandemic by Dodsworth, Laura
Angekränkeltes Land: Skizzen zweier Übel by Schulz, Holger
Le Mensonge Corona - démasqué: Preuves, faits, antécédents by Von Bering, Hermann
Endlich unendlich erfüllt: Die Karriere deines Lebens: So findest du als Führungspersönlichkeit heraus, was dich beruflich wirklich glücklich mac by Pöhler, Bettina
Angekränkeltes Land: Skizzen zweier Übel by Schulz, Holger
Algorithms, Automation, and News: New Directions in the Study of Computation and Journalism by
Borders, Culture, and Globalization: A Canadian Perspective by
Borders, Culture, and Globalization: A Canadian Perspective by
The Making of European Security Policy: Between Institutional Dynamics and Global Challenges by
Working Class Experiences of Social Inequalities in (Post-) Industrial Landscapes: Feelings of Class by Meier, Lars
The Treaty Prohibiting Nuclear Weapons: How it was Achieved and Why it Matters by Kmentt, Alexander
Trade Policy Review 2020: Macao China by
Bitches Unleashed: Performance and Embodied Politics in Favela Funk by Moreira, Raquel
Europeanization and Statebuilding as Everyday Practices: Performing Europe in the Western Balkans by Musliu, Vjosa
Controlling Corruption: The Social Contract Approach by Rothstein, Bo
Controlling Corruption: The Social Contract Approach by Rothstein, Bo
Distant Shores: Colonial Encounters on China's Maritime Frontier by MacAuley, Melissa
Russia's Recognition of the Independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia: Analysis of a Deviant Case in Moscow's Foreign Policy Behavior by Samkharadze, Nikoloz
The Contemporary Middle East in an Age of Upheaval by
Europeanization and Statebuilding as Everyday Practices: Performing Europe in the Western Balkans by Musliu, Vjosa
The Return of Inequality: Social Change and the Weight of the Past by Savage, Mike
The Contemporary Middle East in an Age of Upheaval by
Caste Panchayats and Caste Politics in India by Ingole, Anagha
Migration Culture: A Comparative Perspective by Liubiniene, Vilmante, Zičkute, Ineta, Kumpikaite -Valiūniene, Vilmante
Bioeconomy and Global Inequalities: Socio-Ecological Perspectives on Biomass Sourcing and Production by
Bioeconomy and Global Inequalities: Socio-Ecological Perspectives on Biomass Sourcing and Production by
Rethinking Development: Marxist Perspectives by Munck, Ronaldo
Policy Network Ties in the Dynamic Process of Environmental Conflict Resolution: Uncovering the Evolution of Environmental Governance by Lim, Seunghoo
Dark Mirror: Edward Snowden and the American Surveillance State by Gellman, Barton
Asian City Crossings: Pathways of Performance through Hong Kong and Singapore by
Rebel Economies: Warlords, Insurgents, Humanitarians by
The Tyranny of Algorithms: Freedom, Democracy, and the Challenge of AI by Benasayag, Miguel
Armageddon 2022: La Prochaine Guerre Mondiale ?: La Russie et la Chine contre l'Inde et l'Occident; Crise Mondiale - Menaces Nucléaires by Rebel Press Media
Armageddon 2022: La Prossima Guerra Mondiale?: Russia e Cina contro all'India e all'Occidente; Crisi Globale - Minacce Nucleari - Guerr by Rebel Press Media
Armageddon 2022: A Próxima Guerra Mundial?: Rússia e China contra a Índia e o Ocidente; Crise Global - Ameaças Nucleares - Guerra Ciber by Rebel Press Media
Sharing Responsibility: The History and Future of Protection from Atrocities by Glanville, Luke
The Gentrification of the Internet: How to Reclaim Our Digital Freedom by Lingel, Jessa
Trump Shall Never Die: His Determination to Come Back by Okawa, Ryuho
The Roots of Populism: Neoliberalism and Working-Class Lives by Elliott, Brian
Afro-Latinos in the U.S. Economy by Holder, Michelle, Aja, Alan A.
