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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Psychology in 1995

A Primer of Brief Psychotherapy by Cooper, John F.
Manna and Mystery: A Jungian Approach to Hebrew Myth and Legend by Knapp, Bettina L.
Groupwork Volume Eight by
Approaches to Research by Higgins, Robin
Getting a Life: Strategies for Joyful & Effective Living by MacDonald, Copthorne
Cyberquest: Problem Solving and Innovation Support System, Conceptual Background and Experiences by Dickey, John W.
Why Fly?: A Philosophy of Creativity by Torrance, E. Paul
The Psychiatrist in the Courtroom: Selected Papers of Bernard L. Diamond, M.D. by
The Freud/Jung Letters by Jung, C. G., Freud, Sigmund
Advances in Organizational Development, Volume 3 by
Knowledge and Pedagogy: The Sociology of Basil Bernstein by Sadovnik, Alan R.
Close Relationships and Socioemotional Development by Rubin, Kenneth H., Belsky, Jay, Strauss, Sidney
Perspectives on Cognitive Science, Volume 1: Theories, Experiments, and Foundations by Slezak, Peter, Caelli, Terry, Clark, Richard
Advances in Infancy Research, Volume 9 by Hayne, Harlene, Lipsitt, Lewis P.
Why Fly? A Philosophy of Creativity by Torrance, E. Paul
Child Development Within Culturally Structured Environments, Volume 3: Comparative-Cultural and Constructivist Perspectives by Valsiner, Jaan
Biological Perspectives on Motivated Activities by Wong, Roderick
Therapeutic and Everyday Discourse as Behavior Change: Towards a Micro-Analysis in Psychotherapy Process Research by Siegfried, Jurg
Behavioral Medicine: International Perspectives, Volume 3 by
Discourse in Society: Systemic Functional Perspectives by Gregory, Michael, Fries, Peter H.
Pod- Breast Cancer: Twenty Women's Stories by Graubard, Allan, Moch, Moch, Susan Diemert
Handbook Of Hypnotic Phenomena In Psychotherapy by Edgette, John H., Edgette, Janet Sasson
Discourse in Society: Systemic Functional Perspectives by Fries, Peter H., Gregory, Michael
The Psychoanalytic Study of Society, V. 19: Essays in Honor of George A. De Vos by
Helfen statt Heilen by
Kundenzufriedenheit: Konzepte -- Methoden -- Erfahrungen by
Dependency and Japanese Socialization: Psychoanalytic and Anthropological Investigations in Amae by
Verstehen Und Verständlichkeit: Eine Psycholinguistische Studie Zum Verstehen Von Führungsgrundsätzen in Wirtschaftsunternehmen by Klein, Susanne
Creativity and the Mind: Discovering the Genius Within by Finke, Ronald A., Smith, Steven M., Ward, Thomas B.
Knowledge and Pedagogy: The Sociology of Basil Bernstein by Sadovnik, Alan
The Healing Relationship in Gestalt Therapy: A Dialogic by Jacobs, Lynne, Hycner, Richard
Philosophical Interactions with Parapsychology: The Major Writings of H. H. Price on Parapsychology and Survival by Price, H.
Personwerdung Und Partnerschaft: Interaktionelle, Individuumzentrierte Und Philosophische Theorien Zur Paardynamik by Friebus-Gergely, Dorothee
The A-Z Reference Book of Syndromes and Inherited Disorders by Gilbert, P. A. T. R. I. C. I. a.
Objektive Möglichkeit: Beiträge Zu Georg Lukács' "Zur Ontologie Des Gesellschaftlichen Seins" by
Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation: Services, Treatments and Outcomes by Tennant, A., Chamberlain, M. Anne, Neumann, V.
The Mind, The Brain And Complex Adaptive Systems by Morowitz, Harold J., Singer, Jerome L.
Object Relations Theory and Practice: An Introduction by
Beyond Names for Things: Young Children's Acquisition of Verbs by
Psyche's Stories, Volume 3: Modern Jungian Interpretations of Fairy Tales by
The Freedom to Inquire: Self Psychological Perspectives on Women's Issues, Masochism, and the Therapeutic Relationship by Menaker, Esther, Barbre, Claude
Being-In, Being-For, Being-With by Moustakas, Clark E.
Urgings of the Heart: A Spirituality of Integration by Au, Wilkie, Cannon, Noreen
Conduct Disorder in Childhood and Adolescence by Kazdin, Alan E.
