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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Psychology in 1987

The Cocaine Crisis by
Sexual Aliveness: A Reichian Gestalt Perspective by Smith, Edward W. L.
Power Through Discourse by Kedar, Leah
The Robots Dilemma: The Frame Problem in Artificial Intelligence by
The Behavioral Management of the Cardiac Patient by Byrne, D. G.
Text and Epistemology by Frawley, William
Metacognition and Reading Comprehension by Garner, Ruth
The Family's Construction of Reality by Reiss, David
Carl Jung and Soul Psychology by Stern, E. Mark, Lathrop, Donald, Gibson, Karen
Eliciting and Analyzing Expert Judgment: A Practical Guide by Booker, Jane M., Meyer, Mary A.
Psycholinguistic Models of Production by Dechert, Hans W., Raupach, Manfred
Linguistic Action: Some Empirical-Conceptual Studies by
Cognitive and Linguistic: Analyses of Test Performance by Freedle, Roy, Duran, Richard P., Unknown
Cognition and Symbolic Structures: The Psychology of Metaphoric Transformation by Haskell, Robert E.
The Full Battery Codebook: A Handbook of Psychological Test Interpretation for Clinical, Counseling, Rehabilitation, and School Psychology by Vincent, Ken
Mirrors of Minds: Patterns of Experience in Educational Computing by Sheingold, Karen, Pea, Roy D.
Cognition in Special Children: Comparative Approaches to Retardation, Learning Disabilities, and Giftedness by
Intelligence and Exceptionality: New Directions for Theory, Assessment, and Instructional Practices by
Communication and Assertion Skills for Older Persons by Doty, Leilani
Integrating Sex and Marital Therapy by Weeks Gerald, R., Weeks
Psychosocial Factors at Work and Their Relation Tohealth by
Methoden in Der Familienforschung by
Grammatik Und Kognition: Psycholinguistische Untersuchungen by
Autogenes Training: Lernen Und Lehren by Eberlein, Gisela
System Ohne Psyche: Zur Kritik Der Pragmatischen Kommunikationstheorie Und Ihrer Anwendungen by Meister, Karl J.
Marktforschung by Eckert, Werner, Ellenrieder, Peter, Berekoven, Ludwig
Psychoanalyse Und Psychotherapie in Der Vergangenheit Und Gegenwart: In Erinnerung an Den 100. Geburtstag Von Viktor Von Weizsäcker Im Jahre 1986 by Buchheim, Peter, Von Weizsäcker, Viktor
States of Mind: Configurational Analysis of Individual Psychology by Horowitz, Mardi Jon
Multidimensional Scaling: History, Theory, and Applications by Young, Forrest W.
Musik in Der Medizin / Music in Medicine: Neurophysiologische Grundlagen Klinische Applikationen Geisteswissenschaftliche Einordnung / Neurophysiologi by
Final Lectures by Horney, Karen
The Compleat Academic: A Practical Guide for the Beginning Social Scientist by
The Kohut Seminars: On Self Psychology and Psychotherapy with Adolescents and Young Adults by Kohut, Heinz
The Art of the Psychotherapist: How to Develop the Skills That Take Psychotherapy Beyond Science by Bugental, James F. T.
The Six Stages of Parenthood by Galinsky, Ellen
Stumbling Blocks or Stepping Stones: Spiritual Answers to Psychological Questions by Groeschel, Benedict J.
Reading Lacan: The Uses of Images as Historical Evidence by Gallop, Jane
Psychotherapy in the Third Reich: The Göring Institute by Cocks, Geoffrey
1986 by
1986 by
1986 by
1986 by
1986 by
1986 by
1986 by
1986 by
1986 by
Taproots by O'Hanlon, William Hudson
Creative Problem Solving: A Guide for Trainers and Management by Van Gundy, Arthur B.
Behavior, Bias and Handicaps: Labelling the Emotionally Disturbed Child by Kugelmass, Judith W.
