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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Psychology in 2001

Mental philosophy: embracing the three departments of the intellect, sensibilities, and will. By Thomas C. Upham ...Vol. 2 by Upham, Thomas Cogswell
Psychology, or, A view of the human soul; including anthropology, adapted for the use of colleges. By Frederick A. Rauch. by Rauch, Friedrich August
Love Your Life: A Guide for the Journey by Rinehart, Gayla Y.
Pattern Recognition: Concepts, Methods and Applications by Marques de Sa, Joaquim P., Marques de Sa, J. P.
Questions of Ethics in Counselling and Therapy by Shillito-Clarke, Carol, Syme, Gabrielle, Jones, Caroline
Depression, Manie und schizoaffektive Psychosen by Böker, Heinz
Gestalten der Familie - Beziehungen im Wandel by Krebs, Heinz, Winterhager-Schmid, Luise, Büttner, Christian
Psyche Zwischen Chaos Und Kosmos by More, Angela
Cultural Competence in the Caring Professions by O'Hagan, Kieran
Growing Up Severely Autistic: They Call Me Gabriel by Rankin, Kate
Social Cognition Through Drama and Literature for People with Learning Disabilities by Park, Keith, Grove, Nicola
Sexualitat Und Partnerschaft in Der Zweiten Lebenshalfte by Berberich, Hermann J., Brahler, Elmar
Bipolar Disorder and Manic Depressive Illness by Jovinelly, Joann
Rejection by Moe, Barbara
Three Receptaria from Medieval England: The Languages of Medicine in the Fourteenth Century by
Social Representations: Essays in Social Psychology by Moscovici, Serge
Self-Development and Transcendence: Effective Consciousness as the Goal of Psychotherapy by Clark, D. B.
Care-Therapy for Children: Applications in Counselling and Psychotherapy by Redgrave, Ken
Continuity and Adaptation in Aging: Creating Positive Experiences by Atchley, Robert C.
Theories of Mood and Cognition: A User's Guidebook by
Empathie und therapeutischer Dialog by Ornstein, Anna, Ornstein, Paul H.
Psychoanalyse und Körper by Geißler, Peter
Epilepsie, eine Krankheit als Zuflucht by Diebold, Gilbert
Das Faschismus-Syndrom by Modena, Emilio
Anatomising Embodiment and Organisation Theory by Dale, K.
Freud Revisited: Psychoanalytic Themes in the Postmodern Age by Horrocks, R.
Mourning Child Grief Support Group Curriculum: Pre-School Edition: Denny the Duck Stories by Jimerson, Shaen R., Lehmann-Norquist, Linda, Lehmnn, Linda
Intergenerational Communication Across the Life Span by Williams, Angie, Nussbaum, Jon F.
Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy by Webb, S.
Faces in a Cloud: Intersubjectivity in Personality Theory by
Climb Your Stairway to Heaven: The 9 Habits of Maximum Happiness by Leonhardt, David
Therapeutic Communities for the Treatment of Drug Users by Yates, Rody
Psychological Aesthetics: Painting, Feeling and Making Sense by Maclagan, David
Perspectives on Thinking, Learning, and Cognitive Styles by
Intergenerational Communication Across the Life Span by Williams, Angie, Nussbaum, Jon F.
Theories of Mood and Cognition: A User's Guidebook by
Children's Language: Volume 10: Developing Narrative and Discourse Competence by
Perspectives on Thinking, Learning, and Cognitive Styles by
Active Treatment of Depression by O'Connor, Richard
Social Capital: Theory and Research by Dubos, Rene
Self in Relation by Philippson, Peter
In the Mind's Eye: Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Evolution of Human Cognition by
In the Mind's Eye: Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Evolution of Human Cognition by
Positive Solitude: A Practical Program for Mastering Loneliness and Achieving Self-Fulfillment by Andre, Rae
Second Language Acquisition Processes in the Classroom: Learning Japanese by Ohta, Amy Snyder
Towards Cyberpsychology: Mind, Cognition and Society in the Internet Age by
Catharsis in Healing, Ritual, and Drama by Scheff, Thomas J.
Self and Nation by Hopkins, Nick, Reicher, Stephen D., Reicher
Learning, Space and Identity by
Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions and Organizations Across Nations by Hofstede, Geert H.
