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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Psychology in 1997

Kind-Körper-Subjekt by Buhmann, Christiane
Groupwork Volume Nine by
A Source Book of Gestalt Psychology by
Growing Edge of Gestalt Therapy by
Christian Symbols, Ancient Roots by Rees, Elizabeth
The Other Side of Silence (Revised): Meditation for the Twenty-First Century by Kelsey, Morton
Toward a Tenderer Humanity and a Nobler Womanhood: African American Women's Clubs in Turn-Of-The-Century Chicago by
Linear Accelerators for Radiation Therapy by Williams, P. C., Greene, David
The Social Psychology of Stereotyping and Group Life by
Living at the Edge of Chaos: Complex Systems in Culture and Psyche by Shulman, Helene
Healing Through Meeting: Martin Buber's Conversational Approach to Psychotherapy by Gunzburg, John C.
Leaving Home: The Therapy Of Disturbed Young People by Haley, Jay
Meta-Emotion: How Families Communicate Emotionally by Gottman, John Mordechai, Katz, Lynn Fainsilber, Hooven, Carole
Head and Heart: Affection, Cognition, Volition, as Truine Consciousness by Tallon, Andrew
Head and Heart: Affection, Cognition, Volition, as Truine Consciousness by Tallon, Andrew
Dreams and Nightmares: A Book of Gestalt Therapy Sessions by Downing, Joseph, Downing, Jack, Marmorstein, Robert
Konfliktmanagement: Sechs Grundmodelle Der Konfliktlösung by Gerhard, Schwarz
Sex Lives: A Sexual Self Portrait of America by Baker, Mark
Pretend Play As Improvisation: Conversation in the Preschool Classroom by Sawyer, R. Keith
Jung on Active Imagination by Jung, C. G.
A Conceptual Introduction To Modeling: Qualitative and Quantitative Perspectives by Britt, David W.
Dynamics and indeterminism in Developmental and Social Processes by
A Conceptual Introduction To Modeling: Qualitative and Quantitative Perspectives by Britt, David W.
Meta-Emotion: How Families Communicate Emotionally by Katz, Lynn Fainsilber, Hooven, Carole, Gottman, John Mordechai
International Human Resource and Cross Cultural Management by
Human and Machine Perception: Information Fusion by Cantoni, V., International Workshop on Human and Machine Perception
Kundenzufriedenheit: Konzepte -- Methoden -- Erfahrungen by
Healing Times: A Personal Workbook by Giroux, Louise
A Treasure Chest of Behavioral Strategies for Individuals with Autism by Wheeler, Maria, Fouse, Beth
Here Now Next: Paul Goodman and the Origins of Gestalt Therapy by Stoehr, Taylor
Kinds of Power: A Guide to its Intelligent Uses by Hillman, James
Changing Character: Short Term Anxiety-Regulating Psychotherapy for Restructuring Defense... by Vaillant, Leigh McCullough
Myasthenia Gravis by Oosterhuis, H. J. G. H.
Optimality in Biological and Artificial Networks? by
Doing Legal Research: A Guide for Social Scientists and Mental Health Professionals by Sales, Bruce Dennis, Morris, Roberta A., Shuman, Daniel W.
Improving Intercultural Interactions: Modules for Cross-Cultural Training Programs, Volume 2 by
A Geography of Time: The Temporal Misadventures of a Social Psychologist, or How Every Culture Keeps Time Just a Little Bit Differently by Levine, Robert
Organizational Consulting: A Gestalt Approach by Nevis, Edwin C.
Introduction to Object Relation PB by Gomez, Lavinia
Psychoanalysis, Literature and War: Papers 1972-1995 by Segal, Hanna
Dramatherapy: Theory and Practice, Volume 3 by
Cognition and Commitment in Hume's Philosophy by Garrett, Don
Dramatherapy: Theory and Practice, Volume 3 by
Lifebalance by Eyre, Richard, Eyre, Linda
Returns of the French Freud:: Freud, Lacan, and Beyond by
The Stories We Live by: Personal Myths and the Making of the Self by McAdams, Dan P.
The Gains of Listening by Feltham, Feltham, Colin
Human Nature by Darwin, Charles
Environment and Behavior: An Introduction by Bechtel, Robert B.
