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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Psychology in 1988

Linguistics in Context--Connecting Observation and Understanding by Tannen, Deborah
Task, Talk and Text in the Operating Room: A Study in Medical Discourse by Pettinari, Catherine Johnson
Pragmatics, Discourse and Text: Some Systemically Inspired Approaches by Veltman, Robert, Steiner, Erich H.
Ontogeny, Phylogeny, and Historical Development by Strauss, Sidney
Speed of Information-Processing and Intelligence by Vernon, Philip A.
Linguistics in Context--Connecting Observation and Understanding by Tannen, Deborah
Advances in Infancy Research, Volume 5 by
Child Development Within Culturally Structured Environments, Volume 2: Social Co-Construction and Environmental Guidance in Development by Valsiner, Jaan
Gender and Discourse: The Power of Talk by Fisher, Sue, Todd, Alexandra Dundas
Therapists' Dilemmas by
Systemic Functional Approaches to Discourse: Selected Papers from the 12th International Systemic Workshop by
The Presence of Thought--Introspective Accounts of Reading and Writing: Introspective Accounts of Reading and Writing by Sternglass, Marilyn S.
Politische Psychologie Heute by
Challenge of the Borderline Patient: Competency in Diagnosis and Treatment ((1988)) by Kroll, Jerome
Emotionsausdruck Und Emotionales Erleben Bei Psychosomatisch Kranken: Eine Kritik Des Alexithymiekonzepts by Gerhards, Friedemann
Psychologie ALS Gesellschaftswissenschaft: Geschichte, Theorie Und PRAXIS Kritischer Psychologie by
Psychologische Probleme Bei Der Gestaltung Der Unternehmensorganisation by Rolf, Horst
Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics: Volume 8, 1988 Varieties of Aging by
Cross-Cultural Studies of Personality, Attitudes and Cognition by
Bilingualism and Language Disability: Assessment & Remediation by Miller, Niklas
Lacan in Contexts by Macey, David
Rechtschreibtraining Mit Rechtschreibschwachen Hauptschülern Auf Kognitionspsychologischer Grundlage: Eine Empirische Untersuchung by Scheerer-Neumann, Gerheid
Epistemology and Cognition by Goldman, Alvin I.
Elegant Choices, Healing Choices by Sinetar, Marsha
Ultra-Solutions: How to Fail Most Successfully by Watzlawick, Paul
Persons, Behavior, and the World: The Descriptive Psychology Approach by Shideler, Mary McDermott
1987 by
1987 by
1987 by
1987 by
1987 by
1987 by
1987 by
1987 by
Macinter: Selected Papers from Workshops Organized by the Network of Man-Computer Interaction Research (Macinter) of the Interna by
1987 by
1987 by
1987 by
1987 by
1987 by
Cognition and Personal Structure: Computer Access and Analysis by Mancuso, James, Shaw, Mildred
RAM, ROM, Hard and Soft Disc Drives of the Human Brain: Evolution of Man Starts Today by Vavoudis, Arthur P.
From AI to Zeitgeist: A Philosophical Guide for the Skeptical Psychologist by Pronko, N. H.
Change in View: Principles of Reasoning by Harman, Gilbert
Individuals, Relationships and Culture: Links Between Ethology and the Social Sciences by Hinde, Robert A.
Human Motivation by McCelland, David C., McClelland, David C.
The Collected Works of L. S. Vygotsky: Problems of General Psychology, Including the Volume Thinking and Speech by Vygotsky, L. S.
The Adventure of Self-Discovery: Dimensions of Consciousness and New Perspectives in Psychotherapy and Inner Exploration by Grof, Stanislav
The Behavioral and Social Sciences: Achievements and Opportunities by National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
The Development of Language and Language Researchers: Essays in Honor of Roger Brown by
The Robbers Cave Experiment: Intergroup Conflict and Cooperation. [Orig. Pub. as Intergroup Conflict and Group Relations] by White, B. Jack, Sherif, Muzafer, Harvey, O. J.