Wise Therapy by Lebon, Tim
Psychotic Disorders in Children and Adolescents by Schulz, S. Charles
Embedded Case Study Methods: Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Knowledge by Tietje, Olaf, Scholz, Roland W.
The Art of Dealing with People by Giblin, Les
Social Representations: Essays in Social Psychology by Moscovici, Serge
Classroom Assessment: A Practical Guide for Educators by Mertler, Craig A.
A Cross Section of Psychological Research: Journal Articles for Discussion and Evaluation by Milinki, Andrea K.
Das Ende der Sprachlosigkeit? by Pfäfflin, Johannes, Sonntag, Bernd, Opher-Cohn, Liliane
Übertragung und Gegenübertragung by
Beratung für Kinder in Not by Klees, Katharina
Learning, Space and Identity by
Write It Down Make It Happen: Knowing What You Want and Getting It by Klauser, Henriette Anne
Betrayed as Boys: Psychodynamic Treatment of Sexually Abused Men by Gartner, Richard B.
The Developmental Psychopathology of Anxiety by
What Psychotherapists Should Know about Disability by Olkin, Rhoda
Values and Ethics in the Practice of Psychotherapy and Counselling by Palmer, Diana, Barnes, Rudol, Jr.
Metaphors of Memory: A History of Ideas about the Mind by Draaisma, Douwe, Draaisma, D.
Der Einfluß von Rollenerwartungen, unternehmenskulturellen Werten, Zielen und Normen sowie von individuellen Wertvorstellungen auf das umweltgerechte by Weber, Antje
Social Work and Dementia: Good Practice and Care Management by Tibbs, Margaret Anne
Mood Management Leader's Manual: A Cognitive-Behavioral Skills-Building Program for Adolescents by Langelier, Carol A.
Thinking Psychologically by McGhee, Patrick
Fatherloss: How Sons of All Ages Come to Terms with the Deathsof Their Dads by Chethik, Neil
Das Denken von Kindern by Siegler, Robert S.
Handbook of Psychological Services for Children and Adolescents by
Darwinizing Culture ' the Status of Memetics as a Science' by
Persönlichkeit und Alkohol: Einfluß auf die Reaktionssicherheit by Bastian, Bettina
Attribution, Communication Behavior, and Close Relationships by
Making Music with the Young Child with Special Needs: A Guide for Parents Second Edition by Streeter, Elaine
The Use of Art in Counselling Child and Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse by Hagood, Maralynn
Developmental-Systemic Family Therapy with Adolescents by Trepper, Terry S., Werner-Wilson, Ronald Jay
The Psychology of Self-Esteem: A Revolutionary Approach to Self-Understanding That Launched a New Era in Modern Psychology by Branden, Nathaniel
Using Story Telling as a Therapeutic Tool with Children by Sunderland, Margot
The Mind's I: Fantasies and Reflections on Self & Soul by Hofstadter, Douglas R., Dennett, Daniel C.
Integrative Verhaltenstherapie Bei Alkoholabhängigkeit: Ein Therapiemanual by Burtscheidt, Wilhelm
Loving Him Without Losing You: How to Stop Disappearing and Start Being Yourself by Engel, Beverly
Recipes for Enchantment: The Secret Ingredient is You! by Holstein, Barbara Becker
How to Release Fear-Based Thinking and Feeling: An In-Depth Study of Spiritual Psychology Vol. 1 by Stone, Joshua David
Hypnosis Treatment for Addictions by O'Neill, Kristi
Solution-Focused Stress Counselling by O'Connell, Bill
Quality of Life in Epilepsy: Beyond Seizure Counts in Assessment and Treatment by
Restoring Relationships Five Things to Try Before You Say Goodbye by Kalellis, Peter
Eating Disorders: Time For Change: Plans, Strategies, and Worksheets by Villapiano, Mona, Goodman, Laura J.
Psychologie, Soziologie Und Pädagogik Für Die Pflegeberufe by Schaub, Monika
Cross-Cultural Topics in Psychology: 2nd Edition by
Handbook of Clinical Child Psychology by
Cross-Cultural Topics in Psychology by
Solution-Focused Stress Counselling by
Wise Therapy by Lebon, Tim
Handbook of Youth and Justice by
Das Gruppendiskussionsverfahren: Theoretische Grundlagen Und Empirische Anwendung by Loos, Peter, Schäffer, Burkhard
Humor: The Psychology of Living Buoyantly by Lefcourt, Herbert M.