Confronting Relationship Challenges by Duck, Steve, Wood, Julia T.
Understanding Performance Appraisal: Social, Organizational, and Goal-Based Perspectives by Murphy, Kevin R.
Test Your IQ: A Detailed Explanation of What IQ Means and How It Is Measured--Including Eight Tests You Can Take by Eysenck, Hans J., Evans, Darrin
Text Und Schuld: Die Rhetorik Psychiatrischer Gerichtsgutachten by Wolff, Stephan
He's Scared, She's Scared: Understanding the Hidden Fears That Sabotage Your Relationships by Sokol, Julia, Carter, Steven
Peta - A Feminist's Problem with Men by Walker, Moira, Walker, Lawrie
Patterns in the Mind: Language and Human Nature by Jackendoff, Ray S.
Dramatherapy with Children and Adolescents by
Comprehensive Textbook of Psychotherapy: Theory and Practice by Bongar
Violence and the Prevention of Violence by
The Grammar of Consciousness: An Exploration of Tacit Knowing by Moss, E.
Conscience and Courage: Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust by Fogelman, Eva
Confronting Relationship Challenges by Duck, Steve, Wood, Julia
Protean Self: Human Resilience in an Age of Fragmentation by Lifton, Robert Jay
Urban Land Economics and Public Policy by Bull, Gregory H., Kieve, Jeffrey L., Balchin, Paul N.
Learning and Memory: Major Ideas, Principles, Issues and Applications by Howard, Robert W.
Counseling and Psychotherapy of Religious Clients: A Developmental Approach by Genia, Vicky
Betrayal of Trust: Sex and Power in Professional Relationships by Friedman, Joel
Philip K. Dick: Contemporary Critical Interpretations by Umland, Samuel
How to Live Well: Secrets of Using Neurosis by Kora, Takehisa
The Ego and the Dynamic Ground: A Transpersonal Theory of Human Development, Second Edition by Washburn, Michael
Psychology for Peace Activists: A new psychology for the generation who can abolish war by Adams, David
Educating Hearts and Minds: Reflections on Japanese Preschool and Elementary Education by Lewis, Catherine C.
Remembering Reconsidered: Ecological and Traditional Approaches to the Study of Memory by Neisser, U.
The Development of Cognitive Anthropology by D'Andrade, Roy
Exploring Affect: The Selected Writings of Silvan S Tomkins by Silvan S., Tomkins, Tomkins, Silvan S., Demos, Cses
Explaining Attitudes: A Practical Approach to the Mind by Lynne Rudder, Baker, Baker, Lynne Rudder
Delusional Relationships: How They Are Formed, How They Falter and Fail by Doyle, Averil
Bridges: Psychic Structures, Functions, and Processes by Gordon, Rosemary
Procrastination and Task Avoidance: Theory, Research, and Treatment by McCown, William G., Ferrari, Joseph R., Johnson, Judith L.
Intelligence Policy: Its Impact on College Admissions and Other Social Policies by Browne-Mille, Browne Miller, Angela
Listening, Playing, Creating: Essays on the Power of Sound by Kenny, Carolyn Bereznak
Blackwell Handbook of Education by Kerry, Carolle, Kerry, Trevor, Farrell, Michael
Backpropagation: Theory, Architectures, and Applications by
Content Analysis of Verbal Behavior: New Findings and Clinical Applications by Gottschalk, Louis A.
MMPI And MMPI-2: Interpretation Manual For Counselors And Clinicians by Duckworth, Jane C., Anderson, Wayne P.
Quantitative Einzelfallanalysen und qualitative Verfahren by
Language, Gesture, and Space by
Mothers of Psychoanalysis: Helene Deutsch, Karen Horney, Anna Freud, Melanie Klein by Sayers, Janet
Explanatory Style by
Rückreise in Die Vergangenheit: Zur Psychoanalyse Spanischer Arbeitsremigrantinnen by Zeul, Mechthild
The Primer of Object Relations Therapy by Scharff, Jill Savege, Scharff, David E.
Enneatypes in Psychotherapy by Naranjo, Claudio, International Symposium on the Personality Enneagrams
Beyond Technique: Psychotherapy for the 21st Century by Leshan, Lawrence
Backpropagation: Theory, Architectures, and Applications by
Unchained Memories: True Stories of Traumatic Memories Lost and Found by Terr, Lenore
The Art and Science of Reminiscing: Theory, Research, Methods, and Applications by
Occupational Stress: A Handbook by
The Survivor's Guide by Lee, Sharice A.