My Madness Saved Me: The Madness and Marriage of Virginia Woolf by Szasz, Thomas
Biofeedback: Studies in Clinical Efficacy by
Motor and Sensory Processes of Language by
Theory of Mental Tests by Gulliksen, Harold
Free to Be Human by Kennedy, Eugene
Psychosomatische Probleme in Der Gynäkologie Und Geburtshilfe 1986 by
Kurzpsychotherapie in Der Ärztlichen PRAXIS by Rechenberger, Heinz-Günter
Spezialisierung Und Integration in Psychosomatik Und Psychotherapie: Deutsches Kollegium Für Psychosomatische Medizin, 6.-8. März 1986 by
Pain and Behavioral Medicine: A Cognitive-Behavioral Perspective by Genest, Myles, Turk, Dennis C., Meichenbaum, Donald
C.G. Jung Speaking: Interviews and Encounters by Jung, C. G.
Der Magen-Darm-Kranke: Und Seine Prä- Und Postoperative Situation by
Das Arzt-Patient-Verhältnis Im Spiegel Der Sprache: Sprachwissenschaftliche Studien an Texten Aus Einer Balint-Gruppe by Gutwinski-Jeggle, Jutta
Cognitive Processes and Spatial Orientation in Animal and Man: Volume I Experimental Animal Psychology and Ethology by
Cognitive Processes and Spatial Orientation in Animal and Man: Volume II Neurophysiology and Developmental Aspects by
Sexual Aversion, Sexual Phobias and Panic Disorder by Kaplan, Helen Singer
Inquiry by Stalnaker, Robert C.
Forty: The Age and Symbol by Brandes, Stanley
Nim: A Chimpanzee Who Learned Sign Language by Terrace, Herbert S.
Memory and Brain by Squire, Larry R.
Entwicklungstests Für Das Säuglings-, Kleinkind- Und Vorschulalter by Rennen-Allhoff, Beate
B.F. Skinner: Consensus And Controversy by
Veränderung Kognitiver Prozesse in Psychoanalysen: 1 Eine Hypothesengenerierende Einzelfallstudie by Leuzinger-Bohleber, Marianne
Serious Games by Abt, Clark C.
Kriminalpsychopathologie by Rautenberg, Erardo C., Gschwind, Martin
Viktor Von Weizsäcker Zum 100. Geburtstag: Beiträge Zum Symposion Der Universität Heidelberg (1.-3.5.1986) Sowie Der 24. Arbeitstagung Des Deutschen K by
Critical Theories of Psychological Development by
Classics of Semiotics by
Cognitive Strategies in Stochastic Thinking by Scholz, Roland W.
Perspectives on Stress and Stress-Related Topics by
Parameter Setting by
Matters of Intelligence: Conceptual Structures in Cognitive Neuroscience by
Nonverbal Behavior and Communication by
Foundations Of Contextual Therapy: ..Collected Papers Of Ivan: Collected Papers Boszormenyi-Nagy by Boszormenyi-Nagy, Ivan
Clinical Art Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide by Landgarten, Helen Barbara
Creatieve Therapie: Spelen Met Mogelijkheden by Grabau, E.
Speech Perception By Ear and Eye: A Paradigm for Psychological Inquiry by Massaro, Dominic W.
Selected Writings of Selma Fraiberg by
The Sociologist as Consultant by Iutcovich, Mark, Iutcovich, Joyce
Drawing on the Artist Within by Edwards, Betty
Managing Success: High-Echelon Careers and Motherhood by Lubin, Aasta
Kognitive Strukturen Des Sprachverstehens by Friederici, Angela D.
Women in Twentieth-Century Literature: A Jungian View by Knapp, Bettina
Sprache -- Person -- Krankheit: Vorklärungen Zu Einer Psychologischen Medizin Der Person by Tress, Wolfgang
Human Consciousness and Its Evolution: A Multidimensional View by Coan, Richard W.
Discourse and Social Psychology: Beyond Attitudes and Behaviour by Potter, Jonathan, Wetherell, Margaret
Blueprints for Thinking: The Role of Planning in Cognitive Development by
The Emotions by Frijda, Nico H.
The Individual in the Economy: A Textbook of Economic Psychology by Lea S E G, Stephen E. G., Lea, Lea, Stephen E. G.
Neurobiological Issues in Autism by
Man and Wolf: Advances, Issues, and Problems in Captive Wolf Research by
Fears, Phobias and Rituals: Panic, Anxiety, and Their Disorders by Marks, Isaac, Marks
Family Interaction and Psychopathology: Theories, Methods and Findings by Jacob, Theodore
The Man with a Shattered World: The History of a Brain Wound by Luria, A. R.
