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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Psychology in 1985

Health Psychology: Treatment and Research Issues by Bendell, Debra, Walker, C. Eugene, Zeiner, Arthur R.
Computers and Control in Clinical Medicine by Carson, Ewart R., Cramp, Derek G.
Psychological and Behavioral Assessment: Impact on Pediatric Care by
Kategorienlehre by Brentano, Franz
The Discourse of Medicine: Dialectics of Medical Interviews by Mishler, Elliot G., Unknown
Advances in Applied Developmental Psychology, Volume 1 by
Problems in Form and Function by Borkin, Ann, Anon
Effective Leadership for Women and Men by Adams, Jerome, Yoder, Janice D., Unknown
Research Methodology by Detterman, Douglas, Unknown
Measurement of Audition and Vision in the First Year of Postnatal Life: A Methodological Overview by
Systemic Perspectives on Discourse, Volume 1: Seleced Theoretical Papers from the Ninth International Systemic Workshop by
Therapie Chronischer Schmerzzustände in Der PRAXIS by
Invented Worlds: The Psychology of the Arts by Winner, Ellen
Massage: Eine Einführung in Die Techniken Der Massage by Krauss, H., Dalicho, W. a., Haase, H.
Die Zweite Sozialisation by Hörmann, Georg
The Discourse of Medicine: Dialectics of Medical Interviews by Mishler, Elliot G.
Dictionary of Hyponosis by Winn, Ralph
Helping When It Hurts: A Practical Guide to Helping Relationships by Hunter, Robert L.
Factor Analysis and Related Methods by McDonald, Roderick P.
Schriftspracherwerb Und Die Entstehung Von Sprachbewußtheit by Andresen, Helga
Sicht Und Einsicht by Foerster, Heinz
Symbolism: Its Meaning and Effect by Whitehead, Alfred N.
Coping in Medical School by Virshup, Bernard
Language Development From Birth To Three by Anisfeld, Moshe
Structures and Procedures of Implicit Knowledge by Graesser, Arthur C., Clark, Leslie F., Unknown
Psychosomatische Medizin: Grundlagen Und Anwendungsgebiete by Alexander, Franz
1984 by
1984 by
1984 by
1984 by
1984 by
1984 by
1984 by
1984 by
Psychotherapy in a New Key: A Guide to Timelimited Dynamic Psychotherapy by Strupp, Hans H., Binder, Jeffrey L.
Ulysses and the Sirens: Studies in Rationality and Irrationality by Elster, Jon
Measuring Reading Competence: A Theoretical-Prescriptive Approach by Schwartz, S.
Learning to Cooperate, Cooperating to Learn by
Individual Change Through Small Groups, 2nd Ed. by Sundel, Martin
Persistence and Change: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Event Perception by
Die Familie in Der Psychotherapie: Theoretische Und Praktische Aspekte Aus Tiefenpsychologischer Und Systemtheoretischer Sicht by
Psychosoziale Intensivmedizin: Untersuchungen Zum Spannungsfeld Von Medizinischer Technologie Und Heilkunde by Klapp, Burghard F.
Teaching Seminar with Milton H. Erickson by
Hunger and Work in a Savage Society by Richards, Audrey I.
Environmental Problems/Behavioral Solutions by Cone, John D., Hayes, Steven C.
Psychology: Briefer Course by James, William
Psychosomatische Probleme in Der Gynäkologie Und Geburtshilfe 1984 by
The Real Self: A Developmental, Self and Object Relations Approach by Masterson M. D., James F.
Ergebnisse Einzelfallstatistischer Untersuchungen in Psychosomatik Und Klinischer Psychologie by
Absolutes Und Vergleichendes Urteil: Eine Einführung in Die Theorie Psychischer Bezugssysteme by Haubensak, Gert
Personality in the Social Process by Wilson, J. P., Aronoff, J.