White Skin, Black Fuel: On the Danger of Fossil Fascism by The Zetkin Collective, Malm, Andreas
The Operating System: An Anarchist Theory of the Modern State by Laursen, Eric
Spooked: The Trump Dossier, Black Cube, and the Rise of Private Spies by Meier, Barry
This Land Is Our Land: The Struggle for a New Commonwealth by Purdy, Jedediah
The Ones We've Been Waiting For: How a New Generation of Leaders Will Transform America by Alter, Charlotte
Reflections of a Nonpolitical Man by Mann, Thomas
Public Policy: Origins, Practice, and Analysis by Lee, Keith E., Hall, John Powell, Martin, Kimberly
American Crusade: Our Fight to Stay Free by Hegseth, Pete
The Violence Inside Us: A Brief History of an Ongoing American Tragedy by Murphy, Chris
Kommunalverwaltung 4.0. Entwurf eines neuen Arbeitsmodells für Jugendämter by Bordnikow, Andreas
Good Vs. Evil: "The Evangelicals, the Trump's Administration and the Republican Party" by Fenelon, Pierre
Good Vs. Evil: "The Evangelicals, the Trump's Administration and the Republican Party" by Fenelon, Pierre
Zukunft gestalten: Gegen den Strom! by Riemann, Hans-Paul
Zukunft gestalten: Gegen den Strom! by Riemann, Hans-Paul
Die HAMAS und die Finanzierung des Terrorismus im Nahen Osten: Eine Analyse anhand offener Quellen by Peddinghaus, Dirk
Refugee Crisis in International Policy Volume III - Refugee Policies of the International Organizations by
Die HAMAS und die Finanzierung des Terrorismus im Nahen Osten: Eine Analyse anhand offener Quellen by Peddinghaus, Dirk
Mentoring and Communication: Theories and Practices by
Mentoring and Communication: Theories and Practices by
Bitches Unleashed: Performance and Embodied Politics in Favela Funk by Moreira, Raquel
Iran's Interregional Dynamics in the Near East by
Cosmotechnics: For a Renewed Concept of Technology in the Anthropocene by
Economic and Monetary Union at Twenty: A Stocktaking of a Tumultuous Second Decade by
Why is America Going Back to the Moon by Whittington, Mark
Crisis and Politicisation: The Framing and Re-Framing of Europe's Permanent Crisis by
British Nuclear Mobilisation Since 1945: Social and Cultural Histories by
Trauma and Fictions of the "War on Terror": Disrupting Memory by O'Brien, Sarah
Football and Discrimination: Antisemitism and Beyond by
Exploring Organized Interests in Post-Communist Policy-Making: The Missing Link by
Democratic Backsliding in der Tschechischen Republik? Demokratie in Tschechien im Regierungszeitraum Andrej Babis by Anonymous
Visual Securitization: Humanitarian Representations and Migration Governance by Massari, Alice
Exploring Organized Interests in Post-Communist Policy-Making: The "Missing Link" by
Crackup: The Republican Implosion and the Future of Presidential Politics by Popkin, Samuel L.
The Oxford Encyclopedia of European Union Politics: 4-Volume Set by
Conflict Mobilisation or Problem-Solving?: Issue Competition in Western Europe by
India's Mental Healthcare Act, 2017: Building Laws, Protecting Rights by Duffy, Richard M., Kelly, Brendan D.
New Trends in Public Sector Reporting: Integrated Reporting and Beyond by
Digitalization of Democratic Processes in Europe: Southern and Central Europe in Comparative Perspective by
Visual Securitization: Humanitarian Representations and Migration Governance by Massari, Alice
Political Economy of Palestine: Critical, Interdisciplinary, and Decolonial Perspectives by
Oust the Dictator: Usher in Peace by Kalami, Mehr A.
Classical Political Philosophy in Popular Discourse: The Case of Poland by Chmielinski, Maciej, Rau, Zbigniew, Staszynska, Katarzyna M.
What the F*ck are we Thinking? by Anonymous
Armagedón 2022: ¿La Próxima Guerra Mundial?: Rusia y China contra la India y Occidente; Crisis Global - Amenazas Nucleares - Guerra Ci by Rebel Press Media
Working Tirelessly for Peace and Equality: Civil Resistance and Peacebuilding in Liberia by Shilue, James Suah, Galvanek, Janel B.
Building Trust in Government: Governor Richard H. Bryan's Pursuit of the Common Good by Struve, Larry D.
