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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Psychology in 1983

Aging & Mental Disorders (Psychological Approaches to Assessment & Treatment) by Zarit, Steven H.
Advances in Infancy Research, Volume 2 by Unknown, Hayne, Harlene, Lipsitt, Lewis P.
Work Meaning and Belief by Pulman, S. G., Unknown
Familienmedizin: Herausforderung an Den Heutigen Arzt; Diskussionsbeiträge Zum Thema Patient -- Arzt -- Familie by Bernachon, P.
Betriebspsychologie/Betriebssoziologie: Anwendungsorientierte Grundlagen Für Studium Und PRAXIS by Heidack, Clemens
Handwörterbuch Der Politischen Psychologie by
Rethinking Cognitive Theory by Coulter, Jeff
Der Traum in Psychoanalyse Und Analytischer Psychotherapie by
Birth to Maturity: A Study in Psychological Development by Moss, Howard, Kagan, Jerome
Coping With Your Anger by Lester, Andrew D.
Children and the Formal Features of Television: Approaches and Findings of Experimental and Formative Research by
Conjoint Family Therapy: by Satir, Virginia
1982 by
1982 by
1982 by
1983 by
1982 by
1982 by
1982 by
1982 by
1982 by
Social Organization: A Study of the Larger Mind by
Video Displays, Work, and Vision by Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Treating The Remarried Family....... by Crohn, Helen, Sager, Clifford J., Brown, Hollis Steer
The Bioelectrical Investigation of Sexuality and Anxiety by Reich, Wilhelm
Consistency and Cognition: A Theory of Causal Attribution by Mayer, F. S., Duval, S., Duval, V. H.
Practical Mental Magic by Annemann, Theodore
Mastering Resistance: A Practical Guide to Family Therapy by Anderson, Carol M., Stewart, Susan
Occupational Clinical Psychology by Manuso, James
Autism in Adolescents and Adults by
Theorien Der Psychologie: Band 6: Die Verhaltensanalyse by Scheerer, E.
Jung and Christianity The Challenge of Reconciliation by Clift, Wallace
Psychosomatik in Der Klinischen Medizin: Psychiatrisch-Psychotherapeutische Erfahrungen Bei Schweren Somatischen Krankheiten by
The Dark Side of Families: Current Family Violence Research by Finkelhor, David
Knowledge and the Flow of Information by Dretske, Fred
All about Sex Therapy by Kilmann, P. R., Mills, K. H.
Recent Developments in Alcoholism: Genetics Behavioral Treatment Social Mediators and Prevention Current Concepts in Diagnosis by
The Modularity of Mind by Fodor, Jerry A.
The Observing Self by Deikman, Arthur J.
Pronominal Reference: Child Language and the Theory of Grammar by Solan, L.
Physics, Philosophy and Psychoanalysis: Essays in Honor of Adolf Grünbaum by
The Professional Psychologist's Handbook by Sales, Bruce D.
Time Series in Psychology by Gregson, R. a. M.
Comparing Behavior: Studying Man Studying Animals by
The Poetic Mind. by Prescott, Frederick C., Unknown
Inpatient Gruop Psychotherapy by Yalom, Irvin D.
Aspects of the Feminine by Jung, C. G.
Paternalism, Conflict, and Coproduction: Learning from Citizen Action and Citizen Participation in Western Europe by Susskind, Lawrence, Elliott, Michael
Advances in Applied Social Psychology: Volume 2 by
Human Assessment and Cultural Factors by Berry, John W., Irvine, S. H.
Hormones and Aggressive Behavior by Svare, Bruce B.
Dreams: Hidden Meanings and Secrets by Orion
As the Twig Is Bent: Lasting Effects of Preschool Programs by Lazar, Irving, Consortium for Longitu
Women and Health: The Politics of Sex in Medicine by Fee, Elizabeth
New Essays in Technical and Scientific Communication: Research, Theory, Practice by Miller, Carolyn, Anderson, Paul, Brockman, John
Language in Primates: Perspectives and Implications by
Interactive Counseling. by Shoenberg, Mark B., Schoenberg, B. Mark
Mate Choice by
White Man: A Study of the Attitudes of Africans to Europeans in Ghana Before Independence by Unknown, Jahoda, Gustav
Psychiatry as Medicine: Contemporary Psychotherapies by Fried, A., Agassi, J.
