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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2022

A Better Kenya: Kenya Bora by Magu, Stephen M.
Christopher Hitchens: What He Got Right, How He Went Wrong, and Why He Still Matters by Burgis, Ben
Cultural Sexism: The Politics of Feminist Rage in the #Metoo Era by Savigny, Heather
College Inside Prison: A Proven Criminal Justice Model by Mizell, Aland David
Democracy in Crisis: Lessons from Ancient Athens by Miller, Jeff
International Injustice: Humanitarian Intervention and the Abuse of War Crimes Trials by Szamuely, George
Pro-Independence Movements in the Basque Country and Catalunya by
Army Noncommissioned Officer Guide: TC 7-22.7 (2015 Edition) by Michigan Legal Publishing Ltd
Progressives in America 1900-2020: Liberals with Attitude! by Wagner, David
A Trip to the Fire Station with Sesame Street (R) by Peterson, Christy
Much Sound and Fury, or the New Jim Crow?: The Twenty-First Century's Restrictive New Voting Laws and Their Impact by
Capitalism for All: Realizing Its Liberal Promise by Mikler, John, Harrison, Neil E.
The Fatah-Hamas Rift: An Analysis of Failed Negotiations by Hitman, Gadi
A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: The Saudi Struggle for Iraq by Harvey, Katherine
Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks: Warrior Skills Level 1 by Michigan Legal Publishing Ltd
Space Operations: Doctrine for Space Forces by U S Space Force
Die materielle Kultur der Marind-anim by Wirz, Paul
A Trip to the Fire Station with Sesame Street (R) by Peterson, Christy
Governing in the Shadows: Angola's Securitized State by Roque, Paula Cristina
Self-Control or State Control? You Decide by Palmer, Tom G.
Global Bearings: An Introduction to the Politics of International Order by Penna, Jeremy
Beyond Politics by Walford, George
The Playbook by Adkins, Charlie M.
Cliff's Note by Mish, Michael
Notes on Bucks County by Marcovitz, Hal
Summa Libertas: A Compendium on Faith and Freedom by Aquinas, St Thomas, Leo XIII, Pope
Introduction to Law and the Legal System by Schubert, Frank
Confucius and Muhammad: Contrasting Responses of China and Islam to Western Intrusion by Israeli, Raphael
The Pro-Life Playbook: Understanding Pro-life Counters to Pro-Choice Arguments by Groff, Jordan D.
Land Tenure Challenges in Africa: Confronting the Land Governance Deficit by
Juicios de Estado: La Ley Y La Decadencia de la Política by Sumption, Jonathan
The Palgrave Handbook of Development Cooperation for Achieving the 2030 Agenda: Contested Collaboration by
Local Government Administration in Practice in South Sudan (Large Print Edition) by Ngong, Anei Mangong Anei
America in Denial: How Race-Fair Policies Reinforce Racial Inequality in America by Martin, Lori Latrice
Supporting Shrinkage: Better Planning and Decision-Making for Legacy Cities by Johnson, Michael P., Hollander, Justin B., Kinsey, Eliza W.
The Left Hand of Capital: Neoliberalism and the Left in Chile by Leiva, Fernando Ignacio
Leo Strauss and Contemporary Thought: Reading Strauss Outside the Lines by
Antigone in the Americas: Democracy, Sexuality, and Death in the Settler Colonial Present by Henao Castro, Andrés Fabián
The Eagle and The Serpent: Why do the Ungodly Prosper? by Desmond, Arthur, Seklew, Malfew, Redbeard, Ragnar
Material Insurgency: Towards a Distributed Environmental Politics by Rose, Andrew M.
Make Herstory Your Story: Your Guided Journal to Justice Every Day for Every Woman by Sive, Rebecca
Imagining the Fed: The Struggle for the Heart of the Federal Reserve, 1913-1970 by Thompson, Nicolas
A Dangerous Passion: Leadership and the Question of Honor by Patapan, Haig
The Rorty-Habermas Debate: Toward Freedom as Responsibility by Kilanowski, Marcin
Battling the Prince: A Woman Fights for Democracy by Snyder-Hall, Claire
The Land beyond the Border: State Formation and Territorial Expansion in Syria, Morocco, and Israel by Becke, Johannes
"Repräsentation" in Ernesto Laclaus theoretischen Arbeiten zur Hegemonie- und Diskurstheorie by Will, André
Ist die Demokratie ein Hindernis für die Bewältigung der Klimakrise?: Eine Analyse von Barrieren, Widersprüchen und Lösungsvorschlägen nachhaltiger, d by Ströning, Carlo
Adhunik Yugeen Yudh Prabandh Kavyo Ka Sandesh by Sengar, Manita
65 Wisdom Principles For Christian Political Activists by Kacer, Frank S.
Incompleteness: Donald Trump, Populism and Citizenship by Nyamnjoh, Francis B.