Cooperatives in the Global Economy by
Behind the Curtain of Power: How Karl Rove, David Axelrod, Roger Ailes, James Carville, Dick Morris, and Lee Atwater Won the Toughest Race in the W by Olsø, Rune
Begründung der Bundesregierung zur Notwendigkeit des Asylpaketes II. Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring by Spanel, Niclas
Multilaterales Krisenmanagement der Europäischen Union. Jenseits der starren Kooperation mit der NATO? by Voß, Tim
Underdogs by Stack, Jim Pops
Underdogs by Stack, Jim Pops
Die Rolle der Führungskraft in Zeiten der Digitalen Transformation - eine Studie am Beispiel bayerischer Genossenschaftsbanken by Simon Fauser, Riegler, Markus
Weltmacht Wasser - Teil 1: Überblick und Bilanz 2021 by Ghanem, Michael
Let There Be Light: Saving Ourselves and Our Planet Through a Global Social Compact by Irmen, Doug
Pasaron cosas: Política y políticas públicas en el gobierno de Cambiemos by Nazareno, Marcelo, Segura, María Soledad, Vázquez, Guillermo
Weltmacht Wasser - Teil 1: Überblick und Bilanz 2021 by Ghanem, Michael
Human rights violation in China by Chaudhary, Talat
Transgender Marxism by
Mindshifts: How Lean Thinking can transform the way the nation learns by Pandya, Shaurya
Social Security Law In Ireland by Cousins, Mel, Whyte, Gerry
Origins of Terrorism: The Rise of the World's Most Formidable Terrorist Groups by Garner, Godfrey, Alarid-Hughes, Maeghin
Social Problems in the UK: An Introduction by
Social Problems in the UK: An Introduction by
Interdisciplinary Essays on Cannibalism: Bites Here and There by
Cultural Management and Policy in Latin America by
Lebanese Political Parties: Dream of a Republic by Thuselt, Christian
Multifaceted Nationalism and Illiberal Momentum at Europe's Eastern Margins by
Countering Violent Extremism: The International Deradicalization Agenda by Abbas, Tahir
Postcapitalist Futures: Political Economy Beyond Crisis and Hope by
Citizenship, Nationalism and Refugeehood of Rohingyas in Southern Asia by
Left Populism in Europe: Lessons from Jeremy Corbyn to Podemos by Prentoulis, Marina
Irreconcilable Differences: Limits to United States National Unity by Cole, David R.
Harvesting State Support: Institutional Change and Local Agency in Japanese Agriculture by Jentzsch, Hanno
Green Nudges. Nachhaltiger Konsum zwischen privater und staatlicher Verantwortung by Anonymous
Representing Iran in East Germany: Ideology and the Media in the German Democratic Republic by Klüsener, Edgar
Mainstreaming Versus Alienation: A Complexity Approach to the Governance of Migration and Diversity by Scholten, Peter
Islamdebatten Im Deutschen Bundestag 1990-2009: Eine Habitusanalyse Zur Formierungsphase Deutscher Islampolitik by Schlerka, Sebastian Matthias
Building Complex Temporal Explanations of Crime: History, Institutions and Agency by Farrall, Stephen
Arendt on the Political by Arndt, David
Using Shiny to Teach Econometric Models by Metzger, Shawna K.
Petitioning the Sultan: Protests and Justice in Late Ottoman Palestine by Ben-Bassat, Yuval
Arab-Iranian Rivalry in the Persian Gulf: Territorial Disputes and the Balance of Power in the Middle East by Sharifi-Yazdi, Farzad
Mainstreaming the Headscarf: Islamist Politics and Women in the Turkish Media by Özcan, Esra
Nostalgia in Anglophone Arab Literature: Nationalism, Identity and Diaspora by Qutait, Tasnim
Trust, Politics and Revolution: A European History by Granelli, Francesca
Armenia and Europe: Foreign Aid and Environmental Politics in the Post-Soviet Caucasus by Skedsmo, Pål Wilter
The Devolution Gambit: Political Territorialisation as a Threat to Constitutional Order by Niendorf, Tim
The Politics of Fear in South Sudan: Generating Chaos, Creating Conflict by Thiong, Daniel Akech
The Bloomsbury Companion to Marx by
Ethics Under Capital: Macintyre, Communication, and the Culture Wars by Hannan, Jason
The Ego And His Own by Stirner, Max
Refugees' Europe: Towards an Inclusive Democracy by
The Niche Diplomacy of Asian Middle Powers by
Imperfect Democracies: The Rise of Popular Protest and Democratic Dissent by Mény, Yves, Kermer, Jan
Der Faktor Persönlichkeit in Der Internationalen Politik: Perspektiven Aus Wissenschaft, Politik Und Journalismus by
Origins of Terrorism: The Rise of the World's Most Formidable Terrorist Groups by Alarid-Hughes, Maeghin, Garner, Godfrey
The Right Price: A Value-Based Prescription for Drug Costs by Neumann, Peter J., Cohen, Joshua T., Ollendorf, Daniel A.
¿Por Qué Maslow?: Como usar su Teoría para permanecer en el Poder para siempre by Rodulfo, Juan
Profiles in Courage in the Trump Era by McCallion, Kenneth Foard
Ethical Leadership in International Organizations by
Playing by the Informal Rules by Li, Yao
Transgender Marxism by
Political Mourning: Identity and Responsibility in the Wake of Tragedy by Pool, Heather
Olive Branches: A Hope for Peace for All Americans by Hughes Aka Ha-Gue-A-Dees-Sas, Stan E.
Our Darkest Hours: New York County Leadership?& the Covid Pandemic by Golden, Peter, LaVigne, Mark, Acquario, Stephen
Liberal Progressivism: Politics and Class in the Age of Neoliberalism and Climate Change by Hak, Gordon
Climate Justice and Collective Action by Kallhoff, Angela
The Edge of Oblivion: The Looming Threat of Socialism in the United States by Kelly, Charles K.
