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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Psychology in 1999

The Brain Video Modules, Second Edition by
Grow Rich While You Sleep by Sweetland, Ben
Therapieverläufe im stationären Setting by Leikert, Sebastian, Ruff, Wilfried
Handbuch interkulturelle Suchthilfe by
Die Deutung im therapeutischen Prozeß by Milch, Wolfgang E.
Elder Abuse Work: Best Practice in Britain and Canada by
The Case for Pragmatic Psychology by Fishman, Daniel
Biographie und Leib by
Der Diabetische Fuß: -- Ein Bildatlas -- Informationen Zur Diagnostik, Therapie Und Prävention by Schweiger, Hans, Sailer, Dietmar
Coping With Divorce, Single Parenting, and Remarriage: A Risk and Resiliency Perspective by
Expertise at Work: A Special Issue of the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology by Sonnentag, S.
Self Psychology and Diagnostic Assessment: Identifying Selfobject Functions Through Psychological Testing by Silverstein, Marshall L.
Colección Cambridge de Didáctica de Lenguas Enseñanza de Inglés Para Niños: Guía de Formación Para El Profesorado by Feunteun, Anne, Vale, David
Erfahrung und Urteil: Untersuchungen zur Genealogie der Logik by Husserl, Edmund
Through the Eyes of Aliens: A Book about Autistic People by O'Neill, Jasmine Lee
Clinical Applications of Music Therapy in Developmental Disability, Paediatrics and Neurology by De Backer, Jos
Übergang Zur Elternschaft: Aktuelle Studien Zur Bewältigung Eines Unterschätzten Lebensereignisses by
Coping With Divorce, Single Parenting, and Remarriage: A Risk and Resiliency Perspective by
Inner Torment: Living Between Conflict and Fragmentation by Akhtar, Salman
A Psychological Interpretation of Ruth by Kluger-Nash, Nomi
Development of Mental Representation: Theories and Applications by
A Mother's Place: Choosing Work and Family Without Guilt or Blame by Chira, Susan
Images, Meanings and Connections: Essays in Memory of Susan R. Bach by Goldstein, Ralph
Gender Loving Care: A Guide to Counseling Gender-Variant Clients by Ettner, Randi, Ettner
A Primer of Freudian Psychology by Hall, Calvin S.
Authentic Movement: Essays by Mary Starks Whitehouse, Janet Adler and Joan Chodorow by Whitehouse, Mary Starks
Reverie and Interpretation: Sensing Something Human by Ogden, Thomas H.
A Primer of Jungian Psychology by Hall, Calvin S., Nordby, Vernon J.
Should You Leave?: A Psychiatrist Explores Intimacy and Autonomy--and the Nature of Advice by Kramer, Peter D.
The Strategic Grant-Seeker: A Guide to Conceptualizing Fundable Research in the Brain and Behavioral Sciences by Illes, Judy
Achieving Quality in Brachytherapy by Thomadsen, B. R.
Reflections on 100 Years of Social Pychology by
When Things Go Wrong: Organizational Failures and Breakdowns by Anheier, Helmut K.
Addressing Cultural Issues in Organizations: Beyond the Corporate Context by
Addressing Cultural Issues in Organizations: Beyond the Corporate Context by
Preventing Workplace Violence: A Guide for Employers and Practitioners by Braverman, Braverman, Mark
Family Violence: Prevention and Treatment by
Emotional Labor in the Service Economy by Figart, Deborah M.
Exploring Existential Meaning: Optimizing Human Development Across the Life Span by
Burdened Children: Theory, Research, and Treatment of Parentification by
Working with African American Males: A Guide to Practice by
Psychotherapy of Neurotic Character by Shapiro, David
The Therapeutic Potential of Creative Writing: Writing Myself by Bolton, Gillie
Freedom and Destiny by May, Rollo
This Complicated Form of Life: Essays on Wittgenstein by Garver, Newton
Jungian Analysis by
Projection and Re-Collection in Jungian Psychology: Reflections of the Soul by Marie-Louise, Von F.
