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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Psychology in 1996

The Next Step with Spirit: Extraordinary Events That Happens to Ordinary People by Sommer, Charles
Cognition, Empathy & Interaction: Floor Management of English and Japanese Conversation by Hayashi, Reiko
Personal Construct Therapy: A Handbook by Viney, Linda L.
Clinical Approaches to Adult Development or Close Relationships and Socioeconomic Development by Demick, Jack, Goldberg, Carl, Commons, Michael L.
Literate Apprenticeships: The Emergence of Language and Literacy in the Preschool Years by Watson, Rita, Reeder, Kenneth, Shapiro, Jon
Interacting with Video by
Clinical Approaches to Adult Development by Goldberg, Carl, Commons, Michael, Demick, Jack
The Environment by Flynn, James R., Unknown, Keating, Daniel P.
The Robots Dilemma Revisited: The Frame Problem in Artificial Intelligence by
The Robots Dilemma Revisited: The Frame Problem in Artificial Intelligence by Pylyshyn, Zenon, Ford, Kenneth
Literate Apprenticeships: The Emergence of Language and Literacy in the Preschool Years by Reeder, Kenneth
Objective Measurement: Theory Into Practice, Volume 3 by Engelhard, George, Wilson, Mark
Caged in Our Own Signs: A Book about Semiotics by Kim, Kyong Liong, Unknown
Cognitive Aspects of Electronic Text Processing by Van Oostendorp, Herre, Unknown
Cognitive Aspects of Electronic Text Processing by Van Oostendorp, Herre
Fostering the Growth of High Ability: European Perspective by Unknown
Fostering the Growth of High Ability: European Perspective by
The Structure of Learning Processes by Valsiner, Jaan
The Structure of Learning Processes by Voss, Hans-Georg, Valsiner, Jaan
Advanced Structural Equation Modeling: Issues and Techniques by
Mit Krebs leben by
A Sexual Odyssey: From Forbidden Fruit to Cybersex by Maxwell, Kenneth E.
Mass Hate: The Global Rise of Genocide and Terror by Kressel, Neil Jeffrey
DNA and Destiny: Nature and Nurture in Human Behavior by Steen, R. Grant
Cognition, Empathy & Interaction: Floor Management of English and Japanese Conversation by Hayashi, Reiko
Helping Relationships in Mental Health by Campling, Jo, Morgan, Steve
Research Methods for Therapists by Drummond, Avril, Campling, Jo
Qualitative Psychologie: Grundlagen, Methoden Und Anwendungen Eines Forschungsstils by
Rehabilitation of Older People: A Handbook for the Multidisciplinary Team by Squires, Amanda J.
Women and Work in Eighteenth-Century Edinburgh by Sanderson, Elizabeth C.
Die Therapie mit Lithiumsalzen: Ein Kompendium für die Praxis by Rudolf, Gerhard A. E.
Angewandte Gestalttheorie in Psychotherapie Und Psychohygiene by Walter, Hans-Jürgen
Understanding Biological Psychiatry by Hedaya, Robert J.
Autobiographical Memory: Remembering What and Remembering When by Skowronski, John J., Larsen, Steen F., Thompson, Charles P.
Caged in Our Own Signs: A Book about Semiotics by
Real Gorgeous: The Truth about Body and Beauty by Cooke, Kaz
Key Issues in Cross-cultural Psychology by
Ruminative Thoughts: Advances in Social Cognition, Volume IX by
Swallowed by a Snake: The Gift of the Masculine Side of Healing by Golden, Thomas R.
Talking with Patients: A Self Psychological View of Creative Intuition and Analytic Discipline by Shapiro, Sanford
Autism: An Inside-Out Approach: An Innovative Look at the Mechanics ' of Autism ' and Its Developmental Cousins ' by Williams, Donna
Men's Ways of Being by McLean, Christopher, Carey, Maggie, White, Cheryl
The Meditative Mind: The Varieties of Meditative Experience by Goleman, Daniel
Time-Conscious Psychological Therapy by Elton Wilson, Jenifer
Creative Cognition: Theory, Research, and Applications by Ward, Thomas B., Smith, Steven M., Finke, Ronald A.
Millionaire's Notebook: How Ordinary People Can Achieve Extraordinary Success by Scott, Steven K.
Understanding Cognition by Hampson, Peter J., Morris, Peter E.