Gerontopsychiatrie Und Alterspsychotherapie in Deutschland: Expertisen Zum Dritten Altenbericht Der Bundesregierung -- Band IV by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Trauma Among Older People: Issues and Treatment by Sohnle, Steven, Hyer, Leon Albert
The Unbearable Wrongness of Being: Exploring and Getting Beyond the Myth of Unhappiness by Mosca, Frank
Going Straight: An Ex-Convict/Psychologist Tells Why and How by Fauteck, Paul Karsten
Opfer und Täter zugleich? by Ludewig-Kedmi, Revital
Mythos Regression by Geißler, Peter
Mein Echo im Beruf by Heisig, Daniela, Savory-Deermann, Cornelia
Schwangerschaft, Geburt und der Übergang zur Elternschaft by
The Tainted View by Landers, Kristina
Stepping Off Life's Sad Merry-Go-Round: Metaphorically Speaking by Topp, Patricia
The Crash of Ruin: American Combat Soldiers in Europe During World War II by Schrijvers, Peter
Model Systems and the Neurobiology of Associative Learning: A Festschrift in Honor of Richard F. Thompson by
Retaining Valued Employees by Hom, Peter W., Griffeth, Rodger W.
Social Measurement by Campbell, Donald T., Russo, M. Jean, Campbell, Dave
Removing the Masks That Bind Us by Price, John Randolph
Politische Biografien und sozialer Wandel by Roth, Silke, Miethe, Ingrid
Das Tabu des Begehrens by Koellreuter, Anna
Social Measurement by Campbell, Donald T., Russo, M. Jean
Depression Und Demenz Im Alter: Abgrenzung, Wechselwirkung, Diagnose, Therapie by
Leistungssteigerung in Problemlösegruppen: Reduktion von Konformität durch Moderation by Lecher, Silke
Conzentrate: Get Focused and Pay Attention--When Life Is Filled with Pressures, Distractions, and Multiple Priorities by Horn, Sam
Glimpses of Abhidharma: From a Seminar on Buddhist Psychology by Trungpa, Chogyam
Diverse Families, Competent Families: Innovations in Research and Preventive Intervention Practice by Gillespie, Janet F., Primavera, Judy
Darwin's Worms: On Life Stories and Death Stories by Phillips, Adam
Design Knowing and Learning: Cognition in Design Education by
European Review of Social Psychology, Volume 11 by
One Mind, Two Languages by
Second Language Syntax: A Generative Introduction by Hawkins, Roger
Handbook of Offender Assessment and Treatment by
Dyslexia in Adults: Education and Employment by Kirk, Jane, Reid, Gavin
Second Language Syntax: A Generative Introduction by Hawkins, Roger
One Mind, Two Languages by
The Power of Feelings: Personal Meaning in Psychoanalysis, Gender, and Culture by Chodorow, Nancy J.
A Systemic Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa: Women in Transition by Kayrooz, Carole
From Sexual Perversions to Moral Perversions: Pleasure and Domination / Des perversions sexuelles aux perversions morales: La jouissance et la dominat by Eiguer, Alberto
Social Dominance: An Intergroup Theory of Social Hierarchy and Oppression by Pratto, Felicia, Jim, Sidanius, Sidanius, Jim
Freud Revisited: Psychoanalytic Themes in the Postmodern Age by Horrocks, R.
How to Say No Without Feeling Guilty: And Say Yes to More Time, and What Matters Most to You by Breitman, Patti
Beginning Research in the Arts Therapies: A Practical Guide by Ansdell, Gary, Pavlicevic, Mercedes
A Systems-Centered Approach to Inpatient Group Psychotherapy by Agazarian, Yvonne M.
Diet Intervention and Autism: Implementing the Gluten Free and Casein Free Diet for Autistic Children and Adults - A Practical Guide for Parents by Le Breton, Marilyn
The Ultimate Guide for One World Order by Mitriya, Hrsikes Das
Touch in Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice by
Spirituality and Mental Health Care: Rediscovering a 'Forgotten' Dimension by Swinton, John
The Psychology of Religion and Coping: Theory, Research, Practice by Pargament, Kenneth I.