Choice Theory: A New Psychology of Personal Freedom by Glasser, William
Teaching Children with Autism to Mind-Read: A Practical Guide for Teachers and Parents by Hadwin, Julie A., Baron-Cohen, Simon, Howlin, Patricia
Modeling Rationality, Morality, and Evolution by Danielson, Peter
Visual Attention by Edited by Richard D Wright
Theories of Organizational Stress by
Anatomy of the Psyche: Alchemical Symbolism in Psychotherapy by Edinger, Edward F.
Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us by Hare, Robert D.
Family Violence: Prevention and Treatment by Hampton, Robert L.
Diagnosis and Clinical Measurement in Psychiatry by
Perspectives on Activity Theory by Engestrom, Yrjo
Faces of Intention: Selected Essays on Intention and Agency by Michael E., Bratman, Bratman, Michael
Constructing Scientific Psychology by Weidman, Nadine M.
Psychologists on the March by Capshew, James H.
Psychologists on the March: Science, Practice, and Professional Identity in America, 1929 1969 by Capshew, James H.
Faces of Intention: Selected Essays on Intention and Agency by Bratman, Michael
Reaching into Thought by
Perspectives on Activity Theory by
Time to Listen to Children: Personal and Professional Communication by
A Student's Guide to Analysis of Variance by Roberts, Maxwell, Russo, Riccardo
Wayfinding Behavior: Cognitive Mapping and Other Spatial Processes by
Ruling Passions by Blackburn, Simon
Brief Therapy with Intimidating Cases: Changing the Unchangeable by Fisch, Richard, Schlanger, Karin
Lacanian Psychotherapy With Children: The Broken Piano by Mathelin, Catherine, Mathelin, Catherine
The Black Madonna Within: Drawings, Dreams, Reflections by Mato, Tataya
Power and Compassion: Working with Difficult Adolescents and Abused Parents by Price, Jerome A.
The Patient Who Cured His Therapist: And Other Stories of Unconventional Therapy by Stein, Peter, Seigel, Stanley
Selbst- und Mitkandidatenurteile im Entwicklungs-Assessment-Center: Eine Untersuchung zu Validität und Urteilstendenzen by Walbrühl, Ulrich
Managing Mental Health in the Community: Chaos and Containment by
Explaining Consciousness: The Hard Problem by
An Introduction to Natural Computation by Ballard, Dana H.
Perception and Action: Recent Advances in Cognitive Neuropsychology: A Special Issue of Cognitive Neuropsychology by
Too Long a Child by Herman, Nini
Cognitive Psychotherapy of Psychotic and Personality Disorders: Handbook of Theory and Practice by
Placing Friendship in Context by
Quantitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences by Maxim, Paul S.
Individual Development from 3 to 12 by
Placing Friendship in Context by
Women, Family, and Child Care in India: A World in Transition by Seymour, Susan C., Susan C., Seymour
Women, Family, and Child Care in India: A World in Transition by Susan C., Seymour, Seymour, Susan C.
Freud and the Question of Pseudoscience by Cioffi, Frank
The Philosophy of A. J. Ayer, Volume 21 by Hahn, Lewis Edwin
The Allure of Gnosticism: The Gnostic Experience in Jungian Philosophy and Contemporary Culture by
Invulnerability: On Securing Happiness by Luper, Steven
Zwischen Selbstverwirklichungsstreben Und Rassismus: Soziale Deutungsmuster Ostdeutscher Jugendlicher by Rausch, Thomas
Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology: A Historical and Biographical Sourcebook by Moss, Donald
Autonomy in the Extreme Situation: Bruno Bettelheim, the Nazi Concentration Camps and the Mass Society by Marcus, Paul
Child's Play by
The Changing Nature of Pain Complaints Over the Lifespan by Thomas, Michael R., Roy, Ranjan
Handbook of Disruptive Behavior Disorders by
Handbook of Psychological Approaches with Violent Offenders: Contemporary Strategies and Issues by
Selbstzerstörung und Selbstfürsorge by Küchenhoff, Joachim
Der Haß auf die Liebe by Hurni, Maurice, Stoll, Giovanna
Helping People with a Learning Disability Explore Relationships by Jackson, Eve And Neil
Cultural Processes in Child Development: The Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology, Volume 29 by
Liebesvorstellungen im 20. Jahrhundert by Klotter, Christoph
Chaos und Entwicklung by
Wandlungsprozesse durch die therapeutische Beziehung by Heisig, Daniela
Ein Leben mit der Psychoanalyse by Federn, Ernst
Die leise Stimme der Psychoanalyse ist beharrlich by
Psychotherapie als Profession by Buchholz, Michael B.