Are You Considering Psychoanalysis? by Horney, Karen, Horney, Horney
The Social Construction of Lesbianism by Kitzinger, Celia
The Social Construction of Lesbianism by Kitzinger, Celia
William James: Writings 1902-1910: The Varieties of Religious Experience/Pragmatism/A Pluralistic Universe/The Meaning of Truth/Some by James, William
Grief and the Loss of an Adult Child by Margolis, Otto S., Kutscher, Austin H., Marcus, Eric R.
Music as Cognition: The Devlopment of Thought in Sound by Serafine, Mary Louise
Ethical Issues in the Psychotherapies by Lakin, Martin
On Toleration by Mendus
Die Zwangsneurose Aus Psychoanalytischer Sicht by Quint, Hans
Personal Sociology by
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in a College Context by
Psychosomatische Gynäkologie Und Geburtshilfe 1987: Erfahrungen Und Ergebnisse by
Albert Ellis: Passionate Skeptic by Wiener, Daniel N.
Cognitive and Neuropsychological Approaches to Mental Imagery by
Achieving Extraordinary Ends: An Essay on Creativity by
The Social Psychology of Procedural Justice by Tyler, Tom R., Lind, E. Allan
Biological Contributions to Crime Causation by
Indigenous Cognition: Functioning in Cultural Context by
Thematic Test Analysis by Shneidman, E. S.
Female Homosexuality: Choice Without Volition by Siegel, Elaine V.
Cognition and Sentence Production by Sridhar, S. N.
Bio-Psycho-Soziale Grundlagen Für Die Medizin: Festschrift Für Helmut Enke by
Entwicklungstendenzen in Der Psychosomatischen Medizin: (Eine Ringvorlesung) by
Domestic Violence and Control by Stets, Jan E.
Society of Mind by Minsky, Marvin
Zur Psychosomatik Des Zwangskranken: Klinik - Psychodynamik Psychopathologie - Therapie by Csef, Herbert
Memory in Historical Perspective: The Literature Before Ebbinghaus by
The Psychology of Conflict and Combat by Shalit, Ben
Personality in Search of Individuality: In Search of Individuality by Brody, Nathan
The Psychobiology of Bulimia Nervosa by
Clinical Behavioral Medicine: Some Concepts and Procedures by Wickramasekera, I. E.
Psychosomatisches Handeln in Der Allgemeinmedizin: Festschrift Für Professor Siegfried Häußler Zum 70. Geburtstag by
Facets of Emotion: Recent Research by
Philosophy of Science: An Overview for Cognitive Science by Bechtel, William
Philosophy of Science: An Overview for Cognitive Science by Bechtel, William
Cognition and Instruction by
Models of Achievement: Reflections of Eminent Women in Psychology, Volume 2 by
Feminist Perspectives on Wife Abuse by
The Myth of Psychotherapy: Mental Healing as Religion, Rhetoric, and Repression by Szasz, Thomas
Language and Learning in the Cooperative Classroom by Sharan, Shlomo, Shachar, Hana
Narrative Knowing and the Human Sciences by Polkinghorne, Donald E.
Platzangst: Ein Übungsprogramm Für Betroffene Und Angehörige by Gelder, Michael, Mathews, Andrew
Agoraphobie: Eine Anleitung Zur Durchführung Einer Exposition in Vivo Unter Einsatz Eines Selbsthilfemanuals by Gelder, Michael, Mathews, Andrew
Complex Movement Behaviour: 'The' Motor-Action Controversy Volume 50 by
Neuropsychologische Rehabilitation: Grundlagen -- Diagnostik -- Behandlungsverfahren by
PRAXIS - Theorie - Variationen - Leitungstechnik - Forschung - Entwicklung Und Anwendung in Verschiedenen Ländern Berufspolitik - Kritische Glosse by Rosin, Ulrich, Körner, Jürgen, Neubig, Herbert
Aktuelle Themen Der Psychoanalyse by
Acoustic Mirror: The Female Voice in Psychoanalysis and Cinema by Silverman, Kaja
Gelenkschutzunterweisung Bei Patienten Mit Chronischer Polyarthritis: Leitfaden Für Ergotherapeuten by Mellenthin-Seemann, Ulrike, Steier, Friederike
Structural Modeling by Example by
Doing Social Psychology: Laboratory and Field Exercises by
Doing Social Psychology by
Computer Models of Mind by Boden, Margaret A.
