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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2026

Resistance, Protest and Rebellion in Kenya: Colonial Crimes, C1890s-1963 by Anderson, David M.
Researching Punishment: Critical Reflections by Barton, Alana, Corteen, Karen
Consumer Culture and Society: A Critical Introduction by Davis, Mark
Consumer Culture and Society: A Critical Introduction by Davis, Mark
Cosmopolitanism and Belonging: From European Integration to Global Hopes and Fears by Calhoun, Craig
Politics and Change in Africa: In Search of Stability by Poku, Nana K.
Politics and Change in Africa: In Search of Stability by Poku, Nana K.
Monuments and Memory in Africa: Reflections on Coloniality and Decoloniality by
Political Communication in Zimbabwe: Mediations of Power in an African Context by Chuma, Wallace
Governance and Public Policy in Wales: Promise and Performance Since Devolution by Davies, Andrew, Bradbury, Jonathan
Philanthropic Accountability: New Institutional Logics by Kraeger, Patsy
Police-Building and the Responsibility to Protect: Civil Society, Gender and Human Rights Culture in Oceania by Hawksley, Charles, Georgeou, Nichole
Africa in the World: An Introduction by
Leading for the Common Good: Creating Public Value in a Political World by Thomas, John Clayton
Leading for the Common Good: Creating Public Value in a Political World by Thomas, John Clayton
Public Financial Analysis: A Guide to Strategic Public Management by Julien, Kyle, O'Brien, Kevin E., Brett, Philip M.
Public Financial Analysis: A Guide to Strategic Public Management by Julien, Kyle, O'Brien, Kevin E., Brett, Philip M.
Women and Gender in a Globalized World by
Women and Gender in a Globalized World by
Political Polling: Principles and Practices by Spencer, Kimball
The Iraq War in Documentary Film by Michlin, Monica
Good Media, Bad Media: The Benefits and Consequences of a Negative, Emotional, and Biased News Media by Gruszczynski, Mike, Wagner, Michael W.
Good Media, Bad Media: The Benefits and Consequences of a Negative, Emotional, and Biased News Media by Wagner, Michael W., Gruszczynski, Mike
Spaces of Indigenous Justice: Applying Theory to Practical Problems by Hendry, Jennifer, Tatum, Melissa L.
The Subject of Injustice: Political Action, Law and Empowerment by Assy, Bethania
Innate Cosmopolitanism: The Immanent Collective in International Law by Gordon, Geoff
Campaign Finance and Electoral Competition: The New World of Outside Money by Robbins, Suzanne
Portraying Power: Film and Politics in the New Media Age by Lawrence, Regina G.
Portraying Power: Film and Politics in the New Media Age by Lawrence, Regina G.
Migrant Workers in Horticulture: An Ethnographic Study by Simpson, Donna
The Partisan Presidency: From Reagan to Obama by Skinner, Richard
The Partisan Presidency: From Reagan to Obama by Skinner, Richard
Global Media by Oren, Tasha, Imre, Anikó, Govil, Nitin
Global Media by Oren, Tasha, Imre, Anikó, Govil, Nitin
Public Governance in Small Island Nations: Challenges and Responses by
From Irrelevant to Imperial: The Reconstruction of the Judicial Branch by Pacelle, Richard
Us Energy Politics and Policy by Duffy, Robert
Congressional Oversight of National Security: A Mandate for Change by Marsh, John, Blackwell, James
The Chemical Weapons Convention: Implementation Issues by Roberts, Brad
The Haitian Dilemma: A Case Study in Demographics, Development, and U.S. Foreign Policy by Preeg, Ernest
The Changing Structure of American Industry and Energy Use Patterns: Issues, Scenarios, and Forecasting Models by Faruqui, Amhad, Faruqui, Ahmad, Broehl, John
African Court of Justice and Human Rights and the International Criminal Court: Concurrent Jurisdiction by Murithi, Tim
Europe and America in the 1970s. Part II: Society and Power by 11th Annual Iiss Conference, Papers From the
The Security Implications of the New Taiwan by Lee, Bernice
German Security Policy by Schloer, Wolfgang F.