Desire: Its Role in Practical Reason and the Explanation of Action by Schueler, George F.
Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales: Revised Edition by Von Franz, Marie-Louise
Psychoanalysis in Context: Paths Between Theory and Modern Culture by
Psychoanalysis in Context: Paths Between Theory and Modern Culture by
Healing the Divided Self: Clinical and Ericksonian Hypnotherapy for Dissociative Conditions by Phillips, Maggie, Frederick, Claire
Counseling Older Persons: An Annotated Bibliography by Schweibert, Valerie L.
Alcoholism and Aging: An Annotated Bibliography and Review by
Long Term Care: An Annotated Bibliography by Koff, Theodore H.
The Understanding of Causation and the Production of Action: From Infancy to Adulthood by White, Peter Anthony
International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 1995, Volume 10 by
Brain and Memory: Modulation and Mediation of Neuroplasticity by
Sociological Studies by Piaget, Jean
Interaction in Cooperative Groups: The Theoretical Anatomy of Group Learning by
Latah in South-East Asia: The History and Ethnography of a Culture-Bound Syndrome by Winzeler, Robert L.
Exploring Affect: The Selected Writings of Silvan S Tomkins by Tomkins, Silvan S.
Autism and the Development of Mind by Hobson, R. Peter
Affect, Cognition, and Change by Barnard, Philip, Teasdale, John
Guidebook for Clinical Psychology Interns by
The Psychopathology of Language and Cognition by Vetter, Harold J., Rieber, Robert W.
Don't Let Jerks Get the Best of You: Advice for Dealing with Difficult People by Meier, Paul
The Role of Emotions in Social and Personality Development: History, Theory, and Research by McFadden, Susan H., Magai, Carol
Consulting with Pediatricians by Drotar, Dennis
Psychology for Leaders: Using Motivation, Conflict, and Power to Manage More Effectively by Tjosvold, Dean, Tjosvold, Mary M.
Door of Hope: Recognizing and Resolving the Pains of Your Past by Frank, Jan
Studies in Melanesian Anthropology by Stephen, Michele
The Freudian Mystique: Freud, Women, and Feminism by Slipp, Samuel
Carrying Out Investigations in Psychology: Methods and Statistics by Foster, Jeremy, Parker, Ian
Cognitive and Language Development by Lloyd, Peter
A'Aisa's Gifts: A Study of Magic and the Self by Stephen, Michele
Cognitively Diagnostic Assessment by
The Problem of the Passions: Feminism, Psychoanalysis, and Social Theory by Burack, Cynthia
Cognitively Diagnostic Assessment by
What Do You See?: Phenomenology of Therapeutic Art Expression by Betensky, Mala
Bindung Und Trennung: Frühkindliche Bewältigungsstrategien Bei Kurzen Trennungen Von Der Mutter by Hédervári, Éva
Making Sense Out of Sorrow by Weitzman, Alan G., McCurley, Foster R.
Coaching for Staff Development by Thomas, Angela
Healing and Christianity by Kelsey, Morton T.
Unfinished Business: Pressure Points in the Lives of Women by Scarf, Maggie
Men's Work: How to Stop the Violence That Tears Our Lives Apart by Kivel, Paul
Music for Life: Aspects of Creative Music Therapy with Adult Clients by Ansdell, Gary
On Being Human by Sheen, Fulton J.
Explanatory Style by
Recent Developments: Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 11.3 by
Interpreting Experience: The Narrative Study of Lives by Josselson, Ruthellen
Hypnosis for Change: A Practical Manual of Proven Hypnotic Techniques by Hadley, Josie
Facilitating Client Change in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy by Dryden, Windy
Consciousness by Lycan, William G.
The Realistic Spirit: Wittgenstein, Philosophy, and the Mind by Diamond, Cora
Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type by Myers, Isabel Briggs, Myers, Peter B.
Foundational Issues in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science: Impasse and Solution by M. H. Bickhard, Bickhard, Bickhard, M. H., Bickhard, Mark H.
Psychology as Religion: The Cult of Self-Worship by Vitz, Paul C.