Mentoring Dilemmas: Developmental Relationships Within Multicultural Organizations by
Art Therapy, Race and Culture by
Utopie und Melancholie der vaterlosen Gesellschaft by Heim, Robert
Leben lernen in Freiheit und Selbstverantwortung by Maas, Michael
La Difficulte Detre by Cocteau, Jean
The Emergence of Language by
Effective Interviewing of Children: A Comprehensive Guide for Counselors and Human Service Workers by Morrissette, Patrick J., Zwiers, Michael
Reading Chinese Script: A Cognitive Analysis by
Natural Antidepressants by Baumel, Syd
The Emergence of Language by
Transcending the Self: An Object Relations Model of Psychoanalytic Therapy by Summers, Frank
Judaism and Psychology: Meeting Points by Rabinowitz, Aaron
Psychoanalytic Therapy as Health Care: Effectiveness and Economics in the 21st Century by
A Guide to Peer Counseling by Cox, Jewel Rumley
The Stress Management Handbook by Leyden-Rubenstein, Lori
Enhancing Psychodynamic Therapy with Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques by
Recent Progress in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Vol.2 by
Through the Eyes of a Child: Emdr with Children by Tinker, Robert
Adults Abused as Children: Experiences of Counselling and Psychotherapy by Dale, Peter
The Social Child by
The Conscious Heart: Seven Soul-Choices That Create Your Relationship Destiny by Hendricks, Gay, Hendricks, Kathlyn, Hendricks, Kathlyn
International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 1999, Volume 14 by
Experiencing Narrative Worlds by Gerrig, Richard
Freudian Analysts/Feminist Issues by Hughes, Judith M.
Coaching-Praxis im Grenzbereich esoterischer Methoden by Tessin, Torsten
Evaluation der Wirkung integrativ-partizipativer Verkehrssicherheitsarbeit auf die Einstellung by Kalveram, Andreas Bobby
Nursing and The Experience of Illness: Phenomenology in Practice by
On Bearing Unbearable States of Mind by Riesenberg-Malcolm, Ruth
From Education to Work by
Remembering Our Past: Studies in Autobiographical Memory by
Advances in Infancy Research: Volume 12 by
Mental Health Evaluations of Members of the Armed Forces by Navy, Department Of the
Handlung, Interpretation, Kritik: Grundzüge Einer Textwissenschaftlichen Handlungs- Und Kulturpsychologie by Straub, Jürgen
Archetypal Dimensions of the Psyche by Von Franz, Marie-Louise
Dual-Process Theories in Social Psychology by
Advances in the Study of Behavior by
Erotic Transference and Countertransference: Clinical practice in psychotherapy by
Gerontology: An Interdisciplinary Perspective by
Progress and Perspective in the Treatment of Lung Cancer by
Gender and Colonialism: A Psychological Analysis of Oppression and Liberation by Moane, Geraldine
A Guide to Psychological Help for Children: From Birth to Adolescence / Guide de l'aide psychologique de l'enfant: De la naissance à l'adolescence by David, Michel, Jérémie, Jocelyne
Mental Health Services in Criminal Justice System Settings: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography, 1970-1997 by Van Whitlock, Rodney
Critique of Impure Reason: An Essay on Neurons, Somatic Markers, and Consciousness by Munz, Peter, Munz, Anne
Asian and Jungian Views of Ethics by Becker, Carl
Psychology and Law: The State of the Discipline by
Design by Competition by Nasar, Jack L.