Direct Democracy Practices at the Local Level by
Constitutional Law: Essential Law Self Teaching Guide by Education, Sterling
Wannsee: The Road to the Final Solution by Longerich, Peter, Sharpe, Lesley, Noakes, Jeremy
Social Security Made Simple: Social Security Retirement Benefits and Related Planning Topics Explained in 100 Pages or Less by Piper, Mike
Connected History: Essays and Arguments by Subrahmanyam, Sanjay
Ensayos Críticos Sobre Progresismo by Stchigel, Daniel Omar, Sainz Cervantes, Orifiel, Segura Chávez, Alejandro
Hey Joe: America in Turmoil by Stone, Dulcie
Reclaiming Populism: How Economic Fairness Can Win Back Disenchanted Voters by Summerville, Paul, Protzer, Eric
Climate Change and Adaptation for Food Sustainability: Implications and Scenarios from Malaysia by Al-Amin, Abul Quasem, Mohamad, Zeeda Fatimah, Ahmed, Ferdous
European Representation in EU National Parliaments by Kinski, Lucy
Gendered Perspectives on Covid-19 Recovery in Africa: Towards Sustainable Development by
Greening Cities by Growing Food: A Political Ecology Analysis of Urban Agriculture in the Americas by Hammelman, Colleen
Covid-19, State-Power and Society in Europe: Focus on Western Balkans by Andjelic, Neven
Rohingya Refugee Crisis in Myanmar: Ethnic Conflict and Resolution by
Breaking Ground: Charting Our Future in a Pandemic Year by
The Challenges of Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian Dispute: An Impossible Peace? by Carlill, Bren
The Rise, Spread, and Decline of Brazil's Participatory Budgeting: The Arc of a Democratic Innovation by Goldfrank, Benjamin, Wampler, Brian
American Democracy in Crisis: The Case for Rethinking Madisonian Government by Sheehan, Jeanne
Consolidating Economic Governance in Latin America by Angel, Alejandro
A Novel Approach to China: What China Debaters Can Learn from Contemporary Chinese Novelists by Gao, Gengsong
Explaining Foreign Policy in Post-Colonial Africa by Magu, Stephen M.
Development, Capitalism, and Rent: The Political Economy of Hartmut Elsenhans by
The Role of Universities and Heis in the Vulnerability Agenda by Liddle, Joyce, Addidle, Gareth David
Image, Imagination and Imaginarium: Remapping World War II Monuments in Greater China by Pan, Lu
Public Investment Criteria: Using an Interregional Input-Output Programming Model by Kohno, Hirotada, Higano, Yoshiro
Shrinking Japan and Regional Variations: Along the Hokurikudo and the Tosando II by Kumagai, Fumie
Renewable Energy Communities and the Low Carbon Energy Transition in Europe by
Direct Democracy Practices at the Local Level by
Understanding the Impact of Emotional Stress on Crisis Decision Making by Sawatzky, Noel Allan
Monitoring State Compliance with the Un Convention on the Rights of the Child: An Analysis of Attributes by
What a Bloody Awful Country: Northern Ireland's Century of Division by Meagher, Kevin
Scotus 2021: Major Decisions and Developments of the Us Supreme Court by
The Rise of Illiberalism by Main, Thomas J.
The Nine Lives of Pakistan: Dispatches from a Precarious State by Walsh, Declan
A Fervent Crusade for the National Soul: Cultural Politics in Colombia, 1930-1946 by Muñoz-Rojas, Catalina
Prosecution of an Insurrection: The Complete Trial Transcript of the Second Impeachment of Donald Trump by Defense, The House Impeachment Managers and the House
The Steal: The Attempt to Overturn the 2020 Election and the People Who Stopped It by Bowden, Mark, Teague, Matthew
Climate Change and Disaster Resilience: Challenges, Actions and Innovations in Urban Planning by
Henryk Grossman Works, Volume 2: Political Writings by Grossman, Henryk
OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 2021 Issue 2 by Oecd
Monitoring State Compliance with the Un Convention on the Rights of the Child: An Analysis of Attributes by
Spin Doctors: How Media and Politicians Misdiagnosed the Covid-19 Pandemic by Loreto, Nora
Citizenship on the Edge: Sex/Gender/Race by
The Fascist Revolution: Toward a General Theory of Fascism by Mosse, George L.
Conflicts Between Biodiversity Conservation and Humans: The Case of the Chihuahua Desert and Cuatro Ciénegas by
Natural Law Republicanism: Cicero's Liberal Legacy by Hawley, Michael C.