Relevance 2e by Wilson, Deirdre, Sperber, Dan
In Search of Dreams: Results of Experimental Dream Research by Strauch, Inge, Meier, Barbara
The Psychiatric Persuasion: Knowledge, Gender, and Power in Modern America by Lunbeck, E.
Frontiers of Developmental Psychopathology by Lenzenweger, Haugaard
Stephanie Winston's Best Organizing Tips: Quick, Simple Ways to Get Organized and Get on with Your Life by Winston, Stephanie
Jung on Alchemy by Jung, C. G.
D W Winnicott by Jacobs, Michael
Civil Engineering: Supervision and Management by Twort, A. C., Rees, J. G.
Be Your Own Dating Service: A Step-By-Step Guide to Finding and Maintaining Healthy Relationships by Atwood, Nina
The Myth of Repressed Memory: False Memories and Allegations of Sexual Abuse by Loftus, Elizabeth
Hand and Mind: What Gestures Reveal about Thought by McNeill, David
Judgement Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications by Cooksey, Ray W.
Feminism and Discourse: Psychological Perspectives by
Promoting Fighting Spirit Cancer (DP11) by Seligman, Linda
Implicit Cognition by
Deconstructing Psychopathology by Harper, David, Patrick, Ian, Georgaca, Eugenie
Deconstructing Psychopathology by Georgaca, Eugenie, Harper, David, Patrick, Ian
Focus Group Interviews in Education and Psychology by Vaughn, Sharon, Schumm, Jeanne Shay, Sinagub, Jane M.
George Kelly by Fransella, Fay
Categorical Variables in Developmental Research: Methods of Analysis by
Post-Soviet Perspectives on Russian Psychology by Oleinik, Yuri K., Gilgen, Albert R., Koltsova, Vera R.
World Military Leaders: A Collective and Comparative Analysis by Rejai, M., Phillips, Kay, Rejai, Mostafa
I Just Lost Myself: Psychological Abuse of Women in Marriage by Chang, Valerie
Embracing the Beloved: Relationship as a Path of Awakening by Levine, Ondrea, Levine, Stephen
The Psychology of Action: Linking Cognition and Motivation to Behavior by
Zeit Der Hoffnung -- Zeit Der Angst: Psychologische Begleitung Von Krebspatienten by Schlömer-Doll, Ute, Doll, Dietrich
Children and Political Violence by Cairns, Ed
Cognitive Ecology by Carterette, Edward C., Friedman, Morton P.
Dream, Creativity, and Madness in Nineteenth-Century France by James, Tony
The Emotional Needs of Young Children and Their Families: Using Psychoanalytic Ideas in the Community by
Attitudes And Persuasion: Classic And Contemporary Approaches by Petty, Richard E., Cacioppo, John T.
Intergroup Relations by Stephan, Walter G., Stephan, Cookie W.
Remembering Our Past: Studies in Autobiographical Memory by
Violence Within The Family: Social Psychological Perspectives by Herzberger, Sharon D.
Self-presentation: Impression Management And Interpersonal Behavior by Leary, Mark R.
Mutualities in Dialogue by
Mutualities in Dialogue by
Gestalt Psychology in German Culture, 1890 1967: Holism and the Quest for Objectivity by
Cognition, Creativity, and Behavior: Selected Essays by Epstein, Robert
Effective Thinking Skills by Nelson-Jones, Richard
Sports Psychology in Action by Butler, Richard
Decoding the Past: The Psychohistorical Approach by Loewenberg, Peter
Sourcebook of Psychological Treatment Manuals for Adult Disorders by
Familie Und Staatliches Handeln: Ideologie Und Politische PRAXIS in Deutschland by Gerlach, Irene
Computational Psycholinguistics: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Study of Language by Crocker, Matthew W.
Agency: Its Role In Mental Development by Russell, James
The Psychology of Vandalism by Goldstein, Arnold P.
Assessment of Intellectual Functioning by Aiken, Lewis R.
Metacognition: Knowing about Knowing by
Learning to Listen: Positive Approaches and People with Difficult Behavior (Large Print Edition) by Lovett, Herbert
Mental Leaps: Analogy in Creative Thought by Thagard, Paul, Holyoak, Keith J.
Constituting Gender Through Talk in Childhood: Conversations in Parent-child, Peer, and Sibling Relationships: a Special Issue of research on Language by
The Private Self by Modell, Arnold
Other Times, Other Realities: Toward a Theory of Psychoanalytic Treatment by Modell, Arnold
The Psychoanalytic Mind: From Freud to Philosophy by Cavell, Marcia
Art Therapy and Psychotherapy: Blending Two Therapeutic Approaches by Farris-Dufrene, Phoebe, Coleman, Victoria D.