The Making of Cognitive Science by
The Behavioural Biology of Aggression by Archer, John
The Teenage World: Adolescents' Self-Image in Ten Countries by Ostrov, Eric, Howard, K. I., Offer, Daniel
Developing Ericksonian Therapy: A State Of The Art by
Essential Papers on Psychosis by Buckley, Peter J.
Southern Women by Dillman, Caroline M.
Philosophy of Mind: An Overview for Cognitive Science by Bechtel, William
Philosophy of Mind: An Overview for Cognitive Science by Bechtel, William
Aggressive Und Hyperaktive Kinder in Der Therapie by
The Painful Field: The Psychiatric Dimension of Modern War by Gabriel, Richard A.
Social Identifications: A Social Psychology of Intergroup Relations and Group Processes by Abrams, Dominic, Hogg, Michael A.
Gruppenanalytische Exkurse by
Power, Intimacy, and the Life Story: Personological Inquiries Into Identity by McAdams, Dan P.
Why You Act the Way You Do by LaHaye, Tim
Einführung in Die Analytische Psychotherapie: Ein Lehrbuch by Luborsky, Lester
Interest and Emotion: Essays on the Study of Family and Kinship by Sabean, David Warren
The Nature of Creativity: Contemporary Psychological Perspectives by
Family Assessment: Rationale, Methods and Future Directions by Tennenbaum, Daniel L., Jacob, Theodore
The Psychobiology of Emotions by Thompson, Jack George
Cognitive Perspectives on Emotion and Motivation by
Partnerschaft, Sexualität Und Fruchtbarkeit: Beiträge Aus Forschung Und PRAXIS by
Particle Physics: Cargèse 1987 by Levy, Maurice
Vision in Vehicles II by
A History of Psychology in Metascientific Perspective: Volume 53 by Madsen, K. B.
Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, 1987, Volume 35: Comparative Perspectives in Modern Psychology by Nebraska Symposium
Child Development in a Life-Span Perspective by
Psychotherapy Of The Borderline Adult: A Developmental Approach by Masterson M. D., James F.
The Father: Contemporary Jungian Perspectives by Samuels, Andrew D.
Advanced Logo: A Language for Learning by Friendly, Michael
The Anatomy of Psychotherapy by Friedman, Lawrence
The Work of Mara Selvini Palazzoli by Selvini Palazzoli, Mara, Selvini, Matteo
Blood Magic: The Anthropology of Menstruation by
Teaching Critical Thinking by Grant, Grace E.
Recent Trends in Theoretical Psychology: Proceedings of the Second Biannual Conference of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology, April by
Evaluation of Performance: A Judgmental Approach by Hannover, Bettina
Learning Issues for Intelligent Tutoring Systems by
Psychology of Everyday Things by Norman, Don
Fritz Heidernotebooksvol 2, Perception by Benesh-Weiner
Becoming an Ex: The Process of Role Exit by Ebaugh, Helen Rose Fuchs
Handbook of Family Therapy Training and Supervision by
Abhängigkeit Und Befreiung by
Autonomie Und Gerechtigkeit: Das Beispiel Der Familientherapie Für Eine Therapeutische Ethik by Reiter-Theil, Stella
The General Social Survey, 1972-1986: The State of the American People by Megaard, Inger, Russell, Charlos H.
A Little Book on the Human Shadow by Bly, Robert
Psychopharmacology of the Developmental Disabilities by
The Selection of Behavior: The Operant Behaviorism of B. F. Skinner: Comments and Consequences by
Remembering Reconsidered: Ecological and Traditional Approaches to the Study of Memory by
Stationäre Psychotherapie Bei Borderlinepatienten by Lohmer, Mathias
Intensional Logic and Metaphysics of Intentionality by Zalta, Edward
Critical Psychophysical Passages in the Life of a Woman: A Psychodynamic Perspective by Offerman-Zuckerberg, Joan
Wie Normal Ist Die Normalfamilie?: Empirische Untersuchungen by
Learning Strategies and Learning Styles by
Theory and Research in Behavioral Pediatrics by
Verhalten Und Einstellung: Untersuchung Der Einstellungs- Und Selbstkonzeptänderung Nach Änderung Des Alltäglichen Verhaltens by
Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, 1987, Volume 35: Comparative Perspectives in Modern Psychology by Nebraska Symposium
The Life of the Mind by Brown, Jason W.