Antisemitism and the 1753 Jew Law Controversy by Sheridan, Yoel
The U.S. Constitution is a Contract by Thomas, Michael Delance
Light Up the Night: America's Overdose Crisis and the Drug Users Fighting for Survival by Lupick, Travis
Project Censored's State of the Free Press 2022 by
Crítica Al Poder Presidencial: 1982-2021 / A Critique of Presidential Power in M Exico: 1982-2021 by Krauze, Enrique
World According to China by Economy, Elizabeth C.
The New Economics: A Manifesto by Keen, Steve
On Microfascism: Gender, War, and Death by Bratich, Jack Z.
India Towards 100: a Call for Reset?: Need a Missionary Zeal! a Collection of Thoughts on the Arts and Crafts of Nation Building by Ghosh, Partha S.
Oozhalum Oozhal Nimiththamum by Mahadevan M
India's Development Diplomacy: Understanding Development Cooperation As A Tool For Strategic Engagement In South Asia by Tat, Urmi
The Politics of Fiscal Responsibility: A Comparative Perspective by Redburn, F. Stevens, Thornton, Tonya E.
Die Darstellung des männlichen Geschlechts im Film "Billy Elliot" by Ceran-Kaya, Yasemin
Warum halten sich die USA nicht an das Völkerrecht? Das Compliance-Verhalten der USA seit Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs by Bossart, Aurelia
India-Vietnam Relations: Development Dynamics and Strategic Alignment by Marwah, Reena, Hằng Nga, Lê Thị
Get Your Knee Off Our Necks: From Slavery to Black Lives Matter by
Care and Care Workers: A Latin American Perspective by
Gender Equality: The Time Has Come by Lim, Corinna
Gender Equality: The Time Has Come by Lim, Corinna
Global Governance in the Age of the Anthropocene by Fraundorfer, Markus
Deep Integration in Latin American Trade Agreements by Fuentes-Sosa, Ninfa M.
Globalisation Impacts: Countries, Institutions and Covid19 by
Modernity, Development and Decolonization of Knowledge in Central Asia: Kazakhstan as a Foreign Aid Provider by Insebayeva, Nafissa
Handbook on Public Private Partnerships in Transportation, Vol I: Airports, Water Ports, Rail, Buses, Taxis, and Finance by
Climate of the Middle: Understanding Climate Change as a Common Challenge by
Care! Zum Verhältnis Von Sorge Und Sozialer Arbeit by
Soziologie Der Parteien: Neue Zugänge Zu Einer Alten Organisationsform Des Politischen by
A Arte Da Guerra by Sun, Tzú
Conflict at the Edge of the African State: The ADF Rebel Group in the Congo-Uganda Borderland by Scorgie, Lindsay
India Towards 100: a Call for Reset?: Need a Missionary Zeal! a Collection of Thoughts on the Arts and Crafts of Nation Building by Ghosh, Partha S.
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Breakthrough: The Struggles and Secret Talks That Brought Apartheid South Africa to the Negotiating Table by Maharaj, Mac, Jordan, Z. Pallo
Word by Ngamin, Ergo Terra
The Richer, the Poorer: How Britain Enriched the Few and Failed the Poor. a 200-Year History by Lansley, Stewart
Sovereignty and Illicit Social Order by Lilyblad, Christopher Marc
The Richer, the Poorer: How Britain Enriched the Few and Failed the Poor. a 200-Year History by Lansley, Stewart
The Liberal International Theory Tradition in Europe by
Environment and Development: Challenges, Policies and Practices by
Malaysia's United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (1960-2010) by Salleh, Asri, Idris, Asmady
Rethinking Politicisation in Politics, Sociology and International Relations by
'Africa Forms the Key': Alex Du Toit and the History of Continental Drift by Chetty, Suryakanthie
The Faces of Contemporary Populism in Western Europe and the Us by
Micronations and the Search for Sovereignty by Hobbs, Harry, Williams, George
Contemporary Organized Crime: Developments, Challenges and Responses by
Chambers of Commerce in Europe: Self-Governance and Institutional Change by
American by Birth: Wong Kim Ark and the Battle for Citizenship by Nackenoff, Carol, Novkov, Julie
The Economic Foundations of Fascism by Einzig, Paul
The Third Option: Covert Action and American Foreign Policy by Johnson, Loch K.
On the Communist Party of the Philippines 1968 - 1999 by Sison, José Maria
Capitalist Economics by Chambers, Samuel A.
Utopia of Usurers and other Essays by Chesterton, G. K.
What Political Science Can Learn from the Humanities: Blurring Genres by
Human Trafficking as a New (In)Security Threat by Goździak, Elżbieta M.