Girls at Puberty: Biological and Psychosocial Perspectives by
Briggs' Information Processing Model of the Binary Classification Task by Mudd, S.
Psychoanalytic Theory of Art: A Philosophy of Art on Developmental Principles by Kuhns, Richard
In Freud's Shadow: Adler in Context by Stepansky, Paul E.
The Politics of Experience by Laing, R. D.
Environmental Psychology: Directions and Perspectives by Feimer, Nickolaus R.
The Evolving Self: Problem and Process in Human Development by Kegan, Robert
Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 13: Alchemical Studies by Jung, C. G.
Second-Hand Knowledge: An Inquiry into Cognitive Authority by Wilson, Patrick
Renaissance Des Hausarztes: Konzept Für Eine Wissenschaftliche Grundlegung Hausärztlicher Tätigkeit Und Für Eine Wissenschaft Vom Patienten by Sturm, Eckart
Erste Schritte in Der Psychotherapie: Erfahrungen Von Medizinstudenten Patienten Und Ärzten Mit Psychotherapie Michael Balint ALS Lehrer by
Listening with the Third Ear: The Inner Experience of a Psychoanalyst by Reik, Theodor
Birth to Maturity: A Study in Psychological Development by Moss, Howard A., Kagan, Jerome
Short-Term Counseling: Guidelines Based on Recent Research by Janis, Irving L.
Personality, Power, and Authority: A View From the Behavioral Sciences by Unknown
Sooner or Later: The Timing of Parenthood in Adult Lives by Daniels, Pamela, Weingarten, Kathy
Passing Through Transitions: A Guide for Practitioners by Golan, Naomi
Der Zugang Zum Psychosomatischen Denken: Hilfen Für Den Niedergelassenen Arzt by
The Psychology of the Transference by Jung, C. G.
Planung Und Auswertung Von Untersuchungen Im Rahmen Des Allgemeinen Linearen Modells by Rochel, Hubertus
The Meaning of Heidegger: A Critical Study of an Existentialist Phenomenology by Langan, Thomas, Unknown
Social Skills Assessment and Training with Children: An Empirically Based Handbook by Michelson, Larry, Sugai, Don P., Wood, Randy P.
Cognitive Therapy with Couples and Groups by Freeman, Arthur
Awakening the Heart: East/West Approaches to Psychotherapy and the Healing Relationship by Welwood, John
Pittsburgh Series in Philosophy and History of Science by
Mind and Immunity: Behavioral Immunology by Locke, Steven, Hornig-Rohan, Mady
Counselling Young People by Noonan, Ellen
Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Supplementary Volume a: The Zofingia Lectures by Jung, C. G.
Sickness Unto Death: A Christian Psychological Exposition for Upbuilding and Awakening by Kierkegaard, Søren
Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory by Mitchell, Stephen A., Greenberg, Jay R.
Treating Child-Abusive Families: Intervention Based on Skills-Training Principles by Kelly, Jeffrey A.
Rational-Emotive Approaches to the Problems of Childhood by
Libido y Sociedad.Estudios Sobre Freud y La Izquierda Freudiana by Dahmer, Helmut
Piaget and the Foundations of Knowledge by
Interaktion in Der Familie by
Freud and Man's Soul: An Important Re-Interpretation of Freudian Theory by Bettelheim, Bruno
Biokybernetik Und Psychopathologie: Das Holophrene Syndrom ALS Modell by Mitterauer, B.
A Theory for All Music: Problems and Solutions in the Analysis of Non-Western Forms by Rahn, Jay
The Analytic Attitude by Schafer, Roy
Aggression in Children and Youth by
L'aphasie de l'enfant et les bases psychologiques du langage by Van Hout, Anne, Seron, Xavier
L'interaction adulte-enfant et la construction du langage by Jean-Adolphe Rondal
Formation et développements by Boutin, André
Le visage et l'expression faciale: Approche neuropsychologique by Bruyer, Raymond
L'intelligence ou les intelligences ? by Chateau, Jean
L'apprentissage chez l'animal: Faits et théories by Blancheteau, Marc
Psycholinguistique et handicap mental: Recherches récentes et perspectives by Rondal, Jean-Adolphe, Lambert, Jean-Luc, Chipman, H. H.
Die Menschliche Psyche by
Introduction to Group Analytic Psychotherapy: Method and Principles by Foulkes, S. H.