Keys to Solution in Brief Therapy by de Shazer, Steve
Topics in the History of Psychology: Volume II by
Escape from Evil by Becker, Ernest
Psychoactive Drugs and Sex by Abel, E. L.
Positive Peer Culture by
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Psychological and Pharmacological Treatment by
Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, 1984, Volume 32: Psychology and Gender by Nebraska Symposium
Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, 1984, Volume 32: Psychology and Gender by Nebraska Symposium
Freud and the Imaginative World by Trosman, Harry
Naturalistic Inquiry by Lincoln, Yvonna S.
Sibling Rivalry: Sound, Reassuring Advice for Getting Along as a Family by Bank Street Coll of Educ, Reit, Seymour
In Defense of the Psychological by Miller, John William
America's Quest for the Ideal Self: Dissent and Fulfillment in the 60s and 70s by Clecak, Peter
Contrast Analysis: Focused Comparisons in the Analysis of Variance by Rosnow, Ralph L., Rosenthal, Robert
Social Support: Theory, Research and Applications by
Practical Approaches to Alcoholism Psychotherapy by
Modell- Und Rekursionstheoretische Grundlagen Psychologischer Theorienbildung by Lehmann, Günter
Reversal Theory: Applications and Development by
The Development of Spatial Cognition by
Children's Searching: The Development of Search Skill and Spatial Representation by
Fahrzeug- Und Prozeßführung: Kognitives Verhalten Des Menschen Und Entscheidungshilfen by Kraiss, Karl-Friedrich
Speculum of the Other Woman by Irigaray, Luce
Cognitive Counseling and Persons with Special Needs: Adapting Behavioral Approaches to the Social Context by Lovett, Herbert
On the Way to Self: Ego and Early Oedipal Development by Tabin, Johanna Krout
Evaluationsforschung: Aufgaben, Probleme Und Anwendungen by Wittmann, Werner W.
In Dora's Case: Freud, Hysteria, Feminism by
Communication Problems in Autism by
Annals of Theoretical Psychology: Volume 3 by
Substance Abuse and Psychopathology by Alterman, Arthur
Dreaming: A Cognitive-Psychological Analysis by Foulkes, David
Contributions to a History of Developmental Psychology: International William T. Preyer Symposium by
Handbook of Horary Astrology by Hamaker-Zondag, Karen
Characterological Transformation: The Hard Work Miracle by Johnson, Stephen M.
Making It Crazy: An Ethnography of Psychiatric Clients in an American Community by Estroff, Sue E.
The Structure of Mind in History: Five Major Figures in Psychohistory by Pomper, Philip
The Body's Recollection of Being: Phenomenological Psychology and the Deconstruction of Nihilism by Levin, David Michael
The Final Transition by Kalish, Richard
The Future of Piagetian Theory: The Neo-Piagetians by
Racial and Cultural Minorities: An Analysis of Prejudice and Discrimination by Simpson, George Eaton, Yinger, J. Milton
An Elementary Approach To Thinking Under Uncertainty by Gombo, Ruth, Beyth-Marom, Ruth, Dekel, Shlomith
Psychische Bewältigung Der Chronischen Herzerkrankung by
Menschen - Arbeit Neue Technologien: Iao-Arbeitstagung 11.-13. Juni 1985 in Stuttgart by
Interaktionelle Psychosomatik: Die Affekte Und Die Entwicklung Des Selbst by Stüttgen, Thomas
Psychologische Therapie Bei Chronischen Schmerzpatienten: Programme Und Ergebnisse by
First Steps in Psychotherapy: Teaching Psychotherapy to Medical Students and General Practitioners by
Jung and Eastern Thought by Coward, Harold
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Genetic Algorithms and Their Applications by
Categorization and Differentiation: A Set, Re-Set, Comparison Analysis of the Effects of Context on Person Perception by Martin, Leonard L.
Generation to Generation: Family Process in Church and Synagogue by Friedman, Edwin H.