Beyond Motherhood: Choosing a Life Without Children by Safer, Safer, Jeanne
In the Middle of This Road We Call Our Life: The Courage to Search for Something More by Jones, James W.
Dare to Win: The Guide to Getting What You Want Out of Life by Hansen, Mark Victor, Canfield, Jack
Understanding the Self by
Group Psychotherapy for People with Chronic Mental Illness by Stone, Walter N.
Strong-Willed Child or Dreamer? by Spears, Dana, Braund, Ron
Constructing Realities: Meaning-Making Perspectives for Psychotherapists by Rosen, Hugh, Kuehlwein, Kevin T.
Treating Couples by
Transpersonal Psychotherapy: Second Edition by
Perception by
The Heart of Psychotherapy: The Most Honest, Revealing, Fascinating Account of What Goes on in Therapy by Weinberg, George
Counseling Clients with HIV Disease: Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention by Hoffman, Mary Ann
Reading Seminars I and II: Lacan's Return to Freud by
Life Choices: Understanding Dilemmas And Decisions by Sloan, Tod
Teaching and Learning in Japan by
Arguing and Thinking: A Rhetorical Approach to Social Psychology by Billig, Michael
Was Kostet Die Welt?: Wie Kinder Lernen, Mit Geld Umzugehen by Claar, Annette
Traumpartner: Evolutionspsychologische Aspekte Der Partnerwahl by Hejj, Andreas
Aggression: Verstehen Und Bewältigen by Heinemann, Evelyn
The Religious and Romantic Origins of Psychoanalysis: Individuation and Integration in Post-Freudian Theory by Kirshner, Suzanne, Kirschner, Suzanne R.
Theories of Theories of Mind by
The Religious and Romantic Origins of Psychoanalysis by Kirschner, Suzanne R.
From Conflict to Cooperation: How to Mediate a Dispute by Potter
Self-Scoring IQ Tests by Serebriakoff, Victor
Beyond Disability: Towards an Enabling Society by
Human Intellect and Cognitive Science: Toward a General Unified Theory of Intelligence by Wagman, Morton
Human Motivation: Metaphors, Theories, and Research by Weiner, Bernard
Key Concepts in Psychotherapy Integration by Gold, Jerold R.
Living and Dying Well by Petrinovich, Lewis
Aphasia: A Clinical Perspective by Ardila, Alfredo, Benson, David F., Benson, D. Frank
Theory-Based Assessment, Treatment, Prevention Sexual Aggression by Hall, Gordon C. Nagayama
Men and Women in Interaction by Aries, Elizabeth, Aires, Elizabeth
The Solution-Oriented Woman: Creating the Life You Want by O'Hanlon, Patricia Hudson, Hudson, Pat, Hudson, Patricia O.
Separation and Divorce: Helping Children Cope by Herbert, Martin
Armfuls of Time: The Psychological Experience of the Child with a Life-Threatening Illness by Sourkes, Barbara M.
The Castration of Oedipus: Psychoanalysis, Postmodernism, and Feminism by Smith, Joseph C., Ferstman, Carla J.
ABC of Behavioural Methods by Herbert, Martin
Let's Drink to Your Health: A Self-Help Guide to Sensible Drinking by Heather, Nick, Robertson, Ian
Suicide and Depression in Late Life: Critical Issues in Treatment, Research and Public Policy by
Essays in Drama Therapy: The Double Life by Landy, Robert J.
Values and Knowledge by
Psychotherapie ALS Transformationsprozeß: Expertenwissen Im Alltagshandeln Ehemaliger Klienten by Kühnlein, Irene, Mutz, Gerd Unter Mitarbeit Von Reiner Keller Und Elmar J.
Psychoanalyse Im Kontext: Soziologische Ansichten Der Psychoanalyse by
Therapy with Stepfamilies by Visher, Emily B., Visher, John S.
Family and Human Development Across Cultures: A View From the Other Side by Kagitibasi, Cigdem
Psychoanalysis And The Humanities by
Doing Contextual Therapy: An Integrated Model for Working with Individuals, Couples, and Families by Goldenthal, Peter
The Castration of Oedipus: Psychoanalysis, Postmodernism, and Feminism by Ferstman, Carla J., Smith, Joseph C.