Psychology and Law: The State of the Discipline by
Psychology of the Great War: The First World War and Its Origins by
Incentive Relativity by Flaherty, Charles
Work and the Evolving Self: Theoretical and Clinical Considerations by Axelrod, Steven D.
Re-Envisioning Psychology: Moral Dimensions of Theory and Practice by Guignon, Charles B., Richardson, Frank C., Fowers, Blaine J.
The ADHD Handbook: A Guide for Parents and Professionals on Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder by Arcelus, Jon, Munden, Alison
The After-school Lives of Children: Alone and With Others While Parents Work by Belle, Deborah
Constructing (in)competence: Disabling Evaluations in Clinical and Social interaction by
The Mental Edge: Maximize Your Sports Potential with the Mind-Body Connection by Baum, Kenneth
Using Voice and Movement in Therapy: The Practical Application of Voice Movement Therapy by Newham, Paul
Mentoring Dilemmas: Developmental Relationships Within Multicultural Organizations by
Interventions and Strategies in Counseling and Psychotherapy by Watts, Richard E., Carlson, Jon
Innovations in Computerized Assessment by
Strategic Job Modeling: Working at the Core of Integrated Human Resources by Schippmann, Jeffery S.
Assessing Adolescents in Educational, Counseling, and Other Settings by Hoge, Robert D.
Who Is Rational?: Studies of Individual Differences in Reasoning by Stanovich, Keith E.
Deconstructing Psychotherapy by Harper, David
Leisure Experience and Human Development: A Dialectical Interpretation by Kleiber, Douglas
Social Psychology by
Disability and the Family Life Cycle by Seligman, Milton, Prezant, Fran P.
Splintered Reflections: Images of the Body in Trauma by
True Work: Doing What You Love and Loving What You Do by Toms, Michael, Toms, Justine Willis
Writings on Psychoanalysis: Freud and Lacan by Althusser, Louis
Failures in Group Work: How We Can Learn from Our Mistakes by Conyne, Robert K.
Controversies in Psychology by Banyard, Phil
Self, Social Identity, and Physical Health: Interdisciplinary Explorations by
Assessing Adolescents with the Maci: Using the Millon Adolescent Clinical Invetory by McCann, Joseph T.
Psychoanalysis and Money / La Psychanalyse et l'Argent by Reiss-Schimmel, Ilana
Nobody's Child / Enfant de personne by Delaisi de Parseval, Geneviève, Verdier, Pierre
Astral Projection for Beginners by McCoy, Edain
Jung in Contexts: A Reader by
The Therapeutic Process: Essays and Lectures by Horney, Karen
Development Psychology by
Getting Hooked: Rationality and Addiction by Elster, John
Thinking Styles by Sternberg, Robert J., Robert J., Sternberg
The Art of Psychotherapy: Case Studies from the Family Therapy Networker by
Object Recognition in Man, Monkey, and Machine by
Television: What's On, Who's Watching, and What It Means by Comstock, George, Scharrer, Erica
Mama Drama: Making Peace with the One Woman Who Can Push Your Buttons, Make You Cry, and Drive You Crazy by McGregor, Denise
What Does a Woman Want? by Andre, Serge
Children with Autism and Asperger Syndrome: A Guide for Practitioners and Carers by Howlin, Patricia
Child and Adolescent Psychological Disorders: A Comprehensive Textbook by
The Social Edges of Psychoanalysis by Smelser, Neil J.
Evil: Inside Human Violence and Cruelty by Baumeister, Roy F.
Zizek Reader by
Evolving Practices in Human Resource Management: Responses to a Changing World of Work by
Social Psychology by Lindesmith, Alfred R., Denzin, Norman K., Strauss, Anselm
See More