You Can't Say That to Me: Stopping the Pain of Verbal Abuse--An 8- Step Program by Elgin, Suzette Haden
Child Survivors and Perpetrators of Sexual Abuse: Treatment Innovations by Hunter, MIC
The Mind Behind the Musical Ear: How Children Develop Musical Intelligence by Bamberger, Jeanne
Waking Up Just in Time by Twerski, Abraham J.
When Do the Good Things Start?: A Therapist Looks at Life's Ups and Downs (with a Bit of Help from Charlie Brown and His Friends) by Twerski, Abraham J.
The Clinical Diary of Sándor Ferenczi by Ferenczi, Sándor
Hermeneutics Ancient and Modern by Bruns, Gerald L.
The Price of Greatness: Resolving the Creativity and Madness Controversy by Ludwig, Arnold M.
The Sciences of Cognition: Theory and Research in Psychology and Artificial Intelligence by Wagman, Morton
Coping with Uncertainty: Insights from the New Sciences of Chaos, Self-Organization, and Complexity by Merry, Uri
Psychotherapy for Mothers and Infants: Interventions for Dyads at Risk by Gochman, Eva R. Grubler
Memory in Oral Traditions: The Cognitive Psychology of Epic, Ballads, and Counting-Out Rhymes by Rubin, David C.
Native American Postcolonial Psychology by Duran, Bonnie, Duran, Eduardo
Efficacy, Agency, and Self-Esteem by
A History of Hypnotism by Gauld, Alan
The Crowd by
Philosophy, Psychology and Psychiatry by
Women Alone by Jenson, Ione
Dying: Facing the Facts by
Early Language Development in Full-term and Premature infants by Schultz, Martin C., Liebergott, Jacqueline W., Menyuk, Paula
The Milan Approach to Family Therapy by Formenti, Laura, Burbatti, Guido L.
On Power: Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 6.1 by
Borderline Conditions and Pathological Narcissism by Kernberg, Otto F.
The Facilitating Partnership: A Winnicottian Approach for Social Workers and Other Helping Professionals by Bonovitz, Jennifer M., Applegate, Jeffrey S.
The Criminal Personality: The Change Process by Yochelson, Samuel, Samenow, Stanton
Anxiety as Symptom and Signal by
You Can Go Home Again: Reconnecting with Your Family by McGoldrick, Monica
The Motherhood Constellation: A Unified View of Parent-Infant Psychotherapy by Stern, Daniel N.
Under Studied Relationships: Off the Beaten Track by
Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: A Reader by
Counselling People on Prescribed Drugs by Hammersley, Diane
Shortcut Through Therapy: Ten Principles of Growth-Oriented, Contented Living by Carlson, Richard
Deixis in Narrative: A Cognitive Science Perspective by
Conversations with Neil's Brain: The Neural Nature of Thought and Language by Ojemann, George a., Calvin, William H.
The Normal Chaos of Love by Beck-Gernsheim, Elisabeth, Beck, Ulrich
Approaches to the Development of Moral Reasoning by Langford, Peter E.
Art Is a Way of Knowing: A Guide to Self-Knowledge and Spiritual Fulfillment Through Creativity by Allen, Pat B.
Rasch Models: Foundations, Recent Developments, and Applications by
Couple and the Child / Le Couple et l'Enfant by Naouri, Aldo
Psychologische Marktforschung by Salcher, Ernst F.
Judgments of Responsibility: A Foundation for a Theory of Social Conduct by Weiner, Bernard
Lying with the Heavenly Woman: Understanding and Integrating the Femini by Johnson, Robert A.
The Fisher King and the Handless Maiden: Understanding the Wounded Feeling Functi by Johnson, Robert A.
Sexual Abuse in Nine North American Cultures: Treatment and Prevention by
Hombres Son de Marte, Las Mujeres Son de Venus, Los by Gray, John
Remembering Satan: A Tragic Case of Recovered Memory by Wright, Lawrence
Teil 1 Konflikte in Der Triade Teil 2 Spielregeln in Der Psychotherapie Teil 3 Weiterbildungsforschung Und Evaluation by
Disclosure Processes in Children and Adolescents by
New Directions for Equity in Mathematics Education by
Self-Efficacy in Changing Societies by
Social Intelligence and Interaction by
Social Intelligence and Interaction by
Sociocultural Studies of Mind by Wertsch, J.
New Directions for Equity in Mathematics Education by Secada, W.
Integrated Mental Health Care: A Comprehensive, Community-Based Approach by Falloon, Ian R. H., Fadden, Grainne
Sociocultural Studies of Mind by
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