Challenges of Governance: Development and Regional Integration in Southeast Asia and ASEAN by
The Strategic Logic of Women in Jihadi Organizations: From Operation to State Building by Khelghat-Doost, Hamoon
Die Doppelte Defensive: Soziale Lage, Mentalitäten Und Politik Der Ingenieure in Deutschland 1890 - 1933 by Sander, Tobias
The Municipal Financial Crisis: A Framework for Understanding and Fixing Government Budgeting by Moses, Mark
Superheroes, Movies, and the State: How the U.S. Government Shapes Cinematic Universes by Jenkins, Tricia, Secker, Tom
Confucian Sentimental Representation: A New Approach to Confucian Democracy by Kwon, Kyung Rok
A Strategic Nature: Public Relations and the Politics of American Environmentalism by Espinoza, Maria I., Aronczyk, Melissa
The 2020 Presidential Election: Key Issues and Regional Dynamics by
Forces of Production, Climate Change and Canadian Fossil Capitalism by Graham, Nicolas
Socialists and Socialism by Watson, Thomas E., Desmond, Arthur
Civic Engagement in Changing Contexts: Challenges and Possibilities for Democracy by Kennedy, Kerry J.
Umwelt- Und Klimagerechtigkeit: Digitalisierung, Energiebedarfe, Klimastörung Und Umwelt(un)Gerechtigkeit by Grafe, Regine
The Politics of Legislative Debates by
What Is International Relations? by Jørgensen, Knud Erik
The Social Construction of AIDS Issues by Pan, Suiming
State Responses to Nuclear Proliferation: The Differential Effects of Threat Perception by Chappell, Brian K.
Collapsing Structures and Public Mismanagement by Seibel, Wolfgang
Security In The 21st Century: The 21st Last Treatise on Security by Valens, Nyagatare, Hakizimana, André
What Is International Relations? by Jørgensen, Knud Erik
Mongolia: Cracks in the Eternal Blue Sky: A Journey Volume 1 by Versavel, Erik
Power Rivals: America and China's Superpower Struggle by Delfeld, Carl T.
Responding to Violent Conflicts and Humanitarian Crises: A Guide to Participants by
Eduard Bernstein on Socialism Past and Present: Essays and Lectures on Ideology by Ostrowski, Marius S.
Routledge Handbook on the UN and Development by
The Don Carlos Enigma: Variations of Historical Fictions by Necula, Maria-Cristina
Wann wird man je verstehn?: Reiseberichte von 1962 bis 2003 by Rose-Marie Braun
The Concept of Peace in the Bahá'í Faith by Gil, Miguel S.
Neues altes Feindbild? Identitätspolitik von Wladimir Putin: Konstruiert Putin ein amerikanisches Feindbild? by Hamm, Tobias
Open Federalism Revisited: Regional and Federal Dynamics in the Harper Era by
The Politics of Translation in International Relations by
Cities, Capitalism and the Politics of Sensibilities by
A New Beginning or More of the Same?: The European Union and East Asia After Brexit by
Beyond Impunity: New Directions for Governance in Malawi by
Doppik für Mandatsträger und Führungskräfte: Band 12 by Happe, Karlheinz
Regional Organizations and Democracy, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law: The African Union, Organization of American States, and the Diffusion of Inst by Stapel, Sören
Local Civil Society: Place, Time and Boundaries by Dallimore, David, Davis, Howard, Mann, Robin
Permanent Markers: Race, Ancestry, and the Body After the Genome by Abel, Sarah
Making Middle-Class Multiculturalism: Immigration Bureaucrats and Policymaking in Postwar Canada by Elrick, Jennifer
Permanent Markers: Race, Ancestry, and the Body After the Genome by Abel, Sarah
White Ignorance and Complicit Responsibility: Transforming Collective Harm beyond the Punishment Paradigm by Boodman, Eva
The War in Ukraine's Donbas: Origins, Contexts, and the Future by
The Politics of the Asia-Pacific: Triumphs, Challenges, and Threats by
Kingdom of Bahrain: Political Review by Khuzaie, Ahmed
Kingdom of Bahrain: Political Review by Khuzaie, Ahmed
New American Dream: A Modern Take on Work in America by Rudkowski, Chris
Suburban Socialism: (Or Barbarism) by Durose, Oly
La Carta Democrática Interamericana. Veinte Años de Violaciones En Venezuela by Aguiar Aranguren, Asdrúbal, Brewer-Carías, Allan R.
Klassensprecherwahl. Welche Grundsätze sind im Wahlverfahren zu beachten?: Unterrichtslangentwurf im Fach Sozialkunde by Schäfer, Sebastian
On the Fall of the Roman Republic: Lessons for the American People by Strunk, Thomas E.
Culture and Politics: Class, Writing, Socialism by Williams, Raymond
See More