Freud and the Culture of Psychoanalysis by Marcus, Steven
Second Language Acquisition in Childhood: Volume 1: Preschool Children by
Ha, Ha and AHA: The Role of Humour in Psychotherapy by Mosak Phd, Harold H.
Turning Points: Treating Families in Transition and Crisis by Pittman, Frank
Systems of Family Therapy: An Adlerian Integration by Dinkmeyer, Don
Complexity of the Self: A Developmental Approach to Psychopathology and Therapy by Guidano, Vittorio F.
Enriched and Impoverished Environments: Effects on Brain and Behavior by Renner, Michael J., Rosenzweig, Mark R.
Ergonomics and Human Factors: Recent Research by
Impasse and Interpretation: Therapeutic and Anti-Therapeutic Factors in the Psychoanalytic Treatment of Psychotic, Borderline, and Neurotic Patien by Rosenfeld, Herbert
Einführung in Die Sprach-Und Stimmheilkunde by
Brücken Von Der Psychosomatik Zur Allgemeinmedizin by
The Social Contexts of Criminal Sentencing by Myers, Martha A., Talarico, Susette M.
The Career Psychology of Women by Betz, A. L.
Judgment Studies: Design, Analysis, and Meta-Analysis by Robert, Rosenthal, Rosenthal, Robert
Particle Physics: Cargèse 1985 by Basdevant, Jean-Louis, Lévy, Maurice, Jacob, Maurice
Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy: Evaluation and Technique by Sifneos, Peter E.
Intelligence and Cognition: Contemporary Frames of Reference by
States of Mind: Configurational Analysis of Individual Psychology by Horowitz, Mardi J.
Language in Psychotherapy: Strategies of Discovery by
Cancers of the Head and Neck: Advances in Surgical Therapy, Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy by
Personality Dimensions and Arousal by
The Many Faces of Shame by
The Mind's New Science: A History of the Cognitive Revolution by Gardner, Howard E.
Depression and Expressive Behavior by Maser, Jack D.
Humanizing the Narcissistic Style by Johnson, Stephen M.
Milan Systemic Family Therapy: Conversations in Theory and Practice by Boscolo, Luigi
Body, Self, and Soul: Sustaining Integration by Rosenberg, Jack Lee
The Long-Term Retention of Knowledge and Skills: A Cognitive and Instructional Perspective by Farr, Marshall J.
Vermessene Sexualität by
Neurologische Grundlagen Bildlicher Vorstellungen by Goldenberg, G.
Student Supervision by Jones, Alan, Ford, Kathy
Occupational Stress and Organizational Effectiveness by Unknown
Knowledge as Desire: An Essay on Freud and Piaget by Furth, Hans
Catharsis and Cognition in Psychotherapy by Guinagh, Barry
Evaluation and Accountability in Clinical Training by Berler, E., Edelstein, Barry A.
Neighborhood and Community Environments by
Principles of Radiopharmacology by
Historical Foundations of Educational Psychology by
Coping with Negative Life Events: Clinical and Social Psychological Perspectives by
Psychological Investigations by Ortega y. Gasset, Jose
Positive Psychotherapy: Theory and Practice of a New Method by Peseschkian, Nossrat
The Organization of Perception and Action: A Theory for Language and Other Cognitive Skills by MacKay, Donald G.
White, M. Weiner, M. The Theory And Practice Of Self Psycholog by White, M., Weiner, Marcella Bakur
Historical Perspectives and the International Status of Comparative Psychology by
Biographie Und Psychologie by
Autogenes Training Und Gestufte Aktivhypnose: Psychophysiologische Aspekte Ein Leitfaden Für Ärzte, Zahnärzte Und Psychologen by Diehl, Bernhard J. M.