Help for Hair Pullers: Understanding and Coping with Trichotillomania by Keuthen, Nancy
Helping College Students Succeed: A Model for Effective Intervention by Hirsch, Glenn
A Woman's Way: The Forgotten History of Women Spiritual Directors by Ranft, P.
A Woman's Way: The Forgotten History of Women Spiritual Directors by Ranft, P.
Fair Sex, Savage Dreams: Race, Psychoanalysis, Sexual Difference by Walton, Jean
Dance of the Pyramids: A Personal Recipe to Aware, Enriched Living and Character by Nalli
Divorce, Remarriage and Blended Families: Divorce Counseling and Research Perspectives by Pino, Christopher J.
The Unconquerable Soul: Finding Peace Amid the Struggle of Same-Sex Attraction by Mack, Kim a.
How to Release Fear-Based Thinking and Feeling: An In-Depth Study of Spiritual Psychology, Volume 2 by Stone, Joshua David
Sex, Religion, and the Making of Modern Madness: The Eberbach Asylum and German Society, 1815-1849 by Goldberg, Ann
Ethnocultural Factors in Substance Abuse Treatment by
Sensory Exotica: A World beyond Human Experience by Hughes, Howard C.
The Structure of Personality: Modelling Personality Using Nlp and Neuro-Semantics by Bolstad, Richard, Bodenhamer, Bob G., Hall, L. Michael
Shoplifting: A Social History by Segrave, Kerry
Language from the Body by Taub, Sarah F.
Motifs: The Transformative Creation of Self by Feeney, Don J.
Children Who Murder: A Psychological Perspective by Shumaker, David M., Heckel, Robert V.
Children Who Murder: A Psychological Perspective by Heckel, Robert V., Shumaker, David M.
Metacognition in Learning and Instruction: Theory, Research and Practice by
The Dawn of Cognitive Science: Early European Contributors by
Social Relations and Chronic Pain by Roy, Ranjan
Sexual Shame: An Urgent Call to Healing by McClintock, Karen a.
Critical Issues in Psychotherapy: Translating New Ideas into Practice by Williams, Richard N., Barlow, Sally H., Slife, Brent D.
Critical Issues in Psychotherapy: Translating New Ideas Into Practice by
Synchronicity: Through the Eyes of Science, Myth, and the Trickster by Combs, Allan
Ryse: Regain Your Self-Esteem by Derder, Brahim
Nuevas direcciones by Navarro, Marysa
Setting Your Development Goals: Start with Your Values by Sternbergh, Bill, Weitzel, Sloan R.
Beyond the Bottom Line: The Search for Dignity at Work by Na, Na
Healing Arts: The History of Art Therapy by Hogan, Susan
Temperament in Context by
New Developments and Techniques in Structural Equation Modeling by
Social Influences on Ethical Behavior in Organizations by
Curriculum and the Holocaust: Competing Sites of Memory and Representation by Morris, Marla
Ordinary Ecstasy: The Dialectics of Humanistic Psychology by Rowan, John
Small Talk by Coupland, Justine
Experience as an Art Form: Hypnosis, Hyperempiria, and the Best Me Technique by Gibbons, Don E.
The Created Self: Reinventing Body, Persona, and Spirit by Weber, Robert J.
Validation in Psychology by
Ordinary People and Extra-Ordinary Protections: A Post-Kleinian Approach to the Treatment of Primitive Mental States by Mitrani, Judith L.
101 More Favorite Play Therapy Techniques by
Beyond the Bottom Line: The Search for Dignity at Work by Na, Na
Uses of Water in Health and Disease by Kellogg, J. H., Kellogg, John Harvey
The Erik Erikson Reader by Erikson, Erik Homburger
Applying Regression and Correlation: A Guide for Students and Researchers by Shevlin, Mark, Miles, Jeremy
Tales of Solutions: A Collection of Hope-Inspiring Stories by Dolan, Yvonne M., Berg, Insoo Kim
Interwoven Lives: Adolescent Mothers and Their Children by
The Handbook of Counseling by
The Fourteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook by Buros Center
The Seven Deadly Chess Sins by Rowson, Jonathan
The Analogical Mind: Perspectives from Cognitive Science by
Retaining Valued Employees by Griffeth, Rodger W., Hom, Peter W.
Defiance in the Family: Finding Hope in Therapy by Keith, David V., Connell, Gary M., Connell, Linda C.
The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition by Tomasello, Michael
See More