Perspectives on Minority Influence by
Handbook of Clinical Behavior Therapy with Adults by
The American Experience with Alcohol: Contrasting Cultural Perspectives by
Integrative Familientherapie: Eine Systematische Darstellung Der Konzepte, Hypothesen Und Techniken Amerikanischer Therapeuten by Textor, Martin
Stress and Coping by
Stationäre Gruppen-Psychotherapie: Prozesse Effekte Vergleiche by Eckert, Jochen, Biermann-Ratjen, Eva-M
Psychoanalytic Theory and Clinical Relevance: What Makes a Theory Consequential for Practice? by Berger, Louis S.
Beyond the Brain: Birth, Death, and Transcendence in Psychotherapy by Grof, Stanislav
On Signs by
The Dictionary of Dreams: Dictionary of Dreams by Miller, Gustavus Hindman
The Psychoanalytic Study of Society, V. 11: Essays in Honor of Werner Muensterberger by
Honoring the Self: The Pyschology of Confidence and Respect by Branden, Nathaniel
When Talk Is Not Cheap: Or How to Find the Right Therapist When You Don't Know Where to Begin by Aftel, R.
The Community of Self by Akbar, Na'im
Psychotherapeutic Change: An Alternative Approach to Meaning and Measurement by Mahrer, Alvin R.
Adapting to Life-Threatening Illness by Glicksman, Arvin, Slaby, Andrew
Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behavior by Deci, Edward L., Ryan, Richard M.
Begriffs- Und Wortbedeutungsentwicklung: Theoretische, Empirische Und Methodische Untersuchungen by
Die Prävention Somatischer Fixierung: Eine Aufgabe Für Den Hausarzt by
Perspektiven Der Kognitionspsychologie by
Religion and the Unconscious by Ulanov, Ann Belford, Ulanov, Barry
Stories for the Third Ear: Using Hypnotic Fables in Psychotherapy by Wallas, Lee
Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle by Jung, C. G.
Semantics and Cognition by Jackendoff, Ray S.
People in Cities: The Urban Environment and Its Effects by Krupat, Edward
The Mind and the Eye by Arber, Agnes Robertson, Bell, P. R.
Piagetian Dimensions of Clinical Relevance by Rosen, Hugh
The Tainted War: Culture and Identity in Vietnam War Narratives by Lewis, Lloyd B.
The Age of the Crowd: A Historical Treatise on Mass Psychology by Moscovici, Serge
Home Environments by
The Neuropsychology of Individual Differences: A Developmental Perspective by
Psychology: The Briefer Course by James, William
Erwartungen Und Entscheidungen by Westhoff, Karl
Psychoanalytische Psychosomatik: Neuere Ansätze Der Psychoanalytischen Entwicklungspsychologie Und Objektbeziehungstheorie by Kapfhammer, Hans-Peter
Deskriptive Statistik by Ferschl, Franz
Textbank Systems: Computer Science Applied in the Field of Psychoanalysis by Mergenthaler, Erhard
Reading Lacan: The Uses of Images as Historical Evidence by Gallop, Jane
Difference and Pathology: Shakespeare's English Chronicles by Gilman, Sander L.
Difference and Pathology: Shakespeare's English Chronicles by Gilman, Sander L.
Challenge of the Heart: Love, Sex, and Intimacy in Changing Times by
Living Loving and Learning by Buscaglia, Leo F.
Oxford Psychology Series by Tulving, Endel
Handbook of Cross-Cultural Counseling and Therapy by Pedersen, Paul
Forms of Feeling: The Heart of Psychotherapy by Hobson, Robert F.
Molecular Biology of Aging by
Frantz Fanon and the Psychology of Oppression by Bulhan, Hussein Abdilahi
Early Identification of Children at Risk: An International Perspective by
A New Look At Love by Walster, William G., Hatfield, Elaine
Self and Society: Narcissism, Collectivism, and the Development of Morals by Westen, Drew
Unemployment by Kelvin, Jarrett, Joanna E., Kelvin, Peter
Self and Society: Narcissism, Collectivism, and the Development of Morals by Westen, Drew Etc, Drew, Westen
Experiencing Erikson by Zeig, Jeffery K.