The Structure of Conflict by Coombs, Clyde H., Avrunin, George S.
Generating Natural Language Under Pragmatic Constraints by Hovy, Eduard H.
Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences by Cohen, Jacob
Secrets of Sleep by Borbely, Alexander, Borbley, Alexander, Borbaely, Alexander A.
Unterschiede, Die Unterschiede Machen: Klinische Epistemologie: Grundlage Einer Systemischen Psychiatrie Und Psychosomatik by Simon, Fritz B.
The Bonds of Love: Psychoanalysis, Feminism, and the Problem of Domincation by Benjamin, Jessica
Heterosexualität: Ein Leitfaden Für Therapeuten by
Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, His Young Patient, and the Past-Life Therapy That Changed Both Their Lives by Weiss, Brian L.
Narzißmus Und Primärbeziehung: Psychoanalytisch-Anthropologische Grundlagen Für Ein Neues Verständnis Von Kindheit by Knapp, Guntram
Freud in Exile: Psychoanalysis and Its Vicissitudes by
Emotional Disturbance in Adopted Adolescents: Origins and Development by McRoy, Ruth G., Zurcher, Louis A., Grotevant, Harold D.
Cognition in Practice: Mind, Mathematics and Culture in Everyday Life by Lave, Jean
Maternal Employment and Children's Development: Longitudinal Research by
Program Evaluation: A Field Guide for Administrators by
Policing and Punishing the Drinking Driver: A Study of General and Specific Deterrence by Homel, Ross
Neuropsychological Studies of Nonfocal Brain Damage: Dementia and Trauma by
Taking Chances: Derrida, Psychoanalysis, and Literature by Kerrigan, William, Smith, Joseph H.
Nonlinear Psychophysical Dynamics by Gregson, Robert A. M.
Personality: Evolutionary Heritage and Human Distinctiveness by Buss, Arnold H.
Drug Education in Schools: An Evaluation of the "Double Take" Video Package by Eiser, Christine, Eiser, J. Richard
Repetition and Trauma: Toward A Teleonomic Theory of Psychoanalysis by Stern, Max M., Stern, Liselotte Bendix
The Psychoanalytic Study of Society, V. 13: Essays in Honor of Weston LaBarre by
Values in the Marketplace: The American Stock Market Under Federal Securities Law by Burk, James
A Guide to the Mind by Pavek, Gary V.
Cognitive Development in Adulthood: Progress in Cognitive Development Research by
Psychosoziale Kardiologie by
Fritz Heidernotebooksvol 3, Motivation by Benesh-Weiner
How to Sell Yourself by Girard, Joe
Do-It-Yourself Happiness: How to Be Your Own Counselor by Schnebly, Schnebly, Lee
Principles of Group Solidarity by Hechter, Michael
Krankenhausseelsorger Und Todkranker Patient: Im Spiegel Ihrer Wechselseitigen Wahrnehmung by Christian-Widmaier, Petra
Contemporary Reviews in Neuropsychology by
The Psychology of Human Freedom: A Human Science Perspective and Critique by Westcott, Malcolm R.
Human Organic Memory Disorders by Mayes, Andrew R.
Autobiographical Memory by
Social Structure and Personality Development: The Individual as a Productive Processor of Reality by Hurrelmann, Klaus
Human Territorial Functioning: An Empirical, Evolutionary Perspective on Individual and Small Group Territorial Cognitions, Behaviors, and Consequenc by Ralph B., Taylor, Taylor, Ralph B.
Handbook of Treatment Approaches in Childhood Psychopathology by
Cognitive Development and Child Psychotherapy by
The Different Faces of Motherhood by
See More