European Security After the Cold War. Part I by 35th Annual Iiss Conference, Papers From the
The Role of Arms Control in the Middle East by Evron, Yair
The Maghreb in the 1990s by Spencer, Claire
Sustainability and the Virtues of Environmental Citizenship by Connelly, James
Corruption as an International Crime: Conflict, State Failure and Judicial Accountability by Benjamin, Dave
Political Analysis and Public Choice by Larcinese, Valentino, Dewan, Torun, Dowding, Keith
Parallax: 13.3 by
Parallax: 13.4 by
Routledge Companion to International Relations by
Routledge Companion to International Relations by
Peace and Conflict Studies: An Introduction by Loadenthal, Michael, Wisler, Andria
Peace and Conflict Studies: An Introduction by Wisler, Andria, Loadenthal, Michael
Research Methods in International Relations: A Guide for Students by
Political Behavior in Latin America: The Citizen in Transition by Pérez, Orlando J.
Political Behavior in Latin America: The Citizen in Transition by Pérez, Orlando J.
Environmental Communication and the Media by Reist, Nancy Sami
Environmental Communication and the Media by Reist, Nancy Sami
Civil-Military Relations in the United States by Kohn, Richard
Latina Political Participation and Activism in the U.S. by Sampaio, Anna
Latina Political Participation and Activism in the U.S. by Sampaio, Anna
The Roots of Modern Terrorism by O'Day, Alan
The Roots of Modern Terrorism by O'Day, Alan
School Security and Emergency Management: A Common Sense Approach by Woodmansee, John
G20 Public Diplomacy by Byrne, Caitlin
Iranian Policy Toward Saudi Arabia: Between Conflict and Accommodation by Devine, T. James
International Environmental Cooperation: Participation in International Environmental Agreements by Seelarbokus, Chenaz B.
Slums, States and Citizens: Citizenship and Slum Policies in Dehli, Durban and Nairobi by Eriksen, Stein Sundstøl
The Greek Crisis in the Media: Stereotyping in the International Press by Tzogopoulos, George
Light from the East: Russia's Quest for Great Power Status in Asia by Blank, Stephen
Interpreting Nuclear India and Pakistan: Strategic Culture, Identity and (In)Security in International Politics by Das, Runa
Security and Risk Assessment for Chemical and Petrochemical Facilities by O'Brien, Daniel Patrick
Acoustic Technologies for Port and Border Protection by Sutin, Alexander, Salloum, Hady
Routledge Handbook of Environmental Governance by
The Art of Democracy: Towards Plural Hegemony by Svetlichnaja, Julia
Thinking the Political: Ernesto Laclau and the Politics of Post-Marxism by
The Health Consequences of Climate Change-Associated Conflict by Bowles, Devin
Climate Change Journalism: Stakeholders and Opinion by Matthews, Julian
Rethinking Human Rights and Conflict Resolution: Embracing Concurrent Realities by Parlevliet, Michelle
The Politics of Shale Gas by McGowan, Francis
Environmental Advertising: New Forms of Transnational Persuasion by
Environmental Advertising: New Forms of Transnational Persuasion by
Eu-NATO Cooperation: European Security as Informal Practice by Graeger, Nina
Middle East Patterns: Places, People, and Politics by Held, Colbert, Cummings, John Thomas
Living with Markets by Shearmur, Jeremy
Research Methods in International Relations: A Guide for Students by
The Social Construction of the Lifecourse by Powell, Jason
Capitalism Nature Socialism: June, Vol. 16.2 by Authors, Various
Capitalism Nature Socialism: September, Vol. 16.3 by Authors, Various
Angelaki: December, Vol. 10.3 by Authors, Various
Petroleum and East Asia, 1880-2008: Conflict, Diplomacy and Development by Mitcham, Chad
A Citizen's Guide to Public Administration: The History and Politics of Managing Public Affairs by Bertelli, Anthony
Ccut Vol 17.1: Journal by
Ccut Vol 17.2: Journal by
Ccut Vol 17.3: Journal by
Ccut Vol 17.4: Journal by
Rethinking Marxism: 19.4 by
Global Population Ageing and Migration in Europe by Bloom, David, Malmberg, Bo, Tamas, Kristof
Globalization, Environmental Health and Social Justice by Frey, R. Scott
The Terrorist by Taylor, Max
European Economic Integration and Social Cohesion by Baimbridge, Mark
Transforming Civil-Security Relations in the Middle East: The Role of the Military After the Arab Spring by
Campaign Finance and Electoral Competition: The New World of Outside Money by Robbins, Suzanne
Temporality, Role Theory and Czech Foreign Policy by Benes, Vít
Subcultures and Violent Radicalisation by Pisoiu, Daniela
Evidence Room Management: A Guide for Storage of Physical Property in Law Enforcement by Meyer, Ronald G.