New Challenges and Opportunities in European-Asian Relations: Navigating an Assertive China and a Retrenching U.S. by
Losing Liberty: A sequel to 'Yearning for Liberty' by Johnson, Donald Leo
Youth Civic Engagement and Local Peacebuilding in the Middle East and North Africa: Prospects and Challenges for Community Development by
Oil Revenues, Security and Stability in West Africa by Kanyako, Vandy
The Rio de la Plata from Colony to Nations: Commerce, Society, and Politics by
Economic Growth and Cohesion Policy Implementation in Italy and Spain: Institutions, Strategic Choices, Administrative Change by Casula, Mattia
Putinomics: How the Kremlin Damages the Russian Economy by Rothacher, Albrecht
Trading and Price Discovery for Crude Oils: Growth and Development of International Oil Markets by Imsirovic, Adi
The Great Reset Uncovered 2021: Food Crisis, Economic Collapse & Energy Shortage; NWO - Build Back Better & The Green Deal by Rebel Press Media
El Gran Reset Descubierto 2021: Crisis Alimentaria, Colapso Económico y Escasez de Energía; NWO - Reconstruir Mejor y el Acuerdo Verde by Rebel Press Media
La Grande Réinitialisation 2021 Non Couvert: Crise Alimentaire, Effondrement Économique et Pénurie d'Énergie; NWO - Reconstruire en Mieux & le Contrat by Rebel Press Media
Il Grande Reset 2021 Scoperto: Crisi Alimentare, Collasso Economico e Carenza di Energia; NWO - Costruire Indietro Meglio e l'Accordo Verde by Rebel Press Media
O Grande Reset Descoberto 2021: Crise Alimentar, Colapso Econômico e Escassez de Energia; NWO - Construir Melhor e o Negócio Verde by Rebel Press Media
Fatal Flaws: Book 1: 1914 - 1945 by Meo, Richard
The Republican Party and the War on Poverty: 1964-1981 by McLay, Mark
Political Mourning: Identity and Responsibility in the Wake of Tragedy by Pool, Heather
The Soul of Nations: Healing and Evolution by Aurose, Wolfgang
The Rise of Corporate-State Tyranny by Kotkin, Joel
Unwoke: A Case for a Judeo-Christian Worldview by Fritsche Th D., David E., Sr.
The Economic Logic of Chinese Cultural-Creative Industries Parks: Shenzhen and Guangzhou by Yuan Yuan, Vivian
Marx, Engels and Modern British Socialism: The Social and Political Thought of H. M. Hyndman, E. B. Bax and William Morris by Flaherty, Seamus
How Sick Is British Democracy?: A Clinical Analysis by Rose, Richard
Le Congo déstabilisé, pillé, martyrisé... by Lonsi Koko, Gaspard-Hubert
Challenges and Solutions for Sustainable Smart City Development by
Iran in an Emerging New World Order: From Ahmadinejad to Rouhani by Fathollah-Nejad, Ali
Supply Chain Resilience: Reducing Vulnerability to Economic Shocks, Financial Crises, and Natural Disasters by
The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought by
Political Turmoil in a Tumultuous World: Canada Among Nations 2020 by
Politische Architektur von Washington, D.C.: Platzierung des politischen Raums der institutionellen Gewaltenteilung in der Bundeshauptstadt der USA by Bekmezci, Ibrahim
Approaching the Bench from Inside the Immigration Court by Zimmer, William K.
The Demographic Crisis in Europe: Selected Essays by
The Demographic Crisis in Europe: Selected Essays by
Contemporary Issues of Politics and Governance in Bangladesh by Mollah, MD Awal Hossain
The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Economics by
Power and Influence of Economists: Contributions to the Social Studies of Economics by
Regionalism, Security and Development in Africa by
Africa's Soft Power: Philosophies, Political Values, Foreign Policies and Cultural Exports by Tella, Oluwaseun
Kalman Silvert: América Latina y la construcción de la democracia by
Democracy in the Disinformation Age: Influence and Activism in American Politics by
Democracy in the Disinformation Age: Influence and Activism in American Politics by
The United States' Subnational Relations with Divided China: A Constructivist Approach to Paradiplomacy by Tubilewicz, Czeslaw, Omond, Natalie
Promoting Social Bonds for Impact Investments in Asia by Asian Development Bank
International Investment Law and Competition Law by
Without a Shot Indeed: Inducing Compliance to Tyranny Through Conditioning and Persuasion by Risselada, David
Food Inequalities by Allen, Tennille
Freefare: Welcome to the age of entitlement by Kovel, Mark a.
Seeing the World with Catholic Eyes: A Conversation with Thomas Storck by Storck, Thomas
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