Complete Meditation by Kravette, Stephen
Problems of Vision: Rethinking the Causal Theory of Perception by Vision, Gerald
Women's Ways of Knowing (10th Anniversary Edition): The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind by Clinchy, Blythe McVicker, Belenky, Mary Field, Goldberger, Nancy Rule
Mind and Social Practice by Scribner, Sylvia
Mind and Social Practice by Scribner, Sylvia
Accidental Bond: How Sibling Connections Influence Adult Relationships by Merrell, Susan Scarf
Luisteren Naar Mensen Met Verstoorde Werkelijkheidsbeleving by Brunklaus, Okko
Empathic Accuracy by
Intimate Violence in Families by Gelles, Richard J., Gelles
Handwriting Analysis: A Guide to Understanding Personalities by Lazewnik Ph. D., Baruch M.
In a World of Their Own: Experiencing Unconsciousness by Lawrence, Madelaine
Ethik Im Krankenhaus: Sozialpsychologischer Befund Philosophische Ethik Theologische Interpretation by Leher, Stephan P.
Passion Profit Power by Sylver, Marshall
Knowing Woman: A Feminine Psychology by Claremont de Castillejo, Irene
Ten Problems of Consciousness: A Representational Theory of the Phenomenal Mind by Tye, Michael
Mindblindness: An Essay on Autism and Theory of Mind by Baron-Cohen, Simon
Turtles, Termites, and Traffic Jams: Explorations in Massively Parallel Microworlds by Resnick, Mitchel
Social Psychology Stereotyping by
The Message of Social Psychology: Perspectives on Mind in Society by
Synaesthesia: Classic and Contemporary Readings by
Notebooks of the Mind: Explorations of Thinking, Revised Edition by John-Steiner, Vera
A Practical Guide to the Evaluation of Child Physical Abuse and Neglect by Giardino, Angelo P., Christian, Cindy W., Giardino, Eileen R.
The Effectiveness of Innovative Approaches in the Treatment of Drug Abuse by
Research on Professional Consultation and Consultation for Organizational Change: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography by Wilson, C. Dayne, Lubin, Bernard
Behavioral Approaches to Conservation in the Wild by
Intelligence, Heredity and Environment by
The Social Engagement of Social Science, a Tavistock Anthology, Volume 3: The Socio-Ecological Perspective by
The Experience of Nothingness by Novak, Michael
Behaviorism by Watson, John B.
Rebel with a Cause by Eysenck, Hans J.
The Imperial Animal by
Sallies of the Mind by Fergusson, Francis
Advances in Clinical Child Psychology by
Recent Developments in Alcoholism: Alcohol and Violence - Epidemiology, Neurobiology, Psychology, Family Issues by
Career Counseling: A Psychological Approach by Corbishley, M. Anne, Yost, Elizabeth B.
The Collected Works of L. S. Vygotsky: Problems of the Theory and History of Psychology by Vygotsky, L. S.
Lebenswertes Leben by Müller, Dorothee
Der Holocaust im Leben von drei Generationen by
New Foundations for a Science of Text and Discourse: Cognition, Communication, and the Freedom of Access to Knowledge and Society by De Beaugrande, Robert, Unknown
Gefühle, Sprache und Erleben by Zepf, Siegfried
Psychoanalytische Sozialpsychologie by Clemenz, Manfred
Szenarien des Kontakts by Buchholz, Michael B., Kleist, Cornelia Von
Mutative Metaphors in Psychotherapy: The Aeolian Mode by Mai, Professor Alice Theilgaard, Cox, Murray
Developmental Spans in Event Comprehension and Representation: Bridging Fictional and Actual Events by
Collective Memory of Political Events: Social Psychological Perspectives by
Developmental Spans in Event Comprehension and Representation: Bridging Fictional and Actual Events by
New Foundations for a Science of Text and Discourse: Cognition, Communication, and the Freedom of Access to Knowledge and Society by De Beaugrande, Robert
Partners Becoming Parents by Of Marital Studies, Tavistock Institute
Spiritual Presence In Psychotherapy: A Guide For Caregivers by Steere, David A.
Violent Attachments by Meloy, Reid J.