Security, Transportation, and the Supply Chain: Mitigating Threats and Facilitating the Flow of Commerce by Ritter, Luke
Advances in Crisis and Emergency Management: Theory and Practice by Farazmand, Ali
Social Media, Crisis Communication, and Emergency Management: Leveraging Web and Mobile Technologies, Second Edition by White, Connie M.
The Four Stages of Highly Effective Crisis Management: How to Manage the Media in the Digital Age, Second Edition by Jordan, Jane
Climate Change Journalism: Stakeholders and Opinion by Matthews, Julian
Sex, Gender, and Politics: A Biosocial Approach to Political Behavior by Hannagan, Rebecca J.
A Citizen's Guide to War: American Military Actions in the 21st Century by Gorka, Sebastian
On Jung's Psychological Types: Epistemic Reflections on Jungian Typology by Karian, Previn
Okinawa in Postwar U.S.-Japan Relations, 1952-1972: The Road to Reversion by Eldridge, Robert D.
Angelaki: December, Vol. 11.3 by Authors, Multiple
Agriculture 2000: A Look at the Future by Institute, Battelle Memorial
Land Ownership in Russia: Before and After Communism by Skyner, Louis
Motorization and Sustainable Development in Asian Cities by Dimitriou, Harry T., Ernst, John
Public Procurement in China: A Long March Towards Integration Into the Global Trading System by Wang, Ping
Black Politics After the Civil Rights Revolution by Pinderhughes, Dianne
Global HIV/AIDS: A Strategy for U.S. Leadership by Hamilton, Kimberly
Rethinking Russia's National Interests by Kissinger, Henry a., Sestanovich, Stephen
Meme Wars: How the Fringe Conquered the Mainstream by Dreyfuss, Emily, Friedberg, Brian, Donovan, Joan
European Citizenship: Ius Tractum of Many Faces by Kochenov, Dimitry
Power, Poverty and Positionality in Contemporary China: Space of Mind in Authoritarian Systems by Cappelletti, Alessandra
Investigative Journalism in Africa: The Struggles, Resilience, and Future of Africa's Muckrakers by Ntibinyane, Alvin
Mad Max: Fury Road: Movies Minute by Minute by Olson, Alix
Mad Max: Fury Road: Movies Minute by Minute by Olson, Alix
Confidence Men: Peterson, Musk, Tate and the Duping of the American Mind by Fluss, Harrison, Frim, Landon
Freethinking: Protecting Freedom of Thought Amidst the New Battle for the Mind by McCarthy-Jones, Simon
Democracy's Tragic Flaws by Errol Mendes, Errol Mendes
Democracy's Tragic Flaws by Errol Mendes, Errol Mendes
Blood Gold: The Shocking True Story of the Amazon Gold Rush by Collyns, Dan
Justice Counts by Mejia, Robin, Price, Megan
Justice Counts by Mejia, Robin, Price, Megan
Global Digital Divides in the Covid-19 Era: Purposeful Use of the Internet and Technologies by Pick, James, Sarkar, Avijit
Russia's Armed Forces: A Modern Military for 21st Century Warfare? by Miron, Marina, Thornton, Rod
Handbuch Sozialstrukturanalyse by
Handbuch Politische Kulturforschung by
Global Ordering Structures and Caribbean Offshore Financial Centres: Finance Rhetoric, Capitalist Development and the Small Island Paradox by Marshall, Don
The Palgrave Handbook of Arbitration in the African Energy and Mining Sectors by
Gateway to the Social Contract: Selections from Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan, John Locke's Second Treastise on Government, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau's the by Locke, John, Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, Hobbes, Thomas
Russia's History Painters: Vasily Surikov, Viktor Vasnetsov, and the Remaking of the Past by Norris, Stephen M.
Russia's History Painters: Vasily Surikov, Viktor Vasnetsov, and the Remaking of the Past by Norris, Stephen M.