Autogenes Training Für Kinder by Eberlein, Gisela
Narzißmus, Trieb Und Die Produktion Von Subjektivität: Stationen Auf Der Suche Nach Dem Verlorenen Paradies by Zepf, Siegfried
In Search of Meaning: A Psychotherapy of Small Steps by Peseschkian, Nossrat
Sigmund Freud and Lou Andreas-Salomae, Letters by Freud, Sigmund
Self Psychology and the Humanities: Reflections on a New Psychoanalytic Approach by Kohut, Heinz
Exploring the Road Less Traveled: A Study Guide for Small Groups by Howard, Alice, Howard, Walden
Intimate Connections by Burns, David D.
To Love Is to Be Happy With: The Remarkably Intimate and Inspiring New Way to Dynamic Personal Success! by Kaufman, Barry Neil
Hypothesis and Evidence in Psychoanalysis by Edelson, Marshall
The Scientific Credibility of Freud's Theories and Therapy by Fisher, Seymour, Greenberg, Roger
The Use of Words in Context: The Vocabulary of Collage Students by Black, John W., Stratton, Cleavonne S., Nichols, Alan C.
Behavioral Case Formulation by
Beyond the Chains of Illusion: My Encounter with Marx and Freud by Fromm, Erich
Positive Family Therapy: The Family as Therapist by Peseschkian, Nossrat
Tatort Körper -- Spurensicherung: Eine Kritik Der Psychoanalytischen Psychosomatik by Alberti, Luciano
Stress in Organizations: Toward A Phase Model of Burnout by Golembiewski, Robert, Stevenson, Jerry
Applied Psycholinguistics: An Introduction of the Psychology of Language Learning and Teaching by Titone, Renzo, Danesi, Marcel
The Foundations of Psychoanalysis: A Philosophical Critique Volume 2 by Grunbaum, Adolf
Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 16: Practice of Psychotherapy by Jung, C. G.
The Category of the Person: Anthropology, Philosophy, History by
Psychoanalytic Theory, Therapy and the Self by Guntrip, Harry Y.
Psychotic States: A Psycho-Analytic Approach by Rosenfeld, Herbert A.
Langage et communication chez les handicapés mentaux: Théorie, évaluation et intervention by Rondal, Jean-Adolphe
Psychologie du geste by de Lannoy, Jacques-Dominique, Feyereisen, Pierre
Théorie et clinique du fonctionnement mental by Schmid-Kitsikis, Elsa
Modèle éthologique et criminologie by Debuyst, Christian
Quand l'enfant parle du langage: Connaissance et conscience du langage chez l'enfant by Clairelise Bonnet, Joelle Tamine-Gardes
L'enfant à la rencontre du langage: Comment l'enfant découvre et crée sa langue maternelle by Taulelle, Dominique
Psychosomatique de l'enfant asthmatique by de Boucaud, Michel
Les sciences humaines et les droits de l'homme by Bruyer, Raymond
Latéralisation et latéralité chez l'enfant by Dailly, Robert, Moscato, Michel
Analyse transactionnelle et soin infirmier by Nizard, Georges
Begabung, Schöpfertum, Persönlichkeit: Zur Psychologie Und Soziologie Des Schöpfertums by Mehlhorn, Gerlinde, Mehlhorn, Hans-Georg
New Directions in Psychoanalysis: The Significance of Infant Conflict in the Pattern of Adult Behaviour by
Mensch Und Gesellschaft by
1985 by
Begabung Schöpfertum Persönlichkeit: Zur Psychologie Und Soziologie Des Schöpfertums by Mehlhorn, Hans-Georg, Mehlhorn, Gerlinde