Counseling American Indians by French, Laurence Armand
Psychotherapy with Impossible Cases Psychotherapy with Impossible Cases: The Efficient Treatment of Therapy Veterans the Efficient Treatment of Th by Duncan, Barry
Rethinking Youth by Wyn, Johanna, White, Rob
Naming the Mind: How Psychology Found Its Language by Danziger, Kurt
Assessment of Substance Abuse by Buros Center
Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma by Goldman, Ronald
How to Love a Black Man by Elmore, Ronn
Conversation, Language, and Possibilities: A Postmodern Approach to Therapy by Anderson, Harlene
Psychoanalysen im Rückblick by
What Freud Really Said: An Introduction to His Life and Thought by Stafford-Clark, David
Methods and Data Analysis for Cross-Cultural Research by Van de Vijver, Fons J. R., Vijver, Fons J. R. Van De, Leung, Kwok
Psychological Reports: A Guide to Report Writing in Professional Psychology by Ownby, Raymond L.
Theft of an Idol: Text and Context in the Representation of Collective Violence by Brass, Paul R.
Metaphors of Family Systems Theory: Toward New Constructions by Rosenblatt, Paul C.
Live the Life You Love: In Ten Easy Step-By Step Lessons by Sher, Barbara
Integrative Maltherapie: Eine Brücke Zu Patienten Mit Psychischen Störungen by Taucher, Johann, Steinbauer, Maria
Intimate Worlds: How Families Thrive and Why They Fail by Scarf, Maggie
Connectionism, Concepts, and Folk Psychology: The Legacy of Alan Turing, Volume II by
Psychotherapy: An Erotic Relationship: Transference and Countertransference Passions by Mann, David
Psychological Assessment of Dyslexia by Turner, Martin
The General Unified Theory of Intelligence: Its Central Conceptions and Specific Application to Domains of Cognitive Science by Wagman, Morton, Unknown
Klinische Psychotherapie by
Marte y Venus Juntos Para Siempre: Secretos del amor duradero = Mars and Venus Together Forever by Gray, John
Conceptualizing the Evaluation of Clinical Counseling- by Eldridge, William D.
Die Wirkungen Von Industriegerüchen ALS Umweltstressoren by
Who Cares?: Rediscovering Community by Schwartz, David B.
Painful Partings: Divorce and Its Aftermath by Kaslow, Florence W., Schwartz, Lita Linzer
Researching Sexual Violence against Women: Methodological and Personal Perspectives by Schwartz, Martin D.
The Specialized Society: The Plight of the Individual in an Age of Individualism by Moghaddam, Fathali M.
Other Women: Lesbian/Bisexual Experience and Psychoanalytic Views of Women by Burch, Beverly
To Forgive Is Human: How to Put Your Past in the Past by Worthington, Everett L., Jr., McCullough, Michael E., Sandage, Steven J.
Culture, Ethnicity, and Personal Relationship Processes by Gaines, Stanley O., Jr.
Work, Leisure and Well-Being by Haworth, John Trevor
Mourning Sex: Performing Public Memories by Phelan, Peggy
Inventing the Psychological: Toward a Cultural History of Emotional Life in America by
The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life by Moore, Thomas
Opium Poppy: Botany, Chemistry, and Pharmacology by Kapoor, L.
Managing People During Stressful Times: The Psychologically Defensive Workplace by Allcorn, Seth, Diamond, Michael
From Complexity to Creativity: Explorations in Evolutionary, Autopoietic, and Cognitive Dynamics by Goertzel, Ben
Adult Development, Therapy, and Culture: A Postmodern Synthesis by Young, Gerald D.
Biopsychosocial Approaches in Primary Care: State of the Art and Challenges for the 21st Century by
Superportraits: Caricatures and Recognition by Rhodes, Gillian
Restructuring Personality Disorders: A Short-Term Dynamic Approach by Magnavita, Jeffrey J.
Returns of the French Freud:: Freud, Lacan, and Beyond by
Jekyll on Trial: Multiple Personality Disorder and Criminal Law by Behnke, Stephen H., Saks, Elyn R.
Lacanian Theory of Discourse: Subject, Structure, and Society by Bracher, Mark
Measurement, Statistics, and Research Design in Physical Education and Exercise Science: Current Issues and Trends: A Special Issue of Measurement in by
The Aging Family: New Visions In Theory, Practice, And Reality by
Chemical Dependency and Compulsive Behaviors by Esterly, Richard W., Neely, William T.