Migrations in Jordan: Reception Policies and Settlement Strategies by
Scotland Yard's Murder Squad by Kirby, Dick
Public Procurement as Secondary Policy: Axioms and Perspectives by Rolfstam, Max
Martin Bormann: Hitler's Executioner by Koop, Volker
Earth Wise: A Guide to Today's Environmental Issues by Spiro, Thomas G., Spiro, Helen H., Soldatova, Alexandra
The Rise and Fall of Network-Centric Warfare by Guha, Manabrata
Intelligence and Politics: An Introduction by Davies, Philip
Intelligence and Politics: An Introduction by Davies, Philip
Routledge Handbook of Energy Humanities by
Bibliography of Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism by Sinai, Joshua
Understanding Public Policy in Singapore: A Layman's Guide by Woo, Jun Jie
Indigenous Peoples and Un Sustainability Goals in South America: The Case for Change by Reid, Darren R., Renwick, Neil, Piovezana, Leonel
Digital Suffragists: Women, the Web, and the Future of Democracy by Tessier, Marie
Yesterday's Tomorrow: On the Loneliness of Communist Specters and the Reconstruction of the Future by Adamczak, Bini
Manufacturing Delusion: How Brainwashing, Indoctrination, and Propaganda Are Destroying America by Sexton, Buck
Who Owns the Moon?: In Defence of Humanity's Common Interests in Space by Grayling, A. C.
Crisis of the Two Constitutions: The Rise, Decline, and Recovery of American Greatness by Kesler, Charles R.
The Revolutionary Center: How True Liberalism Created (and Will Save) the Modern World by Wooldridge, Adrian
The Gift of Death: Decelerationist Politics from the Seventies Until Today by Galluzzo, Anthony
Handbuch Anarchismus 1: Leben, Werke Und Wirkungsgeschichte by
Politik Und Wirtschaft: Ein Integratives Kompendium by
Tucker by Moore, Chadwick
The Politics of Turkish Literature: Translation, Genre and Marginal Voices by
Handbuch Ngo-Kommunikation by
Overcoming Modernity: East Asian Community and the Kyoto School by
Information Literacy, Misinformation and Fake News by Morris
Environmental Justice and Peacebuilding: Integrating Nature in Policy and Practice by L. Farnum, Rebecca
The Everything War: Amazon's Ruthless Quest to Own the World and Remake Corporate Power by Mattioli, Dana
Climate Change as a Crisis of Imagination by Brisman, Avi
Victorian Ladies in the Ottoman Empire: Lifting the Veil by Marino, Elisabetta
A Field Guide to Democratized Living by
Literature and Cultural Identity During the Korean War: Comparing North and South Korean Writing by Wit, Jerôme de
Genocide in Comparative Perspective: A Global Introduction by Pendas, Devin O.
Genocide in Comparative Perspective: A Global Introduction by Pendas, Devin O.
Information Literacy, Misinformation and Fake News by Morris
Fieldwork as Craftwork: A Practical Guide for Conducting Research in the Real World by Levi-Sanchez, Suzanne
The Trouble with Truth: Dealing with the Past in Northern Ireland by McEvoy, Kieran, Lawther, Cheryl
Obsolete: Power, Profit, and the Race for Machine Superintelligence by Lovely, Garrison
The Alawis of Modern Turkey: History, Identity and Politics by Mertcan, Hakan
Anti-Fracking Movements: Citizen Networks for Environmental Justice by Raftopoulos, Malayna, Short, Damien
Anti-Fracking Movements: Citizen Networks for Environmental Justice by Short, Damien, Raftopoulos, Malayna
Public Policy in the Community by Taylor, Marilyn
Public Policy in the Community by Taylor, Marilyn
Innovation Und Beschäftigung: Europäisch-Amerikanischer Vergleich Zur Regionalisierung Von Biotechnologie by Hilpert, Ulrich, Bastian, Dietmar
Anthropology and the Fiction of Race in Modern Hungary by Turda, Marius
Everything Is Allowed, Nothing Is Permitted: Vice, Crime and Corruption in New China by Hunwick, Robert Foyle
Power and Protest in Tunisia: Remembering Revolution, Rebellion and Collective Dissent, 1864 -2011 by Marsans-Sakly, Silvia
Power and Protest in Tunisia: Remembering Revolution, Rebellion and Collective Dissent, 1864 -2011 by Marsans-Sakly, Silvia
Handbuch Integration by
An English School Approach to the Expansion of Regional Orders: The Case of the European Union by Stivachtis, Yannis A.
Humanitarian Protection: Principles, Law and Practice by Robins, Simon, Rasul, Majida
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