Die Persönlichkeit Bei Psychovegetativen Störungen: Klinische Und Empirische Ergebnisse by Ermann, Michael
New Ideas in Therapy: Introduction to an Interdisciplinary Approach by
Stimmung ALS Information: Untersuchungen Zum Einfluß Von Stimmungen Auf Die Bewertung Des Eigenen Lebens by Schwarz, Norbert
Familiäre Sozialisation Und Psychosomatische Krankheit: Eine Empirische Studie Zum Elterlichen Erziehungsstil Bei Psychosomatisch Erkrankten Kindern by Liedtke, Reinhard
Frankfurter-Befindlichkeits-Skala (Fbs): Für Schizophren Erkrankte by Süllwold, Lilo, Herrlich, Jutta
Parallel Distributed Processing, Volume 2: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition: Psychological and Biological Models by Rumelhart, David E., Pdp Research Group, McClelland, James L.
Parallel Distributed Processing, Volume 1: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition: Foundations by Pdp Research Group, Rumelhart, David E., McClelland, James L.
Knowledge Acquisition for Expert Systems: A Practical Handbook by
Psychological Evaluation of the Developmentally and Physically Disabled by
Self-Disclosure: Theory, Research, and Therapy by
Categorical Perception: The Groundwork of Cognition by
Dramatherapy: Theory and Practice 1 by
The Freudian Metaphor: Toward Paradigm Change in Psychoanalysis by Spence, Donald P.
Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, 1986, Volume 34: Alcohol and Addictive Behavior by Nebraska Symposium
Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, 1986, Volume 34: Alcohol and Addictive Behavior by Nebraska Symposium
Thinking: The Second International Conference by
The Inside Story: Self-evaluations Reflecting Basic Rorschach Types by Harrower, Molly, Bowers, Dawn
Letting Go: A 12-Week Personal Action Program to Overcome a Broken Heart by Wanderer, Zev, Cabot, Tracy
Family Art Psychotherapy: A Clinical Guide And Casebook by Landgarten, Helen Barbara
Speech Motor Dynamics in Stuttering by
The Power of Concentration by Dumont, Theron Q.
The Mind of Man: Models of Human Understanding by Sanford, Anthony J.
International Handbook of Psychology by
Handbook of Cross-Cultural Counseling and Therapy by Pedersen, Paul
Spoken Word Recognition by
Strukturalistische Theorienkonzeption Und Empirische Forschung in Der Psychologie: Eine Fallstudie by Westermann, Rainer
You Can If You Think You Can by Peale, Norman Vincent
Epidemiology of Psychogenic Disorders: The Mannheim Study - Results of a Field Survey in the Federal Republic of Germany by Schepank, Heinz
Wirkungssteigerung Der Strahlentherapie Maligner Tumoren by
Studies in the Acquisition of Anaphora: Applying the Constraints by
Studies in the Acquisition of Anaphora: Applying the Constraints by
Skill Acquisition Rates and Patterns: Issues and Training Implications by Lane, Norman E.
Self In The System: Expanding The Limits Of Family Therapy by Nichols, Michael P.
The Inner World of the Black Juvenile Delinquent: Three Case Studies by Roberts, Harrell B.
Handbook of Measurements for Marriage and Family Therapy by Sherman Ed D., Robert, Fredman Ph. D., Norman
Healing Wounded Emotions: Overcoming Life's Hurts by Padovani, Martin H.
Taking Care by
Positive and Negative Symptoms in Psychosis: Description, Research, and Future Directions by
Stools and Bottles: A Study of Character Defects by Anonymous
Selected Melanie Klein by Klein, Melanie
The Little Red Book by Anonymous
Strukturbildende Psychotherapie: Tiefenpsychologie Und Aktive Imagination by Krucker, W.
Developmental Theory and Clinical Process by Pine, Fred
Female Adolescence: Psychoanalytic Reflections on Literature by Dalsimer, Katherine
The Riddle of Freud: Jewish Influences on His Theory of Female Sexuality by Roith, Estelle
Einfache Bedeutungskategorien: Ein Beitrag Zur Computerunterstützen Textanalyse Psychotherapeutischer Texte by Hege, Gerhard
The Mind of the Maker by Sayers, Dorothy L.
Bereavement and Health by Stroebe, Wolfgang, Stroebe, Margaret S.
Bereavement and Health: The Psychological and Physical Consequences of Partner Loss by Stroebe, Margaret S., Stroebe, Wolfgang
Handbook of Assessment in Childhood Psychopathology: Applied Issues in Differential Diagnosis and Treatment Evaluation by
Theoretical Foundations of Behavior Therapy by
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