On Flirtation by Phillips, Adam
What Really Matters: Searching for Wisdom in America by Schwartz, Tony
Persona and Performance: The Meaning of Role in Drama, Therapy, and Everyday Life by Landy, Robert J.
The Mythic Imagination: The Quest for Meaning Through Personal Mythology by Larsen, Stephen
Compassion: The Core Value That Animates Psychotherapy by Lewin, Roger A.
Principles of Interpretation: Mastering Clear and Concise Interventions in Psychotherapy by Levy, Steven T.
Changes of Mind: A Holonomic Theory of the Evolution of Consciousness by Wade, Jenny
Dexterity and Its Development by Bernstein, Nicholai A.
A Safe Place: Laying the Groundwork of Psychotherapy by Havens, Leston
Moonlight, Magnolias and Madness: Insanity in South Carolina from the Colonial Period to the Progressive Era by McCandless, Peter
They Say You're Crazy: How the World's Most Powerful Psychiatrists Decide Who's Normal by Caplan, Paula J.
Practice of Happiness: Excercises and Techniques for Developing Mindfullness Wisdom and Joy by Fryba, Mirko
Listening to Midlife: Turning Your Crisis into a Quest by Gerzon, Mark
Measuring Outcome In The Public Sector by
Measuring Outcome In The Public Sector by
Reflections on Gender and Science: Tenth Anniversary Paperback Edition by Keller, Evelyn Fox
Stretching the Imagination: Representation and Transformation in Mental Imagery by Brandimonte, Maria A., Kaufmann, Geir, Cornoldi, Logie
Models of Visuospatial Cognition by de Vega, Manuel, Marscharck, Mark, Inton-Peterson, Margaret Jean
The Clinical Thinking of Wilfred Bion by Symington, Joan, Symington, Neville
What Does Your Wife Do?: Gender and the Transformation of Family Life by Beeghley, Leonard
Learning and Teaching Therapy by Haley, Jay
Eyewitness Testimony: With a New Preface by Loftus, Elizabeth F.
The Human Zoo: A Zoologist's Study of the Urban Animal by Morris, Desmond
Narrative Therapy: The Social Construction of Preferred Realities by Combs, Gene, Freedman, Jill
The Little Trials Of Childhood: And Children's Strategies For Dealing With Them by Waksler, Frances Chaput
We're People First: The Social and Emotional Lives of Individuals with Mental Retardation by Castles, Elaine
African American Acculturation: Deconstructing Race and Reviving Culture by Landrine, Hope, Klonoff, Elizabeth Adele
Soul Searching: Why Psychotherapy Must Promote Moral Responsibility by Doherty, William J.
Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies by Hofstadter, Douglas R., Hofstadter
Culture in Mind: Cognition, Culture, and the Problem of Meaning by Shore, Bradd
African American Acculturation: Deconstructing Race and Reviving Culture by Klonoff, Elizabeth Adele, Landrine, Hope
Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy: A Manual of the Experiential Method by Gendlin, Eugene T.
Psychotherapy, Psychological Treatments and the Addictions by
The Hidden Majority: Guidebook on Alcohol and Other Drug Issues for Counsellors Who Work with Women by Ontario, Camh
La majorité oubliée: Guide sur les questions de toxicomanie à l'intention des conseillers qui travaillent auprès des femmes by
Using English Words by Corson, P.
Handbook of Dissociation: Theoretical, Empirical, and Clinical Perspectives by
Coercion and Aggressive Community Treatment: A New Frontier in Mental Health Law by
Neural Representation of Temporal Patterns by Covey, Ellen Ed., Hawkins, Harold L., Covey, Ellen
Introducing Psychological Research: Sixty Studies That Shape Psychology by Banyard, Philip, Grayson, Andrew
Law of the New Thought: A Study of Fundamental Principles and Their Application by Atkinson, William Walker
The Developmental Psychopathology of Eating Disorders: Implications for Research, Prevention, and Treatment by
The Developmental Psychopathology of Eating Disorders: Implications for Research, Prevention, and Treatment by
Family Reconstruction by Wegscheider-Cruse, Sharon
Career Pathways in Psychiatry: Transition in Changing Times by
Tough Love (Revised Edition): How Parents Can Deal with Drug Abuse by Neff, Pauline
Essential Papers on Short-Term Dynamic Therapy by
Home Sweeter Home: Creating a Haven of Simplicity and Spirit by Mitchell, Jann
Sibling Loss by Fanos, Joanna H.
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