The Language of Injury: Comprehending Self-Mutilation by Babiker, Gloria, Arnold, Lois
Contemporary Rorschach Interpretation by
The Automaticity of Everyday Life: Advances in Social Cognition, Volume X by
Redecision Therapy: A Brief, Action-Oriented Approach by
101 Favorite Play Therapy Techniques by
Mapping the Terrain of the Heart: Passion, Tenderness, and the Capacity to Love by
Marriage A Search For Healing by Lewis, Jerry M.
Work Types by Kummerow, Jean M., Barger, Nancy J., Kirby, Linda K.
Active Learning for Students and Teachers: Reports from Eight Countries by
Client Assessment by
Culture-Centered Counseling Interventions: Striving for Accuracy by Pedersen, Paul B.
Synthesizing Nature-nurture: Prenatal Roots of Instinctive Behavior by Gottlieb, Gilbert
On Being Human by Fromm, Erich
Individuals and Environment by Fischer, Gustave-Nicolas
Researching Sexual Violence against Women: Methodological and Personal Perspectives by Schwartz, Martin D.
Of Course You're Angry: A Guide to Dealing with the Emotions of Substance Abuse by Rosellini, Gayle, Worden, Mark
Cognitive Neuroscience of Action by Jeannerod, Marc
The Creation of a University System by
Portraiture: Facing the Subject by Woodall, Joanna
Childhood Abuse: Effects on Clinicians' Personal and Professional Lives by Nuttall, Ronald, Jackson, Helene
International Review of Research in Mental Retardation: Volume 20 by
Advances in the Study of Behavior: Volume 26 by
The Making of a Psychotherapist by Symington, Neville
Genius and Creativity: Selected Papers by Unknown, Simonton, Dean Keith
Genius and Creativity: Selected Papers by Simonton, Dean Keith, Unknown
Indirect Perception by Rock, Irvin
Culture, Ethnicity, and Personal Relationship Processes by Gaines, Stanley O., Jr.
Observing Interaction: An Introduction to Sequential Analysis by Bakeman, Roger
Observing Interaction: An Introduction to Sequential Analysis by Bakeman, Roger
Handbook of Psychotherapy Supervision by
Analytische Psychosentherapie: 2 Anwendungen by Matussek, Paul
Sauna Detoxification Therapy: A Guide for the Chemically Sensitive by McVicker, Marilyn G.
The Measurement & Management of Clinical Outcomes in Mental Health by O'Mahoney, Michael T., Lyons, John S., Howard, Kenneth I.
Toward an American Sociology: Questioning the European Construct by Morgan, Gordon
Occupational Disorders: A Treatment Guide for Therapists by Unknown, Kantor, Martin
Self-Diagnostic Approach to Understanding Organizational and Personal Stressors: The C-O-P-E Model for Stress Reduction by Schell, Bernadette
Labyrinth: Symbol of Fear, Rebirth, and Liberation by Jaskolski, Helmut
Self-Organization, Computational Maps, and Motor Control: Volume 119 by Morasso, P. G., Sanguineti, V.
Art, Psychotherapy and Psychosis by
R.D. Laing and the Paths of Anti-Psychiatry by Kotowicz, Zbigniew
Politics of Masculinities: Men in Movements by Messner, Michael Alan
Illusions of Reality: A History of Deception in Social Psychology by Korn, James H.
Art, Psychotherapy and Psychosis by
A Practical Guide to Art Therapy Groups by Steinbach, Diane
Lessons from an Optical Illusion: On Nature and Nurture, Knowledge and Values by Hundert, Edward M.
The Wild Child: The Unsolved Mystery of Kaspar Hauser by Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff
Politics of Masculinities: Men in Movements by Messner, Michael Alan
The Psychology of Facial Expression by
The Dance of Intimacy: A Woman's Guide to Courageous Acts of Change in Key Relationships by Lerner, Harriet
The Evolution of Social Behaviour in Insects and Arachnids by
Human Space: Personal Rights in a Threatening World by Petschauer, Peter W., Unknown, Petschauer, Peter
Cultural Psychology and Qualitative Methodology: Theoretical and Empirical Considerations by Ratner, Carl
See More